Holy Prison

Chapter 2171: Chu Feng's problem

"What's your name?" Chu Feng smiled lightly.

Danks glanced at Chu Feng and introduced to Zhao Ling: "Zhao Ling, in Xia Danks, my father is a powerful master. Following me is definitely more promising than following Chu Feng!"

"Danks, let's go out and say, Ling'er, go out." Chu Feng said, Zhao Ling nodded slightly, they went out, Danks and the others, then naturally followed out.

Outside of the casino, Chu Feng smiled at Bi Feng and the others: "Bige, I like Danks and the others. They are stupid and cute, especially when they take the initiative to send things over!"

"Give something, what to give?" Danks frowned.


A word came out of Chu Feng’s mouth. Zhao Ling didn’t make a move, but Chu Feng and the others all made a move. In an instant, Danks was thrown to the ground with a punch by Chu Feng and his nosebleeds, and Bi Feng and the others , Added up, that was seven or eight in the blink of an eye!

"Hit, kill him," Danks said with fire. Before he could finish his sentence, Chu Feng slammed his foot on his face, stupefied that he stepped back on his "men"!

"Captain, other people don't need you to fix it, you can fix the Danks!" Zhong Tao laughed. Although the opponent has a lot of people, it is not Zhong Tao's opponent at all!

The general quasi-dominant level powerhouse, in this heaven base, can deal with five, six, six or seven saintly-level powerhouses. Zhong Tao and the two of them are stronger than the general quasi-dominant level. The strength is much stronger, even the lowest strength Cardi, the strength is stronger than the general quasi-dominant powerhouse!

Although Danks and the others had about thirty people, seven or eight of them were knocked to the ground once they met.

"Danks, is my father a strong master?" Chu Feng stepped on Danks' back and said, although Danks struggled with all his strength, his strength was far from Chu Feng!

"Danks, don't move, otherwise I will kick your slightly flat face with one kick!" Chu Feng smiled and said, "Frankly answer the question, your surgery, you probably rely on it. Up!"

Danks said fiercely: "Chu Feng, you know you have no background, you dare to beat me, you are dead!" "Then what about I kill you first, so that's enough." Chu Feng bent down. He patted Danks' face.

"You" Danks flashed a trace of fear, Chu Feng shook his head slightly, Danks such a cultivation base that can reach the Sovereign level is really eyeless!

"Pop!" Chu Feng slapped Danks' face, "I told you to answer the question honestly, do you think I was joking with you?" Chu Feng said quietly, "You actually threatened me, then give You have one chance!"

Danks tilted his head and glanced at his own hands. They were fighting with Bi Feng and the others, but at this time, it was obviously at a disadvantage!

"Yes!" Danks gritted his teeth.

"Very good, you have such a **** strength, then, you should have a lot of treasures." Chu Feng said with a smile, "Is there any, if not, let's get ten slaps!"

"I won't give it to you!" Danks said. "Pop!" Chu Feng slapped Danks' face again, "Danks, this way, it doesn't violate the rules!"

"I calculate, if you slap a slap in one second, you can get thousands of slaps in an hour, and tens of thousands of slaps a day...If you have a face in one day, can you recognize your master father?" Chu Feng smiled authentically.

A strange color flashed in Zhao Ling's eyes. According to her understanding, Chu Feng should not be such a person. Some recent behaviors seemed to have been a little bit.

"At the Fortuna Casino, it won tens of billions. Although it is enjoyable, offending people is also very offensive... The increase in casino stakes also offends many people. Here, there is actually no need to offend like this."


Zhao Ling thought in her heart, according to her knowledge, Chu Feng belongs to the kind of person who, if others don't mess with him, he generally wouldn't take the initiative to trouble others!

"Fortune Casino is for treasures, this casino is also for treasures, Danks, here, is also for treasures, why does the captain want so many treasures?" Zhao Ling secretly asked.

The woman's heart is more careful. Zhao Ling has taken these into consideration right now, but Bi Feng and the others have not taken them into consideration at all!

"Chu Feng, let me go, otherwise I will use a powerful treasure!" Danks said solemnly. Chu Feng whispered: "Do you dare? You use it and don't want to live anymore"

"Now we are not on the duel stage. There is no problem playing a little bit. If you use a powerful treasure, be careful to break the rules!"

Danks sneered, he immediately used a treasure, but it was not an offensive treasure but a **** treasure. A golden rope appeared, trapped towards Chu Feng!

"Dnks, your strength is lower!" Chu Feng smiled lightly. He said that a sword light flashed by, and the golden cable was immediately cut into two by the sword light!

