Holy Prison

Chapter 2153: Strong like clouds

Zi Mengluo said in shock: "There are people behind you who are more powerful than Haoyang?" "During the base communication, don't call me that!" The man in front of Zi Mengluo said solemnly.

"Yes, the base grower." Zi Mengluo quickly responded. She didn't dare not listen to the man in front of her. The man in front of him was Lei Haoyang, the base leader of the heaven base!

"Master base, where is Chu Feng," Zi Mengluo said.

Lei Haoyang whispered: "He doesn't need you to take care of things in the future!"

Having said this, Lei Haoyang stretched out his hand, and a strong purple light emerged from his hand and enveloped Zi Mengluo's head first, and then her entire body was enveloped in purple light.

Time passed by, and about five minutes passed before Lei Haoyang withdrew his hand. At this time, some of Zi Mengluo's memories were cleaned up by him!

"Make me comfortable." Lei Haoyang said faintly, the purple light disappeared, and Zi Mengluo blinked. She felt that something was missing, but she couldn't remember it.

"Do you want me to repeat?" Lei Haoyang frowned.

"Yes, the base grows!"

Zi Mengluo said, knelt in front of Lei Haoyang, a pair of small hands liberated Lei Haoyang, her small mouth opened, and Lei Haoyang soon made a little comfortable chuckling sound.

"The head of the base has come back, and he didn't come to ask for trouble. In all likelihood, he has noticed Zhao Ling's extraordinary." Chu Feng glanced at Zhao Ling and said in his heart.

Zhao Ling showed his true face at this moment. The base has a woman like Zi Mengluo, who is not true love, and she must like beautiful women. She did not show up at this moment, which is abnormal.

"In less than an hour, the strong from other bases will come, let me say a few words." Chu Feng said, and Bi Feng's eyes fell on Chu Feng all of a sudden.

Chu Feng said: "Our blade team, now the four have the quasi-dominant level of strength, this strength is not weak, but there must be a team that is stronger than us!"

"At that time, at the very beginning, try to keep a low profile as much as possible. So many powerful people gather, too high profile and easy to cause trouble. However, low profile does not mean afraid of things. If someone provocatively provocative, then beat back! Don’t cause trouble, don’t be afraid of trouble! By the way, it’s very important, since I am the captain, and without my consent, you are not allowed to join others on the stage of life and death. If you are on the duel stage, then there is no problem!"

Zhong Tao smiled and said: "Captain, on, we are not stupid, life and death stage, then going up is a life-threatening, who would be willing to go up and go to life if nothing has to do, unfortunately, Captain, you have not reached the master's cultivation base, if there is one, we will take it. You can live a lot easier when you come down!"

"Think beautifully!" Chu Feng scolded with a smile, "Well, everyone, get ready."

"Captain, if I am like this now, I'm afraid it's not very low-key. Let me change back to my original appearance." Zhao Ling said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It's up to you!"

Without going to the room this time, Zhao Ling immediately changed back to his original appearance with a move. Cardi let out a sigh of relief and smiled: "Zhao Ling, you are still in this way. We are more familiar with you. Give us your true appearance. The pressure is not small! Your being like that makes us feel ashamed!"

"It's true that the pressure is not small." Qin Yue smiled, Zhao Ling has a noble temperament like that, that is the nobleness from the soul, what Kadi just said is not a lie.

Bi Feng laughed and said, "It's okay to change back to this way. If it's still the way it was just now, our pressure is better to say, the pressure of the captain is not small!"

"The 10,600,000 strong, most of them are men, even if only one tenth wants to come with a cross knife to win love, you will have to be drowned by Sponging Star, Captain!"

Chu Feng curled his lips. He was indeed worried now, but the pressure did not come from those who did not reach the dominant level, but from Zhao Ling's family!

If Zhao Ling's family knew that he had already rolled the sheets with Zhao Ling, then I don't know how it would react!

It stands to reason that he is now considered "young" and promising, but his cultivation level now is nothing in the eyes of the first- and second-rank master-level powerhouses, not to mention the first- and second-rank masters, even the third-rank masters, Chu Feng's current level of cultivation strength is completely out of the eye of the law!

"Lao Zhangren or something, be sure to talk a little bit better," Chu Feng muttered in his heart. Although Zhao Ling hadn't said that he would become his wife, Chu Feng estimated that Zhao Ling should have no problem here, Feng Bing. There shouldn't be any problems with Ning and the others. The problem lies with Zhao Ling's family!

