Holy Prison

Chapter 2173: Sincerity fee

"Ling'er, have you heard of the lion king mask?" Chu Feng said. He wants to know the origin of the lion king mask. If you know the origin of the lion king mask, you don't have to worry about it.

"Lion King Mask?"

Su Ling's eyes showed the color of memories. After a while, Su Ling shook her head slightly, "I haven't heard of the lion king mask, but I have heard a little about the war lion mask. Captain, what do you call the lion king mask? Is it the war lion mask?"

"Talk about it." Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly.

Su Ling said: "The war lion mask used to be in the hands of a master-level powerhouse. When I was young, my grandfather often told me stories. He said that the war lion mask was refined by the sixth master, the sixth master. , Is to control creation! She is the enemy of Yaomeng. She has never appeared before, and may be dead!"

Chu Feng opened his mouth to ask something, Su Ling quickly said: "Captain, don't ask, I continue to say, if you don't need to ask, you'd better not ask!"

"The sixth controller, I don’t know her specific situation. I just know that she is in conflict with Yaomeng. She is an enemy. If Yaomeng is the case, she can’t be said to be a good person or a bad person. Although her relationship with grandpa is not very good. However, the relationship between her and Tu Tianhongyi and the others is not very good, I can only say that her temper is a little strange!"

"Tu Tian and Hongyi, Grandpa commented on them this way, Tu Tian is ruthless, he is ruthless to himself, and he is ruthless to his enemies. If he is not ruthless to himself, he can't be the master; Hongyi is a little bit hypocritical. In addition, he protects his shortcomings, and grandpa also protects his shortcomings, but he still makes some sense." Su Ling said.

"By the way, the captain, the sixth master, is in charge of creation. There are two things that she can get. The first is that only those who are predestined can get it; the second is that even people who are not capable of the master level can get her. The mastering device of creation can also exert a relatively powerful strength, while the general mastering device does not have that ability! The general mastering device has very high requirements for the practitioner, and the following masters cannot be used. Too powerful!"

Chu Feng thought in his heart that the lion king mask is the war lion mask in all likelihood. The one-eyed lion king said that after fusing the right lion king pupil, the lion king mask can exert the power of dominance. This is unusual!

"As for the sixth controller, I use the Lion King mask. The problem shouldn't be too big!" Chu Feng secretly said, no matter whether the controller is arrested or killed, if he uses the Lion King mask, then The six controllers shouldn't be able to affect him, but Yao Meng needs to worry a little bit.

It's just a little bit, a controller like Demon Meng, with a self-respecting identity, shouldn't casually attack a person who doesn't even have the strength of a master class!

"Ling'er, okay." Chu Feng said, he made up his mind that when the time comes in the Lost World of Grade One, if the situation is very critical, he will use the Lion King mask!

"Captain, I still want to talk to Sanshu, you are too dangerous like that!" Su Ling insisted. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "It's useless, I own the Holy Prison. You should know that I control the stone. The Holy Prison is made from the control stone. You think, you and your uncle said, what might be changed? Huh?"

"Control the stone!" Su Ling's eyes were shocked. Of course she knew what the control stone was. It was a must for a first-rank master-level powerhouse to become a master!

After the shock came out, Su Ling fell silent. If it was something else, she believed that she could still change a bit, but Chu Feng actually possessed something to control stone refining.

"Captain, the holy prison, can you give up?" Su Ling said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "I can't give up, even if I can, I won't give up!"

"Ling'er, believe me, I will live well." Chu Feng smiled lightly. Before knowing the situation of the Lion King mask, Chu Feng was not very confident, but now he is confident.

With the mask of the lion king, he will be able to burst out with dominance level strength by then, but there is a small problem, he has something like the mask of the lion king, no one else must have it.

"There should be people who have something like a lion king mask, so the number one must be contested! Once you have reached the number one, you will have a lot of time to arrange it!"

"Captain, I will definitely be in the top three!" Su Ling solemnly said, her eyes showed firmness. As long as there is not much difference in strength, if Su Ling is sure to win the top three, her opponent will lose her chances! There are only five masters in total. Among the descendants of the five masters, Su Ling is extremely favored by her grandfather and her father. Under such circumstances, her confidence is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and she is fighting hard. Come, others will make a lot of scruples!

Chu Feng held Su Ling's small hand and smiled slightly, "Captain, we will also enter the lost world by then, you will not be alone!" Zhong Tao said.

