Holy Prison

Chapter 2195: Yang Yu

Yangmen base, this base, from the name, we can know that the largest family in the base should be the Yang family.

In fact, the Yang Family not only controls the Yangmen Base, but also controls five other main survival bases. One main survival base generally has a population of ten trillion and controls dozens of secondary survival bases!

Compared with the main survival base like the Yangmen base, the survival base like the Lvjing base appears small. There is an imperial city in the center of the Yangmen base, and the headquarters of the Yang family is in that imperial city.

Many mortal emperors also have luxurious and majestic imperial cities. It is quite normal for families like the Yang family to live in the imperial city. The population controlled by the Yang family is much more than that of mortal emperors!

"Friend Luo'an, it's hard work from afar!"

As soon as Chu Feng and the others arrived outside of Yangmen Imperial City, a loud voice came into Chu Feng's ears, and several people in Yangmen Imperial City greeted them quickly.

Chu Feng could easily recognize the people who had absorbed the memory of DeLuo An before. Those who came out were headed by the old man of the Yang family, Yang De, and a little later was the current head of the Yang family, Yang Cheng, who spoke directly. It's Yang Cheng.

"This is Daoist Chu, friend Chu, I forgive Yang De for being rude." Yang De clasped his fists and saluted. "Senior Chu." Yang Cheng and the rest of them bent over to salute Chu Feng.

Although the Yang family is a big family, in the eyes of the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, it doesn’t matter whether the family is strong or not. It doesn’t matter if a quasi-dominance-level powerhouse wants to kill Yang Cheng in the world of undead outside, Can Yang Cheng run away?

"Brother Yang is polite." Chu Feng replied and said in a low voice. The Yang family still has a little support for this matter. Otherwise, even if Yang De doesn't go there, Yang Cheng should go and invite him.

However, since the income of people, Chu Feng didn't bother to care about this aspect, many strong people have checked, he may not be able to save the Yang family.

"Brother Chu, please!" Yang De said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and soon they entered the imperial city. "Brother Chu, I should have come to ask, but something happened recently, so" Yang De sighed as he moved forward.

"Brother Yang, don't worry, I'm used to running everywhere. There is nothing wrong with running like this." Chu Feng smiled quietly. Hearing what Yang De said, Yang De seemed to be somewhat unspeakable.

"Thank you Brother Chu!"

Yang De and the others led the way, and soon the group reached a quiet place, "Senior Chu, Xiaoyu lives here, she likes quiet." Yang Chengdao.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, they passed through a bamboo forest, and a beautiful bamboo building appeared in front of them. "Grandpa, father!" A white-clothed woman saw Chu Feng and they hurriedly bowed to Yang De Yangcheng and the others. The white-clothed woman's appearance was very outstanding, but her face was slightly pale.

"What a sick beauty." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He has no idea about finding a woman for himself. However, after Tumeng's words, Chu Feng moved a little bit differently, Chu Han and Chu Yun, that They already have wives, and their wives are all followers from the Chu Fengyu Tower.

Chu Han's wife Kong Xuan, Chu Yun's wife is Ling Ruwu.

The other two sons, Chu Xiang and Chu Yang, currently have no one to like. Chu Feng used to be in a hurry, and now they are both the masters of the holy sage level.

This, it's time to find him two more daughters-in-laws, one from Tu Ying, and the Yang Yu he sees now, Chu Feng feels that they are still pretty good, and the appearance of the two women is the best choice from family background.

At that time, for each of the bases, Chu Feng would earn it into the badge and then get it into the sacred prison space. Chu Xiang and Chu Yang and the others are in the sacred prison space, and they will have many opportunities to get along.

"I'm a father, I don't care about them in this respect." Chu Feng reflected, "The two stinky boys have been cultivated at the holy level, so I don't hurry to find me two daughter-in-laws. Time does not have a good life for you!"

"Xiaoyu, this is Senior Chu, he is a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, he will come over to show you, maybe he can heal you." Yang De said with pity in his eyes.

"Senior Chu!" Yang Yu bowed to Chu Feng. After the ceremony, she coughed softly. She had the cultivation base of a middle saint, and she even coughed and gargle. This is not normal.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and looked at Yang De and said, "Brother Yang, I don’t know what other people’s test results are?" "Nothing was detected, alas!" Yang De sighed slightly, "If something is detected. Here, it’s better. If you know the problem, you can prescribe the right medicine. You don’t even know the problem, this"

"Brother Chu, you have to work!" Yang De said.

