Holy Prison

Chapter 2157: Rewards

"This" Chu Feng doesn't know what to say anymore. Elder Su has almost scolded a controller away. If Elder Su is on this side, Chu Feng estimates that he has become one with the world!

Zhao Ling said anxiously: "Uncle San, there must be something to do, right?" "Xiao Ling, you can't hide your situation now, the eldest brother and the old man will definitely know, it is possible, there will be people at this moment. I’m sending news to my eldest brother and the others. If this is the case, I guess it won’t take long for the eldest brother and them to come over!” Su Xu said.

Chu Feng's heart tightened. This rolled the sheets with Zhao Ling. Su Xu was still good to talk. If Zhao Ling's father and Old Su came over, I'm afraid it would not be so good to talk!

"Ah... Sanshu, if the father and them come over, then the captain Sanshu, you must find a way to save the captain. If the captain dies, I won't live anymore." Zhao Ling said.

Su Xu spread his hands and said, "You have such a trick, so how can your third uncle help? As long as you want, it should be no problem for you to keep Chu Feng alive, but there is no hope for you to be together!"

"Laosan Su, what are you talking about?" At this moment, a voice filled with anger rang, and that voice sounded, and instantly Chu Feng felt a more terrifying aura than before.

Chu Feng supported it forcefully, but the chair under him turned into crumbs when he couldn't hold it. The next moment, a man somewhat similar to Su Xu appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"Big Brother!" Su Xu cried, Chu Feng's heart trembled. This is the old father-in-law, this old father-in-law, his strength is too strong, it is estimated that he is stronger than Su Xu!

Chu Feng estimated that Su Ling's father's strength should be the first-rank master, and Su Xu, the second-rank master or third-rank master, the probability of second-rank master is slightly higher.

Chu Feng snorted, and a trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Father, please!" Seeing Chu Feng's appearance, Zhao Ling's face turned pale and knelt down.

Su Xu is called the eldest brother, so it goes without saying that the person in front of him is Su Ling's father. Seeing Su Ling kneeling down, the middle-aged man's face changed slightly.

Su Ling's father gave a cold snort, and Chu Feng stepped back three steps, a mouthful of blood poured into his mouth, but he forcibly swallowed it without squirting out.

"I have seen seniors!"

Chu Feng wiped off a little blood from the corner of his mouth and bowed a salute. Although Su Ling's father suffered some internal injuries, Chu Feng didn't have any complaints in his heart. One of the reasons was that this person was Su Ling's father; Second, Su Ling's father, it was just his daughter's eagerness. If his daughter and a man who didn't agree with him had rolled the sheets, Chu Feng estimated that he would not be tolerant.

He is also a father, and Chu Feng can understand Su Ling's father.

"Ah, Xiao Ling, this is the boss of Su. The current steward of the Su family, with the identity of the old man, doesn't care much. Boss Su, you haven't seen your daughter for so many years. You have a temper, control it a little, don't Make things too stiff." Su Xu said, "Boss Su's name is Su Jiang, you can call Senior Jiang."

"Yes, Senior Jiang!" Chu Feng saw him again.

Su Jiang snorted and sat down: "Laosan Su, what's your explanation for this kind of thing? There is no explanation, don't blame me for taking care of you harshly!"

"Boss Su, in front of outsiders, save me a little face, okay?" Su Xu said helplessly, "That...Mo Xin, you go down first."

Su Jiang spoke, his gaze looked at Mo Xin, Mo Xin's heart trembled, he was just outside, in front of the few people who came to grab the castle, he was majestic, but in front of a strong man like Su Jiang , He is as vulnerable as Chu Feng, even a little bit weaker than Chu Feng. Chu Feng has at least the Holy Prison as an amulet!

"Mo Xin, I've seen you before. You used to be able to do things well, but now, you seem to have stepped back a bit." Su Jiang said in a deep voice.

Mo Xin thumped and knelt to the ground: "The uncle said that I deserve to die! I beg the uncle for mercy and spare my family's life, Mo Xin kowtow to the uncle!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Mo Xin banged his heads quickly. Chu Feng had a clearer understanding of the power of the Su family. In front of a family like the Su family, he and Mo Xin were like ants!

"Boss Su, I called Mo Xin to come over. He tried his best. I didn't think about it well." Su Xu said, "Boss Su, you can get angry on me. I have a thick skin!"

