Holy Prison

Chapter 2182: Su Ling mighty

In ten years, only the last year is left in a blink of an eye, and the competition is extremely fierce on the strength list! When Su Ling reached the first place, Chu Feng was originally ranked seventh. After more than nine years, his ranking has gradually fallen to the top ten. Several of the top ten powerhouses before have entered the market with strength. Within ten!

In more than nine years, Su Ling has also been challenged several times. Needless to say, Su Ling used her own hole cards. Under her powerful hole cards, her first throne has not been robbed in more than nine years.

However, before Wu Caishen's trump card had the highest strength, and Chu Feng was estimated to be twenty-two. The treasure that came out now is not his strongest, but the worst monk in the circle before!

For the golden bowl of Monk Yuanxin, the strength that Chu Feng previously estimated was only fifteen. After more than nine years, the strength that Chu Feng re-estimated was twenty-four!

Twenty-four, compared with the power of Su Ling's hole card twenty-eight, it is not much weaker. If Monk Yuanxin still conceals it, Chu Feng estimated that Su Ling's number one might not be able to keep!

"If Ling'er can't get the first place, if he doesn't get the lion king mask, he will have to face the chase when he enters the lost world. Whether he uses the lion king mask or the lion king mask at all times, then he has to merge!" Chu Feng secretly said.

The fusion of the Lion King mask may cause trouble, but at this moment Chu Feng can no longer control so much. The strength of Wu Caishen and the others is already extremely terrifying, and they are likely to have more or less hidden!

"Captain, what do you want?" Zhao Ling entered Chu Feng's courtyard. Now, in Chu Feng's courtyard, Bi Feng and the others enter relatively few, but Zhao Ling often enters.

"Ling'er, go to the room and make an enchantment. I want to fuse the Lion King mask!" Chu Feng voiced it to Zhao Ling. Zhao Ling said: "Captain, don't merge, I will definitely get the first for you!"

"Captain, fusion of the Lion King mask, this is risky. It is likely that the movement is relatively large. My enchantment is relatively resistant to scanning and other things, but for the strong internal aura, the isolation ability is average." Zhao Ling said, "If let It’s not good for the strong masters above the dominion level to sense the existence of the Lion King mask!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Ling'er, do you want to use the last hole card your grandfather got you?"

With the use of the hole cards, it is possible to kill the strong at level four or five. If used, the probability of Zhao Ling getting the first place is still very high, but that is too precious!

"Captain, why do you have to use it?" Zhao Ling blinked, "I just take it out and frighten it. If no one fights with me, I will win, right?"

"Ling'er, the treasure that your grandfather made for you should be an offensive treasure. If I expected it to be true, you can't control it at all. If you use it, you will definitely be dead!" Chu Feng said.

Zhao Ling nodded slightly.

"Ling'er, you are planning to swear or something at that time, let others understand your determination, if your father knew, he would be very annoyed," Chu Feng said.

Zhao Ling has such a treasure, but once it is used, it will kill people. Others definitely don't believe that she can use it. She can only make others believe and give up if she swears or something.

As the princess of the Su family, on the duel stage, a strong man who swears against another man for such a thing, Su Jiang's old face would be so beautiful!

"Ling'er, I"

"Captain, you don't know how to be macho, don't you want to accept it?" Zhao Ling interrupted Chu Feng, "I only want you to live, if you can become a super strong in the future, I can marry you gracefully. What I did is worth it. Captain, even if you don’t think about me, you have to think about your wife and children. Let me help you this time. How about?"

After Zhao Ling gave a fragrant kiss, when the kiss was over, Chu Feng looked at Zhao Ling's pretty face and nodded slightly, "Ling'er, believe me, one day, you can marry me gracefully! Ling'er, for your sake, I have to live well, don’t worry, I won’t be so short-lived. No one can take my life away!"

"Captain, I believe, I look forward to that day." Zhao Ling was slightly lost, she was thinking of the beautiful days in the future, "Captain, if you die, I will accompany you at that time!" Zhao Ling added in his heart. One sentence.

In the fierce competition, when only the last two months were left, Zhao Ling was defeated. After three days of fierce battle, she was defeated by Wu Caishen. Wu Caishen broke out with a stronger strength than Zhao Ling!

However, Wu Caishen did not sit on the first throne for long. In less than ten days, he was defeated by Hongyang. Hongyang also showed another hole card. His hole card was brighter than before Wu Caishen. The cards that come out are stronger!

After half a month, Xue Han did not challenge Hongyang again. Their cards were not as strong as Hongyang. If they challenge Hongyang, they can only take their own humiliation!

