Holy Prison

Chapter 2155: The Frightened Sword Emperor

"Your appetite is too big!" The middle-aged man in the purple robe said coldly. There are only a few controllers. Many things are the same in different bases, and the value of items is the same in different bases.

With just a glance, the middle-aged man in the purple robe could be sure that the little lotus in Chu Feng's hand was very precious, and it was much better than what the blond young man brought out!

"I didn't ask you to come and attack our castle." Chu Feng said quietly, "If you are unwilling to give something, then see you on the duel stage!"

"But if you lose then, you have to give everything you should give! In addition, if we make a shot, we have to pay a shot fee, right?"

"Captain, we fought with them!"

"That is, what are you afraid of? Captain, you are strong and strong. There should be no problem with two-to-three. The six of us should have no problem dealing with one of them, a dominance-level powerhouse and two saint-level powerhouses!"

The middle-aged man in the purple robe shouted, those few saintly-level powerhouses could not sense it, but he could sense it. He felt that Chu Feng's strength should not be weaker than him!

The words of Vice Captain Lijian are not very strong among quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. He does not have one-to-two ability. The remaining six saint-level powerhouses have to deal with Chu Feng and the two saint-level powerhouses on their side and Two dominance-level powerhouses will lose!

"Second, third, we will give one to one!" The middle-aged man in purple robe said solemnly. He said that a treasure appeared in his hand, and the deputy captain of Chujian team frowned and a treasure appeared in his hand. .

The third person in the purple robe middle-aged man's mouth is a saint-level powerhouse, but the two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses have all brought out things, even if he doesn't want to, then he must honestly bring out things.

"These three are all right?" The middle-aged man in the purple robe said coldly. The three things they took out this time were about the same value as the Xiaolian in Chu Feng's hands.

"Reluctantly." Chu Feng said. He waved his hand when he said, and instantly those three things flew towards him and were put into the space ring by him.

"let's go!"

The purple-robed middle-aged man said coldly. They walked to a castle near Chu Feng's castle. That castle belonged to a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse on the side of the magician. He recently formed a small team with eight people. However, the strength Not as tough as Chu Feng and their team, soon their team could only leave the castle!

The strong is respected. These four words are very obvious in the heaven base. The sharp sword team can only give something here at Chu Feng, but they can seize a castle next to it!

Chu Feng was about to return to the castle with Bi Feng and the others, but unexpectedly found an acquaintance, "Urato!" Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly.

Uratuo and Tao Chen both came out of the domain tower. Back then, Chu Feng formed a team in the Jiuyin Land. Chufeng was No. 1, Tao Chen was No. 2, and Uratuo was No. 3!

"Bige, you go back to the castle first, I met an acquaintance." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Okay, Captain, if someone else comes over to take our castle" Bi Feng said.

"Our castle has been arranged for so many years, are you willing to let it out?" Chu Feng smiled.

"Naturally not willing."

Chu Feng shrugged: "So what else? As long as you don't go to the stage of life and death, even if the duel stage is seriously injured, it doesn't matter. It just costs some points to recover!"

"Hey, this is good, fucking!" Zhong Tao smiled.

Ulatuo had disappeared at this moment. Chu Feng waved his hand to Bi Feng and they immediately rushed to the side where Ulatuo disappeared. It seemed that Ulatuo was in trouble at this moment.

Uratuo was in a little trouble. At this moment, the sword emperor also encountered some trouble, because Su Xu, who had changed his appearance and reduced his breath, came to the side of the sword emperor's castle.

"Who are you?" The Sword Emperor frowned. Su Xu did not tell him who he was outside, but asked the Sword Emperor to take him into the castle first.

The Yigao people were bold, and there was not only one person in the castle, the Sword Emperor naturally brought Su Xu into the castle without fear.

"Mo Xin, a good thing you did!" Su Xu revealed his true identity.

"San Ye!"

The sword emperor's complexion changed and immediately knelt to the ground on one knee, "San Ye, I don't know what I did wrong?"

"Huh, what did you do wrong!" Su Xu set up an enchantment and said in a very unkind tone, "Let you protect Xiaoling here, you are protected."

The sword emperor said in a puzzled way: "San Ye, there should be no problems, the young lady is fine, she has special treasures, and there will be no problems in entering the Lost World. On the base side, the young lady suffered a lot in the early years, but It's better now. Some time ago, the strength of the young lady has reached the Quasi-dominant level!"

