Holy Prison

Chapter 2151: Zhao Lingzheng

"Chu Feng, don't tell me the identity of the young lady, whoever it is, do you know?" Sword Emperor said and stood up. "I know, Sword Emperor, I have a question." Chu Feng also stood up and said.

"Just ask."

Chu Feng said, "Sword Emperor, that's the question before, why did Zhao Ling appear in this heaven base? Now this place is not a place to enjoy. Zhao Ling has suffered a lot over the years."

"Miss didn't come to enjoy it." Sword Emperor said quietly, "Okay, you don't need to care about this issue. You are the captain of the Blade Squad, and being a good captain will benefit you at that time. I'm leaving. give away."

The sword emperor's voice fell, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye, "My team leader, that's a little better, and the physiological problems have been solved for help." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and sat down again.

"What is Ling'er's identity? Are the elders in her family a dominant power, or... the master?" Chu Feng thought. From the tone of the sword emperor's disdain, Zhao Ling's family background must be very impressive. In this situation, Chu Feng estimated that there were at least a third-rank master-level powerhouse in Zhao Ling's family.

"Even if the elders are the third-rank masters, the sixth-rank masters should not look down so much. The possibility of the third-rank dominates is still relatively low, the second-rank dominates the possibility of the first-rank master, and the possibility of the master is also A little bit, but it is also low! The number of controllers...too few!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Before the first-rank masters were Lin Tian, ​​Tumeng, and Long Bai, now there should be new first-rank masters, and I don't know if there is a first-rank master with the surname Zhao."

Chu Feng looked at his arms, his own small arms and legs, he doesn't need the first-class master, the second-class master can blow him to death!

"Ling'er's status in the family is probably not too low. I really can't afford to hurt it. If the elders in her family know that I have already been with her... then I don't know if I can keep my life. A look of helplessness appeared on Chu Feng's face, "But a good life experience also has an advantage. With such a life experience, Ling'er's safety doesn't need my heart. She doesn't need to follow me into the holy purgatory adventure. The elders in her family probably won't allow it!"

"In this exchange, it is estimated that the elders of Ling'er will also come, and the eyesight of the dominant-level powerhouse can probably tell at a glance that Ling'er is no longer a perfect body."

Thinking of this, the look of helplessness on Chu Feng's face grew a little bit thicker. "Grandma's, people are dead and birds are in the sky, afraid of a fart, Master Chu will first raise the cultivation base to the quasi-dominant level!" Chu Feng took a deep breath and stood up.

Soon Chu Feng entered the training room and contacted Zhi Nao, who could not be contacted before, but at this moment, Chu Feng was able to contact him.

"Intelligent brain, a million times faster!" Chu Feng said, the sequelae of his body still have not been eliminated, even if it does not take time to accelerate, the time will be eliminated, but time can save time and sequelae. After the elimination, under the acceleration of time, the probability of reaching the quasi-dominant level cultivation base is a little higher.

Time flies, and ten years have passed in a blink of an eye. In these ten years, Chu Feng spent most of his time practicing in the training room, but God does not open his eyes. His sequelae have been eliminated. Wei is also the realm of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart Consummation, but the cultivation base is stuck at the ninth level of immortality.

Chu Feng could feel that there was only a layer of window paper separated from the quasi-dominant level cultivation base, but that layer of window paper did not break through every effort Chu Feng tried!

Inside the training room, Chu Feng let out a long sigh, he failed, and once again he failed his quasi-dominant cultivation base! The repeated failures must have something to do with the news that Sword Emperor brought him before, and it may also have something to do with the news that Zi Mengluo had brought him before!

"Two years ago, Ling'er hadn't made a breakthrough. I don't know if Ling'er has made a breakthrough now. The time for communication with each base is coming soon. If he hasn't made a breakthrough, it will be too late." Chu Feng got up immediately. Leaving the training room and leaving the courtyard towards Zhao Ling.

Before reaching the other courtyard, Chu Feng had already heard the laughter from the other courtyard, "It seems that a breakthrough." Chu Feng smiled on his face, and the laughter was Zhong Tao's laughter, if If Zhao Ling hadn't made a breakthrough, they would not have gathered here. If he gathered, his other courtyard and Bi Feng's other courtyard would gather more!

"Captain, good thing!"

As soon as Chu Feng entered the other courtyard, Zhong Tao and the others immediately said, "Ling'er broke through, right." Chu Feng chuckled and called Ling'er. It is estimated that there will be a problem with the sword emperor soon, but even if it doesn't Call it this way, it won't take long for the sword emperor to know this, and Zhao Ling's elders will know it too!


Bi Feng and the others were all stunned. Chu Feng was not called Zhao Ling like that before. In terms of teammates, Ling'er seemed too close!

