Holy Prison

Chapter 2152: rule

"Head of the base!"

Chu Feng was shocked. If there is no conflict with the base leader of the heaven base, and if he does not have a treasure like the holy prison, he would be more excited to see a master-level powerhouse, but now, there is no excitement, but there is fear. some!

"After an hour, the paradise base will be connected to the remaining 80 bases, and the people from the remaining 80 bases will enter our paradise base! Now, everyone pays attention to the expansion of the paradise base. Everyone is working on If you practice, immediately finish the practice within one minute, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"

"After the expansion, the current paradise base will become the core area of ​​the expanded paradise base. The place where you live will not change, and the industry you own will not change. However, it depends on you whether other strong bases can keep it after they come. Self!"

"A few things, please pay attention. First, this time the total number of strong people coming from other bases exceeds 10 million, specifically 10.5 million, plus the people from our base, the entire paradise base. After the hour, there will be 10.6 million people. Among them, the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses are not a few! In addition to those below the dominant-level powerhouses, there will also be a lot of dominant-level powerhouses. Many, don't shame me!"

Chu Feng was horrified, such exchanges were unusual, but if there were no holy prisons, he would not be able to attract hundreds of powerful masters over here!

The base exchanges this time were unusual, but if there were only 80 bases and hundreds of master-level powerhouses, on average, a base would be more than just one master-level powerhouse!

"Second, this time of communication is divided into two stages, the first stage is the internal communication of the base, and the second stage is carried out in a lost world of Grade One!"

Chu Feng was shocked again. The Lost World of the First-Rank, that is the Lost World that will only be formed after the death of the first-Rank Dominant-level powerhouse, the previous First-Rank dominators were Lin Tiantumeng and Long Bai, "Could they be three Among them, someone died?" Chu Feng was frightened, if the person who died was Lin Tian.

The Lost World may be the Lost World formed by Lin Tian and the others, or it may have been formed after the loss of an earlier First-Rank Dominator.

At this moment, the sky is shaking, the space is constantly trembling, and the heaven base is surrounded by thick gray fog. At this time, the thick gray fog keeps rolling. As the thick gray fog rolls, the thick gray fog keeps rolling. It spreads to the distance, the dense fog recedes, and many new sites appear. Among those sites, there are steep mountains, lakes, plants, and villages and small cities!

"In the first stage, the base's internal communication, the ranking of the heaven base powerhouse rankings allows all personnel who come to communicate to compete. The first stage lasts for a thousand years, and the time is up to a thousand years. All people on the leaderboard can get it. Rewards, the better the ranking, the more generous the rewards. Even the top ten rewards, even I will have some excitement. The top three rewards, even me, will be jealous!"

"Achieving a master is not so easy. You may know that above the master is the master. Even if the master is the master, it is extremely difficult for a non-dominant person to achieve mastery. Hundred percent achievement dominance rewards, but there is a chance to make people more than half the chance to achieve dominance!"

"This is one of them, and the other two are also very precious! Three rewards are obtained by the top three in the power list. The first is selected, then, second, and third!"

When the head of the paradise base came out, everyone in the paradise base was shocked. The reward this time was too rich!

More than 50% of the probability of becoming the master of the strong, this probability, that is already extremely high, just such a reward, it is enough for the top strong to get a bloodshed!

There are two other rewards. Although they have not been mentioned, the other two rewards are not bad. Taking out any one of them will probably cause a terrible fight. You know, that is a reward that makes the dominant powers jealous. !

"During the first stage, within the base, the hunger pangs are relaxed. Within a year, you can eat once. In addition, during the other stage, set up a thousand life and death stages, a 10,000 duel stage, and a life and death stage competition, you can kill Opponents, go to the duel table to fight, and it is not allowed to kill the opponent. If this happens, punishment will be imposed according to the situation. If the situation is serious, it will be executed directly!"

"Small conflicts are okay under the life and death stage and the duel stage, but if the conflict causes serious damage to the base, or causes serious injuries and death, die!"

"During the first stage, every 100 years, within three times, no challenge is allowed. Challenges exceeding three times can be rejected. However, the premise of rejection is that the three challenges must be initiated by members of the base base at least twice!"

