Holy Prison

Chapter 2193: Tu Ying

"Satisfied, satisfied, satisfied!" Xu Fei repeatedly said, if such an improvement is still not satisfied, what kind of satisfaction would it be? "My lord, thank you!"

"Okay, you gave me what I needed. I'll help you. We are cleared. You don't need to thank you." Chu Feng said and looked at Norris, "Norris, now it's your turn, you What conditions do you want me to help you improve? You are now a lower saint, and there is no problem in helping you improve to a middle saint. If you are higher, your mood will not support it!"

"No." Norris took a deep breath and said solemnly, "My lord, I would like to ask you to help me kill someone. Even if I rise to a middle position, I can't kill him. I assure you, your lord, he is definitely one Evil, a **** bastard!"


A hint of surprise flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. He did not expect that Norris actually proposed such a condition. For the vast majority of people, the improvement of cultivation level is better. It is permanent. No matter how bad it is, it is a treasure. of. Killing, when it is brought up like this, it is definitely a deep hatred!

"What kind of hatred?" Chu Feng asked.

Norris gritted his teeth and said: "The vengeance of killing my father, besides, the **** also ruined and killed my sister! This matter, he said to me personally!"

"Who, what cultivation base?" Chu Feng said.

"High-ranking saint, Garrod, his master is an immortal powerhouse!" Norris said, the hatred in his eyes was extremely strong, "Bang!" Norris knelt down suddenly, "sir, Please!"

Chu Feng looked at Droan: "Droan, send the message to Garrod and his master, let them come here, if they don't come, I will go and look for them!"

"If you ask me to find it, they will have a little trouble!"

"Yes, my lord!" DeLorean said respectfully. He knew Garrod was out of luck this time. Originally, with Norris' cultivation base and talent, he would never get revenge in his entire life. However, he didn't expect that he actually got the badge and just happened to meet someone like Chu Feng!

People, when you are proud, don't get too obsessed, otherwise disasters may fall from the sky anytime!

DeLorean ran a trip in person. Ten minutes later, he and Garrod and Garrod’s master Wolfach arrived here. When he arrived, Garrod who had received the news happened to be there. The teleportation formation wanted to escape, but was caught by Droan. In the next few minutes, Garrod Master Wolfach appeared in the teleportation area of ​​another base.

After hearing what DeLorean said, Master Garrod naturally did not dare to let his disciple go. Therefore, at this moment, Garrod and Wolfach had already arrived in front of Chu Feng.

"It's them?" Chu Feng said to Norris.

Norris looked at Garrod viciously and nodded: "Yes, sir, Garrod is this **** thing, I will never admit him wrong!"

"Norris, your sister's taste is not bad!" Garrod laughed, knowing that he was mortal. "When I pressed her under her body, her begging expression was really memorable! She! She was not honest at first, but after I told you she was not honest and killed you, she finally became honest!"

"Her little mouth, really serves me quite comfortably!"

"Garrod, you bastard!" Norris roared, and he rushed towards Garrod, but was stopped by DeLorean. "Walfa, do you know Garrod's evil deeds?" Chu Feng turned his gaze to Walfa indifferently.

"Know, I know... But, he has always been responsible for his own affairs." Wolfa said with a numb scalp. At this moment, he was scolded by Garrod in his heart for a half to death. Actually ran to tell Norris!

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Very good!"

When the words fell, Chu Feng waved his hand, a sword light flashed, and Wolfa's head flew high. "Teacher, I know that my apprentice has such evil deeds, don't stop it, die!" Chu Feng's faint voice sounded, his voice fell, and Wolfa's body fell under the shock of everyone's eyes.

An immortal powerhouse, just like that! Garrod's eyes showed fear at this time. Chu Feng killed his master, but he hadn't killed him yet, so I was afraid that he was planning to torture him.

"Norris, do you know how your sister's body is? Her body, in the end all entered my stomach, the taste is not bad, I seem to have forgotten to tell you before." Garrod laughed wildly, he said in a sentence He blew himself up immediately, the next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly, and he blew up without success!

