Holy Prison

Chapter 2147: this is me?

"Come on, at this time, why bother to fight and kill and do such a horrible thing? What about Team Chu, I know what you think, right?" Zi Mengluo said quietly.

Chu Feng pinched himself fiercely to make himself a little more sober: "Zimengluo, sorry, I don't have the habit of not knowing how many goods you have."

"You tell me how many hands are you, ten hands, or twenty hands?" Chu Feng had many phantoms in his mind, but his face showed disdain. "Before the base leader played you, did you already Have you been played? How many people have you played after the base manager played you? Hahaha!"

"Just like you, you still want me to **** you, don't get my artifact, haha!"

Zi Mengluo slapped him out. Although Chu Feng blocked it, how could he block it? Zi Mengluo slapped him five or six meters away!

"Thank you, I'm sober up a lot." Chu Feng said mockingly, "I became angry from being ashamed? It seems I was right just now, you are at least ten hands!"

Zi Mengluo stood up, and the clothes she had faded before were put on again.

"Chu Feng, since you are so hard-spirited, then I will let you suffer a little bit, and I will come to you two hours later, when the time comes, I want you to kowtow to beg!" Zi Mengluo said coldly.

"Enjoy it, you will soon experience the feeling of burning your body, I think that feeling will be unforgettable for you in your life!"

The living room was connected to other rooms, and Zi Mengluo quickly got Chu Feng into one of the rooms, "Don’t call, call your throat, no one will come to you, even if someone comes, no one can help. You!" Zi Mengluo sneered, "Toast and not eat fine wine, I will let you know that fine wine is not so delicious!"

The door of the room was closed heavily by Zi Mengluo, and she was scolded like that by Chu Feng. Her mood right now was not very good! "You two, don't bother your host. If there is any interruption, never scratch, understand?" Out of the meeting room, Zi Mengluo said to Qiuxiang and Xia He lightly.

"Yes, my lord!" Qiuxiang and Xia He said respectfully. They didn't dare to disobey Chu Feng's orders. They also didn't dare to disobey Zi Mengluo's orders. Without Chu Feng's orders at this time, they naturally obeyed Zi Meng. Luo's order.

"I'll be back in two hours. After you two hours, go to the door to pick me up." Zi Mengluo left a word and quickly left. She doesn't want to stay here now, stay here, Chu Feng. Unpleasant curses seem to keep ringing in my ears!

Zi Mengluo left, and ten minutes later, a figure appeared in the courtyard of Chu Feng.

"Sister Ling!"

Qiuxiang and Xia He were obediently, and the person who came was Zhao Ling. At this time, Zhao Ling was carrying a food box in his hand, "Where is the captain? I shouldn't be practicing right now. I made some food and brought him "Yes." Zhao Ling smiled slightly. This time he got some good ingredients from the Lost World. After returning, he hurriedly made some ordinary ingredients to eat. They cannot be brought into the paradise base, but the ingredients are of higher value. , Can be brought into the heaven base.

Zhao Ling's cooking skills are quite good, and Chu Feng has enjoyed a lot of her food in these tens of thousands of years, but most of the time he has been with Bi Feng and the others.

"Sister Ling, the master may have something." Xia He said.

"Something?" Zhao Ling frowned slightly. She looked at the food container in her hand and sighed in her heart and nodded, "Well, since something is going on, I'll go now."

"Sister Ling, wait, it doesn't necessarily matter." Qiuxiang said, "Master Zi Mengluo just came here, and she said let us not disturb the master."

"Zimeng Luo?"

"Qiuxiang, isn't your master's order to you, but Zi Mengluo's order to you?" Zhao Ling said.

Qiuxiang nodded: "Yes, Sister Ling, the host started talking with Master Zi Mengluo to let us go out. After about a quarter of an hour, Master Zi Mengluo came out and told us not to disturb. By the way, Master Zi Mengluo said something. Come back in an hour."

"Zimengluo, what right does she have to give orders here?" Zhao Ling snorted, "You stay outside, I'll go in and give the captain something."

"Yes, Sister Ling!" Qiuxiang and Xia He bowed.

