Holy Prison

Chapter 2159: Old man su

"Although there are not a few special cases like Lin Tian, ​​I didn't want Chu Feng to reach the first-rank master in the 100-dominant year, right? You know your third uncle. He said that the 100-dominant year is your grandfather. The longest period he can tolerate, no matter how long we promise you, it will be useless!" Su Jiang said.

Su Ling lightly hummed: "Then you won't keep telling Grandpa? If you keep telling Grandpa, Grandpa won't know, and you can have a longer time!"

"Xiao Ling, the old man, you can hide it for a while, but it can't be too long." Su Xu said, "You can hide it for a hundred thousand years at most, maybe you can't hide it for a hundred thousand years!"

"I do not care!"

"Girl, at most one hundred dominating years. If Chu Feng does not reach the second-rank dominator, then grandpa will send him to a remote place!" At this moment, a faint voice rang, even though it was faint. But it was full of endless majesty. Hearing that voice, Chu Feng's soul trembled as if it would perish in the next instant!


Su Ling hurriedly yelled obediently when he heard that voice, "Grandpa, one hundred rulers, this is really a little bit too little. Grandpa, you are so good to me, please add a little more time, OK, three hundred rulers, It’s as good as my father. My father spent three hundred dominance years with your help from grandpa. How could it be possible for the captain to dominate one hundred?"

"You girl... plus forty years of dominance, one hundred and forty years of dominance, don't say more, besides, grandpa will be angry! Chu Feng has eight wives, one wife, and 20 dominator levels. A total of one hundred and sixty years of dominance will be reduced, plus, exactly 300 years of dominance, Chu Feng, are you willing?"

"Grandpa!" Su Ling called.

Chu Feng took a deep breath and nodded: "Senior, I am willing to dominate level one hundred and forty. I will definitely try my best to reach the second-tier dominator, Ling'er, no need to say more, your grandpa loves you already because of you. Quite a few concessions!"

"The old man who said this little guy still loves to listen. One hundred and forty years dominate. If you can reach the second-rank dominator, you can come to my Su's house and take away the girl Ling'er. If you don't reach it, you will not die. However, we will arrive in an extremely remote universe, and we can never return!"

"Ling'er, in a little while, it will be your grandma's annual memorial day, returning with your third uncle and others. Did you hear clearly?"

Su Ling nodded and hurriedly said: "Grandpa, I know that your supernatural powers are vast. Now the captain is only a holy-sovereign-level cultivation base. Please help him and let him reach the quasi-dominant-level cultivation base!"

"If you can't reach the master level, it will be difficult for him to get a good ranking. If there is no good name flash at that time, grandpa, your face will be dull!"

"Girl, he can only rely on himself, grandpa won't help him. This time, he doesn't need to help him. The mood cultivation has improved a lot, and he has fought a few times, so he should be able to reach the master level cultivation! , You two, can't help Chu Feng, do you understand?" Grandpa Su Ling's voice sounded, and a faint light fell on De Su Ling, "Girl, you have broken through yourself, grandpa will help you improve a little bit."

A little bit of light entered Su Ling's body, and in Chu Feng's surprised eyes, Su Ling's strength was rapidly increasing, and the aura from her body quickly became stronger!

Only after ten seconds passed, the light dissipated, "Lao San, I must be notified of such important things in the future, do you understand?" Grandpa Su's voice sounded, but his figure never appeared.

"Master, you know, you know." Su Xu said quickly, and Su Xu's voice did not ring again. Su Xu and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Grandpa Su Ling should have left!

Very far away from Chu Feng and the others, "Old Xuanyuan ghost, are you satisfied? Give you face, Chu Feng, I will give him a chance!" An old man in white robe hummed, "General!"

"I want to kill me, it's impossible." An old man in Tsing Yi in front of the white robe made a move. "Old man Su, don't make me feel like I owe you so much, if it wasn't for your precious granddaughter. , Will you give me this face? I know my face is not so great yet!"

"Old ghost Xuanyuan, Lin Tian's current situation is not so wonderful, it doesn't seem to be too much for you to act." The white robe old man said. "Everything has its own destiny. We intervene too much. When Lin Tian comes, can he become the master? He has that hope. You, a cheap grandson-in-law, also have a little bit." The old man in Tsing Yi smiled.

The white-robed old man showed a look of surprise in his eyes: "Old Xuanyuan ghost, did you make a mistake? Jiang'er and the others, you said that they have no hope of becoming the master, and Chu Feng actually has the hope of becoming the master?"

"Xiaojiang and the others, you have given too much help, the first-rank master, this is their highest level of strength!" The old man in Qingpao smiled lightly, "If you say Chu Feng, you will assume that I have made a mistake, your destiny is uncertain. Fate is uncertain!"