Garrod called his own power, but at this time, his own power seemed to belong to him, and he didn't listen to him at all. Under such circumstances, he wanted to explode, no way!

With a deep cry, Garrod inserted his hand into his heart. His sage is the heart. As long as the heart is broken, he can die smoothly. However, Chu Feng doesn't want him to die like this, how could he have that ability.

"Norris, Garrod is yours." Chu Feng said quietly. He said that a bone nucleus appeared in his hand and threw it towards Norris, "This bone nucleus is for you, it should be possible to buy it. To a lot of torture!"

The bone nucleus was obtained by Chu Feng from killing the indestructible to the strong. Such a thing can definitely be exchanged for a lot of tormenting things. "Thank you, sir!" Norris said, kneeling down again.

"Norris, you don't have to thank me, we are clear!" Chu Feng smiled faintly, "Deloan, let go of a sentence, I don't want to let Garrod and their deaths make the survival bases like Noli If a person like Si dies, if such a situation occurs, as long as I know about it, then I will never be forgiven!"

Garrod is not dead yet, but death is certain. He overturned the ship in the gutter, and his survival base one by one. There must be situations like Norris and others. If this one is dealt with, it will cause a lot of damage. If someone like Norris died, then Chu Feng would have added sin to himself!

"Yes, my lord, my lord is kind, and I will definitely convey what my lord means right away." Deloan patted a flattery carefully.

"Oh, the heart is kind, but few people comment on me like that." Chu Feng smiled lightly. He sounded more comfortable with DeLorean's flattery.

"Deloan, continue to collect those things. I will come back and have a look after 30 to 40 years." Chu Feng said, he estimated that in 30 to 40 years, he should be able to run the remaining safe points.

Chu Feng left, and Xu Fei's incident was just an episode for him, but the Norris incident still moved him a little bit.

"It would be great if Big Brother Lin Tian can become the master of good and evil. He becomes the master of good and evil, and the wicked can be punished by heaven. Then there will be a lot of clarity in this world!" Chu Feng secretly said.

More than ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and Chu Feng reached a level three safety point for the first time. "It's not bad, it's much better than the second-level safety point. If I stay in such a safe point and stay a little farther away, it is estimated that even if I am a millionaire-level powerhouse, I may not be able to locate it. Where I am!" Chu Feng showed a smile on his face.

For the first-level safety point, a certain distance away, the positioning of ten thousand saint-level powerhouses may not be able to locate Chu Feng; the second-level safety point, a certain distance away, a hundred thousand saint-level powerhouses may not be able to locate Chu Feng. peak.

The third-level safety point, that ability is much higher than the second-level safety point. It is impossible for a million strong people to unite and locate Chu Feng beyond a certain distance!

Security points of level four and five, or even higher levels, would be safer, but now Chu Feng is still only three badges, and the security points of level four cannot be opened!

Thirty to forty years is long for a mortal, but compared to the long life of a cultivator, it is just a flash of a finger, as if in the blink of an eye, more than half of the thirty to forty years have passed.

Before that, Chu Feng had visited more than 20,000 safety points, and there were more than 70,000 remaining. In the past two decades, Chu Feng has reached nearly 50,000 safety points, and only more than 20,000 safety points have not been visited.

"Three-level safety point."

There was a slight smile on Chu Feng's face. In front of him was a bluestone. Most of the bluestone looked very ordinary when buried in the ground. Who could have thought that this bluestone was also a safe point of entry?

Three badges appeared in his hand, and Chu Feng pressed the three badges onto the bluestone. A door suddenly appeared on the bluestone. However, to Chu Feng's surprise, he did not open the door.

Chu Feng thought of this possibility in an instant, and there is only this possibility in the current situation! The presence of the door means that this security point is not damaged, and the door cannot be opened. There is only one reason: the door was locked from inside!

At the same safe point, two people arrived at the same time. This is not a strange thing. "Boom!" Chu Feng knocked on the door for a moment. There must be someone inside, but it may be a living person, or it may be a dead person!