Zhao Ling entered the meeting room. As soon as she entered the meeting room, she felt that something was wrong. "What's the matter, it seems that the captain has taken an attack." Zhao Ling was surprised. It hasn't been long before she can feel it. In the air, there was still a little bit of the breath left after Chu Feng shot.

"Couldn't the captain and Zi Mengluo fight each other in this room?"

Zhao Ling called out, Qiuxiang and others could not hear it outside, but Chu Feng should be able to hear it in the room.

"How come there is no response?" Zhao Ling's expression changed slightly. Zi Mengluo had just left, and said that she would be back in two hours. Chu Feng should not have practiced right now!

"Zhi Brain, can the captain be in the room?" Zhao Ling asked, with such a thought in her heart, would Zi Mengluo take Chu Feng away!

Zhi Nao's voice did not sound, Zhao Ling's heart sank, "Zhi Nao, answer me!" Zhao Ling said again, but Zhi Nao still did not respond.

What Zhao Ling didn't know was that at this moment, the small courtyard of Chu Feng was not monitored by the brain, and there were some things that Zi Mengluo didn't want to leave a record in the brain!

Zhao Ling opened the door of one room, and there was no one inside. She went to push the door of another room. This time she did not push the door open all at once.

Zhao Ling's face changed slightly, and there was a small thing stuck on the door of the room. There was one thing stuck to it, and it was impossible to open the door from inside.

Zhao Ling knocked on the door, and Zi Mengluo got his hands and feet inside. The sound from outside couldn't reach the inside, and the sound from inside couldn't reach the outside either!

"Captain, I'm here!"

Zhao Ling removed the small thing stuck to the door, and now she opened the door that could not be opened by her before with a light push.

Zhao Ling screamed. At the same time, her face flushed slightly. At this moment, Comrade Chu Feng didn't have any traces on his body. Even if it was, he felt that he was about to burn.

"Zhao, Zhao Ling!" After being called by Zhao Ling, Chu Feng recovered a little bit of sanity, "Zhao Ling, seal, block the villa, don't let Zi Mengluo come in!"

"How did you get into this place, go quickly, by the way, don't tell Big Brother what's happening on my side, if you know, they might be killed by then, understand?"

Zhao Ling was a little confused at this time. She wanted to go and call Bi Feng and the others immediately, but Chu Feng's words frightened her. If Bi Feng and the others were called, then Bi Feng and the others would be silenced.

Zhao Ling is not stupid. In such a situation, Chu Feng must have been conspired. Even a magician in the heaven base is extremely difficult and extremely difficult to conspirate to Chu Feng.

"Chief of the base!" Zhao Ling's heart was chilly, and even if the magician could not count on Chu Feng, Zi Mengluo would not have that kind of strength unless she got the support of the head of the base!

There was no response when connected to Zhinao, and two big words conspiracy emerged in Zhao Ling's mind!

Her heart was in a mess, Zhao Ling didn't notice a problem right now, and that was her appearance, which was changing quickly!

Zhao Ling's appearance was very ordinary before. According to her, she couldn't change into a beautiful woman, but now, her appearance has reached the standard of an ordinary beautiful woman, and she is still changing rapidly.

"You, you are not Zhao Ling! Zi Mengluo, I know it is you, you! Do you think you are the number one beauty in the base? Other narcissism, I will definitely find someone who looks better than you when I arrive The sequelae of the elixir of feminization! You are lying in front of me as if you strip off your clothes, and the uncle will not bother you!" Chu Feng roared. The reason why he said that was because he saw that Zhao Ling became much more beautiful, although he was eager. Burning, but Chu Feng still knew one thing, Zhao Ling couldn't become such a beauty.

Regarding Zhao Ling's inability to become a beauty, this was what Zhong Tao and Chu Feng said. The reason why he said this to Chu Feng was to make it clear to Chu Feng that Zhao Ling should not be said in front of Zhao Ling.

According to Bi Feng's judgment, Zhao Ling should be the means of a master-level powerhouse, she is a holy-master-level powerhouse, even a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse should not have the ability to keep her from becoming a beauty.

"Captain, I'm Zhao Ling!" Although his face was slightly red, Zhao Ling did not retreat at this moment. Tens of thousands of years have passed. I don't know when, Zhao Ling has some affection for Chu Feng in his heart. , However, those emotions were deeply hidden by Zhao Ling, and she knew that she had no such qualifications.