At this time, it was only one month since the first stage of the millennium has passed, Su Ling stood up, and her war book was sent to Hongyang's side by Zhong Tao.

"Su Ling!"

Hongyang frowned, but he was not too worried about the rest of the people. He was more worried about Su Ling! The rest of the people are a bit worse than him in terms of identity, and Su Ling's words are stronger than him!

Hongyang is a member of the Hong family, his uncle is the master of the first-grade Hongying, and Hongyi is his grandfather! It seems that Hongyang is not much worse than Su Ling, but in fact it is a lot worse, because if Hongyang is in the Hong family, it is far less than Su Ling's favor in the Su family!

Su Ling's father, grandfather, and third uncle all used her as a treasure. Hong Yang did not receive such treatment. His father died long ago. Uncle Hongying treated him well, but naturally compared to not Su Ling's father treated Su Ling. For Ling's care, Hongyang's grandfather Hong has several grandchildren. Hongyang is not the most favored. One of Hongying's sons is the most favored by Hongyi!

"This stinky girl, what do you want to do?" Hongyang is not willing to accept Su Ling's challenge, but at this time there is still a month to come, and he can't delay it for so long if he wants to delay!

Three days later, Su Ling and Hongyang were already standing on the duel stage, under the duel stage, Chu Feng watched quietly.

"Su Ling, what are some powerful tricks, use them." Hong Yang said. Su Ling said quietly: "I don't think you want to use it too much!"

Su Ling said that a crystal ball the size of a fist appeared in his hand, and from the crystal ball was a vast and boundless terrifying power. Feeling that power, Hong Yang's expression suddenly changed.

The strength that Hong Yang exploded before had reached fifty or sixty in Chu Feng's estimation, but if the crystal ball in Su Ling's hand exploded at this moment, it would definitely have more than one thousand power!

"Su Ling, you!"

Hongyang said with a sullen face, "You, this thing is an attack on a treasure. With your strength, you can't effectively control its power at all!"

"You know it." Su Ling said quietly, "Hongyang, I want to be the first. If you don't want to die, then leave the duel stage now! I swear by my soul, if you don't leave within ten seconds, I will Use it to make you completely disappear from this world and be wiped out by this treasure of mine. Your grandpa wants to resurrect you. It will cost a great price. I guess your grandpa will not spend such a great price. You are resurrected!"

"You have five seconds left, five, four, three, two, one!"

Su Ling did not count to zero, because when she counted to one, Hong Yang left the duel stage as soon as she moved. He saw the crazy color in Su Ling's eyes. Su Ling had already sworn a soul vow. If he doesn't leave, Su Ling is very likely to use that treasure to kill him!

"Su Ling, although your Su family is strong, but my Hong family is not afraid of your Su family, you dare to be so prestigious for the sake of Chu Feng, just walk and see!" Hong Yang's cold voice sounded.

"I don't want to work hard with you, a crazy woman, but I still dare to play with Chu Feng! Seeing what you are doing now, I will definitely let Chu Feng enjoy it before he died! By the way, I will record some of his images before his death, and show them to you for free then!"

Hongyang was extremely upset at this time, and there was another person who was also extremely upset at this time. This person was Huang Yuan. Su Ling refused his offer to marry him. Now Su Ling is so toward Chu Feng!

The jealousy in Huang Yuan's heart is burning wildly! "Chu Feng, you will die, but before you die, I will make you worse than death!" Huang Yuan roared in his heart.

Above the clouds, "Su San, your Su family girl, you really have a personality." A master-level strong man said in a cold and cold manner. This master-level strong man was named Hong, Hong Hao.

"It's true, if you don't have a personality, the old man won't like it either." Su Xudan smiled. Hearing that Su Xu moved out of Mr. Su, Hong Hao narrowed his eyes slightly. There were two people in the Su family who were afraid of him. Su Jiang and Mr. Su, the one who feared the most was naturally Mr. Su Jiasu!

"Su San, I'm afraid that my old man would be unhappy if he knew this news. My son of the Hong family was actually threatened like this!" Hong Hao said.

Su Xu chuckled and said, "Brother Hao, this is just a small fight between the juniors. What kind of identity is Old Man Hong? How can he care about such a small fight?"

"Brother Hao, there is something wrong with you like this, it's a little bit like a villain, like a gentleman."

"Brother Su, Su Ling is indeed a bit bad! In this way, the face of the Su family, Chu Feng, is good, but there is no background. Now it is just an ant-like thing, and the chance of death will be almost It's 100%. Su Ling came like this for a Chu Feng. When Chu Feng dies, should Su Ling still marry?" The other person saw Hong Hao falling in the wind and said quickly.

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