Holy Prison

Chapter 2192: Quasi-dominant power

Deloan respectfully said that Chu Feng had already returned to the green crystal base at this time. He had just arrived and Deloan appeared in front of him, "My lord, we found a lot of access badges, but I don't know which ones are. What you need, my lord!"

"Where, let me see!" Chu Feng said.

DeLorean handed over a space ring: "My lord, all the badges found in the past ten years have been in it, the total number is more than 820,000!"

"More than eight hundred and twenty thousand!" A look of surprise flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. He didn't expect to find so many similar things! The sacred sense entered the space ring, and Chu Feng immediately scanned it. As expected, there were a large number of badges in the space ring. However, after scanning the sacred sense of Chu Feng, it was clear that only two of them were what he needed.

"Deloan, doing a good job." Chu Feng praised. In ten years, Deloan found two pieces for him, and Chu Feng was still satisfied with this result.

There are nine pieces in total, plus the one before, and Chu Feng got three badges! There are three badges. The second and third level security points that were previously inaccessible can now be entered!

"My lord, is there what you need in it?" Deluoan said in a heartbreak, he was really worried that there was nothing for Chu Feng inside! "There are two!" Chu Feng said that two badges appeared in his hand, and then threw the space ring back to Droan, "You can go back with the rest, it's useless to me."

Raising the two badges in his hand, Chu Feng said, "Deloan, how much did it cost? What about the owner of these two badges? I said that if I give me what I need, I will benefit them!"

"My lord, it didn't cost much. Knowing that you need something like that, everyone in the survival base is very active. I collected these things without much effort! Sir, I immediately contacted the owner of these two badges. They are here, if they receive the news, they will definitely be very excited." Deloan smiled.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Go with the speed. I won't have to stay in the base long before I have to leave. Continue to collect this stuff. If you have already handed it in, there is no need to bring it again!"

DeLorean is still very fast. The two people are not in the Green Crystal Survival Base, but after ten minutes have passed, the two people have reached the Green Crystal Base.

The two people who were brought over by Droan were a little nervous and authentic. One of them was an Emperor God level cultivation base, and the other had the strength of a lower saint, but they were all nervous at the moment.

Before, DeLorean and the others had witnessed Chu Feng killing a dozen very powerful dead spirits in an instant. It was easy to tell that Chu Feng had quasi-dominant level strength, in order to better accomplish Chu Feng’s Mission, of course they did not hide Chu Feng's cultivation base. Even the lower saints are very vulnerable in front of a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. Under such circumstances, it is normal that the lower-level saint and the emperor god-level powerhouse are a little nervous!

"Don't be nervous, I don't eat people." Chu Feng looked at the man and woman in front of him with a chuckle. The man was the lower saint and the woman was the emperor god.

"Yes, sir!" the two replied, their expressions relaxed a little.

DeLorean opened the mouth and said: "My lord, one of them is Norris and the other is Xu Fei." "Well, Norris, Xu Fei, what you gave me is what I want. Now, let me make your offer. Well, as long as it is not too demanding, I can help you complete it." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Madam first, Xu Fei, you can talk first." Chu Feng smiled lightly without seeing either of them first.

Xu Fei nodded: "Thank you, sir, my strength is a little bit low, I want to improve my strength, sir, can you help me raise my strength to the Emperor God level?" To the Emperor God level?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. A hint of joy flashed in Xu Fei's eyes: "My lord, if it can be higher, it will naturally be better!"

"Let me think about it... Your strength is too low. I really don't have anything to improve such a low strength." Chu Feng said.

As Chu Feng said, two small jade bottles appeared in front of him. One of them contained lavender liquid, and the other one contained nothing but an empty bottle.

The jade bottle is translucent. DeLuo An and the others can see the contents of the jade bottle. Chu Feng gently knocked on the jade bottle with lavender liquid, and a drop of lavender liquid came from that jade bottle. Flew out and fell into the empty jade bottle.

