Holy Prison

Chapter 2190: Help

Chu Feng is not of Tumeng bloodline. He can only use badges to open those safe places. Different numbers of badges can open hiding places of different levels.

According to Tumon, in some of the better hiding places, there are some good things!

"Fortunately, there is a hundred years. Otherwise, I just entered here ten minutes early. I'm afraid that the people who chase and kill will come over without knowing everything!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Now that he knew what the badge was and what purpose it had, Chu Feng no longer wasted time in the other courtyard, and soon he appeared outside the other courtyard.

"Hello Brother Dao!"

Not three seconds after Chu Feng came out of the other courtyard, Kamala was right in front of him, and there was a middle-aged white-robed man who appeared with him.

It was the white-robed middle-aged man who greeted him. Chu Feng nodded slightly. The white-robed middle-aged man was Deloan, the highest guardian of this green crystal base.

For this Droan, Chu Feng feels good. As the highest guardian of the green crystal survival base, he has paid a lot for the green crystal growth base.

"Brother Dao, I heard that Brother Dao likes this." De Luoan said that a badge appeared in his hand, and this badge looked similar to the badge Chu Feng bought before.

"I don't want this." Chu Feng shook his head slightly. A hint of disappointment flashed in DeLorean's eyes: "Brother Dao, I don’t know what your strength is? Now that the Green Crystal survival base is in a little trouble, I wonder if Brother Dao can help? If I can, I represent Green Crystal. The survival base will definitely show something."

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "You don't have to be polite, fellow Daoist, don't bother to say if you have any trouble, I won't refuse if you can help me." "Thank you, brother Dao!" Deluoan said with joy, and Chu Feng said so. It is estimated that Chu Feng's strength should not be weaker than him, this point can be confirmed from his inability to see Chu Feng's strength.

"Brother Dao, it's like this. There are some powerful undead creatures near the survival point of our green crystal survival base, which affects the life of our green crystal survival base." Deluoan said.

The so-called survival point is the vital oasis that Chu Feng has visited before. When the people of the survival base go out, they will get to the vicinity of the vital oasis. If there are powerful dead creatures near the survival point, they must be eliminated. If a survival base cannot be cleared, you have to invite other strong survival bases to take action.

This shot requires some expenses, so DeLuoan came to ask Chu Feng, because if the general foreign pig bones are in a survival base, the payment for helping will be much lower!

"Let's take a look." Chu Feng said with a light smile. He didn't pay attention to some dead creatures at all, and in this world, he didn't need to hide any strength!

"Thank you Brother Dao!" De Luoan said gratefully, "Brother Dao, only immortal-level necrotic creatures were observed, but it is possible to hide immortal-level necrotic creatures in secret. Brother Dao is not sure if he is sure? "

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Deloan, are you asking about my strength?" "This, Dao brother, dare not, dare not!" Droan hurriedly asked about the strength of others. This is a bit of a taboo. of.

"Let's go, go out and have a look." Chu Feng said, he just talked casually, and he wouldn't be angry because of DeLorean's words, after all, it would be safer to ask about his strength.

After leaving Kamala's manor, Chu Feng and the others quickly arrived at a square away from the Lvjing base, where there were many teleportation formations, large and small.

Some teleportation arrays are teleported to other survival bases, most of them are teleported to individual survival points outside. For example, the green crystal survival base has dozens of survival points, each of which is the main survival base. , The number of survival points is a few hundred, and the number of survival points is more than a thousand!

To maintain the operation of the base, a lot of bone nuclei are needed. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that each survival point does not cause problems, especially those main survival points.

This time, the problem is the main survival point of the Green Crystal Survival Base!

"Everyone, are you ready?" DeLorean said solemnly, "We are fighting for the survival of the base, not afraid of life and death, but I hope everyone can come back alive."

"Yes, Chief Guardian!"

Hundreds of people responded loudly. Each of the hundreds of people had Saint-level strength, and below Saint-level, they couldn't do much for such things!

"Friends of Daoist, don't have to have so many people." Chu Feng said, DeLorean is immortal-level strength, and there is no immortal-level figure among the hundreds of people. Although there are a large number of them, their strength is indeed somewhat different. Into Chu Feng's eyes.

With Chu Feng's quasi-dominant-level powerhouse strength, he slapped him down, and all those hundreds of people would be shot to death by him, even if Droan was added to the hundreds!

