Holy Prison

Chapter 2175: undercurrent

"Captain, there are many people with great treasures!"

Inside the Blade's Edge, Zhong Tao lay lazily and said, "There were so many people who came here before and paid sincerity, and there are as many as two to three hundred!"

"Captain, the strength you showed before is very strong. If they don't have powerful treasures, they probably wouldn't dare to open up a duel with you!"

Not far away, Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "There are not so many amazing treasures! Although a thousand or two thousand people gathered before, most of them just came to watch the excitement!"

"Those who speak out of sincerity, some are really strong, some have powerful treasures, some just follow the booze, and some bid, they don’t want to fight with me at all. There are many people who should be close to the Su family. Yes, Ling'er, am I right?" Chu Feng said and looked at Su Ling with a smile.

Su Ling's face reddened slightly: "There are some people, didn't they make their bids very popular before? So I sent a message to a few people and asked them to raise the price!"

"Captain, is there any more?" Zhong Tao said.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "There are also 2B guys, some guys, that's the boss, his second child, I have a problem, and coupled with a good family background, something worth 20 or 30 million points is nothing to them! In the end, there are some people who should have been brought over by a few real top powerhouses!"

"Thank you?" Cardi said strangely, "Captain, people are so kind to give you momentum to make money?"

"Why not? You will know if you think about it." Chu Feng said.

Cardi and the others thought about it. After a few seconds, Bi Feng said: "Captain, they should be extremely confident in themselves, your things will be theirs then, right?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "There are two strong players, but there are still not so many. There are not so many fools. Nowadays, it is not easy to make a little money!"

Qin Yue said: "Some people guess that they know the priority to pursue killings. If I have the confidence to win the first place, then I will also create momentum for the captain!"

"At that time, Captain, you will enter the Lost World. Ten minutes later, I will have 99 selected people to enter. I have captured you, Captain. All your treasures will belong to me!"

Zhong Tao frowned and said: "In this case, there is a problem. Some people may have extremely powerful treasures. They are probably confident to subdue the captain instantly if they find the captain!"

"Captain, do you think too much? Why didn't we find these?"

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "Your mood cultivation base is lower. It is normal for some things to be unclear. Of the 20 or 30 picked out this time, more than half of them are nurseries arranged by some strong people. One is a second person, seven of them are average in strength, but they are estimated to have powerful treasures, and four of them followed suit!"

Zhong Tao and the others looked at Chu Feng as if looking at a monster, "Captain, how can you distinguish so clearly?" Cardi said in a strange way.

"You have reached my level of mental state cultivation, and you can distinguish it so clearly. They are far from my level of mental state cultivation. It is very difficult to hide it from me!" Chu Feng laughed, "You don't need to look carefully at all. With a glance, it will be clearer about what the situation is like, and after a few more glances, it will be almost clear!"

"Captain, when you reached Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart Consummation before, you haven't been so clear, right?" Su Ling said in surprise. "It was not so clear before." Chu Feng said.

"Captain, I have to congratulate you." Su Lingjiao smiled and said, "When this happens, it is the highest peak of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart Consummation, and it is possible to enter the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart Consummation at any time!"

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "Don't force this, as long as I can escape the tens of thousands of years of chasing by then, it is certain that my mood cultivation will reach the Great Perfection of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart!"

"Achievement dominates, within ten thousand years, this will definitely not work, don't worry!"

Zhong Tao helplessly said: "Captain, you are not in a hurry, we are in a hurry, the cultivation base has reached the quasi-dominant level, but the mental state cultivation base is far from the heaven and earth Sacred Heart Great Perfection, there is still too much gap!"

"Take it slowly, don't worry." Chu Feng laughed.

"You two were unexpectedly picked out by Chu Feng... Who were those who picked out Chu Feng?" In a castle on the heaven base, a blue-clothed youth looked at the two subordinates in front of him and said quietly.

"Master, these are these people" one of the two subordinates said and waved his hand. In an instant, many people shrank a lot of images and appeared. "This Chu Feng is not easy." Looking at those images, about a minute later, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the blue-clothed youth, "It seems that it is possible to enter the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart at any time to achieve great perfection! "

"Master, how is this possible? Master, you have just arrived at the perfection of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart!" Another subordinate said in shock. "There is nothing impossible. Remember, there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the sky. If you are arrogant, you won't die from the distance!" The blue-clothed youth said quietly, "Okay, go down, let the two people continue to help tomorrow. Chu Feng is a little busy."