The next moment, Chu Feng stretched out his hand, and a small water ball appeared in his hand. The water ball turned into a stream and immediately entered the jade bottle with only a drop of lavender liquid.

With a soft drink, the dazzling five-element power flowed in that jade bottle, and with the flow of those powers, the drop of lavender liquid inside quickly melted with the water.

After about two minutes passed, the drop of lavender liquid completely melted with the water. If you were not paying attention, you could hardly see the color of the bottle.

"As far as you are concerned, there is still something strong, nothing more, it is your good fortune to be able to send me the thing." Chu Feng smiled at Xu Fei, "Open your mouth!"

Xu Fei opened her mouth obediently. With a wave of Chu Feng's hand, the bottle of almost liquid-free liquid immediately flew into Xu Fei's opened mouth.

"Practice immediately! DeLuoan, where is suitable for crossing the catastrophe?" Chu Feng said.

"Crossing the Tribulation?" Both DeLorean and Norris' eyes were shocked. As for Xu Fei, she practiced with all her strength at this moment. The liquid medicine entered her body, and she felt that she was about to explode. It is easier to feel better when you practice.

"My lord, is the Thunder Tribulation from the Emperor God level to the Emperor God level? That should be in this room." De Luoan whispered. Chu Feng said in a funny way: "Your guess is correct. Find a place that is more convenient. I don't want Xu Fei to do this here, and then demolish your house!"

"My lord, there is a special place to cross the calamity in the base!" De Luo'an said. Chu Feng has read a lot of his memories, but he hasn't read this memory.

"lead the way!"

DeLuoan led the way, and soon Chu Feng and the others arrived at the place of crossing the catastrophe of the Green Crystal Base. Many people heard the news and they rushed to this side to watch the excitement.

Of course, Xu Fei was also moved to this side. She was originally the strength of the sixth-level emperor, but when she reached this side, she was already the strength of the ninth-level emperor. After a little while, she ushered in her own emperor. Robbery.

Emperor God Tribulation, this Xu Fei did not ask Chu Feng for help. She fought the Emperor God Tribulation with her own strength. To survive in such a world, Xu Fei and the others are not flowers in the greenhouse!

Five minutes later, Xu Fei ushered in a catastrophe once again, this time it was not the emperor's calamity but the emperor's level to the venerable god's level! The treasure is not strong, and there is still no time to adapt to her own strength. The **** Jie Xu Fei can't get through with her own strength. However, Chu Feng is on this side and naturally won't let her get over.

The tribulation of the gods appeared, and when Xu Fei was about to be unable to support it, Chu Feng thought, the billowing tribulation cloud immediately dissipated cleanly, but in just two seconds, the tribulation cloud reappeared, and even more than before. powerful!

Chu Feng waved his hand, a faint light curtain appeared around Xu Fei's body, and waves of thunder thunder crazily smashed onto the light curtain, but the light curtain was not moving!

After several minutes, the power of Jie Lei had become dozens of times stronger and could not be broken. The light curtain could only be dissipated. After all, this was just a god's calamity. Jie Lei's power was dozens of times more powerful enough!

At the deity-exalable level, Xu Fei’s strength has increased rapidly. Even if there is only a drop of lavender liquid, the power contained in it is extremely terrifying. You should know that only a small bottle of lavender liquid can make one The eighth-level immortal powerhouse has gained a lot of points to upgrade to the ninth-level immortality, and Chu Feng exchanged it into a treasure for upgrading his cultivation, and the lavender liquid was one of them!

A small bottle can raise an eighth-level immortal strong to a ninth-level immortal. It is conceivable how powerful the power contained in those liquids is. Even if it is just a drop, the power contained is terrifying, if not for Chu Feng If you find a way to dilute, the drop of liquid entering Xu Fei's mouth will make her mouth burn through!

Ten minutes passed, and half an hour later, Xu Fei's strength had reached the ninth rank of the gods. Such strength, such a rapid increase in strength, would attract the Holy Tribulation!

