Holy Prison

Chapter 2177: Horror Points

"Huang Yuan, what is his background, a favor, worth more than 5 billion points, how is it possible? He is just a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, not a master!"

"It's worth it, definitely worth it! There are not many who have a family background that surpasses him. The son of the Huang Family Patriarch of the First-Rank Domination family, how can a favor be not worth 5 billion points?"

"The Huang Family First-Rank dominates the family? I don't know how many First-Rank dominate the family?" Such doubtful words came out of many people in the heaven base.

"There are only three now!"

Ever since Huang Yuan and the others spoke, the heaven base has boiled!

Many people were not interested in challenging Chu Feng before. Although Zhao Ling's attraction was strong, most of them were self-aware. Now, in the entire paradise base, most of them are interested!

A treasure worth 5 billion points, a favor of Huang Yuan from the Yipin family, this temptation, for ordinary people, is much more attractive than Zhao Ling's temptation for people with a deeper background and stronger strength. Said that Zhao Ling's temptation is still much greater. In the eyes of those people, how can that little thing compare with Huang Yuan's favor with the Su family's princess.

Wu Caishen lit a fire. Huang Yuan’s statement was that a lot of firewood was added. Just when many people thought it was just like this, Lan Zhuo and the other four expressed one after another. Their statement was that Let the fire burn completely!

After leaving the duel stage, Chu Feng and the others went back to Blade's Edge Castle, but they could hear the voices outside, and Zhong Tao and their faces were all surprised.

"Captain, Wu Caishen, they are crazy? They seem to be helping you like this." Zhong Tao said in a puzzled manner. "They didn't help me, they helped them themselves." Chu Feng sat down comfortably, Zhao Ling rubbed his shoulders behind him, this scene Zhong Tao was envious of them before, but now they are used to it!

"Let me earn more, so that I will get some more treasures by then!" Chu Feng smiled lightly. "They have confidence, they are really enough." Cardi frowned.

Zhao Ling said: "They must all have great treasures. If there are no great treasures, it is impossible to have such self-confidence. Without using other treasures, the team leader's strength should not be inferior to any of them!" At this point, Zhao A trace of worry flashed in Ling's eyes. The more confident Wu Caishen and the others, the more worried she would be.

"Ling'er, it's okay, Wu Caishen and the others will get a lot of treasures by then. At least the pressure will be less and the hope of survival will be greater!" Chu Feng said.

"That's true, but I won't be grateful to them. These guys are not at ease!" Zhao Ling snorted. "At the time of the duel stage, you have to see if they have the ability to get the first prize. One!"

Within the enchantment in the cloud above the heaven base, the powerful masters at the dominating level are also talking about their confidence in Wu Caishen and their elders. They basically hold the color of appreciation.

People who have reached the level of Wu Caishen and the others, one thing is indispensable, and that is self-confidence! If there is no strong self-confidence, the possibility of breaking through to become a dominant power is much lower!

Wu Caishen and the others' actions would increase Chu Feng's strength a lot, but they never thought that Chu Feng might escape!

If the time is short, it's better to say, ten thousand years, with so many powerful people chased and killed, and survived ten thousand years, how difficult it is!

Even if Chu Feng gets a lot of treasures, they are confident of catching Chu Feng. Under such circumstances, it is normal for them to "help" Chu Feng get a lot of treasures!

There is a holy prison in Chu Feng. The holy prison is a very precious thing, but they don't want to only get the holy prison, because even if they get the holy prison, they will have to hand it in at that time!

The benefits gained from turning in the holy prison may not necessarily capture Chu Feng, there are many other benefits from Chu Feng!

The entire paradise base had a lively discussion all night, and when Chu Feng reached the duel stage the next day, there were already six or seven million people gathered on this side!

The heaven base now has a total of 10 and a few hundred thousand, and six or seven million people have gathered here. What kind of concept is that?

When Chu Feng was duel with others before, there were quite a few people who gathered, but generally it was tens of thousands, and in most cases it was only three to four hundred thousand!

Millions of people, hundreds of thousands of them, stay in a specific area divided by Chu Feng. In that specific area, there are single-person areas, double-person areas, and three-person areas up to ten or twenty people!

There are grids on the ground in those areas. Those who are ready to fight Chu Feng will stand in the grids. If ten of them want to fight with Chu Feng together, they will stand in the same grid. Among.

