Holy Prison

Chapter 2156: Sujia

Chu Feng found Ulatuo, and also saw Tao Chen. Ulatuo was still a holy-sovereign-level cultivation base. To Chu Feng's surprise, Tao Chen actually reached the quasi-dominant level.

As soon as they helped Utora solve a little trouble, the Sword Emperor looked for it, "Chu Feng, follow me, immediately!" The Sword Emperor's tone was not very good and authentic.

"Sword Emperor, what's going on?" Chu Feng felt a little inexplicable. Isn't the relationship between the Sword Emperor and him very good now? Why is this talk so angry.

"Could it be?" Chu Feng's heart jumped. He suddenly thought of Zhao Ling. The sword emperor appeared here with an uncomfortable expression. It was afraid that the elders of Zhao Ling found the sword emperor. Then, the sword emperor confirmed that he and Zhao Ling turned the sheets!

"Follow me, I have notified Zhao Ling, she is going to my side." Sword Emperor said solemnly.

"It's over!" Chu Feng's expression changed slightly. He was not afraid of seeing his parents. What he was afraid of was that his parents were too terrifying. The kind of parents who could slap him to death with one slap would not work if he was not nervous!

"Sword Emperor, isn't it serious?" Chu Feng said through a voice transmission.

The sword emperor coldly snorted and said, "It's really you, the problem is not serious, you will know in a moment!"

I was worried, but it wouldn't work if I didn't go. Following the sword emperor, Chu Feng had arrived at the sword emperor castle in a short time.

Zhao Ling has already arrived at the Sword Emperor Manor. There are others besides her. Those people are not in the same group as Zhao Ling. They are now discussing the robbing of the Sword Emperor's castle!

At the moment, the sword emperor was extremely angry. Even if no one came to ask for trouble, he planned to find someone to vent on the duel stage when the time came. He didn't expect these people to come to the door.

Chu Feng glanced at him. Those people were pretty good. There were seven of them, and there were two quasi-dominant-level experts. The other five were all Saint-sovereign-level cultivation bases. However, the strength of the two quasi-dominant-level experts is estimated to be both It's not that powerful!

"Yijian Tianhan!"

The cold voice of the Sword Emperor rang. Chu Feng saw him use his sword for the first time. The sword of the Sword Emperor was extremely fast. The two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses hadn't reacted much yet. It's already in front of them!

The screams rang, and the two quasi-dominant-level powerhouses lost an arm in the blink of an eye. "You are the same too!" Sword Emperor said coldly, five sword lights flashed, and the other five saints The noble power also left an arm!

It's just that one arm is missing, this is not considered a serious injury, so the sword emperor does not violate the rules. "Hurry up and let me send you a ride?" The sword emperor whispered, two swords out, his anger is that Vent out a lot.

Chu Feng was secretly frightened. He compared it in his mind. His current strength is pretty good, but if he doesn't use the time's heart to accumulate strength, he is afraid that he is not the opponent of the Sword Emperor!

Sword Emperor's sword, too fast! The magician is a very powerful character, no wonder he is such a character, the strength is still below the sword emperor!

"Go, let's go!" Picking up his own hand and slashing, one of the dominant masters trembled with fear, two swords, just two swords made them lose one arm. Although they still have combat power, that one The powerhouse at the dominance level knows that the total of seven of them is far from the Sword Emperor!

"Go in." The Sword Emperor nodded towards Chu Feng and Zhao Ling. He took the lead, and soon Chu Feng and the others entered the Sword Emperor's castle.

In the castle, Su Xu is drinking tea. Tea is calming, but at this moment, after drinking a cup of tea, Su Xu is not calm!

The Sword Emperor knocked on the door, "Come in!" Su Xu's voice came out. Zhao Ling had already guessed some at this time. It is estimated that there are people from his family in the room, and they should be the dominant power, otherwise the Sword Emperor is on his own. There is no need to knock on doors in the castle.

"Zhao Ling, you wait outside first." Sword Emperor said, he didn't call Miss, but his voice already had a little respect. "What if I want to go in?" Zhao Ling said.

