Holy Prison

Chapter 2185: Right Lion King Pupil Fusion

The necromancer roared, this is quite scary for ordinary people, but for Chu Feng there is no problem.

The next formation method, Chu Feng's mind, the lion king mask appeared in his hand, and the "roar" Chu Feng holy knowledge passed into the lion king mask, a lion roar sounded, and the one-eyed lion king appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, what have you been up to lately? I haven't appeared outside for a long time... Hey, aren't you in that universe anymore?" The one-eyed lion king's one-eyed eye was surprised, and it could feel the surrounding space. The changes in the surrounding space are very different from that of Hongtian Universe!

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and the next moment, the right Lion King pupil appeared in his hand. "Chu Feng, you are going to give me the pupil of the right lion king" the one-eyed lion king said in surprise. Chu Feng didn't give it to him because of trust issues.

"Well, Lion King, how long will it take to merge?" Chu Feng said. "It will be initially integrated soon, but it will take more than a thousand years to fully integrate!" The one-eyed lion said kingly.

"Fuse now!" Chu Feng said, as he threw the pupil of the right lion king toward the one-eyed lion king.

A little red light was emitted from the position of the one-eyed one-eyed lion king, and the one-eyed that Chu Feng threw out was dragged into the eye socket of the one-eyed lion king by the red light.

After ten seconds, the pupil of the right lion king completely entered the eyes of the one-eyed lion king, "Chu Feng, I need about three days to complete the initial fusion." The one-eyed lion king instantly turned into a golden light and entered Chu. In the mask of the Lion King in Feng's hands.

"I hope there will be no trouble!"

Chu Feng murmured that the Lion King mask merged into his left arm. For a long time, the Lion King mask was merged into Chu Feng's left arm!

Without leaving, Chu Feng sat cross-legged and his mood improved to the perfect state of heaven and earth. He had just arrived in this lost world, and it was necessary to fit this lost world more closely.

Today, Chu Feng has a quasi-dominant level cultivation base, but he is in a lost world and cannot display quasi-dominant strength. However, if his body and soul are more compatible with this world, he can perform even stronger. Strength!

Three days passed in an instant, and the joyful voice of the one-eyed lion king sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Master, the initial integration has been completed!"

"Lion King, I am now a quasi-dominant level cultivation base. I want to know, if I use the Lion King mask to summon you, what kind of strength you can achieve!" Chu Feng said.

"Master, I remembered my name. My name is Bertrand Garin. Master, you can call me Garin!" The majestic voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Galin, you can show up outside, but don't show too much strength, or I won't be able to support it for long!"

Galin responded, and its figure appeared in front of Chu Feng the next moment. It appeared outside with only the strength of the holy class. With Chu Feng's current cultivation base, it can be maintained forever. Go down.

"Galin, your name is not so nice." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Do you want to change a name?" "Master, if you want to change it, then change it. I have no opinion." Galin said, this one The name, it doesn't really like it too much, but the original owner gave it such a name.

"How about Zhantian?" Chu Feng said.

"Sulky, but it's still domineering!" Galin said, with a look of satisfaction in its eyes. This name is better than Galin's.

"Let's be vulgar, domineering, and that's it. Zhan Tian, ​​let's talk about it, what is your current strength, and if you are fully integrated, will your strength be improved?" Chu Feng smiled.

Zhan Tian vomited: "Master, my strongest strength today is equivalent to an average sixth-Rank Domination level powerhouse. With your current cultivation base, Master, if I appear outside with the seventh-Rank Domination strength, Master You can support from ten seconds to one minute; if you show up with Rank 6 strength, master you can support from three seconds to ten seconds!"

"At that time, I will be fully integrated, and I will have the strength of the fifth-tier dominator level, but if the fifth-tier dominate strength bursts out, you can support it in less than a second!"

"Less than a second? Too short, right?" Chu Feng said.

There seemed to be a little smile on Zhan Tianshi's face: "Master, although it takes less than a second, it is enough for an attack. It is not a problem to use it at critical times."

"Master, is there something wrong with your battle? You seem to have more urgent requirements for strength." Zhan Tiandao. "Something went wrong." Chu Feng said briefly and briefly said something.

"Master, your problem is very serious." Zhan Tian said solemnly, "More than tens of millions of people are chased and killed, and many of them can burst out with dominance level strength. It is not easy to survive!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Zhan Tian, ​​tell me, if I borrow your power, how long will it take to borrow your power again?"