"Really, crazy!"

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, hundreds of thousands of people. At this time, there were tens of thousands of teams ready to challenge him. Among the millions of people outside, it is estimated that many people still want to compete with Chu Feng. It hasn't started now, because there are too few grids, and there are too many people who want to compete with Chu Feng now!

"Everyone, old rules, everyone has three minutes. I will decide who gets the qualification based on the amount of sincerity and the number of people!" Chu Feng said quietly.

Chu Feng's words fell, a group of people quickly took out sincerity gold, and some groups took out sincerity gold to replace points with only a few hundred thousand points. In some groups, sincerity gold was replaced with points, that’s good. Tens of millions, but many of the tens of millions are landmines. If Chu Feng is selected, there is a high chance of losing!

Soon, Chu Feng selected twenty groups. He suppressed a lot of strength at this time. In Chu Feng's estimation, the twenty groups should be able to win with such strength!

A few hours later, Chu Feng won all 20 groups. In two of them, he was "nearly wins". With his ability, he made a "nearly win", and few people could tell the truth!

Twenty groups, the average group is only 10 million, and 20 groups, in a few hours, will earn 200 million!

One hundred billion, two hundred billion, three hundred billion.

Time passed quickly, and the strength that Chu Feng displayed was steadily increasing with the passage of time. The treasures among his space items increased rapidly!

In the past two hundred years of one thousand years, the treasures in the Chufeng space ring were worth 300 billion points; when three hundred years passed, they were worth 450 billion points!

Five hundred years have passed, the treasures that Chu Feng has obtained have reached a terrifying 700 billion points; in the past 800 years, those treasures have been worth more than 10,000 points!

A long time ago, many people have deeply felt that Chu Feng is a pit, a super big pit, but the temptation is too great, groups of people continue to jump down!

Jumping down continuously, for 800 years, no group of people got up, Chu Feng clearly felt that there are now a lot fewer people jumping into the pit!

"In the last two hundred years, how can you not hand over all your treasures?" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, and he immediately sent a message.

No matter which team it is, if you defeat him, you will get a treasure worth 100 billion points!

One hundred billion!

This is twenty times the five billion that Wu Caishen used before. Chu Feng’s message spread, and immediately, the entire heaven base was another sensation!

Even Wu Caishen and the others, at this time, they have some intentions. They have confidence in themselves. If they defeat Chu Feng at that time, they will not only rise to the first place, but also get a treasure worth hundreds of billions of points. .

Why not do it.

It's just that they knew that Chu Feng offered something like this, and if they didn't come up with enough weight, Chu Feng would definitely not compete with them!

Two hundred years, one hundred years passed in a blink of an eye. In this hundred years, the treasures Chu Feng got were a lot more than the previous one hundred years. The original points of 10,000 or so rose to 10,000. Two hundred billion!

The promise was only 100 billion, but in a hundred years, 200 billion was obtained. Even if the promised 100 billion was exported, it would be a profit for Chu Feng!

"Everyone, I announce a news that if you win my team, you will be able to get something worth 200 billion points, doubling the previous basis!"

On the duel stage, Chu Feng smiled and announced the news, his voice fell, and immediately there were countless comments around the duel stage!

"Brother Chu, you are making our idea!" Wu Caishen's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind on the duel stage. "Brother Wu, I want to thank you for your help, so I will give you something." Chu Feng looked at Wu Caishen's location and smiled.

Before the 100 billion Wu Caishen, they were a little tempted. At this time, 200 billion, it is naturally more tempting, something worth 200 billion points. If they get it then, as their identity, they should be able to get one. A more powerful dominating device, or something strange between heaven and earth!

Domination tools, things like that, can't be refined by ordinary Domination-level powerhouses, even for a powerful Domination-level powerhouse, it takes a lot of time to refine a Domination tool.

Therefore, the device of dominance is extremely precious. For those like Huang Yuan and the others, if certain conditions are met, it is certain that the family will provide a general device of dominance, but that is not necessarily a powerful device of dominance. In essence, it takes them to make a lot of contributions to the family! If there are some strange things, they also need something to exchange!

"Everyone, listen clearly, 200 billion, this is the final reward, and it won't be higher in the future! It's less than a hundred years. If you want to make a fortune, hurry up!" Chu Feng chuckled.

"Moreover, it's not just wealth, there are other precious things!"

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