Holy Prison

Chapter 2183: Stage, end

Above the clouds, there is a little dispute among the dominant powers. Below the clouds, many people are fighting fiercely for ranking on the strength list. First, no one is fighting with Su Ling!

Su Ling is all right, Chu Feng, he doesn't care about the ranking on the strength list. In the last time, the two of them spent most of the time together.

The time of happiness passed so quickly, it seemed that it was just a blink of an eye. One month or so has passed, and the first phase of the base exchange is over!

On the strength list, Su Ling ranked first, and Chu Feng ranked twelfth. He did not enter the top three as Su Jiang said before. However, Chu Feng had already confirmed that he had accepted hundreds of thousands of challenges before. Given his own strength, the following battles, including special treasures, even if Chu Feng did not reach the top three, Su Jiang would not say anything because of this.

Bi Feng and Zhong Tao, they both entered the top 100 in the strength list, Bi Feng ranked 68th in the strength list, and Zhong Tao, he was ranked 87th, and Qin Yue was ranked first. One hundred and ninety-three, and Kadi, ranked the worst among them in Chu Feng, but also ranked more than 380, which is not bad!

"Attention everyone!"

The majestic voice resounded throughout the heaven base. The voice was Lei Haoyang's voice. He was the base chief of the heaven base, so even though his strength was not very good among the dominance-level powerhouses, this speech was from him.

"Lei Haoyang!"

Just when Lei Haoyang was about to continue speaking, Su Jiang's icy voice rang. Su Ling and Chu Feng were both slightly surprised when they heard Su Jiang's voice.

Su Jiang said at the beginning that Chu Feng and the others could not have any intimate actions in these thousand years, but, in these thousand years, Chu Feng and Su Ling have been rolling the bed countless times!

"Brother Su!"

Lei Haoyang showed his figure, Su Jiang's figure, that was also revealed at this time, and many people in the heaven base could see Su Jiang and the others when they looked up.

"Lei Haoyang, do you know the crime?" Su Jiang said coldly. Lei Haoyang bit his scalp suddenly in his heart: "Brother Su, don't know where to start? I don't seem to have done anything to sin against the Su family."

Su Jiang slapped it out, Lei Haoyang didn't get away. Even if he wanted to get away, he couldn't get away. "Pop!" In front of many people, Lei Haoyang's face was heavy. Slapped.

"Dare to talk back to this seat!" Su Jiang said coldly, "Lei Haoyang, what did you tell Zi Mengluo to do? Did you say it yourself, or do you let this seat perform the ecstasy?"

Lei Haoyang's expression changed. Over the years, he has been worried about this, Su Xu has not dealt with it. He thought that the previous matter had passed, but he did not expect Su Xu to wait for Su Jiang to come and deal with it!

"My lord, forgive me!" Lei Haoyang said in a little shock. "Spare?" Su Jiang thought, a red token appeared in his hand with a sneer, "Master's lore, it's useless if you beg me for forgiveness!"

Hearing what Su Jiang said, Lei Haoyang's complexion changed wildly, and Father Su's lore order, that thing was terrible, that means, Father Su is very angry!

The controller, that’s self-respecting identity, generally speaking, they will not do anything against the master-level strong, but that is only a general situation, which arouses the anger of the controller, and the controller kills a few masters who are not too strong. , What can be the problem.

According to Lei Haoyang, the tokens issued by the five major controllers are divided into three types: punishment order, killing order, and lore order. The punishment order means that the controller is on fire. Generally speaking, the person who is punished will not die. , But there must be no good days before the punishment order is cancelled. The killing order, this issue, means that the controller is on fire, but it has not yet reached the point of extreme anger. At this time, if there is a powerful person begging for mercy, the killing order may still be changed to a punishment order.

In the case of a lore order, it means that there is no room for intercession at all, even if other controllers intercede, it is the same!

"Lei Haoyang, if you can receive the lore of the old man, you will die without regret!" Su Jiang said quietly. He stretched out his hand and shook it, instantly, under the eyes of Chu Feng and the others, he possessed dominance level strength. A golden energy palm appeared next to Lei Haoyang, and that energy palm grabbed Lei Haoyang and shook it.

Lei Haoyang resisted with all his might, but his strength was far from that of Su Jiang, who had the strength of the first-rank dominance. The golden energy hand grasped, Lei Haoyang screamed, and soon, the heaven base slightly The ground shook, and the golden energy palm stretched out, leaving only a black ball the size of a ping-pong ball on the spot.

Lei Haoyang, a powerful master at the dominance level, turned into such an energy ball with a light grip of the energy palm obtained by Lei Haoyang!

