Holy Prison

Chapter 2189: What is true?

"Senior Tu Meng, my strength is limited, but I may not be able to help you." Chu Feng said, Tu Meng hasn't even said anything, he won't promise anything.

Tu Meng whispered: "Chu Feng, you must have already seen that I am not my deity now, but an idea clone left by my deity here!"

"The outside world has become very bad. I know this. I want to ask you to help those people in the outside world. If you can reach this world, you should be able to leave!"

Chu Feng said, "Senior Tumen, just for this reason? Other people in this world, can't you leave this world? You should have family and friends in this world, right?"

"Others can't leave this world. If you can, when you get to this world, how can there be people in this world? How can it be possible that so many people have become dead... Time has passed for a long time, outside me Some blood in this world, or all of them are broken." Tu Meng sighed authentically.

Chu Feng said: "Senior Tumeng, they may not have a better life after following me." "It shouldn't be worse, holy prison, did you get it?" Tumeng said.

Chu Feng's eyes flashed brightly: "Senior Tu Meng, how do you know this?"

"Because you are still alive." Tumeng smiled lightly, "has a relationship with the daughter of the Su family, and is still alive now, without a certain amount of support, how is it possible?"

"With your current cultivation base, it won't be in the eyes of the Su family. Even if the Su family doesn't kill you, others will be so polite."

"You entered here, it should be the result of many people's compromise with each other. If I expected it to be good, it will not be long before many people will enter this world to chase you! If you want to survive, help me , That will help you, you can make your holy prison stronger!"

Chu Feng was shocked, Tumen guessed it, it was a bit good! "Senior Tumon, awesome, awesome! Since Senior Tumon, you know that more people will enter here, why are you looking for me? I was chased and killed, and I might not be able to leave this world alive. You can find Other people." Chu Feng said.

"They, I don't believe it too much!" Salmon whispered, "Moreover, they don't have the ability to help me! You can help me because you have the holy prison!"

Salmon said and waved his hand, and instantly the clouds moved in the sky, and Chu Feng looked into the distance. There were some houses in the distance, and there seemed to be people living on that side.

"See? They are some of my relatives and friends." Salmon whispered, "They can't always live in this world. I hope they can live in the holy prison in the future! Chu Feng, holy prison It is the master stone. It has a tyrannical power, strong enough to **** the universe into it!"

"Senior Salmon, maybe the holy prison in the future will have that kind of power, but the holy prison today still doesn't have that kind of power." Chu Feng said.

"If you don't have my help, you wouldn't have that kind of ability even if you have the holy prison, but I am the master of this universe, and if I help you, I don't necessarily have to!" Salmon chuckled, "There are some badges in this world , They have powerful power. As long as you get those badges, plus some methods I told you, you can make the collapse of the universe within a certain range be absorbed into the badges, and then you can put the badges into the holy prison , Arranged according to a certain method, then a universe can be formed in the holy prison space, you are the master of the holy prison, and it will not take long for you to control that universe!"

"My universe, you can do this. If you have other universes, you can do this. Just merge the other universes! This universe, after all, has gone wrong, even if you get all nine badges, The fusion universe will be much weaker than the first-grade universe. However, if you have a holy prison, if you absorb and merge other universes, then you will become a master-level powerhouse, and you may be able to directly become like Brother Lin. First-grade master!"

Chu Feng thought quickly in his heart. Some of what Salmon said should be true, but some, perhaps false! Even more, it is possible that Salmon is like this, and it was just a trap from the beginning. There is no problem with the relationship between him and the Hong family; it is also possible that there is a problem between Salmon and the Hong family, and he knows that Chu Feng has a holy prison. Just count it!

Salmon just wanted Chu Feng to do him a favor. At the same time, this is also beneficial to Chu Feng. If this is the case, it is the best case. However, among the three situations, Chu Feng doesn't think it is this kind of situation. Circumstances, the probability of this kind of situation, Chu Feng estimated that it is only 20%, the latter two situations add up to 70%, and there is 10%, that is another special situation!

In the latter two cases, Chu Feng is more inclined to the latter. It is Salmon who is in charge of the plan. He may have the idea of ​​becoming the master when he takes the Holy Prison!

