Holy Prison

Chapter 2191: Safe point

"Need, DeLuoan, then trouble!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Not only this survival base, but other survival bases, please help me pay attention!"

The bone nuclei collected before Chu Feng's thoughts moved appeared in his hand: "Droan, you hold these bone nuclei first, and the news will spread. If the similar things collected at that time are confirmed to be what I need, you will be indispensable. There is also the benefit of the person who gives the thing! My strength, you can pass it out without any problem."

"Within a hundred years, try to collect as many things I need. If you can do things well, you can reach the indestructible strength at that time!"

Deloan's eyes showed surprise and quickly said: "Thank you, my lord, I will try my best! I know all the leaders of other survival bases, and I will definitely convey what you mean, my lord!"

"Well, work hard!" Chu Feng said, his gaze fell on Kamala, DeLorean, Kamala is still good, if you can take care of it, just take care of it. "

Staying at Kamala’s house for a while, it should be a good thing for Kamala, anyway, for him, it is just a matter of talking!

"Droan, do things well, I will go to the world of the dead, and within ten years, I will be back, I hope you will have some gains by then!" Chu Feng said quietly.

Soon, Chu Feng's figure disappeared, but instead of appearing at the previous survival point, he arrived at another survival point.

The reason why I came here was because there was a Tumeng security point near this survival point. Chu Feng had to go over to see if the security point was still there and whether it was really safe!

Tumeng has a lot of safety points in this universe. Those safety points Tumeng is not prepared for Chu Feng. He prepared it for his family and friends. If there is a problem, they can get to the nearest safe point. His relatives and friends can enter the safe point with their soul breath or blood.

Chu Feng's words did not match his soul breath and bloodline. He could only enter those safe spots with the badges. What Chu Feng wants to go now is a safe spot that only needs a badge.

"The world of necromancers...people with a lower strength, such a ghost place will stay for a long time, I'm afraid they will be nervous." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and hurried to the safe point.

Even if the strength in the Lost World is suppressed, the speed of the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse is terrible. In less than ten minutes, Chu Feng has already rushed to that safe point, where is the safe point, and what level is it? Be safe, these Tumengs have all been told to him. As for Tumeng's relatives and friends, some information is imprinted in their souls. If they are in trouble, some information will naturally come to mind. in.

"This safety point is too crude." Chu Feng muttered in his heart as he looked at the small temple in front of him. The small temple has only two or three houses, and the door looks a little run-down when the door is open. No dust accumulates on the ground. Little, the dust was pressed into some slender footprints, showing that no living people have been here for a long time, but the slender footprints of some dead souls came, and you can see that they are formed by some bones and toes pressed on them.

Chu Feng flew into the small temple, his mind moved, and the badge that had been collected in the holy prison space appeared in his hand. Although the energy consumed by entering and exiting was not a lot, it was not a lot. After this time, Chu Feng Before leaving, that badge would no longer be included in the holy prison space. In the previous income, Chu Feng just wanted Miao Xian'er to check it with the scan of the holy prison.

As a result, the level of the holy prison is lower now, and the holy prison has not found anything!

With the badge in hand, Chu Feng pressed the badge on the wall of the small temple, and suddenly a door appeared on the wall. As soon as Chu Feng pushed the door, he entered it. After he entered, where is the wall above the wall? What portal is there.

The small temple, that is just a sign point, to let people know that the safe point is on this side. The real safe place is not that small temple, it’s not safe by closing the door of the small temple.

In fact, that small temple can be destroyed. People in the safe spot can clearly see the situation outside. After the danger has passed, press a button and the small temple outside will be rebuilt with little difference. Get up, open the door and leave, and you can reappear in the small temple outside.

"The place is quite big!"

There was a smile on Chu Feng’s face. He released his sage to check it out. The safe spot he was at was about 1,000 square meters, including a house, a garden, and a small medicine garden. The flowers and plants have all withered, but many medicinal materials in the medicinal garden are still stubbornly alive. Those medicinal materials are now very high in every year!

