Holy Prison

Chapter 2188: Tumon

With increased defense, Chu Feng entered the training room in another courtyard. As a home for practitioners, every such other courtyard basically has a training room, and some other courtyards also have more training rooms. room.

Sitting cross-legged, Chu Feng held the badge in his hand and tried to penetrate the sacred knowledge into the badge, but although his sacred knowledge could sense the powerful energy in the badge, he could not enter the inside of the badge!

"It can't be something made by characters below the master level." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. Below the master level, if he doesn't use special treasures, he is already invincible. Under such circumstances, his holy knowledge cannot penetrate things. , How can it be anything.

Chu Feng was not in a hurry, his mind cultivation base quickly improved. In a short time, he raised his mind cultivation base to the perfect state of heaven and earth sacred heart.

At this level of mental state cultivation, Chu Feng intruded into the badge. This time, although there was a little barrier, he entered it smoothly!

"Little guy, which universe do you come from?" Chu Feng's mind when he entered the badge was strongly attracted. He seemed to be falling into the endless abyss, but this feeling quickly disappeared. Chu Feng found that he had come to an animal world. All around, on the sky, and on the earth, there are countless creatures, all kinds of creatures living freely.

Chu Feng appeared on the top of a mountain, and in front of him there was a middle-aged man who looked forty years old, about two meters tall and relatively strong.

"Senior is Tumeng dominating?" Chu Feng said, his eyes fell on a nearby stone house, and on that stone house there was a pattern that Tumeng often used.

"Not bad." Tumen nodded slightly. "I've seen an adult!" Chu Feng gave a hurried salute. Hearing Zhao Ling said that Tumeng is closer to Hongyi, but it's only close. The first-class ruler is not dependent on the controller, the Hong family and Su The family relationship is not very good, it does not mean that Tumeng must be the enemy.

Moreover, now that Tumeng has reached the point where it is now, Hongjia has nothing to do. The relationship between Tumeng and Hongjia may not be as good as before!

"Little guy, judging from your breath, you seem to come from Lin Tian's universe?" Tumeng said. Chu Feng didn't lie and nodded slightly: "Yes!"

"How is Brother Lin now?" Tu Meng sighed softly.

"not too good."

Tu Meng didn't ask any more questions and nodded gently: "Sit down, Master Xuanyuan once said that I will have a disaster in the future, and there will be a turning point in the disaster. Now that you are here, maybe you are my turning point! Don't worry, I won't be against you. My relationship with Lin Tian is actually pretty good."

"Senior, how did you end up like this?" Chu Feng sat down and asked. There was only a stone table and two chairs on the top of the mountain. Chu Feng sat down, and Tu Meng gently patted the table top, a large jar of wine. Two more wine bowls appeared on the stone table, "If you have wine but no food, you can just pour some, little guy." Tumeng said.

When Chu Feng thought, several dishes appeared on the table. Zhao Ling knew that Chu Feng liked to eat the dishes she cooked. So in the past few years, Zhao Ling had prepared a lot for Chu Feng. In the space ring, those dishes could remain just now. The way it looked when it was put in, now that Chu Feng got it out, it was all steaming.

"Okay! It's very fragrant, and it looks very good!" Tu blindfolded his eyes, he said and tasted it with a chopstick, "The taste is also very good... and, full of emotion!"

Tumon ate a few mouthfuls of food and poured himself a bowl of wine into a sigh of relief: "I will end up like this, it's just because I'm not too obedient."

"Hong Family?" Chu Feng said.

"Unexpectedly, you actually know the Hong Family, yes, I am a First-Rank Dominant-level powerhouse, some of the words of the Hong Family I listen to, some I don't want to listen!" Tu Meng said lightly.

Chu Feng considered for a while and said, "Senior, things may not be that simple. Senior Lin Tian is not doing very well now, and Senior Long Bai, his situation is not very good either!"

"Long Bai's situation is not good?" Tu Meng's eyes showed a look of surprise. The three first-rank masters of the year are not so good now. This problem is not too normal.

Tu Meng frowned slightly: "It seems that there are some problems! With the cultivation base of the three of us, problems will occur within a similar amount of time, this is a chance."

"What's your name, little guy? What do you know about the new first-rank masters? It's safe to say that there is no problem with saying other masters in your mouth. If you don't say the name of the master, it's no problem. "Tumeng said. "Well, Chu Feng is my name, first-grade master, Su Family Sujiang, Hong Family Hongying, and the other is Huang Family Patriarch Huang Peng!" Chu Feng said.