Su Jiang hummed, the energy ball landed from the sky, and Zi Mengluo knelt on the ground at this moment and kept kowtow. The energy ball fell on her body and turned into black flames and burned. In the middle, Zi Mengluo died in a very short time, Su Jiang made a move, and a small flame flew out of the black flame and he took it away.

As for the other flames, they don't seem to have any power without that little flame, but disappeared in just a few seconds!

"What do you want to announce, announce it!" Su Jiang said quietly. He said that the figure disappeared instantly. Before disappearing, he took a deep look at Chu Feng. Chu Feng's eyes happened to meet Su Jiang's eyes, which made him strange. However, Su Jiang didn't actually have much anger in his eyes, on the contrary, there was a little look of expectation.

"Dazed, look forward to it?" Chu Feng secretly asked.

What Chu Feng didn't know was that Grandpa Su had talked with Su Jiang. From Grandpa Su, Su Jiang knew one thing, Chu Feng actually hoped to become the master!

Su Jiang is the first-rank master, but he knows that he has no hope of becoming the master, and Chu Feng actually hopes to become the master. Even if Chu Feng's strength is still low, it is enough to make Su Jiang see Chu Feng differently.

However, now Chu Feng's strength is still too low, and, in the next second phase of communication, whether Chu Feng can survive is a question!

"Father, I know you must be on this side!" Su Ling shouted in Blade's Edge Castle, "Father, come out, otherwise, I'll tell mom about you looking for a lover outside!"

"Ling'er, where am I?" Su Jiang's figure appeared. He disappeared in the air, but he didn't leave but entered the Blade Fortress silently. "Ling'er, if you want me to help Chu Feng , Don’t speak any more, you actually did that because you wanted to **** off your father, right?"

"You are not too honest for the past thousand years, so I won't pursue it. However, don't think that I will help Chu Feng. I will not kill him. It is forgiving enough." Su Jiang said and glanced at Chu. With a glance at Feng, Chu Feng hurriedly saluted him. This is Su Ling's father, the first-grade master of strength!

"Father!" Su Ling grabbed Su Jiang's arm and shook, "Father, if you don't help, I will go to Grandpa and tell you bad things."

"Don't make trouble!"

Su Jiang glared at Su Ling. At this time, Hong Hao's voice rang, and his voice rang throughout the heaven base, "Attention all students."

"Lei Haoyang is dead, let me announce something! First, according to the ranking of the strength list, everyone on the strength list can get rewards, and the fourth to one thousand rewards will appear directly in front of you!"

When Hong Hao said this, a space ring appeared in front of Chu Feng. At the same time, Bi Feng and the others also appeared in front of the space ring. They were not with Chu Feng and the others.

"The first, second, and third place in the strength list are Su Ling, Hongyang, and Wu Chenyuan! Now, Su Ling, who ranks first in the strength list, is the first to choose the treasure!"

"I choose, that mysterious gift!" Su Ling's voice rang, three gifts, one of which was so far, not many people in the heaven base knew what it was.

Hong Hao said quietly: "Su Ling has been given priority to pursue and kill for a hundred years, now Hongyang chooses!" "I choose, the chance to become the master!" Hongyang took a deep breath, this time the trump card, but if the time comes If you can become a dominant power, then this time the hole cards are worth it.

"The first and second treasure is determined, Wu Chenyuan, what you got is a mastering device!" Hong Hao's voice fell, and a treasure mirror appeared in front of Wu Chenyuan. This thing, that is a top mastering device!

There are five levels of masters: low, intermediate, high, top, and super. Super masters cannot be refined directly. One can imagine the preciousness of a top master!

Compared with the hope of becoming a master of power, Wu Caishen, a top-notch tool of dominance, is not bad. Two things cannot be said to be better, it mainly depends on the development of the two!

"At the end of the first stage, many people are wondering, what is the priority of a hundred years of pursuit and killing? This is related to the second stage of the base exchange!"

Hong Hao said something about the second stage without any emotion, his words fell, and many people in the entire heaven base were talking about it.

"What the **** is going on with Team Chu? Why is it actually aimed at him in the second stage?"

"Number One, this"

"That's it! Chu Feng had known about this one a long time ago, so he was not afraid to offend people and collected those treasures like crazy!"

"Ling'er, you must not enter the lost world this time and go back with Dad." Su Jiang said quietly. "Father, I'll go back with you, some of my teammates, it's not appropriate for them to go in, daddy, I want them to leave this base! Captain, if you need Dad's help, just say if you have any, hurry up Yes, if he doesn't agree, I won't go back with him!" Su Ling said.

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