Holy Prison

Chapter 2194: Surprise

"I have seen you?" Inside the badge, there is also a space, but the place where the Tumeng in this space is different from the place where the Tumeng in the previous badge space is different.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and all the information he had chatted with the other Tumeng was passed to the one Tumeng in front of him. "Chu Feng, you can only use each badge like this once. After a long time, it won't work?" Tu Meng greeted Chu Feng and sat down with a smile, "If you have anything to ask, hurry up and ask!"

"I don't want to ask much this time." Chu Feng shook his head, "Senior Tu Meng, do you remember Tu Ying?"


Tu Meng's eyes showed surprise, "Chu Feng, how is Yingying? Yingying is okay now!" "It doesn't seem to be too good. I haven't left that safe spot for so many years." Chu Feng said.

"Yingying... it's grandpa's fault, grandpa's fault!" Tu Meng said blankly, Chu Feng noticed that Tu Meng's hands were shaking slightly at this moment, indicating that his heart was extremely uneasy.

There is a soft place in everyone's heart. Tumen is good to his wife and children, but in his heart, Tuying is the granddaughter who loves the most!

Back then, Tumeng's children seldom took them around to play, but Tuying's granddaughter, for three years, he has been with him, taking her everywhere.

"Back then... something happened. I left. I thought I would be back soon. I didn't expect that I left and never returned!" Tu Meng took a deep breath, "If I left. At that time, if the summons goes out, Yingying will not suffer such a crime, it is my fault!"

"Senior Tumon, you don’t have to be too sad. Tuying didn’t have a good time, mainly because I missed you and thought you didn’t want her. There is nothing else, that a safe spot is planted with a lot of treasures. , She wakes up to eat something once she sleeps, and after eating, she continues to sleep!" Chu Feng said.

"It is estimated that because she is not in contact with the outside world, she has grown to be sixteen or seventeen, but her mind is only six or seven years old." Chu Feng said.

Tu Meng nodded slightly and remained silent. After half a minute passed, Tu Meng said: "Chu Feng, let her come within the badge, I can promise you one condition."

"Any conditions?" Chu Feng said.

"Naturally not, if I can promise, I will promise, and if I promise, I won't lose faith to you!" Tu Meng said solemnly. "How about the idea not to fight the holy prison?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Tu Meng's eyes flashed, and after a while, Tu Meng said: "Chu Feng, your condition is really embarrassing for me. If it's someone else, I won't agree to your condition, but , Yingying, good, I promise you this condition, I will not fight the holy prison!"

"Senior Tu Meng, in fact, even if you don't agree, I will let Tu Ying enter it." Chu Feng said softly. "I know." Tumen nodded.

"But since you have made such a condition, I still have to agree. It was my grandfather who broke the trust, Yu Yingying! Previously, Master Xuanyuan had said that I did not have the life of the master. I don't believe it. In front of me, the holy prison is close at hand. I want to prove that Master Xuanyuan was wrong back then, and I want to be the master who truly controls her own destiny, but Yingying unexpectedly appeared at this time, perhaps Master Xuanyuan was right." Tumon said softly and authentically.

"Chu Feng, how about you promise me a condition?" Tumeng said.

"please say!"

Tumeng said: "Chu Feng, Yingying should look good, right? If you become the master, if you have grandchildren, if you have a good relationship with Yingying, let them unite! Of course, if you have a son, you can get along with Yingying. , If you leave me a generation, I have no opinion!"

"Getting married?" Chu Feng said in surprise. He didn't expect that Tu Meng actually offered such a condition. "If you can become the master, based on your relationship with Su Family Su Ling, Father Su will definitely take care of you. Your relationship with Lin Tian is also good, and your relationship with Long Bai is also very good. If Yingying can enter you At home, I am more at ease!" Tumeng said, "My situation is not so good now, I am not sure if I have the ability to protect Yingying!"

"The little guy has suffered a lot, and I can't let her suffer anymore. Chu Feng, what I said today is all sincere and sincere. With the guarantee of the soul of my master, you can rest assured." Tumeng said.

Chu Feng said, "Senior Tumeng, I can promise you this, but there is a premise that they must get along. If we are the elders, if we force them to be together, it will not be happy!"