"Brother Dao, there are more people, and it's safer." Deloan said. "Whatever you want." Chu Feng shook his head slightly and didn't say much. If there are more people, then more people will pass. Anyway, in such a world, he is not afraid of his own strength being known by many people, no If the young and strong know his strength, it may be easier to get the badge then!

"Brother Dao, please!"

Deloan was polite and authentic. Those hundreds of people were already in the teleportation formation. Chu Feng and Deloan were also in the teleportation formation. As for Kamala, he could only stay in the base!

"Everyone is ready, near the teleportation array, then there are three dark flame bone dragons with immortal strength!" Deloan said solemnly.

The Dark Flame Bone Dragon, formerly a powerful dragon clan, the world is now like this, they have no muscles, but their strength hasn't regressed much!

Except for Chu Feng, every strong person in the teleportation array is fully defending. If they appear outside and are attacked and hang up, it would be too bad!

The gray light flashed, and hundreds of people like Chu Feng disappeared within the teleportation array. The next moment, hundreds of people all appeared in a relatively large oasis of vitality.

The vitality oasis that Chu Feng had seen before did not exceed one square kilometer, but now this vitality oasis is hundreds of square kilometers. In the sky near the vitality oasis, three are more than one thousand meters long. The bone dragons flew around, and from their mouths there was a huge roar!

Sensing Chu Feng's action, the three huge bone dragons faced Chu Feng and them all, they looked at Chu Feng and them, but there were no eyeballs in their eye sockets, only a ball of flames jumping!

"Huh" Chu Feng was shocked. He sensed that there are not only three huge bone dragons nearby. In addition to the three bone dragons, there are also ten or twenty powerful dead creatures on this side. Among those dead creatures Among them, more than half of the undead creatures have the strength of the immortal level, and one of them is the strength of the holy king level!

In a short time, the ten or twenty powerful necro creatures that Chu Feng sensed were all near the oasis of vitality. With the addition of the three huge bone dragons, there were twenty-one necro creatures on this side!

Deloan's complexion turned pale. Except for Chu Feng, the complexions of the others also became very ugly. Among the twenty-one undead creatures, the weakest strength of them would not be much lower than that of Deloan. In their opinion, World War I will definitely be defeated!

"Gana, let us go back soon!" DeLorean whispered. He didn't dare to speak loudly at this time, for fear of stimulating the dead creatures. As long as they were given ten seconds, they could return!

However, how could the necromantic creatures give him ten seconds to immediately launch an attack, "Bang!" The necromantic creatures attacked, but their attack did not fall on Droan at all, beside them. A space barrier appeared, and those attacks were all blocked by the space barrier created by Chu Feng!

Chu Feng said softly, the space was broken and Chu Feng used it, and the twenty-one undead creatures, including the one with Saint King level strength, all turned into corpses in the blink of an eye!

DeLorean and the others were all stunned. They thought they would definitely die this time, but they didn't expect that the dead creatures that seemed so powerful to them would all die instantly.

Such an impact was too great for DeLorean and the others, even if their cultivation bases were not low, it was only after Chu Feng coughed slightly.

"My lord!" De Luoan said respectfully and authentically. He used to call Dao brother, but at this time he obediently called Dao Dao. At this time, he would never dare to ask him to call Dao brother again!

"Go back!" Chu Feng said. The bone counts in the corpses of those undead creatures were all collected by Droan when they were in a daze. He needed that kind of badge. Bone cores are more valuable in this world. , If you don’t make a little bit like this, when?

"Yes, my lord!" Deloan said.

It only took half a minute to reach the world of the dead, and Chu Feng and the others returned to the survival base. When they came back from that side, Droan and the others were all excited.

"My lord, fortunately there is an adult to help!" After the disinfection, De Luoan said gratefully, he knew that if it weren't for Chu Feng, this time they would probably not come back!

Chu Feng waved his hand: "You are lucky!" There are so many powerful dead creatures attacking the survival point, but it is still relatively small. The dead creatures do not have much wisdom, but they also know that it is very dangerous near the survival point. .

It's dangerous, and they don't have much meat-eating requirements. In this case, those undead creatures generally move away from the survival point. However, occasionally there will be strong necromancers near the survival point. Such a situation will cause a greater loss of survival base, but such a reckless necromancer will generally not end well.

"My lord, do you still need that kind of badge? If you need it, I can get someone to help you buy it with all your strength, maybe there is something you want in it." De Luo An said respectfully.

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