During these tens of thousands of years, Chu Feng had let Zhao Ling and the others know how Feng Bingning and the others looked. Feng Bingning and their looks were no less than Zi Mengluo's, and even better temperament!

"Bah! You are Zhao Ling, I have a lot of phantoms in my mind, but I still see you clearly, you look in the mirror yourself, where is Zhao Ling! Zi Mengluo, no matter how beautiful you are, your heart is dark Although Zhao Ling looks ordinary, but his soul is thousands of times more beautiful than you! No, I should not compare you to her, you are not worthy, haha!" Chu Feng laughed wildly.

"Didn't you say that you will be back in two hours? Go away, get out of Lao Tzu quickly! Lao Tzu will hold on for a while, and then I will definitely find a woman who is more beautiful than you."

Chu Feng cursed at Zhao Ling, but Zhao Ling was not annoyed but a sweet feeling emerged in his heart.

"Captain, what do you say I am not me?" Zhao Ling stretched out her hand and touched her face. She was stunned by this touch. She was 100% sure that her face was definitely not so easy to touch, and it seemed that her face was shaped There is also a little change.

"my hand!"

Feeling the change in her face, Zhao Ling quickly felt the change in her hand. Her fingers became a little slender silently, and her skin became clearer from the previous withered yellow!

"I, I'm changing" Zhao Ling was stunned. She believed that she should have been cursed. At this moment, it seems that the effect of the curse is in the past!

"Zimengluo, get out of here, didn't you hear it?" Chu Feng said in a fiercely angry voice, "Even if I die here today, I won't be on your ten hands, no, twenty hands!"

"Captain, you need a woman who is more beautiful than Zi Mengluo, with you...with you, to detoxify?" Zhao Ling said. "Yes, okay? Zi Mengluo, it's interesting for you to play like this? Uncle won't play with you!" Chu Feng said, clenching his fists, and fell to the ground. A lot of pain.

"Captain, I will go out immediately and find you a woman who is more beautiful than Zi Mengluo." Zhao Ling said, she quickly took the door and went out of the room.

What Zhao Ling didn’t know was that her appearance at the moment was not much worse than that of Zi Mengluo. Moreover, there was a slight noble temperament on Zhao Ling. The nobleness seemed to be not the nobleness cultivated by nature. It is the nobility from the soul!

"Who are you looking for? Although Zi Mengluo is not a good thing, in terms of her appearance in the paradise base, no one seems to be as good as Zi Mengluo." When she was in the room, she thought eagerly. Going out to search, but out of the room, Chu Feng's fruit body is not in front of him, Zhao Ling's wisdom has returned a lot.

The return of wisdom enabled Zhao Ling to discover this very serious problem. If there is, she will definitely get it through, but if not, what can be done.

The base can be exchanged for women, if you want to be beautiful, but you can reach the level of Zi Mengluo, no!

Moreover, letting others become Zi Mengluo, that's not okay, the thing after the change is after the change, it must be countless!

"What should I do, what should I do?" Zhao Ling was turning anxiously in the meeting room. Suddenly, Zhao Ling was stunned. There was a mirror in the meeting room. At this time, she happened to see herself in the mirror. What it looks like now!

"My appearance seems...not worse than Zi Mengluo!" Zhao Ling looked at the strange self in the mirror dumbly, and the woman in the mirror also looked dumb.

"I didn't dream, it was really me. My appearance is no less than that of Zi Mengluo. Then I" Zhao Ling glanced at Chu Feng's room and his face turned red.

"Captain, I hope I can save you!" Zhao Ling's eyes first showed a panic, but the panic quickly turned into a firm color.

Without going to Chu Feng's room immediately, Zhao Ling first went to another room. She knew that there was a shower room in that room.

Entering the shower room, Zhao Ling's clothes fell on the ground one by one.

"Is it really me?"

Zhao Ling looked at himself in the mirror wall in front of him in disbelief. When he was in the living room before, Zhao Ling felt that his appearance was no less than Zi Mengluo.

At this moment, she felt that the woman in the mirror was much more beautiful than Zi Mengluo. This was not her narcissism, but it was indeed the case!

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