Holy Prison

Chapter 2176: plan

"Captain, what's the matter? Do you want us to help?" Zhao Ling said. Chu Feng shook his head: "No, it's just a little bit, just chat with a few friends."

Zhao Ling hesitated and nodded: "Well, let's go back now!"

"Captain, if there is something, we will be notified by the call." Bi Feng said. After he turned and left, Zhao Ling and the others immediately followed and left. In this paradise base, if you don't go to the stage of life and death, basically no big things will happen!

Chu Feng didn't directly enter the agreed teahouse. After walking around the heaven base for a while, it was Chu Feng who changed his appearance and entered the teahouse.

"Brother Chu, third floor." Wu Caishen's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng reached the third floor. There were several rooms on the third floor, but at the moment, there were no other people waiting on the third floor. The entire third floor was covered by Wu Caishen.

"Brother Chu, you are too late." Chu Feng opened the door of a room. Wu Caishen and six others were inside. When he saw Chu Feng, Wu Caishen laughed.

"The appointment is at this time, it seems that you are coming early." Chu Feng said, he said and looked at the other five people besides Wu Caishen. The other five people did not show a strong aura at this time, but from them Chu Feng could feel a wave of strong self-confidence in him, and that kind of self-confidence would definitely not be pretended!

"A good few!" Chu Feng nodded slightly and sat down unceremoniously, "Brother Wu, I don't know these few people very well, won't you introduce them?"

Chu Feng's words are not false. For these people, Chu Feng is really not very familiar with them. There is only one of them on the strength ranking list!

Wu Caishen is on the strength ranking list, and only one of the other five is on the strength list, and the total of the six is ​​only two. This is definitely not that they do not have that strength!

"Brother Chu, this is Lan Zhuo, a member of the Lan family. The Lan family is the second-ranking family who dominates the family. Brother Lan Zhuo is extremely powerful. You may not have beaten Brother Blue before Brother Chu." Wu Caishen pointed. A young man smiled. The young man was dressed in blue. He was outstanding and matched his name.

Wu Caishen gave a more detailed introduction, Lan Zhuo frowned slightly and didn't say much. Chu Feng could also know this information when he went back to ask Zhao Ling.

"This bald head, that is Yuanxin monk, a strong lover of the second-rank master, with a relatively high level of mental cultivation, and the hope of becoming the master by then is not small."

Chu Feng nodded slightly to the monk Yuanxin that Wu Caishen was referring to. He felt that the cultivation level of the monk Yuanxin was not much lower than that of him!

"This one is Hongyang, a member of the Hong family. Brother Chu must know what kind of family the Hong family is now." Wu Caishen pointed to a man who looked like his 30s.

The man's name was Hongyang, but Chu Feng felt that his aura had a little bit of Yin that did not match his name!

"This one, Huang Yuan, maybe you've heard Brother Chu's name by Brother Huang. The Huang family is a First-Rank family, and Brother Huang's father is the master of First-Rank!" Wu Cai Shen said.

"The last one, Xue Han. Brother Xue Han is the godson of a master!" Wu Caishen said.

Lan Zhuo smiled softly: "Brother Wu, you have to introduce yourself too." "Well, my words, I don't think there is any need to introduce, Brother Chu should be clear." Wu Caishen smiled.

"It really doesn't need to be." Chu Feng shook his head slightly, his heart was astonished. All these in front of him were the second generation with terrifying backgrounds. Compared with them, Chu Feng was a dick!

Lan Zhuo, the Lan family is the second-tier family dominating the family; Yuanxin monk, the second-tier family dominating the beloved; Hongyang, the master of the family of the Hong family; Huang Yuan, the Huang family is the first-tier family; blood cold, the master of the godson; Wu Caishen , Father is the master’s apprentice, six people, each background is very scary!

However, compared with Su Ling, Wu Caishen's background is still a bit worse. Third Uncle Su Ling is the second-rank master, his father is the first-rank master, and grandpa is the master of the superior!

"When I was an ordinary person, I was a dick. I didn't expect that after so many years, it made me feel like this again" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Brother Chu, would you like to introduce yourself?" Lan Zhuo smiled.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "I don't think I need to introduce it either. I believe that you are all clear about my information." "Brother Chu, from a mortal to the point where you are now, you are not bad. "Huang Yuan said softly, "But Quasi-Dominant Rank, this is your end point, it's a pity."

"It's a pity, that's not necessarily!" Chu Feng smiled. "In my whole life, I have lived with my heart. Even if I die, I have no shame in my heart. What is a pity?"