"Mo Xin, I can't wait to choke you!" The tea cup in Su Xu's hand was placed heavily on the coffee table in front of him. Naturally, the tea was made by the sword emperor. Su Xu picked up what he was about to drink and heard the sword emperor. That said, his heart is more angry!

"San Ye calm down!"

The sword emperor was shocked. In his impression, Third Master Su Xusu was rarely angry. He had a very good temper and was easy-going, and he often smiled!

"I also hope that the third master will make it clear!" Sword Emperor said with a bitter face. He really can't figure out what went wrong. Could it be that Su Ling has suffered so much over the years?

Su Xu took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Mo Xin, you are able to protect well. If I come later, it is estimated that Xiaoling's child will be pregnant. The third generation, the father's favorite is Xiaoling. If Xiaoling has it If you are pregnant, the old man will definitely be happy, Mo Xin, do you think this is the case?"


Mo Xin's heart trembled and waves were set off. He finally knew where the problem was. From Su Xu's words, he knew. Su Ling is probably not the perfect body at this moment!

"San Ye, I, I just want to die quickly!" Sword Emperor said, Su Xu's words, as if all the power of his body was taken away in an instant.

Protecting Su Ling, Su Ling is no longer a complete body. Although Su Ling is not dead and his strength has increased, nothing else can make up for this!

Thinking that Su Ling's father loved Su Ling the most, thinking of Su Ling's father who was strict but caring about Su Ling, the Sword Emperor knew that he could die happily this time without involving his family.

"Dead, what happened, just think of death?" Su Xu kicked out and kicked the sword emperor ten meters away. The sword emperor who was kicked quickly got up and came back and knelt in front of Su Xu.

"Say, who is it?" Su Xu said, "Forcibly having a relationship with Xiaoling is not allowed. This is possible only if Xiaoling voluntarily. Don't tell you, you don't doubt the candidate!"

Sword Emperor hurriedly said: "San Ye, only voluntary?"

"Yes! Who can forcefully have a relationship with Xiao Ling under the seal that the old man personally placed?" Su Xu said coldly.

Sword Emperor said: "If this is the case, then I know who it is, only one person has doubts. The young lady has a good heart, but her relationship with people has always been average, and her relationship with teammates has been average."

"The change started after her current captain Chu Feng came. After Chu Feng joined her team, I observed that the smiles on the lady's face increased, and the relationship with her teammates improved!"

"Chu Feng?"

Su Xu frowned. If it's someone else, it's better to deal with it. Just grab someone and bring it back to the family, but it's not that easy with Chu Feng.

This time there are many strong people who came here. The exchange between the bases is one aspect, and more importantly, the holy prison owned by Chu Feng! If he proposes to take Chu Feng away, other people can agree?

Even if I told other people that Chu Feng had a relationship with Su Ling, Su Xu estimated that other masters would not agree to him taking Chu Feng away!

"San Ye, the young lady has a very good relationship with Chu Feng. If you want to deal with Chu Feng, you still have to consider the young lady's feelings, the young lady's temper, this" Jiandi reminded in a low voice.

"Huh, I don't know?" Su Xu snorted coldly. Su Ling's temper was very clear to him. It was because of Su Ling's temper that something big happened back then that Su Ling appeared on the side of the heaven base.

The sword emperor said: "San Ye, are you here this time to bring the young lady back to the family? If so, can you let the young lady come over and restore her memory?"

Su Xu took a deep breath: "Mo Xin, this time, I was hurt by you. I tell you in advance that I may not save your life, but your family will not be implicated."

"Thank you Sanye!"

The Sword Emperor was grateful. He knew that something like this happened, but if he died himself, it would definitely be considered light. Without Su Xu's words, his family would be dead. There are quite a few people in the Su family, let alone others, Su Ling has an older brother who is now a master-level cultivation base. Although it is only a fifth-level master, it would be easy to destroy his family!

Moreover, not only from the Su family, Su Ling has many admirers. If he knew that Su Ling had such a problem under his protection, how long his family could live without Su Xu's words, this is a problem!

"You go out and ask Xiao Ling to come over. In addition, there will be Chu Feng. Let Chu Feng see me first. Don't make an oolong thing like this!" Su Xu said solemnly.

"Yes, Sanye, I'll call it now!" Sword Emperor respectfully said. "Go." Su Xu waved his hand, and the Sword Emperor left, rubbing his temple with a headache.

"That's all there is to it, why is it still Chu Feng!"

It is extremely rare that Su Xu burst out a swear word. If he let some acquaintances know it, he would definitely be stunned. When did the gentle and gentle Su Family San Ye begin to explode such swear words.

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