The two subordinates stepped back, and the blue-clothed youth picked up the wine glass with a faint smile on his face, "Interesting, I picked out those people to stimulate us? I do as you wish!" The blue-clothed youth gently shook the glass. Said, "I know, your strength is definitely not bad, you may even be in the top ten."

"However, there is a big difference between a background and no background. As long as you don't have the strength to dominate, how can you escape from my palm?"

Paradise base, Fortuna Casino.

"Interesting, and getting more and more interesting. It seems that there is more than one who thinks like me. If this is the case, let's see who has the highest means at that time!" Wu Caishen sipped the tea with a light smile, "Chu Feng , I hope you earn more, the better, you earn less, my baby is used, I am still a bit reluctant, if you earn more, it will be worth it!"

In the entire paradise base, several people did like Wu Caishen. There is no doubt that all of them have been the pride of the sky these days, and they are extremely confident of themselves!

When the time came the next day, when Chu Feng got to the side of the duel stage, more people gathered on this side. There were 10,000 people gathered on this side yesterday, and the people gathered here today, That's more than one hundred thousand!

On the duel stage, Chu Feng glanced, and among the crowd, he spotted Wu Caishen and some others, "Brother Chu, come on!" Wu Caishen's voice sounded in Chu Feng's ears.

"Brother Wu, thank you very much!"

"Oh, no thanks, we are friends, we should help, we should." Wu Caishen smiled on his face. He was very popular after Chu Feng had won him 10 billion before. At this time, he was not so popular anymore.

Because, in Wu Caishen's view, the treasures that went to De Chu Feng were just for Chu Feng to keep them for a while, and he could still retrieve them at that time!

"Brother Wu, if you help, then help! What do you do if you inspire some people to take action, promise some people, as long as you defeat me, even if you unite to defeat me, then you will benefit from it! In your capacity, If you say this, it is estimated that many people will desperately hehe!" Chu Feng said.

"Brother Chu, what you said is reasonable, but it's just what I instigated. It's not very good! Brother Chu, how can you talk to other friends? If they all agree, I have no opinion. Let's get in touch. Come to them, then go to the teahouse next to sit and sit together" Wu Caishen said.

"Brother Wu, I'm not as good as you, I don't know what else, Brother Wu, your face is great, so please help Brother Wu on this matter."

"Brother Chu, it's up to me to come forward. It's not appropriate. I want to live by then."

"Brother Wu, it seems that I won't have to live anymore when the time comes. Since Brother Wu said that, then I will contact you. There are more treasures. My chances of surviving will always be a little higher." Chu Feng said. Talking to the others, they were not surprised when they received Chu Feng's transmission.

There was no objection, and the proposal for a few people to get together was passed.

Transmission said a lot, but in fact, the time is only two or three seconds in the past. "Old rules, there is red light on the body, I will accept the sincerity gold, and come up according to the amount of sincerity gold." Chu Feng said quietly. , He said that the sincerity gold of more than twenty people had been collected by him. Among these people, most of them were the same from God of Wealth and the others!

"Brother Chu, you are really welcome!" Wu Caishen's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Haha, Brother Wu, do we still need to be polite for such a relationship?" Chu Feng's hearty laughter sounded in Wu Caishen's mind.

"Yes, you are welcome, Brother Chu, I won't be polite in the future!" A cold light flashed deep in Wu Caishen's eyes. "At that time, I will take a good look at Brother Wu's methods!"

Yesterday there were 20 or 30 people, and today there are 20 people. Except for the trust, there are actually only five or six real challengers. These five or six are all very powerful!

There are two strong players, but there were a few two strong players yesterday, but today it is a second strong player who did not come out. This makes Chu Feng really disappointed.

Although the number of people was smaller, because the quality of today's challengers was higher, it took Chu Feng more time to get those twenty people.

Heaven base, that is divided into day and night, when the last one is done, the sky is already a little darker, "Ling'er, you go back first, I have something to do." Coming off the duel stage, Chu Feng swept away. Bi Feng's eyes fell on Zhao Ling and smiled authentically.

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