Holy Prison

Chapter 2187: emblem

The immortal level powerhouse of the Green Crystal Survival Base is named DeLorean, the immortal level powerhouse, and the highest guardian of the Green Crystal Survival Base. DeLoran knows a lot about this world today.

Chu Feng knew a lot of information from DeLuo An's memory, this first-grade lost world should belong to Tumeng, this first-grade lost world.

In the past, the three first-rank masters were Lin Tian, ​​Long Bai, and Tu Meng, but now Lin Tian and Long Bai are in trouble, and Tu Meng is also in trouble.

Lin Tian was separated from good and evil, and as a result, he no longer has the strength to rule over the first grade. Long Bai's words offended the controller and was killed a half to death. Without the help of the controller, he could not resurrect Su Ling's grandfather as the controller. However, Chu Feng didn't tell Su Ling to let her talk to his grandfather.

Today, although his relationship with Su Ling is close, the relationship with the Su Family is just so-so. Su Family has not yet let Su Ling be with him. At this time, Su Ling and his grandfather Tilongbai are not the thing. suitable.

Long Bai is kind to Chu Feng, and Chu Feng will naturally not fail to report it, but he can only find a way later, and the time is not yet ripe!

Returning to the subject, the reason why Chu Feng felt that the Lost World of the First Grade was Tumeng's Lost World, that was because Chu Feng knew a special pattern from DeLuo An's memory.

When I was in the Temple of Resurrection and realized those pictures, Chu Feng had seen that pattern, and that pattern was a pattern that Tumeng often used!

If this universe belongs to Tumeng, and now this universe has become like this, Tumeng has not appeared, then, for this universe, I am afraid Tumeng wants to control it again, I am afraid it is no longer possible.

"Tu Meng, what kind of problem is going on?" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He has a little bit of disgust. Tu Meng is the first-grade master. If this universe is his, now this universe has become In this way, the universe has become like this, and his strength is estimated to be no longer dominated by the first grade!

"When a mortal is a mortal, I feel that any cultivator is strong. If you embark on the path of cultivation, Fang Jue's path of cultivation is truly endless!"

Mortals, black iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, general gods, king gods, emperor gods, emperor gods, exalted gods, quasi saints, lower saints, middle saints, upper saints, high saints, immortal saints, immortal Sage, quasi-dominant!

All sorts of memories of the past emerged in Chu Feng's mind. For a while, it was filled with emotion. It is not easy to achieve this kind of cultivation level, but there are layers of realms on it!

"After you can't become the master, you will only have the cultivation base of the fifth and sixth ranks. If it is only the cultivation base of the fifth and sixth ranks, then, one hundred and forty dominating years, I am afraid that you will not become the second-rank master!"

"This universe has become the way it is now. If I can find a way to integrate this universe, then it is not taking advantage of people's danger. If it is really Tumeng's universe, I have to thank me!"

Chu Feng decided in his heart that he must find a way to integrate this world or absorb the power of this world, but the idea is good, and there is no way!

"grown ups."

Camara said carefully, seeing Chu Feng a little distracted, "What?" Chu Feng returned to his senses and said quietly. "My lord, this is the trading field of our Lvjing base. Most of the transactions are carried out on this side. My lord, if you have any good things, you can sell them here, or you can buy what you need here." Camara Road.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and let go of the sacred sense. This trading market had an interference effect on the sacred sense, but that also depends on who it was against.

For the general immortal-level strong, the interference of this trading market has a relatively strong effect. For the holy-sovereign-level strong, the interference is weak. For the quasi-dominant-level strong like Chu Feng, the interference is The effect is of little use.

Chu Feng was shocked. He released his holy knowledge and didn't expect to buy any good things. He had enough good things in the space ring in his hand. However, when the Holy Sense was released, Chu Feng discovered something that interested him.

Without turning a lot, Chu Feng went straight to the stall where the thing he was interested in was at. When his strength was low, in order to get a good item, he had to do a lot of tricks so that the stall owner could sell it at a relatively low value. He, but now that his strength is high, Chu Feng has no need to do that.

If the price is reasonable, just give it directly. With his current strength and wealth, the reasonable price will definitely be affordable; if the price is very unreasonable, it means that Chu Feng doesn't have to pay, and it also means that the stall owner will be unlucky!

