Holy Prison

Chapter 2180: Win over

Forty years, thirty years, twenty years, ten years!

In a blink of an eye, in the first millennium, only the last ten years are left, and there are only a few dozen groups of challengers in the hundreds of thousands!

Among the ten groups of challengers, eight are single, three are multiplayer, Wu Caishen, Lan Zhuo, Yuanxin monk, and Xuehan are four. That is among the eight single challengers!

At the beginning, God of Wealth Wu and the others still had a lot of confidence in winning Chu Feng. Now God of Wealth Wu and the others, their confidence in winning Chu Feng without using special treasures have dropped to an extremely low level!

A few decades ago, Wu Caishen and the others estimated that the chance of winning should still be a few percent. Now, they clearly know that their chance of winning is less than one percent!

Such a judgment naturally made Wu Caishen and the others extremely unhappy, but this basically cannot be changed. Fortunately, they knew that Chu Feng would have a great chance of dying at that time, otherwise they would probably vomit blood!

There are only ten years left, and the challenges on the strength list are also fierce. Bi Feng, Zhong Tao, Qin Yue, Kadi, they all mixed a place on the strength list, Bi Feng and Zhong Taochong Among the hundred, Qin Yue's strength is temporarily ranked in the 200th place, and Kadi's ranking is a little bit close to the 400th place, this ranking is actually pretty good!

Su Ling's words, she did not enter the strength ranking list. Although she has compared it many times in recent years, she only played with people of average strength, and did not show much strength!

"Captain, I'm afraid, only ten years have passed, and ten years will soon pass." Su Ling lay quietly in Chu Feng's arms. "Ling'er, there's nothing to be afraid of. My life is harder, and I won't die by then." Chu Feng stroked Su Ling's smooth skin and smiled, "Ling'er, then you and your third uncle Say it, don’t let Bigot and the others enter!"

"I will!" Su Ling said, "Some guys are more despicable. If they enter, if they can't catch you, some people may catch them and come out!"

"With so many hunters, your chances of escaping from the hunt alone are actually higher! I have already told them, and they agreed not to enter by then."

"That's good." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Ling'er, have you rested yet? Let's have another one?"

Su Ling stretched out her hand and grabbed Chu Feng's vitals with a smile and said with a smile: "Come here, who is afraid of whom? Didn't you say before, there are only exhausted cattle, how can there be bad land? Huh!"

There were only eleven groups in total. A few days later, only the four of Wu Caishen were left. Standing on the duel stage, looking at Chu Feng, Wu Caishen looked a little bit complicated.

He knew that Chu Feng was not so good at the beginning. It was they who "helped" Chu Feng to the present level. They were happy that Chu Feng had obtained a lot of treasures, but he was also a little worried that those treasures would not be obtained by them. Sometimes Wu The God of Fortune would even think, Chu Feng won't run away when the time comes?

This idea has appeared many times, but every time it was denied by God of Wu Cai. Without using special treasures, Chu Feng's strength is indeed tyrannical, stronger than them, but when he enters the lost world, You can use special treasures!

Chu Feng won a lot of special treasures, but the special treasures they possess are much more powerful than those special treasures that Chu Feng won!

"Brother Chu, you are not in vain. At the end of your life, you have a good time. Hundreds of thousands of teams, I did not expect that you have not lost once!" Wu Caishen said with a light smile.

Chu Feng smiled faintly: "Brother Wu, is it the last thing? You said that is not the case!"

"Brother Wu, let's not waste time, let's start, end these battles, and the battles on the strength rankings." Chu Feng said. Wu Caishen chuckled and said, "Brother Chu, you will be able to taste the taste of failure then!"

When Chu Feng's words fell, the space around Wu Caishen was shattered, but the space where Wu Caishen was located was not broken under the protection of Wu Caishen!

"Light!" Wu Caishen said softly, and a white light burst out of his body. The white light gathered into a line and reached Chu Feng in a very short, very short time.

Chu Feng pointed out a sword, the light disappeared, and the strong sword aura immediately reached around Wu Caishen's body. Wu Caishen gave a deep cry, and those sword auras became invisible when he reached his body!

On the duel field, the battle between the two was not too fierce when they first started. It didn’t take long before the battle was already extremely fierce. Wu Caishen’s powerful methods were endless, but the stronger people could see that his strength was better than Since Chu Feng is weaker, it is not too difficult for Chu Feng to deal with his attack.

As for some of the powerful attacks of Chu Feng, God of Wu Cai was much more difficult to deal with. It was not that God of Wu Cai was weak, but below the master level, Chu Feng's strength was too strong!