Chu Feng's sacred knowledge entered her body from Yang Yu's wrist. After a few minutes, he had already checked it again, but he didn't find anything. Yang Yu's weakness was somewhat inexplicable!

The Sacred Consciousness did not notice, Chu Feng quickly raised his state of mind, and after a short time passed, he successfully raised his mind cultivation to the fourth level of the Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart.

Chu Feng's mind was extremely powerful, but after a few minutes, he still didn't notice anything. "Brother Chu, isn't it? No," Yang De said with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"Yang Yu, what do you think is unusual about yourself? When did you start this, and are there any differences between before and after? Think carefully." Chu Feng said.

Yang Yuxiu frowned and thought. After a while, Yang Yu said, “I’ve been like this probably since 3,000 years ago. I don’t know if this is abnormal. I used to be sleepy and I can’t dream even if I sleep. I often want to sleep. When I fall asleep, I dream and have strange dreams."

"Dreaming?" Chu Feng's heart moved.

Yang Cheng hurriedly said, "Senior Chu, is there anything wrong with this? If you are weak, it is normal to want to sleep, and dreaming should be normal too?"

"Brother Chu, we knew this before." Yang De said.

Chu Feng said: "I thought of a little bit, but I'm not sure. Yang Yu, do you remember the dream you had? Can you describe it?"

"This... sometimes I dream of being just an ordinary woman, living an ordinary life; sometimes dreaming of fighting and killing many people; sometimes dreaming of becoming a queen and ruling the people; sometimes, I "Dreaming of becoming a man" Yang Yu hesitated and said, she seldom talked about these things, and no one asked them specifically.

Chu Feng nodded slightly to Yang De and said, "Brother Yang, if I don't expect it to be bad, Yang Yu should not be sick. She has a certain chance!"

"Brother Chu, how could Xiaoyu be so weak if he was not sick?" Yang De said. Chu Feng chuckled: "Brother Yang, most of Yang Yu's power should be taken away to do other things. The weird dreams she had should be related to her training, and part of her mind was gone. After practicing, the rest of the mind will have a little sense."

Chu Feng thought of Demon Dream, this world, that is Tumeng's first-class world, it is definitely impossible for a master-class powerhouse to make trouble in him.

Therefore, it should be the controller, the six controllers, and the only one related to the dream is Yaomeng!

"Brother Chu, if there is a strong person who wants to accept small words as disciples, we will not object to it. Why do you do it like this?" Yang De frowned. Chu Feng chuckled softly: "That senior has a weird temper. I guess he's not interested in talking to you. If it's really that generation, then this is Yang Yutian's chance!"

It has been three thousand years since Yang Yu appeared in this situation. This is no longer just a point. If it is really Yaomeng, it is estimated that Yang Yu has been adopted by Yaomeng as a student.

To be accepted as an apprentice by a master is a great opportunity!

"Little guy, I say that you have a weird temper. You are not brave!" Yang Yu said, but the voice she spoke was not her own voice but another female voice. Hearing that voice, Chu Feng and the others Feel the soul trembling!

"Senior, the younger generation is infatuation." Chu Feng said quickly. "Yang Yu is suitable for practicing this magical skill, Chu Feng, just say a few words, otherwise don't sleep!" After Yang Yu said this sentence, her eyes were confused. She had a feeling that she just seemed to have spoken, but She didn't know what she was talking about.

"Xiaoyu, how are you?" Yang Cheng said quickly. "Father, what did I just say? I seem to have said something, but why can't I remember?" Yang Yu said in a puzzled manner.

Yang Cheng said: "Xiaoyu, it was your master who was controlling your body and said a few words just now, you don't have to think about it." "Oh, but who is my master?" Yang Yu said.

"Yang Yu, the time has come, you will know this." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "You look tired. It's better to go to sleep."

"It seems to be very tired." Yang Yu said with a yawn. Just now, Yao Meng controlled her body and said a few words, which consumed a lot of her strength, "Grandpa, father, I'm so sleepy, I'll go to sleep first. a bit."

"Okay!" Yang De and Yang Chengdu nodded.

Yang Yu entered the house, and soon she fell asleep, and Chu Feng and the others reached another place. "Brother Chu, the teacher of Xiaoyu" several people were seated, Yang De asked.

"Brother Yang, the master of Yang Yu, is extremely strong, but I am not easy to say about the specific identity, you have just heard it, if I say more, I will probably be unlucky by then!" Chu Feng said helplessly.

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