"Brother Huang, I have a word for you. You may be able to force other things, but you can't force the love thing!"

Huang Yuan's face sank, then his expression returned and a smile appeared on his face. He said quietly: "Brother Chu, you know each other, every hundred million years, I will burn you a little paper money! If Brother Chu likes treasures, I Brother Chu will also burn you some paper treasures. Brother Chu, what do you think?"

"It's not necessary, I have children and daughters under my knees." Chu Feng smiled.

"That's not necessarily, yes, it can also become nothing." Huang Yuan flashed a cold light in his eyes. "Brother Huang, didn't we come here to discuss how you would burn paper money for me?" Chu Feng said quietly. He frowned secretly. Perhaps Huang Yuan was a good person before, as Su Xu said, but now, he really Has changed.

"You guys, everyone is not stupid. Since you are here, let's be honest." Chu Feng swept Lan Zhuo and the others said in a low voice, "Collecting treasures is good for me, and several of you believe that collecting treasures is good for you. I am in my own favor. In this case, a few, please help me as much as I can and let me collect more treasures!"

After saying a word, Chu Feng didn't talk nonsense and picked up the tea leisurely. He believed that these people would give him a satisfactory answer. If not, they would not come over!

Wu Caishen and the others did not speak either, and several of them were drinking tea quietly, as if the tea was supremely delicious!


After a cup of tea, Lan Zhuo said quietly. "I have no opinion." Hongyang smiled slightly and his eyes were full of confidence.

"Goodness!" Monk Yuanxin nodded.

"It seems I can get a lot of things." Xue Han said quietly. "I have no opinion!" Huang Yuan said, Wu Caishen chuckled and shook his head: "Neither do I!"


A dignified color flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, and God of Finance Wu and the others happily accepted it. All six of them must have extremely powerful treasures!

"Let's discuss the specific work!" Chu Feng said.

Time is long, and ten years have passed in a blink of an eye. During these ten years, on the duel stage, Chu Feng's strength has become stronger and stronger!

At the beginning, there were still people who were willing to fight alone with Chu Feng. Gradually, some people with lower strength, even if it was a two-man team, were not willing to fight Chu Feng!

In the past ten years, Chu Feng and Wu Caishen have competed, and they must have hidden some strength. Every time, Wu Caishen and the others lost after a day or two of the battle.

The six of them were defeated by Chu Feng in full view. After the defeat, their expressions were not very attractive in the eyes of everyone, but they were basically pretends!

Over the past two decades, some low-strength groups have joined forces with Chu Feng, and Chu Feng has also agreed; fifty years have passed, some low-strength groups have joined forces with ten people, and Chu Feng does not object.

One hundred years later, the entire paradise base, the people who fought with Chu Feng, that is less than one percent! Although the attractiveness of beautiful women is great, although the family status of the Su family is certainly not simple to become Su Ling's husband, you can fight for many years, but most people will not waste their treasures for that qualification!

Those who have not fought with Chu Feng, most of their treasures are still in their space items obediently, and among the space items that have fought with Chu Feng, there are still a lot of treasures that have not come out.

In a hundred years, the "sincerity gold" that Chu Feng received would be more than 100 billion when converted into points, but Chu Feng would not be satisfied with hundreds of billions of things, and Wu Caishen and others would not be satisfied either!

On this day, on the duel stage, Wu Caishen failed for the tenth time. He fought with Chu Feng once every ten years, and failed every time. This time, exactly ten times!

Leaving from the duel stage, Wu Caishen roared up to the sky, "Listen to everyone, whether it is an individual or a group, as long as Chu Feng is defeated, I, Wu Caishen, will give him a treasure worth five billion points. Break your word! I, God of Wealth, my father is the third-rank master. As long as someone defeats Chu Feng, a treasure worth 5 billion points will definitely be offered!"

The words of Wu Caishen made countless people's eyes suddenly light up. Chu Feng has not been defeated in a hundred years, but many people believe that people will lose hands, horses will lose their feet, and then Chu Feng will always fail!

Cobble together, get some sincerity money, and fight against Chu Feng. If you win, it is a treasure worth 5 billion points! Wu Caishen called out in front of so many people, and he would definitely not break his promise!

Huang Yuan’s applause sounded, "Chu Feng has won countless times in a row, and I don’t believe he can keep winning like this! If someone wins Chu Feng twice, I count Huang Yuan owe him a favor! Win two rounds in the same team or in different teams to meet the requirements!"

"Brother Huang, your favor, that is," Wu Caishen said in shock, "In contrast, my treasure worth 5 billion points is nothing!"

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