The sword emperor passed the sound to Su Xu inside: "San Ye, Miss is indeed with Chu Feng... Miss wants to come in!" "Then let them come in together." Su Xu said, he wanted Chu Feng to enter first. Just to be sure, since the Sword Emperor has been determined, there is nothing for Chu Feng and the others to go in together.

The door opened, and Chu Feng and the others entered the room and immediately saw Su Xu sitting in the room. Su Xu looked thirty-six or seventeen years old, not very handsome, but from the looks of it, Su Xu should be that. Kind of people who are easier to get close to.

It's just that Su Xu at this moment seems to be suppressing anger. For ordinary people, if you want to get close to him at this time, you will definitely have to touch his nose!

When his gaze fell on Zhao Ling's body, Su Xu's eyes became a little milder: "Xiao Ling, you can change back to what you were. I am your third uncle."

Zhao Ling looked at Chu Feng, Chu Feng nodded slightly, Zhao Ling changed his mind into what he was. "After many years, Xiao Ling, you are still so beautiful." Seeing the familiar Su Ling standing in front of him, a little smile appeared on Su Xu's face, but that little smile disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Xiao Ling, I haven't got the permission of the old man, and the third uncle is not good for you to restore your previous memories, but I am your third uncle, this will not be fake."

Zhao Ling hesitated for a while and bowed slightly: "Uncle San!"

Although he had no impression and no feelings for the third uncle who appeared in front of him, Zhao Ling knew that for the sake of Chu Feng, he had better behave a little bit.

"Good boy." Su Xu nodded slightly and turned his gaze to Chu Feng. As his gaze shifted, his gentle gaze immediately became sharp.

Chu Feng's soul trembled, and Su Xu's gaze brought him great pressure. He had a feeling that if Su Xu wanted him to die now, he didn't need to do anything at all, just rely on that gaze!

Su Xu didn't speak immediately. As time passed slowly, the pressure Chu Feng felt was getting bigger and bigger! "Drink!" Chu Feng secretly drank in his mind that his mental state cultivation base was rapidly improving. With the improvement of his mental state cultivation base, his resistance increased, but what made him depressed was that the pressure was constantly increasing!

The heart is infinite, the sacred heart of heaven and earth!

In a short period of time, Chu Feng raised his mental state cultivation to the perfect state of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart, but even to this level, the pressure he was under was tremendous, and it was still strengthening!

Gradually, sweat appeared on Chu Feng's forehead. He really hadn't experienced such a situation, and he was actually suppressed to such an extent just by his aura!

"Uncle San, I volunteered!" Zhao Ling said. As her voice sounded, the mountain-like pressure that Chu Feng felt instantly disappeared. As the pressure disappeared instantly, Chu Feng's mood cultivation level rose a little bit. , However, there is still a lot to go before the realm of the Great Perfection of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart.

"Xiao Ling, he is not worthy of you!" Su Xu frowned. Although Chu Feng has a Saint-sovereign level cultivation base and can display his quasi-dominant level strength, in Su Xu's eyes, that is still scum!

The Su Family of Nuo Da, there are ten or twenty dominant-level powerhouses, and there are more Domination-level powerhouses attached to the Su family. Su Xu's sentence "he is not worthy of you" has no water.

For Su Ling, the father of the Su family, the jewel in the palm of his hand, it is not difficult to find a strong master at the dominating level as her husband-in-law. Without the strength at the dominating level, there will always be a background.

According to Chu Feng, his current strength is barely reluctant, and his background... there is no background at all. Lin Tian would barely be able to calculate if he had a rank 1 master's cultivation base.

However, Lin Tian's situation today is not optimistic. To be honest, Chu Feng and Lin Tian are not very close, at least not yet!

"Xiao Ling, in this situation, Sanshu doesn't know how to confess to your father and the old man. It would be fine if Sanshu did not let you come here!" Su Xu sighed slightly, " Chu Feng, you don't have to feel unhappy in your heart. With your strength, you really don't deserve Xiao Ling!"

Zhao Ling said: "Uncle San, I don't know my previous memories, but no matter what kind of memory I have before, I will not regret my choice!"

"Uncle San, please, please help me to say something nice, okay?" Su Ling's words are a little bit coquettish, and her words are a little strange.

