Holy Prison

Chapter 2179: The last search (2)

Two minutes later, many challenge groups have changed. Generally, the number of people has not decreased, but sincerity money has increased a lot!

"There is one last minute. This selection will be the last time. After this time, you don't have to pay sincerity money, because the reward is gone!"

"May lose all, even if I didn't lose all, I won't offer a reward again, just this time, if you want to participate, hurry up, and there are the last fifty seconds!" Chu Feng said quietly on the duel stage.

Hearing Chu Feng's voice, many people were stunned. Many teams quickly increased their sincerity gold, some teams added more people, and their sincerity gold was greatly improved!

As for reducing the number of people, there is no team at this time. Hearing Chu Feng said that this would be the last selection, they knew that although Chu Feng had shown extremely strong strength before, he might have hidden a little bit! In such a situation, if you reduce the number of people, isn't it a show of sincerity?

"Chu Feng, since this is the last time, we need a little more time, one minute is too short, we still need to discuss!" someone said loudly.

"Yes, in one minute, we have to change the number of people and discuss the offer. One minute is obviously shorter!"

On the duel stage, Chu Feng frowned slightly: "What you said makes sense...Let's give you half an hour, half an hour, it should be enough!"

"Chu Feng, we ask to adjust the team!" Someone among the 1,000 groups selected earlier was dissatisfied. Chu Feng announced that this would be the last time, so their team might be weak!

"It's okay to change, but if you change it, you have to add sincerity money! If I am not satisfied, I won't accept it. If I don't accept it, I will confirm it before!" Chu Feng said quietly.

After half an hour, there were tens of millions of people in the entire paradise base, and a total of hundreds of thousands of challenge groups appeared. There were two challenge groups with few people, and the number of people in the challenge group reached dozens of people!

The sincerity money that comes out is also more or less, but only ten or twenty thousand, and more, sincerity money is more than 100 million! In the previous 1,000 groups, many of them have added sincerity money, and their additional money is less than a few hundred thousand, and the additional sincerity money is more than hundreds of millions!

"Before, I underestimated some people's savings." On the duel stage, Chu Feng muttered in his heart, with hundreds of thousands of challenge groups, the sincerity money that he took out actually reached a terrifying amount of eighteen hundred billion!

Previously, Chu Feng received 13 trillion yuan. If he agreed with all of them, then the treasure he got would be worth more than three trillion points!

The hundreds of thousands of teams, Chu Feng quickly assessed in his heart.

"Probably...maybe...maybe, these hundreds of thousands of teams can win," Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. Some teams have stronger strengths, but Chu Feng has hidden a lot of strength before. It is estimated that facing any one of hundreds of thousands of teams, his winning rate should be 70%!

"It's not good to be too risky at this time. I can't give it away if I finally win! If this is the case, then, among the hundreds of thousands of groups, only 10,000 of them will not accept the challenge!" Chu Feng thought. Secretly.

There are only fifty years left to accept the challenge of hundreds of thousands of groups. This is crazy. You have to challenge several thousand in a year. On average, you have to accept the challenge of 20 or 30 groups a day!

"Everyone, let go of your sincerity gold, there is a red light on your body, sorry!" Chu Feng's faint voice sounded, his voice fell, and countless treasures flew into the duel stage where he was on, about a hundred thousand dollars. Red light emerged from people, and the treasures brought out by those who appeared red are still in front of them!

"Chu Feng, wait!" someone yelled, "You actually received so much sincerity money. It's only a few decades. You can accept so many challenges."

"If it is not finished because of my reasons, how much sincerity money will be paid at that time, in addition to the refund, double the sincerity money!" Chu Feng said quietly.

When Chu Feng said these words, many people felt a sudden in their hearts. If they dared to do this, it shows that Chu Feng's self-confidence is great, and that Chu Feng's hidden strength surpassed their estimates!

Wu Caishen and the others waited for some people. At this time, their expressions changed a little. Their previous confidence was quite sufficient, but at this time, their confidence slipped a lot!

For those challenge groups that Chu Feng accepted, Wu Caishen secretly estimated that many groups, if they were allowed to come, their chances of winning would be 50 or 60%!

With a 50 or 60% chance, if you change them, will that group take over? The answer is yes, definitely not! A victory of 50% or 60% means that the probability of failure is also 40% or 50%. With such a probability of failure, one or two groups are fine. If there are more, the chance of losing a lot of games is very high!