An hour passed and the battle was over. There were many wounds on Wu Caishen's body. Although Chu Feng had a little wound on his body, they were very few, and the wounds were relatively small. Those wounds, if you stop the fight, Chu Feng will be able to You can recover them!

Wu Caishen lost, and Lan Zhuo lost the next day! On the third day, Monk Yuanxin was defeated, and on the fourth day, Xue Han and Chu Feng fought two hours before Chu Feng! So far, hundreds of thousands of challengers were all defeated by Chu Feng!

On the duel stage, Chu Feng had a smile on his face, and he was invincible under the dominance. At this time, he could really say this. Without using special treasures, he Chu Feng was invincible under the dominion!

Even with the use of special treasures, Chu Feng is also very likely to be invincible. He has a Lion King mask, which is a very precious dominator!

God of Wealth Wu and the others must have powerful treasures, but their treasures do not necessarily have the Lion King mask, but, in this paradise base, Chu Feng has not yet determined whether to use the Lion King mask!

Using the Lion King Mask, Chu Feng is confident to keep his number one position, but if he uses the Lion King mask, those powerhouses at the dominance level may make his life much sadder by then!

Those masters at the dominance level knew that Chu Feng had a holy prison, but they probably didn’t know that Chu Feng had something like a lion king mask, not to mention that Chu Feng got the right lion king pupil, and the right lion king pupil lion king mask is just A war lion that can form a dominating strength!

"Brother Chu, I will challenge you again!" Wu Caishen's voice rang, "It's not the challenge now, it's the challenge of the strength ranking!"

Today, Chu Feng ranks first on the strength list, while Wu Caishen ranks second on the strength list. The rules in the heaven base, the top ten, can be challenged by one person, for example, second. Third, you can challenge the first, the third and the fourth, you have the qualifications to challenge the second, and the fifth-ranked person is not qualified to challenge the second.

From eleven to one hundred, you can jump to ten to challenge. After one hundred, then you are free, but if you challenge randomly, you may lower your evaluation of your strength!

Ranked first in the power list, even if he has played many times in this century, Chu Feng couldn't refuse Wu Caishen's challenge, but there was no problem in the next few days.

"Okay, it's all right now!" Chu Feng said quietly. Wu Caishen was taken aback for a moment. Chu Feng had just fought with Xue Han, and Xue Han was not a weak person, so the consumption must be quite large at this time.

"Brother Chu, can't you look down on me?" Wu Caishen said coldly. "Are you on stage or not? If you don't, I will go back to rest." Chu Feng said.

Wu Caishen gritted his teeth and appeared on the duel stage in an instant: "Brother Chu, since you are making trouble yourself, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Done?" Chu Feng smiled.

"Huh, that's it!"

Chu Feng shrugged: "I admit defeat, you won!"

A word was thrown out, and Chu Feng's figure instantly fell under the duel stage. On the strength ranking list next to the duel stage, Chu Feng was originally ranked first, but suddenly fell to sixth, the top ten, and he gave up without a fight. , The ranking will drop by five!

"Brother Chu, you" Wu Caishen came to power. He wanted to breathe out a bad breath, but he didn't expect that Chu Feng would directly admit defeat. As a result, he took a breath of bad breath in his heart, and that was a bit of self-injury!

"Brother Wu, it's your time next. I have no background, it's better to watch the excitement below." Chu Feng chuckled.

The next three fights must be extremely fierce. Chu Feng was so stupid that he was now in the first position. Below, he can take a look at Wu Caishen's methods first!

If it is too strong, then you have to consider fusing the Lion King Mask. If it is not particularly strong, maybe you can use the power of time contained in the heart of time!

The sixth position, this position is still good, if you want to enter the top three then it will not be difficult, like Su Ling has not entered the strength list now, it will be a lot harder to enter the top three!

"Brother Chu, give up if you don't fight. This has a lot of impact on your mood." Wu Caishen said. Chu Feng smiled lightly: "It's not a problem, Brother Wu, you care about it!"

If Chu Feng believed Wu Caishen's words, it would really have a lot of influence on his mood, but if Chu Feng didn't believe it at all, it would have no influence on his mood!

Chu Feng knew exactly that his choice was correct. Under such circumstances, how could he believe Wu Caishen's bullshit?

"Captain, I'm about to start sprinting!" Su Ling's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, and Wu Caishen stepped down from the duel stage in depression. The next moment, Su Ling appeared in the duel stage!

"Is the one hundredth in the power list here? If so, I will challenge!" Su Ling's faint voice rang!

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