Holy Prison

Chapter 2178: The last search (1)

The reward increased by 100 billion, and Chu Feng clearly stated that it would not be higher. In just 50 years, a large number of people jumped into the pit of Chu Feng. As a result, after 50 years, the treasure that Chu Feng has obtained is valuable. Has reached 100 billion!

The value of the treasures that Chu Feng had obtained before 12,000 billion, plus 100 billion, reached 1,300 billion, this amount far exceeded Chu Feng's previous estimate!

Previously, Chu Feng estimated that the casino could earn two to three hundred billion yuan, plus one to two hundred billion on the duel table, and the income would be about 400 billion yuan in the millennium.

Today, what Chu Feng has obtained is worth more than 400 billion, and there are still the last fifty years. In these fifty years, Chu Feng estimated that it should be no problem to get 100 billion points.

Of course, that is in an undefeated situation. If someone challenges him and he fails, he will have to lose out a treasure worth 200 billion points!

In the last fifty years, many powerhouses, who did not make a move before, did not make a full move, at this time, they will also make a move, and if they do not make a move, it may be a little late!

"Hey, Brother Wu, are you standing in the wrong place?" Chu Feng chuckled softly when he reached the duel stage. He glanced at it, and Wu Caishen actually had a challenge area.

With Wu Caishen's identity and strength, he is of course in the single-player zone. At this time, he smiled and looked at Chu Feng on the duel stage.

"Brother Chu, twenty million, that's twenty million. I am tempted." Wu Caishen smiled. "It's tempted, this is good, but sincerity gold, Brother Wu must be clear! With the status of Brother Wu, a little sincerity gold, that is self-degrading, even if Wu brother is a low self, I will not be wronged. Yours!" Chu Feng smiled authentically.

"One billion!" Wu Caishen said quietly, "This price must be not low!"

"Not low, but one billion, I think if I lose, it would be better to give 10 billion. What do you think of Brother Wu?" Chu Feng chuckled.

Wu Caishen frowned: "Two billion, Brother Chu, that's a lot!" "Twenty billion, you can't be less at all." Chu Feng said quietly, "If you win, Brother Wu, it will be 200 billion points. Could it be that Brother Wu doesn’t have the confidence to win? If this is the case, I would advise Brother Wu not to make a move!"

"Brother Chu, you are too much." Wu Caishen said solemnly, "I lost you 10 billion before, and now even if you kill me, you can't get 20 billion!"

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Brother Wu, why bother to get angry? Even if you don't have one, with your identity, borrowing tens of billions, isn't it easy?"

"If you win, you can easily pay off the loan if you get 200 billion! Brother Wu, you should go back first and think about it before you come back!"

The cold light flashed in Wu Caishen's eyes, it was they who made Chu Feng's pockets bulge, but now that he wants to earn more Chu Feng, he still needs to spend 20 billion sincerity!

This is so sad!

Wu Caishen has the heart not to fight with Chu Feng at this time, but he wants a treasure worth 20 million points! Although he is confident that he will win first place and then catch Chu Feng, he is confident, that does not mean that he has 100% confidence. There are still some chances of problems. If you get a treasure worth 20 million points at this time, insurance some!

Moreover, with many treasures, if you encounter some troubles in the Lost World of the First Grade, it will be much easier to solve! This is good for finally killing Chu Feng to get the holy prison!

"Brother Wu, go back and think about it first. Other people, you have to think about it, otherwise, after a thousand years, it will not be your turn!" Chu Feng said quietly.

Over the past thousand years, some people have been selected by Chu Feng many times, and some people have never been selected by Chu Feng. Those teams Chu Feng can’t beat them. He doesn’t want to fight. , You can get more strength if you don't want to lose. This is obviously not a good thing before.

"There are not so many sincerity money, to borrow, this is a good choice! Some people, if they want to have their own opportunities, it is best to borrow more!"

When the voice fell, Chu Feng chose a dozen teams. Now, it takes more time for Chu Feng to defeat each team. Of course, this is because Chu Feng has hidden a lot of strength!

It’s getting dark, and Chu Feng from a dozen teams has solved it. At this time, he has suffered serious injuries as usual. With those injuries, he can go back and enjoy a million times of time acceleration for free, in a million times of time. Accelerate the injury in the next few days to recover, and Chu Feng can also absorb some of the gains from the duel!

In the past nine hundred years, in addition to gaining a lot of points, Chu Feng has also improved a lot in terms of strength!

With so many Saints-level powerhouses and so many quasi-dominant-level powerhouses as training partners, Chu Feng fought with them time and time again, accelerating his comprehension time after time by a million times. It would be impossible without improving his strength!

