Holy Prison

Chapter 2172: Secret

"Captain, if you don't tell us today, I don't think you can leave this place." Zhong Tao said with a smile. "Captain, we are teammates, the two words teammates, now I take it seriously!" Bi Feng said solemnly.

Zhao Ling said, "Captain, no one can hear what we are saying now, and neither can intellectual brains. I think even if you don't tell us today, we will know by then."

"Captain, we have nothing to worry about. Even if there is any trouble, there is nothing wrong." Qin Yue said. "Anyway, captain today, if you don't speak clearly, you can't leave." Cardi smiled lightly.

Chu Feng frowned slightly, "Ling'er, when the time comes, you must protect Bi Feng and the others, and don't let them mess with me." Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Okay!" Zhao Ling nodded, even if Chu Feng didn't confess, she would protect Bi Feng and the others by then. The teammates for so many years have their feelings there!

"At that time, in the second stage, some people will hunt me down. I need to get some treasures, which should be useful then." Chu Feng said quietly.

"Chasing you?" Su Ling's expression changed.

Zhong Tao frowned and said: "Captain, I'm afraid that some people will chase you when the time comes. In the second stage, we are in a Lost World of Grade One. Captain, the second stage, shouldn't it be, everyone will chase you. Right"

Hearing Zhong Tao's guess, Su Ling's expressions became a little bit more ugly, "Captain, you tell us the truth, otherwise, I will curse myself again, curse a few more times, maybe it will be a curse. Really!" Zhao Ling said, "What did my father tell you? I want to know."

"And us!" Bi Feng said.

Chu Feng looked at Zhao Ling's face with a helpless look. Zhao Ling and the others would not have any problems if they did not find an abnormality. When they found the abnormality, using Zhao Ling's way of asking questions, he wanted to keep it secret. difficult!

"Captain, you should know, you can't hide from us." Zhao Ling said. Chu Feng was silent, and Zhao Ling and the others did not speak. After half a minute passed, Chu Feng shrugged and said: "Well, you want to know, tell you all, it's like Zhong Tao you guessed. I have one. Treasures, there are many people who want to get them and it is not easy to distribute them, so there is something for this time!"

"Whoever kills me at the time will basically get the treasure. In addition, whoever gets the first in the first stage will get the mysterious prize, and the mysterious prize is a priority. If you get the right to kill, you can choose another ninety-nine people to chase me down in that Lost World!"

Chu Feng's words fell, and Bi Feng and the others were silent. After ten or twenty seconds passed, Zhong Tao yelled: "Grass, what is it? Then, captain, you are definitely dead."

"Bah, you have no place to bury your life." Chu Feng stared, "With my strength and luck, there will be plenty of vitality by then."

Cardi said in a low voice: "Ten thousand people chased and killed, Captain, I can't see where your vitality is. Unless you are lucky and find a perfect hiding place, otherwise, how can you be safe? What is the chance of finding a perfect hiding place after 10,000 years?"

"There are so many people chasing and killing. It is difficult to find a perfect hiding place! Many people are estimated to have the ability to locate the captain. If one person is not enough, there will be many people who will unite and locate the captain. , How are you going to escape?" Qin Yue sighed softly, "More than ten million people, and most of them have the power of the Lord, and many people have the power of quasi-dominant!"

Bi Feng said: "Captain, there is a little bit of vitality. It should be the first? If you can get the first, will there be a hundred years to prepare?"

"Not bad!" Chu Feng nodded.

Zhao Ling said with an ugly expression: "No, it can't be like this, I want to tell my third uncle, absolutely can't do this! Even if you have a hundred years of preparation, it will be extremely difficult to escape by then!"

"Ling'er, it's useless. It's useless for you to find your third uncle, and it's useless for you to find your grandfather." Chu Feng shook his head slightly, "This matter must be decided jointly by several controllers. Your grandfather cannot be changed unless there are three controllers, but I don’t think there are three controllers!"

Bi Feng's eyes were all shocked, and they knew a message from Chu Feng's words that Su Ling's grandfather was actually a master.

"No wonder!" Some of the doubts in Bi Feng and their hearts disappeared at this time.

No wonder so many people challenged Chu Feng before, no wonder Zhao Ling's temperament stems from the noble soul, no wonder Chu Feng agreed to let Zhao Ling become the owner of Blade's Edge Casino!

"Three masters." Su Ling frowned. "If there are two masters, there should be no problem. For three, if the captain's things are very precious, I am afraid it will be a little difficult!"

