Holy Prison

Chapter 2199: Hunt, start

Chu Feng took a long breath and touched the sweat on his forehead. Although there was no danger this time, he was really tired!

"Brother Yang, repeat it once a month later." Chu Feng said. Yang De nodded: "Brother Chu, you've worked hard, go and rest first, Cheng'er"

"Senior Chu, please follow me." Yang Chengdao, he led the way, and soon Chu Feng arrived at the same courtyard in the imperial city of Yangmen base.

One month later, Chu Feng's strength had already recovered, and his body was full of strength!

The power is full, and the second income starts immediately. After another ten hours of hard work, about 6.7 million people have been paid into another badge!

The third, fourth, fifth, and five months have passed. Chu Feng has used five badges. The 3,000-trillion people in Yangmen Base were all included in the badges!

"It's empty!" Yang De said softly, Yangmen Base, when it was young, there were eight or nine trillion people. Now Yangmen Base has fewer than 100 people!

The reason why there are still these people is because there are still some people who have left the survival base and haven't returned. The teleportation formation still needs someone to maintain!

In fact, the news spread thirty years ago. For such a long time, people who went out thirty years ago basically returned. Those who went out thirty years later knew the news. As long as they were alive, they would be in the fifth place. Those who came back a time ago, but haven't come back now, basically, are dead!

However, even if they knew that those people might have all died, Chu Feng and the others had to wait.

"Brother Chu, go to rest?" Yang De said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "No, don't worry anyway, just recover those strength slowly!"

Yang De nodded, "Brother Chu, you said that the destruction of this universe is still 10,000 years away, and the last badge will not wait until 10,000 years later?"

Chu Feng shook his head, "When the time comes, there will be no time! There are still a few years left. Before the last time is up, Brother Yang, you all have to enter the badge. However, there were few people at that time and there was no need to open it like this. After the small ground is turned on once, the badge can be turned on again." "That is, if there are people at that time, they can still be included in the badge." Yang Dedao. "Yeah." Chu Feng nodded, "Brother Yang, you will be responsible for the survival bases one by one. In a few years, I will go around around, and I will come back before the last time."

Chu Feng left the Yangmen base, and after a few years in the world of the undead, he returned to the Yangmen base. Chu Feng found that there were a few more people in the Yangmen base, but there were no more than fifty people. With Yang De and the others, the number will not exceed one hundred and fifty!

When Chu Feng returned, Yang De and the others gathered together. Chu Feng's eyes fell on Yang Yu, "Leave, are you okay?" Chu Feng said.

"Me?" Yang Yu said with some confusion, "I don't have any problems."

"That's good." Chu Feng nodded slightly. What he said just now was not for Yang Yu, but for Master Yang Yu Yaomeng!

Yang Yu entered the world in the badge, this demon dream might not agree, but there was no reaction, it should be the same Yang Yu left.

"Let's enter." Chu Feng said, as he said that the last badge that had not entered many people appeared in his hand, and the light from the badge fell on Yang De and them. In a short time, Yang De and them all disappeared!

"In a hundred years, there is only the last hour." Chu Feng muttered and instantly transformed into clones one by one, and went to the survival bases one by one.

At the last hour, Chu Feng had a very important task, and that was to destroy the survival base that a large number of people had worked so hard to establish!

If the survival bases are kept one by one, it will be more advantageous to Wu Caishen who will enter then, but it will not be beneficial to Chu Feng!

Every survival base has a destruction mechanism, and Chu Feng clones into those survival bases to activate the destruction mechanism, and then quickly leave before the survival base is destroyed!

After an hour and a half, Chu Feng had reached a safe point, and the entire world, all the survival bases, had been completely destroyed!

"The hunt is about to begin, but who is the hunter and who is the prey?" Chu Feng's eyes flashed cold. He is now at a level six safety point. With the strength of the level six safety point, God of Wealth Wu and the others want to locate it. It's difficult for him!

When the whole world is so huge that he cannot be located, it is very difficult for God of Wealth and the others to find him. When the time comes, they must be scattered!

If you can't find Chu Feng even if you are scattered to a certain extent, God of Wealth Wu and the others have to be scattered. Too many people gather together to discover Chu Feng's words together. Who will benefit?

Wu Caishen and the others are like that, it is definitely not willing to act with other people. Chu Feng estimated that Wu Caishen and others who can exert dominance power should act alone, and other people will definitely follow. The strength is divided into groups!

