Holy Prison

Chapter 2200: Wu Caishen, die

There are ten and hundreds of thousands of people, but there is not much that Chu Feng is really worried about.

Wu Caishen is one of the people who is a little worried, not because of his own strength, but because he has a powerful special treasure!

Below the dominance level, Chu Feng can be said to be invincible. If Wu Caishen does not have a treasure that can display the dominance level, he will not be able to enter the eyes of Chu Feng!

Now, it's just a little worry. After all, he has discovered Wu Caishen, Wu Caishen has not yet discovered him, and it is useful and unintentional. Worry is actually a little redundant!

"Zhan Tian, ​​let me see your power!" Chu Feng's voice passed into the Lion King's mask, and Zhan Tian immediately appeared outside the Lion King's mask, and Chu Feng sat on top of the Lion King.

Then, Zhantian got to be safer outside!

Wu Caishen felt a strong taste of death, but it was only a momentary feeling, because in the next moment, he was already dead!

Wu Caishen’s defense is still good, but, under the attack of the master class, his defense appears very general. A blue light shield that protects his body is instantly shattered, and then his head and body are all fighting. Tianyou's fore palm was crushed into fleshy flesh!

"The power is reduced!" Chu Feng's thoughts sounded in Zhan Tian's mind, the target died, and Zhan Tian's power at the dominating level immediately dropped to only the holy sovereign level!

With one blow, just one blow, Wu Caishen, who is quasi-dominant-level capable, died. He must have master-level attack methods. Unfortunately, he had no chance!

Chu Feng, that would not be so stupid to give him a chance! Such a sneak attack can reach the goal in an instant, and if God of Wu Cai uses an attack, it is also a question of whether God of Wu Cai can be killed within ten seconds! It is even a question whether or not Wu Caishen can be killed!

As for capturing Wu Caishen, Chu Feng thought about it, but he wouldn't do that. For someone like him with a master-level attack method, if he is caught, even if it is the power to imprison him, God knows if he can use a master-level attack method! Some special treasures don’t need much power to activate. One thought may be able to activate!

"Wu Caishen, I'm really sorry, I didn't give you a chance to speak before he died! With your status, maybe someone will resurrect you at that time, and if it can be resurrected, then I will have a good chat with you. Chat." A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. He waved, and Wu Caishen reached his hand with a spatial ring.

After clearing the surrounding traces, Chu Feng immediately returned to the safe point. "Zhan Tian, ​​you did a good job. The strength of the master class is really not a little bit stronger than the strength of the quasi master class." Chu Feng came down from Zhan Tian and chuckled.

"Master, this time I didn't use much power." Zhan Tiandao. Chu Feng nodded slightly. It was a sneak attack just now. It took less than half a second, and it only used the strength of the 7th-Rank master level. Naturally, it didn't use much power. With the 7th-Rank master power, Chu Feng could use ten seconds to one. minute!

If there is no such a safety point or there is no such thing as a lion king mask, then it is impossible to easily get Wu Caishen, the combination of the two is so sharp!

"This space ring seems to be a space ring that can hold a living person!" Chu Feng thought of putting the space ring into the holy prison space. He had long discovered a problem, that is, in each safe point, he and the holy The connection with the prison will be much closer. The higher the level of the security point, the closer his connection with the holy prison, and the lower the probability of damage to the items entering the holy prison. However, the chance of death in and out of the holy prison is still not low!

Time has not yet passed. In this space ring, Chu Feng estimates that there are some people collected by God Wu Cai. If the space ring is put into the holy prison, the space ring may be broken. If this happens, they will all die. However, They died when they died, Chu Feng didn't care!

If they can survive, then they are considered lucky. As long as they are safe, Chu Feng can not kill them for the time being. If they are insecure, even if they have a quasi-dominant powerhouse, they will only have death in the holy prison space. !

The current level of the holy prison space is not low, even if the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse enters it, the strength will be suppressed. In the holy prison, there is also Feng Bingning, a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse, a holy-master level. For the strong, there are one or two hundred. With such strength, there is no problem in killing a suppressed quasi-dominant strong in a second!