Without letting Chu Feng disappointed, Xu Fei's holy calamity arrived as expected. In just an hour, she ushered in the Emperor's Tribulation, the Reunion's Tribulation, and the Holy Tribulation one after another!

At this time, the medicinal effect in Xu Fei's body had already passed a lot, and she was already sober, "Holy Tribulation, I'm actually crossing the Holy Tribulation!" Xu Fei was shocked. Forty or fifty minutes ago, she was just a The little emperor-level figure is actually the ninth-level **** and is crossing the saint robbery!

"Xu Fei, stay close to your mind." Chu Feng's faint voice sounded, and his voice seemed to be resounding deep in Xu Fei's soul. Xu Fei, who was originally extremely restless, calmed down.

The first thunder tribulation fell, and Chu Feng flashed to a place not far from Xu Fei, and the thunder tribulation was directly inhaled into his body. "Boom!"

Lei Jie was angry. The second thunder tribulation was several times stronger than the previous foundation. Even the average lower sage would not be able to stop it. However, for Chu Feng, it was naturally just a drizzle.

Three ways, four ways, five ways Chu Feng stood there, and the thunder robbery became more and more terrifying, but the overbearing thunder robbery fell on Chu Feng, but Chu Feng was hard to move.

When the eighth thunder tribulation was reached, Droan's body was trembling a little, and the eighth thunder tribulation was already powerful enough that even an ordinary indestructible powerhouse could kill!

The eighth path was ineffective, and the ninth path immediately fell, and the robbery cloud rolled, and the thunder robbery that came down could kill even the powerhouse of the holy king and holy rank, but it did not hurt Chu Feng at all!

"Nothing." DeLorean breathed a sigh of relief, pitying him, an immortal powerhouse, but he was very scared today. However, he was relieved early, and the next moment, an overbearing coercion caused many people in the entire Lvjing base to be crushed to the ground!

The tenth, the tenth thunder tribulation appeared. This thunder tribulation only had the thickness of the chopsticks, but the coercion emanating from it caused DeLorean's soul to tremble.

"It's not over yet?" Chu Feng's faint voice sounded. As his voice sounded, the coercion suffered by many people in the Lujing base immediately became invisible.

Chu Feng thought, a gourd appeared in his hand and he threw it away. The gourd flew up, and the horrible suction appeared. The chopstick-sized thunderstorm fiercely resisted, but the gourd was still sucked into it!

On the tenth floor, this was already the limit. The tenth floor of Thunder Tribulation was collected by Chu Feng, and the billowing robbery cloud immediately calmed down, and a little light fell from the robbery cloud.

The light entered Xu Fei's body, and Xu Fei's cultivation level rose rapidly. After half an hour passed, the robbery cloud dispersed, and Xu Fei exuded a powerful pressure. She had already reached the cultivation level of a ninth-level saint!

Forty to fifty minutes before crossing the catastrophe, it took one hour to cross the catastrophe. In total, in less than two hours, Xu Fei could clearly feel the tyrannical power in her body, but she still couldn't believe it, it was so short. In the time, from a low-strength Emperor God level figure to a powerful ninth level lower saint.

"Xu Fei, I'm still satisfied." Chu Feng said with a light smile. The reason why he spent so much effort to help Xu Fei is to give Xu Fei a reward on the one hand, and on the other hand, he wants to show his strength to some people. , DeLuo An got two pieces in ten years, and Chu Feng believed that one by one survival base, there should be people with such badges.

People generally don’t doubt what DeLorean said, but many people think they will be suspicious. If a person has such a badge, he will like it a little, and he will be suspicious of Chu Feng’s strength, and he will be suspicious of Chu Feng’s promise. , Will you give out your own things?

Of course the answer is no!

Today, Chu Feng has demonstrated such power. In less than an hour, Xu Fei has reached the ninth-level saint from the Emperor God level. No one will be suspicious, and no one will doubt Chu Feng's sincerity!

Many people were not too enthusiastic about this matter before. As long as the matter here spreads, Chu Feng will affirm that one by one survival base will set off a frenzy of finding such badges!

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