"Master, after you borrow it, it will take a hundred years for my strength to fully recover." Zhan Tiandao. "A hundred years?" Chu Feng frowned.

"Master, you can speed up time!" Zhan Tiandao.

Chu Feng contacted Miao Xian'er and tried to get Miao Xian'er to get a little time outside, but the time outside was instantly assimilated by this world.

The power of time in the sacred prison space could not be used. Chu Feng tried to use the power of the Heart of Time. Fortunately, the power of the Heart of Time could be used, but the effect was affected.

If the acceleration is in the Hongtian universe, it can exceed a million times, but in this lost world, the acceleration can only reach ten thousand times!

After a hundred years, the acceleration was 10,000 times, and after a lot of time was exhausted, Zhan Tian's power could be replenished for three or four days, and Chu Feng could still accept this speed.

But the problem is that the power of Chu Feng's Heart of Time is limited. Although it has been saved for a long time, and for such a long time, the Heart of Time has added a lot of power, but it can accelerate the Lion King mask a thousand times and fully supplement it. A thousand times of power, that's pretty good!

In this lost world, Chu Feng had to live for 10,000 years. If the power of the Lion King mask can only be supplemented a thousand times, the situation is not too optimistic!

"Zhan Tian, ​​if I haven't used up your power once, can I use it next time?" Chu Feng said. Zhan Tian's lion head nodded: "This is naturally possible, but master, there is another problem. If you want to use the lion king mask, your physical strength and soul strength must be more abundant!"

"I know that, Zhan Tian, ​​the right lion king pupil merged with you, you should have restored a lot of memories, right?" Chu Feng said. "Recovered some, my previous master, that was a bastard, now dead." Zhan Tiandao, he said a little smile on the lion's face, "Lin Tian killed it!"

"What about other memories? About your original master." Chu Feng said.

Zhan Tian shook his head slightly: "The memory in this area has not recovered anything." "Zhan Tian, ​​if I don't enter the Holy Prison, and only the Lion King mask enters the Holy Prison, can I speed up time?" Chu Feng said, Chu Feng had thought about this possibility before, but he estimated it would not work.

Now I asked if Zhantian had any method, after all, it was a mastering device, maybe there was any method. "Master, how do you do this?" Zhan Tian shook his head.

"Now that the isolation is too great, I enter the Holy Prison. Master, if you don’t enter the Holy Prison, then the connection between us should not be broken, but if I speed up time, it may be possible that the connection between us It will be broken! If the connection is broken, it means that the acknowledgment of the master is cancelled, and then it will take a lot of time to recognize the master again!" Zhan Tiandao.

Chu Feng sighed secretly in his heart, he was considering this aspect. "In the Lost World, there are some places where I am more closely connected with the Holy Prison, and some places are less connected. In the next time, it seems that I have to look for it. If I can find some very closely connected places, it would be great." Chu Feng Tao.

Chu Feng said with a light touch of his toes and landed on Zhan Tian's back, "Zhan Tian, ​​go in this direction, I feel that this direction is a little more vigorous!" Chu Feng pointed in a direction.

As long as Zhan Tian only used his Saint-level cultivation base, Chu Feng could always support him outside, and Zhan Tian's power could always support him, so at this time, even if it didn't enter the Lion King mask, it would be fine.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye. Ten days' time, Zhan Tian moved forward at full speed, that was a long way forward, but Chu Feng did not leave the world of the dead.

Previously, Chu Feng sensed that one direction was a little more vigorous. After going forward for a long time, they did reach a more vigorous place. There was vegetation in that area, and there was more vigor, but the place was relatively small, and all around that place was Lifeless.

That place of vitality is just a small oasis in a dead world.

In ten days or so, they encountered three such oasis Chufeng. They all studied the three oasis Chufeng, but they didn't find anything.

In a world full of life, such oasis of vitality must be unusual. It seems that there is life force directly to the oasis, but Chu Feng could not find where the life force came from.

Researching such things seems a bit of a bad job, because Chu Feng's most important thing now is to save his life. At this time, he should build a powerful hidden formation or something.

However, Chu Feng does not think so. If he wants to live for ten thousand years, he has to know a little bit about this world, understand this world, and use the power of this world, so that he has a greater chance of living for ten thousand years. .

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