Chu Feng shouted like this in front of Bi Feng and the others, and Zhao Ling's face flushed slightly, "Ah, something has happened. Don't look at me like this. You can see my heart numb. Ling'er, don't do this. It's like you are now. Let Brother Bi and the others take a look." Chu Feng smiled.

Zhao Ling nodded slightly and stood up, "Captain, I'll change my clothes and come out immediately."

After finishing talking, Zhao Ling immediately entered the room, "Captain, what's the matter? Could it be that Zhao Ling's curse has been lifted?" Cardi said in a puzzled manner.

"You can say that." Chu Feng nodded, "Ling'er's appearance just now is not what she is, but the way she was before is not necessarily cursed."

Chu Feng knew that Zhao Ling was like this. Someone in her family should have done it. If it was done by outsiders, the possibility of cursing was high. If it was done by the elders of the family, the possibility of cursing was not very high.

Zhong Tao said with a weird face: "Captain, when did you and Zhao Ling start it? Why didn't we receive it at all? Your confidentiality measures are a little better."

"There has been a small problem, a small problem that is not good for you to know, if you know it, it will not do you any good." Chu Feng said.

What Zi Mengluo did with him, Chu Feng didn't plan to tell Bi Feng and the others, Bi Feng and the others are good, but they are nothing in the eyes of the Domination-level powerhouse.

Zhao Ling is not afraid of revenge from the base chief of the Paradise Base, but Zhong Tao and the others are afraid. If they know something that shouldn't be known, even if Zhao Ling helps at that time, it will not necessarily save Zhong Tao and the others.

"Captain, there is a secret, you know it alone, but this is not good. Even if there is something, everyone can carry it together." Zhong Tao said.

"Don't ask about this!" Chu Feng waved his hand.

Zhong Tao and the others did not ask any more, because their attention had been drawn elsewhere, "You, you, are you Zhao Ling?" Zhong Tao said incredibly.

"Captain, I'm going to strangle you, such a big beauty, why did you quietly succeed by yourself? Don't let the brothers play fair!" Cardi gritted his teeth, although he said so, but after the initial surprise, The look he looked at Zhao Ling was still the look he looked at Zhao Ling before.

Qin Yue exclaimed: "Zhao Ling, this change of yours is too big! If it weren't for the breath of your soul to let us out at this moment, I would really dare not recognize each other!"

"Very beautiful, peerless face, the throne of the first beauty in Zimengluo Paradise Base must have been robbed." Bi Feng frowned slightly as he said, "Zhao Ling, Captain, it may not be a good thing to be so beautiful. ...This time, there should be a lot of dominance-level powerhouses on this side."

"Among the Dominant-level powerhouses, I guess there must be some lustful ones, if"

Zhao Ling's expression changed slightly. Chu Feng beckoned to Zhao Ling, and Zhao Ling immediately went to Chu Feng and sat down: "Bige, what you said is reasonable, but Ling'er's words don't need to worry about this aspect. My son, your family background is not simple. I now know a little bit, but I don’t know much. I promised people and it’s not easy to say anything."

"As long as you know, no one can touch you easily!" Chu Feng smiled slightly. "My family background, Captain, can't you tell me?" Zhao Ling said with a tight heart. Her memory, her family had already died, but listening to what Chu Feng said, those memories are not necessarily real memories.

For a strong person who has reached a certain level of strength, it is not too difficult to give a memory to people whose strength is much lower than their own!

"Ling'er, I don't know the specifics." Chu Feng shook his head, "Okay, let's not talk about this, Ling'er, how is your strength now?"

"Should be about the same as Cardi." Zhao Ling said. After the initial excitement, Zhao Ling calmed down quickly. For her today, Chu Feng is the most important. For the family with no memory, can she be ranked at this time? It is a problem to enter the top ten, "However, the strength is still growing slowly, and it should be a little stronger by then."

Cardi reluctantly said: "I knew I would not be the first to reach the quasi-dominant, but you all surpassed me one by one! Zhong Tao, captain, now it is Zhao Ling, and then Bi Ge and Lao Yue."

"Come on, if you feel that your strength is now low, we can change it." Qin Yue curled his lips and said, "If you are full, you don't know if you are hungry. It is a question of whether I and I can reach the quasi-dominant level. , Even if it can be achieved, I don’t know what year and month it was. Cardi, for your words, you must invite us to have a few drinks!"

Cardi smiled. In the next moment, Chu Feng and their faces all changed, and an immense coercion instantly pressed everyone in the heaven base!

"Listen to everyone in the heaven base, I am your base leader!" Accompanied by the terrible pressure, a faint voice rang.

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