"Chu Feng's strength seems to have exceeded the estimate." Wu Caishen secretly said, "However, for hundreds of thousands of teams, I want to see how much you have to fail!"

"If there are too many failures, I have to pay out 13,000 billion! If there is nothing to be done, I will have to pay out a lot of sincerity money at that time." Thinking of this, Wu Caishen frowned secretly, not using special treasures. Now, he doesn't have much confidence to win Chu Feng, but he is 100% confident when using special treasures.

What Chu Feng won, in the eyes of Wu Caishen and others, is theirs! They are naturally upset when Chu Feng does it like this now, but they don't have much to say because it belongs to Chu Feng!

"Each team, look at the ground in the challenge area where you are. There are numbers. Starting from number one, follow the numbers." Chu Feng said quietly. While he was speaking, **** numbers appeared on the ground. Challenge area, "After I call, please come to the duel stage within ten seconds. If you miss it, there will be another chance the next day. If you still miss it, then I’m sorry, you don’t have to compare with me. Retreat!"

"Team One, come up!"

As Chu Feng said, the members of Team One immediately arrived in the duel stage. All members of Team One were composed of powerful Saints, with dozens of people!

"Attention everyone, enter the duel stage and the duel will begin. Don't blame me for not reminding everyone in the future!" Chu Feng's voice fell, and the pressure of fear erupted from his body instantly!

The coercion of the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse is acting on more than a dozen saintly-level powerhouses who have come to power, and those more than ten sage-level powerhouses are all panicked. , It's not a little bit stronger than before!

"Kill!" One of the dozen or so Saint-level powerhouses roared, and the battle began immediately!

Half a minute.

At the end of the battle, more than a dozen saint-level powerhouses were kicked out of the duel by Chu Feng one by one! Around the duel stage, countless faces became ugly.

Those more than a dozen saintly-level powerhouses dared to come forward, naturally they had a certain degree of confidence, but they failed within half a minute, and the strength that Chu Feng had burst out now was a lot stronger than before!

"Number two!"

Chu Feng said in a low voice, the people in the second group bite the bullet and stepped onto the stage. Before they came onto the stage, they were timid. As a result, their group didn't last for half a minute!

One hour later, Chu Feng had solved hundreds of groups, and when the day time passed, the group that was solved by Chu Feng had reached one thousand!

"The evening is a rest time, the thousand and one group, come here early tomorrow!" Chu Feng left a word and immediately left the duel stage. He didn't want to fight at night!

In the past, Chu Feng fought for many years in the domain tower. At this time, one day’s battle would not be hard. However, he had to accompany Su Ling for a part of the night, and the other part of the time was to realize the integration during the daytime battle Something!

Like Wu Caishen, they have become quasi-dominant-level powerhouses for many years. In this short thousand years, they will not have improved a lot. Chu Feng's words are different. He has not become a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. Now they are comparable. The stage of fast improvement!

In the past 900 years or so, Chu Feng had improved a lot, but before he had reduced a lot of strength, under such circumstances, the improvement was affected.

Chu Feng estimated that if he fights with all his strength, in the next 50 years, the increase in strength will not be much lower than the increase in strength in more than 900 years!

Time flew by, and three years passed in a blink of an eye. In three years, Chu Feng handled 300 groups a day on average, and one hundred thousand groups a year. After three years, the number of groups handled by Chu Feng has reached 300,000!

There are a total of 600,000 to 700,000 groups, 300,000, which is almost half! It was easier at the beginning. Seven years passed quickly. On average, Chu Feng finished 150 sets a day, and three hundred and fifty thousand sets in seven years. In addition to the previous 300,000 sets, he was Chu Feng. More than 650,000 teams have been completed!

Specifically, there are a total of sixty-six groups. As a result, Chu Feng finished most of them in one-fifth of the time, and the remaining groups were less than 10,000!

There are forty years left, more than 10,000 days, even if it’s a group of one day, time is enough for Chu Feng! The latter groups are more powerful, but Chu Feng believes that if one group is settled in one day, this problem shouldn't be big!

Over the course of several decades, with so many battles, Chu Feng's strength has naturally improved a lot. Even if he faces the strongest among the remaining teams, Chu Feng has more than 95% confidence in winning!

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