Holy Prison

Chapter 2184: Yipin Lost World

"Bi Feng and the others have no problem." Su Jiang said, frowning and looking at Chu Feng. "Senior Jiang, I don't know if you can enter the Hongtian Universe?" Chu Feng quickly said, Su Jiang's appearance, that is willing to help a little.

However, it's okay to be busy. If Chu Feng speaks too much, Su Jiang, the "old man", will definitely take Su Ling and the others away immediately!

"I can't enter, but I can think of a way to let others in, what's the matter?" Su Jiang said.

A space ring appeared in Chu Feng's hand: "Senior Jiang, there are some things in this space ring. If possible, I hope Senior Jiang can help to hand it to Hongtian Universe Nuwa Tianhen Master or Hongjun Pangu. First priority The target is Nuwa or Master Tianhen, the second is Hongjun, and then Pangu. If they can't be contacted, give it to the person in charge of Shenchu ​​City!"

Nuwa was resurrected by Chu Feng, she had no problems, Hongjun Pangu, they had been parasitized before, although the chance of being parasitized again is small, but they have to be prevented!

In the case of Hongjun and Pangu, in comparison, Pangu is more likely to be parasitic again, and Hongjun's chance of this aspect is much smaller, so Hongjun ranks ahead of Pangu!

Su Jiang nodded slightly, just giving something, which is not a big deal for him, he only needs to give the things to Xuanyuanhong!

"Thank you, senior!" Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. There are many treasures in the space ring, and there are also treasures that can improve the cultivation level. There is also a jade slip on which he has recorded information. If the things reach Hongjun, they With it in hand, even if the situation on the other side is more critical, it should be able to reverse a lot!

"Ling'er, let's go!" Su Jiang looked at Su Ling, his eyes softened as soon as he turned to Su Ling. "Captain, I'm waiting for you!" Su Ling's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, and her beautiful eyes were also looking at Chu Feng at this time, with deep dissatisfaction and worry in her eyes.

"Ling'er, don't worry, I don't die that easily." Chu Feng also said in a voice transmission.

"Chu Feng, remember, one hundred and forty dominate the year."

Su Jiang's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, his voice sounded, Su Qian and his figure had disappeared. Chu Feng felt a little bit lost, Youxiang was still there, no one was there!

Chu Feng left the other courtyard to the other courtyard where Bifeng and the others were. They had also disappeared. "It doesn't matter if I'm not here, I've already said all the things that should be said before, and in the end it was dragged and dragged, which only added to the sadness." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and sat down on the steps. He never smoked, but, At this moment, one is on.

Before a cigarette was finished, the gate of Blade Castle was knocked, and many people appeared outside the gate of Blade Castle. There were people from the small knife team, Tao Chen and others, and Sword Emperor and others. These years, Chu Feng still had many friends in the heaven base, but except for Bi Feng and the others, the relationship was not very close.

"Qiuxiang, go open the door!" Chu Feng said softly, Bi Feng and the others left, and their maid was also gone. Now there are only two in the castle, Chu Feng and Xia He Qiuxiang!

Qiuxiang went to open the door, and soon the Sword Emperor and them all appeared in front of Chu Feng. The Sword Emperor, the Captain of the Knife Team, Tao Chen and others were all carrying wine.

"Chu Feng, have a drink?" Sword Emperor said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and more than a dozen people sat down, all of them just clinked their glasses without saying a word, and then drank a glass of wine in silence.

"Live!" After drinking the wine, the sword emperor said softly. Today is Chu Feng's last day in this paradise base. After this day, he will get that grade of Lost World.

Su Ling had won first place before, and Chu Feng had a hundred years, and after one hundred years, the rest of the students in the paradise base would all enter the lost world that Chu Feng entered!

"Don't worry, Ling'er has bought me a hundred years, I will find a good place to hide!" Chu Feng smiled.

The sword emperor sighed slightly in his heart. It would not be easy to find a good place to hide. At that time, many powerful people would work together. If Chu Feng was in an ordinary place, it would not be too difficult to locate it.

"Sword Emperor, don't look at me as if you are looking at a dead man, okay." Chu Feng said helplessly, "We have drunk a lot, the time is coming, we have to go!"

"Number One, stay alive!"

"Team Chu, even if we enter, we won't shoot you."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, more than a dozen of them all stood up and left Blade's Edge Castle. Chu Feng and the others reached the duel stage they used to go to before.

That duel table, after being arranged by many masters, has become a super teleportation array at this time. It can teleport people in the heaven base to that lost world. As long as ten thousand years are up, it will be easy to come back. , I can appear on the duel stage by returning silently in my heart!