There is a control stele in each security point. When the sage enters inside, Chu Feng immediately knows how this security point is controlled. Under his control, the surrounding of this security point immediately becomes transparent, and he sees the outside. The small temple outside is not too far away from this safe point, but it is estimated that the two are not the same space.

"There is also a teleportation array. Tumeng plans to have more relatives and friends for himself." After a round, Chu Feng arrived at a teleportation array in the safe point. This teleportation array can teleport extremely long distances. The sexual teleportation array will only be used when the enemy has discovered that an anomaly is attacking a safe point!

A satisfied smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. If he could know many such safe points, then God of Wu Cai and the others would find him to kill him, that would be a delusion!

Now, that is the first-level safety point. Chu Feng is more satisfied with the first-level safety point. If you enter the second-level, third-level or even higher safety points, it will be safer, but that is safe Points need more badges. If he can't get other badges, he can only rely on such first-level security points!

After the visit, Chu Feng went to the door of the house and pressed a button. When Chu Feng opened the door, he was in the small temple. If he didn't press that button, it would be in front of the house in the safe place.

The mental state cultivation base was fully improved, and soon, Chu Feng's mental state cultivation base reached the fourth level, his mind was let go, and Chu Feng scanned the surroundings with all his strength.

In the initial scan, Chu Feng didn't find any abnormalities. Then, he carefully scanned each place. This time, when he scanned the wall, he found a little strange.

There is a little space fluctuation on the wall. If the mood cultivation is relatively low, people will definitely not be able to find it. The mood cultivation is relatively high, but it is not easy for people who understand the spatial ability. However, if Wu Caishen waits for some When people get to this side, they should be able to find some problems.

"After all, there is something wrong with the picture. This world has become what it is now, and you can't be too forceful. This security point is only a first-level security point after all. A higher-level security point should be safe. Higher!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

For this security point, Chu Feng estimated that even if it was discovered, it would still be okay to withstand a few quasi-dominant-level attacks that do not use special treasures. If it is a dominant-level attack, if the attack is more concentrated, it will definitely not be able to withstand it. living! In terms of isolating the breath, this safety point is not bad, but if a large number of people are not too far away and located together, Chu Feng feels that he will also be positioned if he hides in this safety point.

There are still shortcomings, but Chu Feng is still satisfied. After all, as long as the distance is not too close, it is safer for him to hide in this safe spot!

"You must get more badges, and then make sure that more safety points are still useful today!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he quickly left the small temple and went to another safety point that was closer.

At the speed of Chu Feng, half an hour later, he reached the second safety point. This safety point was a secondary safety point. Chu Feng confirmed that this safety point was not destroyed, but he did not. Two badges cannot open the security point to enter it!

Time continued to pass. After ten days, Chu Feng had reached nearly a hundred safety points. A half of those safety points had not been damaged, and most of the safety points had been damaged, which made Chu Feng a pity!

A hundred days later, there were 800 safety points that Chu Feng had visited. Among them, there were more than 300 safety points that were not damaged, and about 500 were damaged!

When ten years passed, Chu Feng returned to the Green Crystal Base. In ten years, Chu Feng had visited more than 20,000 safe points, of which there were about 8,000 safe points that were not damaged. One.

There are more than 8,000 security points, the lower the number is, the higher the number of the security points is less, this is very normal, the higher the security point, the more material and energy to create!

According to the information Tumeng gave him, he has established a total of 100,000 safety points in this world, and less than one third of the safety points have been visited by Chu Feng in ten years.

In proportion, Chu Feng estimates that the number of safe points that can still be used in this world is about 40,000!

If only the information of those safety points does not have certain strength, Chu Feng may not be able to survive for ten thousand years. There are information about those safety points, a quasi-dominant level of cultivation, and treasures like the Lion King mask. For ten thousand years, Chu Feng himself would despise himself!

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