Su Xu beckoned: "Come and sit on the side of the third uncle, you kid, used to often act like a baby with the third uncle and your grandfather. The memory is blocked, but you haven't forgotten this."

"Uncle San, let me stand with the captain." Zhao Ling said, where would she sit and let Chu Feng stand there. "Chu Feng, sit there!" Su Xu pointed to the other side.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and sat down opposite Su Xu honestly. Zhao Ling did not sit next to Su Xu but instead sat down next to Chu Feng.

Seeing Zhao Ling sitting next to Chu Feng, Su Xu frowned slightly and took a sip from the teacup. After ten seconds passed, Su Xu said: "Xiao Ling, you can't be together, three uncles I can try my best to find a way to see if we can save Chu Feng's life! With that thing, Chu Feng can save his life, but it is possible."

"Uncle San, why can't we be together? My destiny, I can't be the master? If I can't, then it's better for me to be who I am now!" Zhao Ling said.

Su Xu waved his hand and said, "Xiao Ling, Sanshu has always been more tolerant of your juniors. Sanshu has no opinion here, Chu Feng, just reluctantly."

"If you know that I have eight wives, I am afraid that these barely four words will be put away, and then give me a palm immediately." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng secretly smiled bitterly, this luck is a bit too bad! If Zhao Ling hadn't had such a background, it would be too painful if he had such a background, and seemed to be loved by the elders!

"However, you can't pass the level of your father, and you can't pass the level of your grandfather!" Su Xu said, "Although the eldest brother loves you, he will not agree that you are with Chu Feng. He wants strength but no strength and background. No background! Our Su family is strong enough and we don't need to cling to anything, but if you and Chu Feng are together, it will be the Huang family's face!"

"Your grandpa, he would not agree. Before you died, your grandma was most concerned about you, who was still in your teens. She repeatedly asked your grandpa to choose a good family for you. This can be said to be you. In the eyes of ordinary people, Grandma’s last wish is that Chu Feng is already good, but in the eyes of our Su family, Chu Feng is not your good match!"

Zhao Ling said, "Uncle San, why did I just slap the Huang family in the face with the captain? What kind of family is the Huang family?"

"The Huang family is a first-class family. The head of the Huang family and the eldest brother are good brothers. When your grandmother died, the head of the Huang family brought his youngest son to propose marriage. The father agreed to your marriage, but he did not expect to receive fierce opposition from you! In the past for a long time, you have all grown up a lot, and both of you have been cultivated by the Lord. The Huang Family Patriarch re-proposed the marriage, but unexpectedly, you still met fierce opposition!" Su Xu sighed slightly, "That time You also did something extraordinary and hurt the youngest son of the Huang family. The older brother was furious about this. Now the relationship between our Su family and the Huang family has faded a lot!"

"After things like that back then, if you find a better one, then the Huang family has nothing to say. The eldest brother and the old man's faces will be fine, but if you find someone like Chu Feng, the eldest brother will not agree, but the old man will No, the Huang family can't explain it!"

"The Huang family is actually a good person. I suggested that you leave the family for a period of time. Maybe you can figure it out. The eldest brother and the old man accepted my suggestion, and you agreed back then. Therefore, I have arranged an identity for you. On this side, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, my fault!"

Zhao Ling said softly: "Uncle San, it's not your fault. I have to thank you. If you don't let me appear here, I won't meet the captain."

"Uncle San, please, help us find a way, okay?"

Su Xu looked at Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, if the information I got is true, you have eight wives, right?" "Yes." Chu Feng nodded slightly. He didn't expect Su Xu to know this.

"Chu Feng, you have to talk about it yourself, the Su family's pearl in the palm of the hand is serving with eight other women. Is this reality unrealistic?" Su Xu said.

"This, there are some unrealistic." Chu Feng told the truth, there are indeed some unrealistic. If he is strong and strong and has a very deep background, then he is a little more realistic.

Su Xu said quietly: "The old man is the controller. Did you know that there were only five controllers in total. After the first failure of the Huang family, one of the controllers proposed marriage to one of his grandsons. There are already three wives, and as a result, the person in charge came over and was almost scolded by the old man!

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