Paradise base.

"Time is up!" Hong Hao's majestic voice sounded at the heaven base, and the huge teleportation array lit up. In a short time, many people reached the teleportation array, the light was shining, and the people above disappeared immediately. !

There are ten and hundreds of thousands of people in the heaven base, but in less than a minute, all the people under the dominance of the heaven base are all gone!

"Chu Feng, you are dead!"

"Damn thing, see where you can go!"

"Grass, what kind of ghost world, such a strong death spirit, staying in such a world for ten thousand years, wouldn't you be able to hold back illness?"

"Brother Chu, it's been a long time since I saw you. I really miss you a little bit, especially, I miss you very much!"

Disappeared from the paradise base teleportation array, ten and hundreds of thousands of people all appeared in the world of Tumon in a short time. Some were murderous, some people’s eyes flashed with cold, and some people’s faces were light His smile, but with a smile on his face, there is absolutely murder in his heart!

Some people like Sword Emperor and others have also entered the world of Tumeng. However, they who are close to Chu Feng will definitely not show a smile at this time!

Except for the Sword Emperor and the rest, it can be said that few did not want to kill Chu Feng. Over the past century, Wu Caishen and others have shown a little bit of a method of pulling a cage, ten and hundreds of thousands. , Formed a lot of interest groups, even if they didn't want to kill Chu Feng before, they would do it for their own benefit!

"Dear Dao brothers, let's work together and position once?" Wu Caishen Hui smiled authentically. "I have no opinion." Lan Zhuo said quietly.

"Yes!" Huang Yuan said solemnly, he made no secret of the murderous intent in his eyes!

Xue Han and other people had no objection. Soon, Wu Caishen and the others organized a large number of people to co-locate the location of Chu Feng.

"How could positioning fail?"

"Chu Feng seems to be far away from us, and it is probably in a place where the breath is isolated."

A lot of people talked about it. Wu Caishen and some others frowned secretly, and many people positioned themselves together. They thought they could locate something, but unexpectedly, they failed!

"What do you mean?" Wu Caishen said. "Since you can't locate it, everyone should act separately and rely on their own abilities." Monk Yuanxin smiled slightly.

"That's fine, lest we find him when we get the holy prison, we don't know who should go to." Hong Yang said quietly, "Everyone, goodbye!"

Hong Yang said that with a wave of his hands, many people were taken into the treasure space by him, and then his figure immediately disappeared into the distance.

"Then each have their own ability." Lan Zhuo said, his voice fell, and the same took away a lot of people. The reason why they took away a lot of people was because it would be more convenient to locate it. With fewer people, it is not easy to locate Chu. The location of the peak!

Two people had already left, and Wu Caishen and others didn't say much. Soon, ten and hundreds of thousands of people were divided into groups and killed in many directions!

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, Wu Caishen and the others looked around, but Chu Feng, that was comfortably staying in a safe spot!

"Why no one has arrived yet?" Within the safe spot, Chu Feng was sipping tea leisurely. The walls around him were transparent at this time, and he could clearly see the surrounding scenes.

If Wu Caishen and the others know that Chu Feng is so leisurely now, they will probably hate them one by one. This way, it doesn't seem to be chased by so many people!

"Speaking of Cao, Cao is here!"

Suddenly, Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. He saw people, a group of people, about twenty or thirty people, but Chu Feng estimated that there were still people among their space objects!

This lost world, Chu Feng Sacred Prison was greatly oppressed, and those people's spatial treasures were not under much pressure!

"A quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, twenty-five saintly-level powerhouses, this lineup is not bad." Chu Feng muttered, "However, if you open up, this business is a little worse. Forget it, give it first. Go, Master Chu, Master Chu looks down on you little brats, count your luck!"

Continuing to drink tea, Chu Feng watched that group of people leave. When they were closest, they were only three or four kilometers away from the Chu Feng safety point, but they didn't find Chu Feng at all!

The second group, the third group...In the past two or three months in a blink of an eye, there are a dozen groups of people who have been near the safe point of Chu Feng.

Of course, near this one, that range is still relatively large, this safe point has a good sight distance, and Chu Feng can see tens of thousands of kilometers around!

"Brother Chu, Brother Chu, where are you?" Wu Caishen muttered. He had moved a lot in two or three months!

"Wu Caishen!"

Within the safe point, Chu Feng, who was lying down, sat up suddenly, and after waiting for two to three months, he finally waited for a big fish to come over!

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