"Where did this thing come from?" Chu Feng picked up a small object above the booth, which was only half the size of a bank card, and it was a badge!

The reason why Chu Feng picked up this is because a powerful force can be felt from the badge, and the pattern on this badge is a pattern often used by Tu Meng!

Back then, ordinary people couldn't feel the powerful force in the badge. Otherwise, the old man in front of him would not sell it.

"This friend is a bit face-to-face. He came from another base. I told you, this thing has an unknown history." The little old man behind the booth heard Chu Feng's question. Speaking of it.

A little later, Camara came over, "Pasley, this lord was not teleported from another base. He is a powerful bone hunter walking around."

"Ah!" The old man's face flushed, "Brother Kama, why didn't you come to remind me earlier?"

Those who are teleported from other bases are more likely to have lower strength, but the bone hunters who walk around in the world of the undead, which one will have lower strength! ?

Bone hunters are those who hunt and kill spirit monsters. Each survival base can maintain operation and rely on the bone nucleus obtained in the body of the undead creature.

Each survival base has a large number of bone hunters, but ordinary bone hunters can only move in the vicinity of the survival oasis, and powerful bone hunters can walk in the world of the undead!

None of the bone hunters who walk directly through the world of the dead without passing through the teleportation array will be weak, and the weak will definitely die in the world of the dead!

"My lord, this, that" Pasley rubbed his hands. He is the peak strength of the Emperor God, and his strength is not bad, but he can't compare with that powerful bone hunter.

"How much?" Chu Feng said quietly. He was not angry with Paisley's previous behavior. With his current strength, being angry at such things would only make him dull.

"My lord, don't need money, don't need money, I can take it if I want." Paisley said quickly.

Chu Feng had obtained a lot of bone nuclei before. At this time, a fairly good bone nucleus appeared in his hand and threw it on the booth. He whispered, "This is yours. I want this one. If you Know where there are similar things, tell me, your benefit is indispensable."

"This is the high-ranking sacred bone nucleus!" Pasley looked at the deep purple bone nucleus the size of a ping pong ball on the booth, and his eyes were full of shock. Only then will Chu Feng come up with something like this, which means that he has probably killed a dead spirit with the strength of the upper saint!

"My lord, this, I can't take it." Pasley wanted to put that thing away, but he didn't dare to kill the strong man who could kill the upper saint and the undead. It might be a top saint or even an immortal saint. Indestructible saint, a badge that looks like trash to him, accepting a bone core that is priceless, he is afraid that he will be killed by then.

"Don't just give it to someone else!" Chu Feng said with a faint smile. He said that he walked away. It was just a high-rank sacred bone core, which he didn't see at all.

With Chu Feng's current strength, let alone a necromancer with the strength of a high-ranking saint, even with the strength of a saint, he would only be killed by him if he encountered him!

"Pasley, take it, what an adult, how would you care about your status?" Kamala immediately followed Chu Feng after saying a word, the awe in his eyes was even stronger.

"Camara, is there a quieter place?" Chu Feng said. "My lord, my house is pretty quiet, I don't know if my lord is willing to go there," Kamala said cautiously. If such a strong man can make a good relationship, there will be a lot of absolute benefits. Kamala is stupid if he doesn't seize the opportunity. Up!

"Okay!" Chu Feng nodded slightly after thinking about it. He just needs a quiet place to study the badge. He won't be too picky in other aspects. It's impossible for Kamala to be a god-level powerhouse. The living is too bad.

In the Lvjing base, Kamala has a small manor. Soon Chu Feng and the others got to the small manor in Kamala. It is said to be a small manor, but there are still some tens of acres, and the environment is not good. not bad.

Without seeing Kamala's family, Chu Feng was taken directly by Kamala to a small courtyard in the manor. "My lord, what do you think of the environment here?" Kamala said respectfully.

"Very good!" Chu Feng looked at it and nodded slightly, "Camara, don't enter this courtyard without my call, understand?"

"Yes, sir, sir, I won't bother." Camara quickly withdrew from the courtyard, and when he left, he gently closed the door of the courtyard.

The stigma carving knife appeared in his hand, and Chu Feng waved it lightly. In the blink of an eye, thin stigmas appeared in some places in this individual courtyard. Those stigmas can provide powerful defense, even those of the Sovereign Class. It’s not easy for the strong to break through the defense!

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