"There must be no problem with my grandfather. If he disagrees, I will remove his beard... There should be no problem with the old man Xuanyuan. The relationship between the old man Xuanyuan and his grandfather is still good. The other three, they... Their relationship with Grandpa is not so good." Su Ling said.

"Ling'er, talking about the controller, isn't it good?" Chu Feng said.

Su Ling shook his head: "It's okay. If ordinary people talk about it, there will be big trouble, but if I just talk about it, there is nothing. The other three, I once scolded one of them. However, the captain Just listen to it, and don’t just talk about the controller in the future."


A word like this flashed in Chu Feng's mind. They didn't expect that Su Ling would even scold the controller!

"Captain, let me talk to you about this in detail. Captain, if you know some of the upper-level situation, you will be better at that time." Zhao Ling said.

Zhao Ling thought for a while and said: "There are only five masters, one of them is my grandfather, the ancestor of the Su family; Xuanyuanhong, one of the other four masters, has a good relationship with grandpa."

"The other three, one is Hongyi, one is Tutian, and the other is the only female among the five masters, Yaomeng, the more mysterious one. I only met her a few times, and I didn’t see it. She must still be what she really is." Zhao Ling said.

"The master, that has reached a state that we can't feel right now, but grandpa also told me a little bit. Hongyi controls Chaos, but grandpa said, although Hongyi is called Hongyi, he is far away from controlling the chaos. There is a certain distance!"

"Tu Tian controls death, and within a single thought, the heavens can be destroyed! Demon dream controls dreams. Grandpa said she is a terrible character. The dreams she controls, it is difficult for the master to think out of it. I heard from Grandpa. There is also a controller, that controller is the enemy of Yaomeng, and she did not appear later."

Chu Feng was shocked in their hearts, the controller did not appear, it may be dead, or it may be, there are still dreams of the demon dream, but no matter what the situation, this demon dream is terrible!

"Xuanyuanhong, he is in control of fate, and his prediction of the future is extremely accurate; grandpa is the master of order, and he is in charge of order, and the power of order is very powerful!"

Chu Feng and the others did not speak. They just listened to these things. Zhao Ling could say, but they couldn't participate in the discussion. In the future, they would not be able to vomit these things out of their mouths.

"Under the master, the masters at the dominance level are from 1st to 7th grades from powerful to trash. A family with a first-tier master without a master is called a first-tier family!"

"First-grade master, now there is my father, Huang Peng, a friend of my father's former friend, Huang Peng was a friend of my father before, and now it’s hard to say. There was a little sign before, I guess Huang Peng leaned on Tu Tian... Let’s not talk about that, Uncle Huang is still quite good, and I hope that’s not the case."

"First-rank master, there is now another, Hongying. Hongying is the son of Hongyi, the master of chaos! The strength of the Hong family is not worse than that of our Su family!"

Chu Feng considered it for a while and said, "Ling'er, what about the previous first-rank masters? First-rank masters, there can only be three failures in total?" Chu Feng estimated that he could ask.

"No, I heard from Grandpa, there can be up to ten First-Rank Masters! Before, I heard that there were three other First-Rank Masters, namely Lin Tian, ​​Tumeng, and Long Bai. Master Lin Tian is close to Old Man Xuanyuan , Tumen is relatively close to Hongyi, the master of chaos. Long Bai’s words, he is not close to any master.” Su Ling said.

"Captain, it's closeness, not attachment, first-rank dominates, they are already top powerhouses, they all have their own dignity, they will not attach to anyone!"

"The master possesses the ability to kill first-rank masters relatively easily. However, listening to Grandpa said that it is impossible to kill first-rank masters at will."

"Senior Lin Tian, ​​I heard that there were some problems in his own training. Long Bai seemed to offend people, as if offended Hong Yi. If Tu Meng did it, I don't know how he did it, and his strength was damaged and there was no first-grade strength! Lin Tian, ​​Long Bai, and Tumeng are all first-rank masters, and all three have problems. Grandpa said before that there might be some problems, but grandpa doesn't know." Su Ling said.

Speaking of this, Su Ling stopped to drink water, Chu Feng and the others were digesting what they heard. Su Ling heard it from his grandfather, and many things shouldn't be fake.

"The upper level is also complicated, and there are a lot of contradictions." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, Lin Tian and the others had an accident, Chu Feng estimated that there was a reason for the control!

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