Around the duel stage, at this time all the people in the entire heaven base gathered here, and Chu Feng and the others arrived, and many people and Chu Feng spoke.

"The wind is very cold and the water is cold. The strong man will go and wipe it, Chu Master, I can think of these words perfectly!" Chu Feng was speechless, receiving those people's voice transmission, Chu Feng's mind unexpectedly came up with those words.

"Chu Feng!" Hong Hao's voice rang.

With a single tap of Chu Feng's toes, he landed on the duel stage. "Chu Feng!" Su Xu's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "As long as you can return to the heaven base, you don't need to go to the holy lord by then. After purgatory, you can directly return to Hongtian Universe! Boss Su won for you, don't thank me!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. Originally, after returning, he might not be able to return directly to Hongtian Universe. Now that Su Xu's voice transmission, he is relieved!

"Ten thousand years, I will make it through! Old husband, thank you!"

A light appeared on the duel stage, the light shone, and the space fluctuated, and Chu Feng's figure instantly disappeared on the duel stage!

In the Lost World, Chu Feng, who disappeared from the heaven base, suddenly appeared. "Pi!" Just when Chu Feng appeared, a skeleton monster called and immediately attacked Chu Feng!

Chu Feng didn't make a move, he just glanced at that skeleton, and the little soul fire that flashed in that skeleton's eyes was immediately extinguished!

"What a powerful death!"

Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, with such a powerful death spirit, in this lost world, I am afraid that there are not many living people. Even if there are lives, it is estimated that most of them are dead creatures!

After letting go of the Holy Consciousness Chu Feng and inspecting it, the Holy Consciousness was enveloped by death everywhere, and many dead creatures existed. The skeleton he had just destroyed was relatively low among those dead creatures!

Miao Xian'er's voice rang in Chu Feng's mind at this moment, "Husband, where did you go, the connection with you is much stronger than before!"

"Xian'er, how is the consumption if you contact now?" Chu Feng asked. "Compared with entering the Lost World before, I have fallen a lot, probably only one-tenth of the previous contact." Miao Xian'er said.

"One tenth... is not a lot, but it's better than before!" Chu Feng showed a slight smile on his face. The reason for this benefit is that on the one hand, he has improved in strength, on the other hand, he is also better than before. This world is inseparable from the Lost World of the First-Class. For the Lost World of the First-Class, the control on the base side is much weaker!

"Xian'er, if I enter the Holy Prison now, how dangerous is it? If the people or objects in the Holy Prison come out, it should be much safer than before?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "There is still a great danger. If you enter the holy prison, the death rate will be 50%. After entering the holy prison, the death rate will be 40%. The heavenly guards appear outside from the holy prison space and die. The rate is 60%. After going out and entering the Holy Prison, the death rate is 70%!"

"If the items in the holy prison space can go outside, the dominator will basically not be damaged. If the innate treasure, there is still a 10% chance of damage! The treasures outside enter the holy prison, basically the dominator will not be damaged. It will be destroyed, the innate treasure, there is a 25% chance of being destroyed!"

"It's still not young!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. If he enters the Holy Prison, his 50% chance of death will be 40% when he comes out. This is very cheating, hide in the Holy Prison. It doesn't work.

If Tianwei is asked to appear outside to help him, there is a 60% chance of death. Most of those who come out will have to die, and after they come out, they will basically die by the time!

However, there is one Chu Feng who is more satisfied. The Domination Tool will basically not be damaged. In this way, when it is critical, Axi City, the Four Beast Seal, may be able to use a little bit although the Four Beast Seal is not obedient, However, it is a dominating tool anyway, and it can still be used for hard smashing.

"Husband, you haven't said where you have been." Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng smiled and transmitted the message: "Xian'er, isn't it just a lost world? I have broken through to the quasi-dominant. Over the past thousand years, I have practiced hard and my strength has risen a lot, and the connection with the holy prison has become closer. a lot of!"

In the current situation, Chu Feng will definitely not let Miao Xian'er and the others know. If they know, then they can't be anxious. "The strength has improved again, that's great." Miao Xian'er said with a smile, "Husband" , Go back quickly, sister Bing Ning and others think about you very hard, I usually think so."

"Ordinary thinking? Then you have to be careful when you come!" Chu Feng smiled, "Xian'er, don't talk to you, I have something to do now."

Having entered the lost world, Chu Feng has a very important thing, and that is to let the lion king mask merge. If there is a problem with the lion king mask fusion, he will be sad!

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