Chu Feng’s judgment is not unfounded. Before, Salmon was relatively close to Hongyi. The so-called gathering of objects is based on Su Ling. Chu Feng’s impression of Hongyi is not very good. If Salmon and Hongyi are relatively close. , Some of the traits are likely to be similar even if they have some problems now.

"Senior Tumon, there will be more than tens of millions of people entering this world at that time, most of them are the strength of the Lord, one or two thousand are the strength of the quasi-dominant, and some of them have powerful treasures. It is estimated that by then I will be able to display the strength of the dominance level, and I will not necessarily be able to survive then." Chu Feng said.

Tu Meng frowned slightly: "So many people? What did you do, Chu Feng, you actually provoke so many people. This problem is more serious!"

"Chu Feng, what is your own strength? Are there any great treasures?"

Chu Feng said: "I don't use special treasures and fight alone. None of those people are my opponents. If there is a treasure, I also have one. The power is okay!"

"That's good!" Tu Meng breathed a sigh of relief, "In this case, with my help, the problem shouldn't be too big for you to survive! Chu Feng, we should help each other, do you think?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, Tu Meng smiled and immediately told Chu Feng how to find other badges and how to use them. "Chu Feng, in order to prevent them from falling into the hands of others, those badges are indistinguishable when they are far away. You will have to run a bit more at that time. By the way, when will those people enter this universe?" Tumeng said .

"A hundred years later." Chu Feng said.

Tu Meng's eyes showed a look of surprise: "A hundred years? How could they give you a hundred years? It doesn't make sense." "It's the one hundred years that Linger helped me win." Chu Feng said softly, "Senior Tu Meng, I have One question, don’t even those in charge of your badges find out?"

Tu Meng proudly said: "Chu Feng, this is my universe after all. I can't hide many things, but if it's just a few small badges, that's not a problem!"

"The nine badges are made from a strange stone I got from Domination Purgatory in those days. People with more than a certain strength will scan their consciousness without discovering their anomalies."

Chu Feng said in amazement, "Only people with certain strength can discover it?"

"Yes, the overlord can't detect it, and people below the holy-sovereign level can't detect anomalies. The strong of the holy-sovereign class can detect a little abnormality when they are very close, but they will not feel very sensitive. Dominant-level powerhouses, especially quasi-dominant-level powerhouses with a high level of mental cultivation, can be easier to find.” Tumeng said.

"Senior Tumeng, why did you make those badges?" Chu Feng said. Tu Meng said helplessly: "That's just in case. Master Xuanyuan said that I will have a big catastrophe, Master Xuanyuan will control my destiny. If he has such a word, I will naturally make some preparations, just as I got it. The strange stone!"

"Nine badges, three of which are in the hands of my three wives, and the other six are in the hands of my six children! I have left a message in their souls. If something very unusual occurs, I will leave them in their souls. The information below will be inspired."

Chu Feng said, "Then they will earn some people into badges, and they will also hide in badges for refuge?" "Yes, I didn't expect them to be really useful for a day!" Tu Meng sighed lightly, "Chu Feng, If you can gather nine badges, I owe you a favor, and if you have the ability, I will pay it back!"

"Senior Tumeng, do not know where your deity is now?" Chu Feng said. "I don't know, maybe somewhere in this universe, maybe not!" Tu Meng shook his head.

Chu Feng and Tu Meng kept chatting, and an hour or two passed in a blink of an eye.

"Chu Feng, are there any questions? If there are no more questions, I will send you away. If you think of new questions then you can ask if you get another badge." Tumeng said.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly, his mind rose rapidly, and in a short time, Chu Feng's mind had already left the badge.

With a thought, Chu Feng put the badge into the holy prison space, ordinary things may be damaged when entering the holy prison space, but the badges are not ordinary things.

"Tu Meng, are you also thinking about holy prison?" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. He knew that such a possibility was not small, but Chu Feng knew that he still had to collect those badges!

Tumon is the master of this world. Although this world has become like this, Tumon still has some safety in this world. Each of those places needs a badge to open!

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