It has been in it for a long time and has already died, so the possibility exists. "Who are you?" It didn't take long for a woman's voice to ring in Chu Feng's ear, her voice a little curious, but also with a trace of fear.

"Who are you?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

There was no sound for a while, and about twenty seconds passed before that female voice rang again: "I asked first, you must answer, otherwise, I will let Grandpa grab you!"

"Who is your grandpa? I'm not afraid." Chu Feng smiled. He could hear that the other party seemed like a little girl. "My grandfather is very powerful, no one can beat him." The female voice sounded again, "Ah, behind you, there is a monster coming, please leave a little bit faster, the monster is very powerful."

At this time, a huge black flame bone elephant walked towards Chu Feng. Its body was one or two hundred meters high, and every bone was so black that it was very powerful!

"I can't run away, you let me in quickly so that I can survive." Chu Feng pretended to be anxious. "You, come in quickly." The door opened, and Chu Feng entered it as soon as he flashed his body. The door closed, and the door disappeared from the bluestone. The next moment the bluestone was smashed!

However, the broken bluestone does no harm to the safety point. Just like that small temple, the bluestone can be recovered. In it, Chu Feng and the others can take the initiative to control it. If there is no one inside, the bluestone can't be used. How long will it take to recover automatically.

"You, don't come over there!" In front of Chu Feng, a girl who looked sixteen or seventeen years old said in a panic. Chu Feng felt that she must be alive, but it is estimated that she entered at a very young age. This place, as a result, spent countless years in this place.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person." Chu Feng smiled slightly, "Little guy, what's your name? Who is your grandfather, is that amazing?"

"My grandfather, he is the master!" the girl in front of Chu Feng said proudly. "Master?" Chu Feng's eyes were surprised, "Your grandfather is Senior Tumeng?"

The girl was taken aback for a moment: "Do you know my grandfather?"

A word was only half, the girl actually squatted down and started crying. "Little guy, why are you crying?" Chu Feng squatted down beside the girl and said.

"Grandpa doesn't want me anymore. Grandpa loves Yingying the most. He doesn't want Yingying anymore, woooo." Upon hearing Chu Feng's words, the girl cried harder.

Chu Feng shook his head secretly. The girl looked fifteen or six years old, but her mind seemed to remain at six or seven.

"Your name is Tu Ying?" Chu Feng said.

"How did you know?" Tu Ying looked at Chu Feng with tears in her eyes. For a moment, she forgot to cry. "Didn't you say it?" Chu Feng smiled, "Tu Ying, when did you enter this place?"

"Three years old." Tu Ying said boredly, "Grandpa took me here to play, and then my grandpa disappeared. Grandpa said he would come back before he left, but he never came back. Grandpa doesn't want to be Yingying anymore, and the outside has changed. Looks like it used to be beautiful here, but now there are only that terrible monster outside!"

"Tu Ying, what kind of strength were you when you were three?" Chu Feng asked. "I'm very powerful. I was born with the strength of the middle saint, but the monsters outside are even more powerful. I once wanted to go out, but when I met a powerful monster, I hid in again." Tu Ying said , Crying, her mood stabilized a lot.

"The strength of the previous mid-level saint is now a high-level saint." Chu Feng muttered in his heart, his cultivation base has increased a lot, and the years passed must be very long.

"I have been waiting for Grandpa to come back, but Grandpa has not come back. I went to bed as soon as I was fine, and when I woke up, I ate a fruit and continued to sleep."

"I slept many times, but my grandpa still didn't come back. Grandpa definitely doesn't want me anymore." Tu Ying said, tears in her eyes again.

Chu Feng thought, a badge appeared in his hand, "Tu Ying, I'm trying to contact your grandfather, your grandfather should have a reason, not intentionally not wanting you." Chu Feng patted Tu Ying's head and said, " Play yourself obediently, don't disturb, maybe you can talk to your grandfather then."

"Can I talk to Grandpa?" Tu Ying was pleasantly surprised, "I will be good, I will definitely not disturb you, Uncle!"

"Okay!" Chu Feng smiled slightly and sat down on a chair next to him. Then, his mood cultivation level improved and his mind quickly entered the badge!

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