Tu Meng's eyes flashed brightly: "Chu Feng, you know a lot. With your cultivation base, you shouldn't know these things." "Su Ling from the Su family, has a good relationship with me." Chu Feng's eyes A hint of gentleness was revealed.

"Su Ling? Don't know." Tumeng said.

Chu Tong chuckled: "It's normal for you not to know Senior, because Su Ling is not very old, and now she is only a quasi-dominant cultivation base. She is the granddaughter of the Su family's grandfather and the most precious granddaughter."

"You and her...Chu Feng, your courage is not small! You came from Lin Tian Universe. If something happens to Lin Tian now, you can't be your backer, that is, you have no backer!"

"Without a backer, I dared to provoke the Su family's daughter, the young man has a future, I am optimistic about you!" Tu Meng was somewhat ridiculous.

Chu Feng took a sip of his drink and said, "Senior, if I say this, you believe it?" "Why don't you believe it, my eyes are not blind yet, can I not see the affection in your eyes?" Tumeng said.

"Huang Peng, Su Jiang, Hongying... Actually the three of them became first-class masters." Tumeng thought. Chu Feng said, "Senior, there is a piece of information that you may want to know. Huang Peng today may be quite different from Huang Peng before."

"Oh, tell me, Huang Peng and Su Jiang had a good relationship before." Tumeng said. "I guess it's not that good now. Listening to Ling'er, Huang Peng might fall to the death controller." Chu Feng said.

"Tu Tian."

Tu Meng said softly and frowned, "Chu Feng, think about whether there is any more important news that hasn't been told to me." "Senior Lin Tian should be the last of the three of you to have problems. He is There was a problem while training. He wanted to separate good from evil. As a result, he was attacked a little while training!" Chu Feng said.

"The separation of good and evil, he wants to be the master." Tumeng said.

Chu Feng said in a strange way: "Senior, I can't figure it out. Good and evil are entangled. Different people have different standards of good and evil, right? Senior Lin Tian separates good from evil. Is this really possible to become the master?"

Tumon smiled slightly: "You haven't reached that level yet, so you don't know too much about some things now. Now that you asked, I will simply say a few words to you."

"The same thing, to you, or a good deed, to me, I don’t necessarily think it is good. For example, if I have some evil deeds, if you kill me, you think it’s doing things for heaven. It’s a good deed. Unless my head is broken, I will think that what you did is a good deed, right?"

"Ordinary people are unclear about good and evil, but for the existence of Brother Lin, he may not be unclear about it. If he tells it clearly, then he can control good and evil, then he can become a master. Or! Normal people have a standard of good and evil in their hearts. This standard is only for their own use, or for a small number of people. If Brother Lin becomes the master of good and evil, then his standard of good and evil will become The universal standard!"

"Why separate good and evil?" Chu Feng said.

Tu Meng smiled and said: "It can be separated and combined, so that you can control it. If you don't sort it out by yourself, how can you come up with a universal standard of good and evil?"

"Senior Lin Tian now separates good and evil. In other words, if they are put together, he can become the master?" Chu Feng said. Tu Meng took a sip of his drink and said, "It's just that it's possible. To become the master, you also need to master the stone. Moreover, once the good and evil are combined, you may not be the master!"

"Senior, after the separation of good and evil, is it difficult to gather together?" Chu Feng said.

Tumon nodded slightly: "Of course it is difficult. When good and evil are integrated, it is extremely difficult to separate. After separation, it is also extremely difficult to want to join together! The two will reject each other. Good fusion! This is very dangerous. If you separate, you may never be able to merge!"

"That said, let's stop here, digress. Brother Lin was attacked, although a first-grade master also appeared in the Su family, but it shouldn't be the hand of Old Su." Tu Meng said softly, "Hong Yi And Tu Tian’s suspicion is greater, Master Xuanyuan has a good relationship with Lin Tian, ​​and Master Xuanyuan is a good person, it should not be him."

"Master Yaomeng, it's her possibility. Compared to Hongyi and Tu Tian, ​​there is a little possibility that something else is doing a ghost, but the possibility is also relatively small!"

Chu Feng said: "Senior Tumeng, you are like this, can you not be sure who made the shot?" "How to be sure? If the controller takes the shot, how can you know?" Tumeng shook his head slightly and said, "Controlling Those who are not allowed to punish the Dominant-level powerhouses at will, but as long as they are not killed, there is no problem.

"Okay, let's not talk about this issue anymore. Even if you know who did it, what? Even if you become the master, you don't necessarily get the other party! Chu Feng, when you are here, maybe you can help me! "Tumeng said.

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