"This is natural." Tu Meng nodded, "Chu Feng, is there anything else? If there is nothing else, you should go out quickly and let Yingying come in, how can you let her in? I know."

"Nothing left."

Chu Feng shook his head. This time he came in because of Tu Ying's affairs. If it weren't for Tu Ying, it had only been thirty years or so. Chu Feng would not waste an opportunity to come in.

Coming in this time, it was still very worthwhile, Tumeng actually gave such a guarantee, what he said one by one by the master of the first grade, and guaranteed by the soul of the master, there will be nothing false!

Soon, Chu Feng retreated from the micro chapter, and Tu Ying looked at him from a few meters away, with tears still on her cheek, and she probably cried again later.

"Tu Ying, do you want to see your grandpa?" Chu Feng opened his eyes and chuckled. "Yes!" Tu Ying burst out with surprise in her eyes, but quickly showed loss in her eyes. "But I can't see it anymore. Grandpa don't want Yingying anymore. If he wants to be Yingying, what happened to him after so long? Don't come to see Yingying?"

"You will be able to see your grandfather soon!" Chu Feng smiled slightly. He said that the badge in his hand was thrown up and quickly squeezing the magic trick. After a few seconds passed, a white light on the badge shot out. It fell on Tu Ying.

Tu Ying backed away in horror, but in the light, she quickly became smaller, and after a short time, the light disappeared, and Tu Ying also disappeared!

"Unexpected joy!"

Chu Feng smiled and received the badge. This time I found Tu Ying. It was a surprise. If it weren't for the found Tu Ying, it would be a delusion that other people want Tu Meng to give up the holy prison!

After looking around at the safety point, Chu Feng left. Except for Tu Ying on this side, there was nothing special about this three-level safety point.

Maybe the scenery near this safe spot was very good before, but now, the scenery near any safe spot will not be good. There is lifelessness, there is no green, no flowers, no trees, no living things, only to see Some dead souls, where can the scenery be better in this environment?

After leaving the safety point, Chu Feng immediately searched for the next safety point, a total of 100,000 safety points, but he still had more than 20,000 safety points before it!

It took Chu Feng more than ten years to finally go through all of the more than 20,000 safe points.

When he reached a survival point at random, Chu Feng changed his appearance and entered the survival base and then reached the green crystal survival base through the teleportation array.

After arriving at the Lvjing Survival Base, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to change back to what he was. DeLuoan hadn't practiced in retreat in recent years. He immediately appeared in front of Chu Feng when he received the news from below.

DeLorean said respectfully, and Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Deloan, how has the harvest these years been?" "What the lord has done before is shocking. These years, the survival bases have been set off. I'm looking for such a seal, but I can't guarantee whether there is anything an adult needs in the received seal." DeLorean said a space ring appeared in his hand.

Chu Feng took the sacred knowledge of the space ring and immediately penetrated into it. This time there were more than a million similar badges in the space ring. Chu Feng's sacred knowledge swept through, and he immediately made a judgment!

There were two badges last time. This time, among the more than one million similar badges, there were three badges that Chu Feng needed, and the rest were not what he wanted!

A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face, "Droan, among the badges you received this time, there are three that I need." Chu Feng said that three badges appeared in his hand, and then threw the space ring Back to DeLorean.

"Just what an adult needs." Deloan also showed a slight smile on his face. He knew that if he got the badge, his benefits would be indispensable.

"Old rules, tell people to come over." Chu Feng said.

DeLuoan scanned the three badges and his face changed slightly: "My lord, among these three badges, one of them was sent by the Yang family. The Yang family is powerful, and there are quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, thirty-six. As the main survival base, the Yang family controls six of the main survival bases. Many of the survival bases under the six main survival bases are attached to the Yang family."

"The Yang family meant me to go there?" Chu Feng frowned slightly. "This... my lord, the Yang family means this." Deloan said, "but there is a certain reason. Miss Yang family is seriously ill and is not suitable for coming and going. This time the Yang family's things are sent here. Your lord, can you go over and show Miss Yang Jia."

"Ms. Yang's illness, many people have seen it without results. Your sir, you are very strong and you probably have never had it before, so the Yang family wants to try it."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "This is more plausible. Since this is the case, then I will go over and take a look after dealing with the other two. You can ask the other two to come over."

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