Jin Suo broke off, and Chu Feng punched Danx's head heavily. Danxton felt that the sky was full of stars, "Danx, I can only blame you for not having long eyes, and the idea hit Ling'er. On the body, you have been beaten for nothing, and I can guarantee that your father will be in trouble then!" Chu Feng said lightly.

"You have two choices. First, in the next thousand years, I will see you hit you all day at a time, or you can unconfess your space items and give them to me obediently!"

"Think beautiful!"

Danks' mouth was hard, but he slapped one by one, and his tone gradually softened, "Chu Feng, I, I will give you some treasures, you let me go, this time, I was wrong!" Dao, he said so, but his eyes flashed with spite.

"If I am satisfied, you can leave, and you found Blade Casino with about thirty people for trouble. Don't you give me an explanation, do you think you can leave safely?"

Chu Feng said that he was squeezing Yinjue quickly in his hand, "The seal of the five elements!" The five-color light seal appeared in Chu Feng's hand. The light seal was imprinted into Danx's body, and Danx's strength was immediately sealed. A lot.

"Take it!" Danks said in a deep voice. He said that several treasures appeared outside, and Chu Feng put away those treasures. "Dnks, your father is a master-level powerhouse, yours If the treasure is gone, you can still ask your father to ask for it. If you are beaten here today, and if you are beaten frequently afterwards, it's not worth it!" Chu Feng chuckled.

"I'll give you a few more, I don't have much." Danks said that a few more treasures appeared in his hands, adding up to more than 100 million points.

"get out!"

With Chu Feng's kick, Danks was kicked out by him for several tens of meters. Danks' subordinates, at this time, saw Danks kicked away, and they retreated one by one.

"If someone comes to make trouble in the future, talk to us first!" Chu Feng glanced at the surrounding people and said in a low voice, "If you go to the casino to make trouble before talking to us, it would not be so easy for Danks and the others today. !"

Danks and the others left in the blink of an eye. After they left, Chu Feng and the others also left and returned to Blade Fortress.

"Zhong Tao, have you noticed some recent abnormalities in the captain?" Zhao Ling said to Zhong Tao and the others. "Abnormal? No! Is there anything unusual?" Zhong Tao said as well.

"It seems...a little bit." Bi Feng said, "The captain didn't seem to be so reckless to take action before. Zhao Ling, is it because of you?"

"My reason? Probably not." Zhao Ling said, her family is terrifying, but she knows that Chu Feng is not the kind of person who came to chaos through her family.

"Just ask directly?" Qin Yue said.

Chu Feng glanced at Bi Feng and the others: "What's the matter with you, is there something wrong on my face?"

Zhao Ling's mind activated the enchantment, "Captain, why?" Zhao Ling asked. Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment: "Ling'er, why?"

"Danks actually looked at you that way, you should fight!" Chu Feng said.

Zhao Ling stared at Chu Feng's eyes and shook his head: "Captain, it's not just this one reason, there must be other reasons. Many people have powerful masters behind them. There is nothing wrong with others provoking them. If you take the initiative to get something, there will be some problems!"

"For example, the problem of God of Wu Cai, Tao Chen's problem has been solved, how can you still offend God of Wu Cai to death?" Zhao Ling said. "Hey, that said, there are really some problems." Zhong Tao said, "Although the temptation is indeed not small, but if Wu Caishen does not provoke him again, you should not make it."

Chu Feng curled his lips and said: "I can't come here to start first." "Hey, the problem is, captain, you are generally not that kind of person! If Wu Caishen is an ordinary person, it would be nice to say that behind him, it is very likely There are powerful masters at the dominance level, and there is no certain reason why you will offend the captain?" Zhong Tao said.

"Captain, don't say it's because of Zhao Ling's relationship. This matter is basically the captain, you take the initiative, and the first to find the problem is Zhao Ling."

Zhao Ling frowned slightly and said, "Captain, it was my father who told you something at that time? There were times when I could not receive external information. It should be that time, my father and they told you something, right? !"

"Nothing." Chu Feng shook his head.

Zhao Ling smiled slightly: "Captain, if you say no, then it's not good. If so, let me die in an accident in the near future?"

"Ling'er, do you curse yourself like this?" Chu Feng glared at Zhao Ling. Zhao Ling snorted, "Obviously, I still want to lie to us! If not, then you agree with me just now, so I believe it."

Bi Feng and the others took a similar look, Zhao Ling, this, that is too poisonous, if there is a problem with this kind of problem, Chu Feng absolutely cannot agree with what Zhao Ling just said.

"There is a little problem, but I didn't tell you the secret!" Chu Feng shrugged.

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