"You don’t need to know the second stage for the time being. The detailed rules of the first stage can be found in many places throughout the base. The reason why I talked so much nonsense with you is just to tell you one thing. I take it more seriously, so don't shame me!"

The terrifying coercion disappeared in an instant, and many people in the base secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The coercion of the Domination-level powerhouse would not be too easy to bear!

"Captain, the reward this time is really rich!" Cardi said with excitement. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, the rewards are generous, but it is not easy to get a good ranking! 10,600,000 people, among them, the quasi-dominant powerhouses, I estimate that there are more than 1,000 people, and some saints. Those who are noble and powerful are also eligible to compete for the ranking!"

"Like the captain, there should be more." Zhong Tao said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. He had gotten a treasure like the Holy Prison, and he had the heart of time and space, so he was more special, but with so many bases and so many powerful people, there must be special ones, Chu Feng estimated. Among those people, there may be a lot of relatives and friends of the masters and even the masters!

The treasure like the holy prison is extremely special. People under the ruler shouldn’t have it, but other people might have something like the heart of time and the heart of space, and it’s not necessarily compared to the heart of time that Chu Feng got. Weak Space Heart Lin Tian is the first-rank master, but there is still a first-rank master!

Moreover, there is a controller!

This time the base exchange had too much influence. In the current situation, even if he reached the level of quasi-dominant cultivation, Chu Feng did not have 100% confidence that he would be the strongest.

If the top three rewards are worse, Chu Feng will have a lot of confidence, but the top three rewards are so good that Chu Feng won't realize it. Someone wants to give him such a reward!

With such a high reward, Chu Feng estimated that there must be a perverted character to participate in this exchange, and those excellent rewards are probably given to such a character!

"Super high reward, plus the holy prison... This time, it was abnormal gatherings." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, in such a situation, it would be good if it reached the quasi-dominant cultivation base, but.

This time the trouble was not small, but Chu Feng calmed down when the matter came to an end, he was anxious and annoyed when such a situation occurred, and it was useless.

At least, the sequelae of the body disappeared, and there is only a layer of window paper from the cultivation base of the quasi-dominant. Perhaps the next moment, that layer of window paper will break and he will reach the cultivation base of the quasi-dominant!

If you can achieve the cultivation base of the quasi-dominant, not to mention the strength first, the top three should be able to compete for it, the top ten strength, this should be a sure thing!

"I guess I won't even be able to enter for a thousand years." Cardi said helplessly.

"Damn, Cardi, are you so unconfident? Although your strength is now out of ten on the Paradise Base rankings, but within ten, there must be someone who is not your opponent." Zhong Tao said, "Paradise Base Ten Ten thousand people can be ranked within ten, and then ten million people will be ranked within a thousand without a problem!"

"Fuck, you think I'm you, don't say your strength is a thousand, even if you are a hundred, it is possible to get in!" Cardi curled his lips and said, even though he said that, his body was faintly wary. Out, one thousand, Cardi still has confidence to enter, and his goal is not the bottom of the ranking!

Seeing Cardi and the others laughed, several figures flashed in Chu Feng's mind. The figures that flashed past were Tao Chen and the others. The different passages disappeared, and they should have entered another base.

"I don't know if Tao Chen and the others will come here this time." Chu Feng said in his heart.

"Haoyang, you have to be the master for me, this time, I was scolded by Zhao Ling!" Zi Mengluo said aggrieved in a castle in the heaven base.

"The thing that Zhao Ling broke us, Hao Yang, Zhao Ling is not the same Zhao Ling as before. You should know what she looks like? Or, you give her to me, and I will help you train her. At that time, make sure she can serve you comfortably."

There was a crisp slap in the face, and the man sitting in front of Zi Mengluo slapped Zi Mengluo with a heavy slap, "Useless things, you can't do anything well, if you don't leave, what will happen? There may be a problem Zhao Ling, my spiritual consciousness cannot be scanned into her body at all, you know what this means"

"What does it represent?" Zi Mengluo said in a daze. She was a little confused by the slap of the man in front of her. "Representative, behind her, there are many strong men who are stronger than me!" The man in front of Zi Mengluo said coldly, "With such a strong barrier, the strong man behind Zhao Ling is at least the second-tier master!"

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