Holy Prison

Chapter 2158: opportunity

Chu Feng took a deep breath, and he also felt the improvement of his own mood, but at this time the improvement of his mood couldn't make him happy.

"Senior Jiang, what does it mean to give priority to the right to kill?" Chu Feng said. Su Jiang said quietly: "The so-called priority to chase and kill refers to the person who has the priority to chase and kill. You can choose up to ninety-nine companions. One hundred people will give priority to others. Ten minutes will slow you into the lost world!"

Chu Feng said: "In other words, if I can't get the priority to pursue and kill, I enter the lost world and only have ten minutes to escape?"

Ten minutes, this can escape a lot of distance, but Chu Feng believes that those trackers will have extremely powerful tracking treasures, and ten minutes to escape chasing and killing, that degree of difficulty.

"Yes, there are only ten minutes to escape. If you can get the priority to chase and kill, then you have a hundred years to get in and prepare! If you get the priority to chase and kill, no one else has the priority to chase and kill, understand? Su Jiang said quietly, "If you can escape in the end, there will be a little light on my Su family's face. I can't tell you this. Now that you know, you should know how to do it."

"Senior Jiang, thank you very much." Chu Feng said sincerely. Su Jiang told him this. Then his chances of survival would not be just a little bit higher by then!

Without knowing this, he would definitely not do too much preparation, and now that he knew it, he would definitely prepare with all his strength!

Now that he knows that others will be tracking, he will definitely get more anti-tracking treasures, and lethal treasures, so naturally he will get more!

Su Jiang said quietly: "You don't have to thank me, I just don't want you to die too early or ugly, then the Su family will be a little unsightly!"

Speaking of this, Su Jiang paused and said: "At that time, people from our Su family will also come in. They will not give you any help, and they will not chase you too hard. However, if you are too incompetent, I bumped into the hands of some people in my Su family, they wouldn't be merciful!"

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly. He saw Su Ling. Su Jiang was able to do this because of his love for daughters. He was fortunate that Su Ling was favored. If she was not favored by the elders in the family, Su Jiang was sure I won't say these things to him, he will die when he is dead!

"Boss Su, almost done!" Su Xu said.

Su Jiang nodded slightly, and his eyes showed eagerness. Su Ling who has not recovered his memory, there is always a little sense of estrangement, Su Ling who has recovered his memory is completely his daughter!

"After the memory is restored, Ling'er and I are afraid that they will be people of two worlds." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, whether Su Ling's feelings for him who restored the memory will remain, this is a question. This Chu Feng is a little worried, but Su Jiang and the others can be sure that Su Ling's feelings for him will definitely be there.

Chu Feng didn't know Su Ling's past, but Su Jiang and the others knew Su Ling's past. Knowing Su Ling's personality, they would naturally be able to guess her next thoughts.

Su Xu moved his hand away from Su Ling's head, and Su Ling's confused eyes gradually recovered the lustre. As the lustre in her eyes recovered, the noble aura derived from her soul became more obvious. This kind of nobility is not something that can be cultivated, it comes from the nobleness of the soul, and among the elders who get oneself, there are super strong ones!

Su Ling’s grandfather is the master, and he is naturally the super strong. The younger generation of the super strong does not necessarily mean that everyone has a noble soul and blood. Even if there are brothers with the same parents, the strong blood density is different. There are many inheritances, and the nobility in the soul is a little stronger in the family than her father. This is one of the important reasons why she is favored in the family!

"Father, third uncle!"

Su Ling first glanced at Chu Feng, then smiled slightly at Chu Feng, and then looked at Su Jiang and Su Xu and called out. She had called her father and Sanshu before, but there was not much emotion at that time. Nowadays, I call it a lot more casually, but the emotional element is much more!

"Captain, I have restored my previous memories, but I am still me, Su Ling, and Zhao Ling!" Su Ling looked at Chu Feng again, "Captain, what I said before, I will only With you as a man, the promise I made will not change!"

"Presumptuous!" Su Jiang slapped heavily on the tea table beside him, "Ling'er, if you dare to do this, I will kill Chu Feng now!"

"Then you can kill me together!" Su Ling stared at Su Jiang stubbornly. "Ah, Boss Su, Xiao Ling, you just met each other thoroughly, is it necessary to make it so stiff?" Su Xu quickly said, "Boss Su put away your Patriarch's temper. Now you are a father!"

"Xiao Ling, you should have learned a lot from your performance on this side for so many years, don't do that."

Su Jiang snorted coldly: "Ling'er, promised not to kill Chu Feng for his father. If your father knows, he will also help him say a few words, but you must marry someone! My Su family can't afford it. You, you can live well by yourself, but if you never marry, can your grandfather agree?"