More than nine hundred years ago, when his cultivation level had just been promoted to the Quasi-Dominant level, Chu Feng hadn't had much confidence that he could defeat people like Wu Caishen.

Now, more than nine hundred years have passed, Chu Feng has strong confidence, and God of Wu Cai is not his opponent if he doesn't use special treasures!

If it were not for such confidence, how could Chu Feng let Wu Caishen and the others prepare? Let them prepare, then Chu Feng intends to fight them when the time comes!

"Brother Chu, if I have prepared things, you will deliberately not fight?" Wu Caishen's voice rang. "Brother Wu, where will you be? Go alone, as long as you prepare the sincerity money that satisfies me, I will definitely accept it! Let's give everyone a year to prepare, and after one year, prepare enough sincerity money to fight alone. , I accept it all! As long as the team has enough sincerity money, maybe I will take a little risk to accept it, so be prepared for enough sincerity money!" Chu Feng smiled.

Wu Caishen's eyes lit up slightly: "If you win, it is 200 billion?" Chu Feng hesitated for a while and nodded slightly: "Yes, but only sincere money can satisfy me!"

"In addition, my treasure, when converted into points, is about 1300 billion. If there are less than six groups that beat me, one group can have 200 billion. If there are more than six groups that beat me, according to the sincerity of paying. Gold ranks high and low, the top six can get 200 billion in one group, the seventh is 100 billion, and after the seventh, no!"

"Very well, Brother Chu, I look forward to fighting with you in a year!" Wu Caishen said quietly, he said that the figure disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"I also look forward to it." Chu Feng muttered the same disappearance in his heart.

Time flies, and a year has passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, near the duel stage, the entire paradise base has more than tens of millions of people, almost all of them are there!

"Everyone, don't talk nonsense, let's get to the point right away! The challenge area has expanded tenfold from the previous foundation, and millions of people can be accommodated. It should be fine."

"Take out all the sincerity gold. Remember, if you take out less sincerity gold, you won't necessarily get the treasure even if you win by that time!" Chu Feng said quietly.


Chu Feng's voice fell, and a three-person team immediately made an offer. All three of them are quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. They have entered the challenge area many times before, but before they bid only 300 million yuan, Chu Feng has no birds at all. they!

"700 million!"

"One billion!"

The voice of the quotation keeps coming out, and the voice is very noisy, but there is not a weak person here, even if it is very noisy, you can hear clearly!

"The treasures of the captain won't... output it." Zhong Tao said in a low voice, his voice could not be heard by outsiders, but at this time he also lowered his voice.

"Zhong Tao, do you remember what the boss said?" Cardi smiled.

"What?" Zhong Tao said in a puzzled manner.

Cardi curled his lips: "The dog can't spit out ivory!"

"Grass, you spit out an ivory for me to see!" Zhong Tao glared at Cardi, "I'm just talking about it. The captain is still relatively stable and will not do things without certainty!"

That's what I said, but Zhong Tao was still more worried, Chu Feng was more stable, and Wu Caishen and others were not the same.

Chu Feng, Wu Caishen and others, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are very confident of themselves!

"Twenty billion!" Three minutes later, Wu Caishen made a bid. The bid of 20 billion instantly killed all the previous bids. The highest bid was only a few billion!

"Twenty billion!" Lan Zhuo said softly.

"Twenty billion!"

Wu Caishen, Lan Zhuo, Yuanxin Monk, and Xue Han bid in turn. As for Hongyang and Huang Yuan, they did not bid, and they had no confidence in winning against Chu Feng when they could not use some special treasures!

If they are confident, they will shoot. If they are not confident, Huang Yuan and the others will not stupidly rush up to give Chu Feng treasures!

"15 billion!"

"Thirteen billion!"

After Wu Caishen signed up, some other groups also signed up. Some of them have only one person, some two or three, the group with a large number of people, that is more than 20 people!

Five minutes later, there are basically no more quotations from the group, "Congratulations!" Chu Feng said, he said that the red light appeared on the body of thousands of people, the treasures that those people took out. , Were all sucked into the duel stage by Chu Feng and then put into the treasure space by him.

Thousands of groups, with the few being ten million, and the more reaching 20 billion, adding up, that's 300 billion!

"The team that has not been selected, give you three minutes, you can also adjust it, you can increase the sincerity money, or reduce the number of people in the team! The team is strong, and does not pay much sincerity money, want to get 200 billion points Want to benefit from Brother Wu and the others, dreaming?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

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