"Pretend to be a ghost! I will do it again!" The white-robed old man snorted, his heart was a little bit more hopeful, if Chu Feng could reach the master.

A grandson-in-law of the master, this one is very face, even if the other party has eight other wives! As a master, what does it count to have eight wives?

"Ling'er, since the old man has spoken, it will take as long as it is. One hundred and forty dominate the year. From now on!" Su Jiang said solemnly.

"Oh!" Su Ling said boredly, "Father, if you don't help the captain, how about helping the other two members of our team? They have also taken care of me over the years. They have helped your daughter and niece, if you It doesn't mean it at all, is that justified?"

Su Xu said, "Boss Su, Xiao Ling is right. Others helped Xiao Ling. As an elder, we should have a little expression."

"Take it!" A small bottle appeared in Su Jiang's hand, and the small bottle was thrown into Su Ling's hands. "The two pills in it, let them eat, should be able to achieve the cultivation base of the quasi-dominant, but after the specific achievement is What kind of strength depends on their good fortune!"

"Father, thank you!" Su Ling smiled and said, raising the power of the Sovereign level to the quasi-dominant level. This ordinary master can not do it, but Su Jiang is not the general master of the master, he is the first-rank master. , Moreover, it is the Su Family Patriarch, and there is also a master Su Ling on it!

Su Jiang said quietly: "Ling'er, in the first stage, I won't take you back. You can get along with your teammates for the last time, but"

Su Jiang said sharply and his eyes fell on Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, I don't want you to be too intimate in this last period of time, otherwise, even if the old man spoke before, I will kill you!"

"Yes!" Chu Feng nodded. Even if Su Jiang didn't say this, he wouldn't be able to go to bed with Su Ling at such a time. The entire base has a lot of domineering powers, so he doesn't want to turn it over. Let some people see the live erotica when the sheets are on!

"Ling'er, I will come and take you away after a thousand years, and take care of Zheng Haoyang and the others by the way. Oldest Su, I don't want any more problems," Su Jiang said in a deep voice.

Su Xu smiled slightly: "Boss Su, don't worry, I am on this side, if there are any problems, then I have been a waste of all these years!"

"It won't be fine!" Su Jiang's voice fell, and his figure faded quickly and disappeared into the room in the blink of an eye. "It's okay, let's go!" Su Xu waved his hand and said, "By the way, Chu Feng, you have to be more careful. Many of the people who came here this time are Xiaoling's suitors."

"They didn't know that Xiaoling was on this side before, but now they definitely know that Xiaoling is on this side. Some people are afraid they already know about your affairs."

Su Ling said a little coquettishly: "Uncle San, you are the best to me, do you come forward to warn some people? If you go out, some guys will definitely not dare to be presumptuous!"

"Uncle San is too embarrassed to deal with matters between your younger generations, and the old man made it clear before, San Uncle is timid, Xiao Ling, don't harm San Uncle!" Su Xu said that he disappeared all at once. Su Ling said more about the opportunity.

"Huh, petty kid, I won't pull out all the flowers and plants in your Wanyuan Garden then." Zhao Ling said.

Su Xu, who was hidden next to him, was shocked when he heard Su Ling's words. He made up his mind to transfer those things immediately after returning, and he would never tell Su Ling later.

"Su Ling, let's go." Chu Feng chuckled softly. There was a saying about this matter, and the big stone in Chu Feng's heart was finally let go.

As the boulder in his heart was put down, Chu Feng felt faintly that he should not be far away from the breakthrough. It is estimated that if he fights a few more times, he can reach the level of quasi-dominance!

One thing that prevented Chu Feng from breaking through before was the news that Zi Mengluo gave him, and the other was the pressure from the Su family, mainly the latter. Now the latter's pressure is basically gone! Although there is a time limit of one hundred and forty years to dominate, it is a very distant matter.

Chu Feng hasn't lived for a dominance year, one hundred and forty dominance ranks, this is really far away for him!

The main pressure is gone, and the mental state cultivation is still a big step forward. Chu Feng may break through in a relatively short period of time. This is quite normal.

"Captain!" Zhao Ling said softly as he reached out and hugged Chu Feng's waist and then sent a fragrant kiss, "I didn't see, I didn't see" Su Xu muttered in the dark. Intimate behavior, right? It can only be regarded as an ordinary intimate behavior at best."

"Ling'er." Chu Feng's voice resounded in Zhao Ling's mind. He embraced Zhao Ling's slender and kissed Zhao Ling. The tongue was not honest at this time, but the hands were relatively honest now.

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