"You should remember your grandma's last words, she asked your grandfather to find you a good destination. If you don't end up in the end and your grandfather gets angry, then Chu Feng can survive? Although your grandpa loves you, he says that he is unique. If you are still so stubborn, after your grandfather kills Chu Feng at that time, he will revise your memory so that there will never be Chu Feng in your memory!"

Su Ling's heart trembled. She knew that Su Jiang was telling the truth. Modifying the memory would affect the soul. This old man would not do that easily, but it really angered him. Such a thing is very possible.

"Senior Jiang, can you give me some time?" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Su Jiang said coldly: "What do you mean?"

Chu Feng said: "Senior Jiang, what I mean is, can you give me some time, give us some time! I don't know what kind of strength I can achieve so that Su Ling can follow me?"

"Ha" Su Jiang laughed, his eyes showed disdain, "You have already had that kind of relationship with Ling'er. Master, you won't be required to reach the master, I guess it's okay for the first-grade master. Father’s request is lower. If you can reach the second-rank master and let Ling'er follow you, I will reluctantly agree even if you already have eight wives!"

There are more wives, this is a problem, but it may not be a problem! If the strength is low, Chu Feng doesn't even have a wife. If Chu Feng's strength is high, Su Jiang will not be too strict in this regard, because he himself is not just a wife!

"Second-Rank... Yes, I don’t know how much time Senior Jiang can give me? If it exceeds the time, I will not reach it." Chu Feng said, turning his head and looking at Su Ling, "Ling'er, if I exceed the time, I have not reached the second level. If the product is the master, promise me, listen to your father and them, don't do anything stupid, your father and them really love you!"

Su Ling looked at Chu Feng, Chu Feng's eyes were firm, "Captain, I believe you, you must be able to do it, and the second-rank master must be possible for you!" Su Ling said.

"Second-rank master, how easy is it?" Su Xu muttered in his heart. When he became the master, he was the fourth-rank master, but it took a long time to get the current second-rank master. As for the first-rank master, I don’t know what to do. What year and month will I be able to achieve it!

"Father, you must give the captain more time, daddy, third uncle, you should know that second-rank masters are not that easy!" Su Ling said.

"If you don't give more time... Daddy, there are a lot of beautiful things in your rare garden, I will go to play more in the future, and Sanshu, your Wanhuan, I will transplant some favorite flowers and plants in the future. , I like it very much. You will get a lot by then, Sanshu, don't mind!" There was a threatening look in Su Ling's eyes.

Su Jiang and Su Xu showed a look of helplessness on their faces. If the little ancestor Su Ling is not satisfied a little bit, then it will be strange not to turn the sky over!

"Boss Su, I think, let's give a hundred years to dominate!" Su Xu said. Su Ling's eyes stared: "Uncle San, I remember, from the time you became the master to the second-rank master, you spent five hundred master years, right? The captain now doesn't even have the cultivation base of the quasi master, are you embarrassed?"

"Ling'er, are you looking for someone worse than Su Lao San?" Su Jiang said.

Su Xu rolled his eyes and said, "Boss Su, what do you mean? It seems like I'm very rubbish. You reached the second-rank master in the past, and it took 300 master years, okay?"

"Hmph, you all count from reaching the master, one spent five hundred master years, one spent three hundred master years, and with the help of grandpa, you actually asked the captain to dominate the year one hundred. Look at you two brothers, don't worry about being old at that time." Su Ling snorted lightly. With a man and forget about his father, Su Ling is completely standing on Chu Feng's side to fight for Chu Feng.

Chu Feng coughed lightly: "I don't know how long is that one dominating year?" "Captain, a thousand dominating years is the longest time a strongest master can live! The strongest master is extremely big! Some of them will die in the reincarnation of heaven and earth, and the dominant-level powerhouses are not immortal, even if they are the first-rank master!" Su Ling said.

"The master is the real immortal. The masters have a certain lifespan limit. One hundred dominating years is almost the time for the general universe to reincarnate once!"

A cycle of heaven and earth takes a long time. Su Xu has just given a hundred dominance years, which is not too small, but it is extremely difficult to achieve second-rank dominance in one hundred dominance years!

"Ling'er, Lin Tian back then was a master of first-class success," Su Jiang said in a deep voice.

Su Ling lightly hummed: "Then dad, what are the special cases like Senior Lin Tian? Experience the virtual and real universe, and finally the power of the virtual and the real merge. If it is so easy, why don't you go through the virtual and real universe separately? "

"As far as I know, for a special case like Senior Lin Tian, ​​from ancient times to the present, there will not be five people, and there are five people in charge. How low is that probability?"

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