"Paradise base, I haven't come here for a long time!" Half an hour later, the heaven base has expanded dozens of times. At this time, a thunderous sound rang, and as the voice sounded, one of the heaven bases appeared In the huge ball of light, a strong person quickly flew out of the ball of light!

"This is the paradise base?"

"The environment seems to be on our side, similar!"

In a short period of time, more than 100,000 people came out, and many people were talking about them. Those people were far away from Chu Feng, but they could hear their comments!

"Brother Jin Yuan, long time no see!"

The voice of faint laughter sounded, and this voice suppressed the discussion of tens of thousands of people. With this sound, another huge ball of light appeared. From the ball of light, a white robe came out first. The young man looked like a rich young man, but the divine light that flashed occasionally in his eyes indicated that this white-robed young man was a terrifying and powerful master!

"Brother Li, it's really been a long time since I saw you. The last time I met was ten years ago." The master-level powerhouse who arrived earlier laughed, "Brother Thunder, it's time to come out to pick up guests!"

"You two, it's really early to come here!" Lei Haoyang reached the white-robed youth two steps after leaving the castle, "Pick up...Brother Li, what you said."

"Haha, I think this is pretty good!" Jin Yuan laughed and said so, but he was kind to Lei Haoyang. Lei Haoyang's sixth-rank master's cultivation base was not in his eyes, but Lei Haoyang's ability to hold his thighs was good, and Jin Yuan knew that Lei Haoyang had a good relationship with a master.

They have a good relationship with the controller. They need to show some face for this Jinyuan. However, this is not enough to support Lei Haoyang to move Zhao Ling. If Zhao Ling is moved, even if it has a good relationship with a certain controller, then Killed by the strong behind Zhao Ling, the controller behind him would not say much.

The masters and masters basically have their own relatives and friends. Their relatives and friends have not reached the master level, which is normal.

Therefore, there are some rules among the strong. If Lei Haoyang touches Zhao Ling, it is a taboo. Not to mention that he is not very close to the controller behind him, even if it is very close, if he touches Zhao Ling, If you die, you will probably die in vain!

"Jie Jie, I thought I was the first one to come here. I didn't expect that you **** would come here first." The third master-level powerhouse appeared on the bright side, and secretly, there may be more at this moment. With the arrival of many Domination level powerhouses, this is not something that Chu Feng can know.

Five minutes, ten minutes.

Time passed by. When ten minutes passed, a total of 13 people from the bases came to this side; when twenty minutes passed, this number increased to thirty-five; half an hour passed, fifty The people from the seven bases arrived here: half an hour passed, 80 bases, and all the powerhouses over ten million arrived!

"The air seems to be full of war intent!" Zhong Tao muttered, tens of thousands of strong gathered, the entire heaven base is indeed full of war intent!

Chu Feng didn't speak, he was waiting now, waiting for the trial from the elders of the Zhao Ling family! At this moment, Zhao Ling's family, indeed, there are elders here.

Moreover, Zhao Ling was also discovered!

Su Xu arrived ten minutes ago, but ten minutes passed, his mood still did not calm down, "Who, which bastard, unexpectedly!" Su Xu roared in his heart, he came to this side now, one of them is to watch Whether you can get the holy prison, this task is not the main task. The main task is to see how Su Ling is doing, and if necessary, take Su Ling back.

But when I came to this side, Su Ling's situation was okay, but he was no longer the body of the wall, Zhao Ling or Su Ling, Su Ling was Zhao Ling's real name!

Finding that Zhao Ling was no longer the body of the wall, Su Xu immediately thought of Zhao Ling's side. If he knew who did it, he would slap him to death.

It's just that he came here with others, and there was Chu Feng on Su Ling's side. In order to prevent others from thinking that he wanted to do something, he resisted not going over immediately.

"Asshole thing, I'm looking for death, can't I go to a place where there is no one, if I let the old man know about Su Ling's situation, I can't escape punishment!" Su Xu quickly became confused. When he asked Su Ling to leave, he I agreed, he was in charge before, and nothing happened, I didn't expect it.

Su Xu couldn't imagine the anger of his old man, not to mention the old man, his eldest brother knew about Su Ling's situation, and it would be strange if he didn't fix him severely.

"Mo Xin, you bastard, I won't have a good life in the future. Your good life will come to an end!" Su Xu's resentment immediately transferred to Mo Xin. It was Sword Emperor Mo Xin who was protecting it!

Su Ling appeared in such a situation, Su Xu couldn't wait to choke Mo Xin who was protecting Su Ling!

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