"Stop it!" Su Jiang frowned, and Mo Xin stopped. In this short period of time, his forehead has been kowtow with some blood, every time he exerts a lot of force, and there is no defense!

"Laosan Su, I and the old man agreed with the things back then. It is not fair to blame you alone." Su Jiang said solemnly.

Su Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Su Jiang is still reasonable at the moment, that's good, if the anger is very unreasonable, then things will be troublesome.

"Boss Su, the old man didn't come over?" Su Xu said cautiously.

Su Jiang glared at Su Xu: "Tell the old man about this kind of thing? The old man knows, you and I will have to be punished! No one dares to poke this thing to the old man, so now, the old man still doesn't know this thing. Su Lao San, first help Ling Er restore her previous memories!"

"This matter has not been approved by the old man" Su Xu said. Su Jiang said solemnly: "I am now the Patriarch of the Su family, and I am Linger, I don't have this right?"

"Yes, I've long wanted to restore Xiao Ling's memory." Su Xu walked behind Su Ling as he said, "drink" softly, Su Xu pressed his hand to the top of Su Ling's head, and the nine-color light came from Su Xu. The hand dropped and entered Su Ling's mind little by little, Su Ling's eyes gradually became confused.

"Mo Xin, you get up first. You are responsible for this matter, but I am not a fool. You are not guilty of this matter. I will not transfer part of our responsibility to you. As a father, I can't wait to slap I shot you to death, but as the Su Family Patriarch, I have to distinguish between rewards and punishments." Su Jiang looked at Mo Xin and said quietly, "After this matter is over, you go back to receive the punishment."

Mo Xin was overjoyed. He thought that he was bound to die, but he didn't expect Su Jiang to let him go, "Thank you, uncle for your kindness." Mo Xin said quickly.

"You go down first, this matter must not be spread indiscriminately." Su Jiang said that a ray of light fell on Mo Xin's body instantly. With that ray of light, other masters who wanted to investigate Mo Xin's memory would not work.

"Yes, uncle!" Mo Xin said respectfully, as he quickly exited the room as he said.

There was a slight smile on Su Xu's face. Mo Xin has been doing things for him for a long time. He is very satisfied with Su Jiang's handling of this. "Su Lao San, don't be distracted. If Ling'er's memory has a problem, I will only be yours. It's a question!" Su Jiang said coldly.

"Boss Su, although it's a little time consuming, I'm not so clumsy enough to mistake Xiao Ling's memory." Su Xu smiled easily.

"Be careful!" Su Jiang glared at Su Xu.

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, Mo Xin left, Su Xu has something to do, Su Ling has no consciousness at the moment, it is estimated that Su Jiang is going to talk to him!

"Chu Feng, you said, what should I do to you? Let your body and soul be destroyed, and you will never be superlative? Or let you live forever and endure pain forever?" Su Jiang said blankly.

Chu Feng said neither overbearing nor humble, "Senior Jiang, can I say something?"

Chu Feng said, "This time the incident has something to do with this base chief." "Zheng Haoyang? He shouldn't have that courage yet!" Su Jiang sneered. There is Zheng Haoyang. If he wants to kill, then kill. There will never be any trouble. Zheng Haoyang has a good relationship with a master, but he is a master!

"Senior Jiang, Zheng Haoyang did not directly deal with Ling, Ling'er." Chu Feng said the word Ling, Su Jiang's eyes suddenly became cold, but Chu Feng still said the word "Ling'er."

Su Jiang said coldly: "Chu Feng, forget it this time, if I hear the word'Ling'er' in your mouth again, unless your strength is stronger than mine, you won't end up very well! "

"Zheng Haoyang gave me a pill, and then asked Zi Mengluo to bring it over. Zi Mengluo should be his woman." Chu Feng said. "Boss Su, this is indeed the case." Su Xu said.

Chu Feng continued: "The pill has sequelae. The sequelae is that the desire in that area will be infinitely magnified! Zheng Haoyang asked Zi Mengluo to seduce me, and at the beginning he blocked the temptation and scolded Zi Mengluo away. Before leaving, I said that I would return two hours later, but less than a quarter of an hour after she left, Su Ling arrived in my other courtyard."