"This, I'll talk about it when the time comes." Chu Feng said. He didn't intend to let Zhong Tao and the others enter the lost world. At that time, he would let Su Ling inform his third uncle so that Zhong Tao and the others could not enter!

Su Ling said: "Didn’t I say that there are three methods before? The third method has not been said yet, Zhong Tao, you have a message, no matter who you are, if you want to be with me, you must start from now on, challenge the captain to obtain Victory, the previous ones are not counted. If the team leader is willing, two or more people can challenge together for those with a lower strength!"

"Challenge the captain to succeed at least three times before you have the possibility of pursuing it. If you do not succeed in the challenge three times, don't expect to be with me! Of course, even if you succeed in the challenge three times, you only have the preliminary qualification! After that, it will be necessary to spread some more!"

Chu Feng and the others were all taken aback for a moment, "Hey, good way. Zhao Ling, if you pass this one, I guess the captain can set aside a house for the war books!" Zhong Tao looked at Chu Feng with a weird smile. Said, "Get out of this one, Captain, then you can bet against others. In order to fight against you, there will definitely be many people who will come up with a lot of treasures!"

"Ling'er, you have a lot of spooky ideas," Chu Feng said with a light smile. This method is definitely very good. "Captain, you won't be angry if I let such words come out?" Zhao Ling said.

"Where... Didn't you make it very clear? It's just an opportunity! Many people had the opportunity, but now, many people will lose the opportunity, and fewer people will make your idea. This is a good thing. And for sure. A lot of treasures can be obtained. Although it is a little bit evil, this method is still good." Chu Feng said.

Zhao Ling breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, Captain, now that you earn a lot of treasures, it shouldn't be necessary for us to help you figure out a solution."

"This captain is good at it." Cardi smiled. They didn't have many points in their account at the beginning. Chu Feng killed a lot of fat sheep. Now the numbers on their account are bigger. The treasure in the space ring It's too much!

Zhong Tao quickly spread the news, and within a short time, the news spread to the entire paradise base. Upon receiving this news, many people frowned.

"Unexpectedly, it takes three challenges to challenge Chu Feng to be eligible. Su Ling, a woman, is worthy of herself... However, with such a look and such a family background, she really has such confidence!"

"Chu Feng's strength, this time, I am afraid that it will be more improved! However, it is okay to say two or three. Then, there should be no problem in obtaining qualifications."

"Accumulating wealth, Chu Feng must be for the purpose of accumulating wealth. This method is truly amazing. With such a method, Chu Feng will definitely get a lot of treasures at that time."

"Interesting, three times, I want to see what kind of strength Chu Feng has!"

The whole heaven base, because of the news from Chu Feng and the others, a lot of people had gathered on Chu Feng and the others in a short time.

Chu Feng and the others did not open the gate immediately. As a result, five minutes later, thousands of people gathered outside the gate of Chu Feng and their Blade Fortress, and this number was still rising at a very fast rate.

Appearance, family background, and Zhao Ling's are all first-class. The people who gathered outside were partly people with status or their subordinates, and partly because of Su Ling's appearance. So many people gathered. Some people are holding war books in their hands.

"Zhong Tao, go out and talk about it. I have played three games in this century. There is no need to go out for free. If someone wants to fight with me, please show me a little sincerity!"

"Whoever has enough sincerity, I will fight against whoever is lack of sincerity, take the battle book and go back to rest!" Chu Feng sipped his tea and smiled authentically.

Zhong Tao curled his lips: "Captain, why am I running errands again?" "Why? Because you are the fattest, is this one reason enough?" Chu Feng smiled.

"That's enough!" Zhong Tao rolled his eyes and immediately went out to inform. With his cultivation base, he can't get thinner, but he likes his current tonnage!

Soon, Zhong Tao reached the gate of Blade's Edge and opened the door.

"Ah, you guys, I appreciate it, but the captain said that if everyone is sincere, he will take action. If there is no sincerity, the captain will ask you to go back and rest! Sincerity, everyone should understand that everyone has three minutes to think about it, three minutes After the captain comes out, if everyone is not sincere, the captain will rest today." Zhong Tao said loudly.

Hearing Zhong Tao's voice, many people became angry, challenged, and even charged a sincerity fee. This is simply outrageous. However, if the sincerity fee is not paid, it would be strange for Chu Summit to make a move!

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