"Why don't you find another woman?" Su Jiang said coldly.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly: "When I took the pill, what I saw was Zi Mengluo. Therefore, ordinary women are useless. Only women who are more beautiful than Zi Mengluo will do. I said that, but I’m not sure if it’s the case. I wasn’t so sober at the time. If I was so sober, maybe I would find another woman to try it first. In that case, it wouldn’t be enough to let Su Ling.”

"Boss Su, what Zi Mengluo said should not be false." Su Xu said.

Su Jiang said in a deep voice: "It's the Queen Flower. If you refine the Queen Flower into some pill, the pill will have such an effect! What a Zheng Haoyang, what a Purple Mengluo!"

"Although it is endless, but Ling'er, Zheng Haoyang, and Zi Mengluo have been killed, they must lose their lives!"

Su Xu said: "Boss Su, if you want to take their lives, it will be a while, now is not the time! So many people have arrived at this paradise base, he is the head of the paradise base, and it’s not good if he died... when some people, just I would say that we are disregarding the overall situation, so let's not cause trouble for the old man."

After a few seconds of silence, Su Jiang nodded slightly: "Well, let them live for a while. Chu Feng, I don't recognize you, but things have happened. Although you can't be with Ling'er, you can You must prove that you are not a rubbish! If you rubbish, others will laugh at Ling'er and laugh at my Su family!"

"Ling'er helped you once, right?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly. If it weren't for Su Ling's dedication, Chu Feng didn't know if he couldn't resist it. It's likely that he couldn't resist it. Even if he couldn't resist it, his cultivation base would be greatly reduced!

Su Jiang said: "Since Ling'er helped you, then find a way to rank in the top three of the strength list. If you can rank in the top three of the strength list, others have nothing to say!"

"However, you'd better reach the top of the power list. There are three rewards. You know two of them. One is the hope of becoming a master, the other is a powerful weapon of master, and the third is the most mysterious. Do you know what it is?"

Chu Feng shook his head. He did know the first two, but he didn't know the third. "The third, you can get the priority to hunt down you!" Su Jiang said solemnly.

"There is a controller behind Lin Tian, ​​you have a little bit of light, so you can't directly kill you in the base. The result of the discussion is to chase you in a lost world, if you can lose it there After 10,000 years in the world, you can safely return to Hongtian Universe. If you cannot live for 10,000 years, you will die, control the stone, or the holy prison will reappear!" Su Jiang said quietly.

Chu Feng's expression changed: "Senior Jiang, that is to say, the second stage is the chasing and killing stage of me, and now the entire paradise base is chasing and killing tens of thousands of powerful people!"

"Not bad!" Su Jiang nodded, "Although this is a bit cruel to you, but this world is like this, you are not a strong person, and the rules are not set by you, understand?"

Chu Feng's expression became very ugly. The pursuit of tens of thousands of powerful people is terrifying to think about it. Most of those people are of the strength of the holy class, and there are more than a thousand people of the quasi-dominant level!

Even if Chu Feng's strength is much stronger than those people, and he wants to survive for ten thousand years under the pursuit of so many powerful men, there is no one percent chance of Chu Feng.

Moreover, in the entire paradise base, there are still many people who are stronger than Chu Feng. Some people, even if they use time, Chu Feng has no confidence to win!

"The strong, I want to be strong, I want to make my rules!" Chu Feng roared in his heart. At this moment, his desire for strength reached the extreme!

Can't be with Zhao Ling, and, by the time, he will be chased by more than ten million strong people. At this time, Chu Feng is absolutely dissatisfied with his current strength!

The intense consciousness fluctuated, Su Jiang's eyes lit up slightly, and Chu Feng's mental state cultivation had actually improved a lot in this short period of time, only a little bit away from the Great Perfection of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart!

Before, even though Chu Feng had achieved the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth Consummation, there was still a lot of distance from the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Earth Consummation. Just this short period of time suddenly narrowed the gap to an infinitely small!

"If Chu Feng can reach the quasi-dominant level cultivation base to win the top three, and then live for ten thousand years, his mental state cultivation base can definitely be promoted to the Great Perfection of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart. Such a state of mind can achieve dominance. It is possible. However, even if you become a master, the general master-level powerhouse is not worthy of Ling'er, let alone, there are eight wives!" Su Jiang secretly said in his heart.

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