Of course, there is also a little trouble. If one of them can burst out the power of dominance, there is a little danger of collapse in the holy prison, which is extremely low. On the one hand, there are people among the space treasures. The probability of things is extremely low. On the other hand, even if the power of dominance can burst out, the chance of the holy prison being destroyed is also very low. You know, today's holy prison space, there are many strong people who are stable!

At the beginning, Miao Xian'er and the others didn't know about Chu Feng's current situation. Some time ago, Chu Feng told Miao Xian'er and the others about the current situation. Naturally, Miao Xian'er and the others knew about Su Ling.

As Chu Feng expected, Feng Bingning and the others were not angry about Su Ling's affairs, but they would definitely have some opinions!

The reason why Chu Feng later chose to tell Feng Bingning and the others about their current situation was that his situation has improved a lot. It is not easy to die. Even if they tell Feng Bingning and the others, they will not be too worried. . However, Feng Bingning and the others were terrified after knowing that!

"Xian'er, break the space ring, if there are people inside, separate them, and then check their memories one by one!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Understood, before checking the memory, we sealed their cultivation base, right?" Miao Xian'er smiled. "Yes, be careful, if you find someone has a master-level attack method, then kick the person out of the holy prison space immediately!" Chu Feng said.


Miao Xian'er responded to Feng Bingning in the sacred prison space and they immediately cracked the space ring. About ten minutes later, the space ring was successfully cracked by them. The owner was dead. Such a space ring is for Feng Bing. It was not too difficult for Ning to crack.

"Chu Feng, there are a thousand people in the space ring." Miao Xian'er conveyed to Chu Feng, her voice was a little bit shocked.

Miao Xian'er and the others had heard from Chu Feng that there were more than a thousand Saint-level quasi-dominant-level powerhouses in the heaven base, but it was the first time they saw a thousand of them all at once!

Fortunately, as soon as the space ring broke open, the thousand or so powerful people in the space ring were received by Miao Xian'er and the others in different small spaces.

There are a thousand holy masters, it would be very troublesome if they shot together. After they separated, their threats were reduced, but their short-term rebellion still shocked the holy prison space!

Under the threat of death, all the over a thousand saint-class powerhouses were imprisoned for training, but after listening to Miao Xian'er's report, Chu Feng still frowned slightly.

"In the space items, there are so many powerful people. It seems that this is not good. If Bing Ning and the others have a problem," Chu Feng muttered, there was a cold light in his eyes, and he couldn't directly enter the holy prison space like this. If it is, he can only check it out first, or kill all directly!

"Thousands of People"

Chu Feng was tasting tea. Wu Caishen was not an ordinary person, so there were a lot of people in his space items. This was a special situation, but Chu Feng didn't plan to take such a risk!

Even if thousands of people died, he didn't want Feng Bingning and the others to have an accident! Those people wanted to kill him. He killed those people. This Chu Feng didn't have any psychological burden.

As for the consequences of provoking too many powerhouses, are there few powerhouses provoking now? He has no worries about debts, and if there are too many lice, he is in such a state now!

"If I check outside, if there are more people in the space ring, this is also a troublesome thing. If there are powerful people in the space ring," Chu Feng's intent to kill gradually grew, and he was already determined in his heart. The idea, since those people want to kill him, kill one happily, kill the other world upside down!

When killing Wu Caishen, Chu Feng left the safety for a little bit of time. At that little time, a team located Chu Feng's position.

Two hours later, a team of more than two hundred Saint-class powerhouses came to this side. "It should be around here, everyone, be careful."

"Without any discovery, it is estimated that Chu Feng has left long ago. He shouldn't be so stupid if he doesn't leave after he did it! I don't know who fought with him. It would be a pity if he had been killed or arrested at the moment. Up."

"Yes, if you catch him, Master Hongyang will have a lot of benefits. Some of us may become the master by then!"

Two hundred powerhouses talked about it, and they were not too worried. Although Chu Feng's strength was very strong, they believed that Chu Feng still did not have the qualifications to fight against two hundred powerhouses at the holy level!

What these saint-level powerhouses didn't know was that at this time, in the safe spot, Chu Feng looked at them like a dead person.

"Let you relax a little bit first."

Chu Feng muttered. After about half a minute passed, most of the two hundred saintly-level experts outside the safe point relaxed. They carefully checked the surrounding trees and found anything.

The murderous intent appeared in Chu Feng’s eyes, and Zhan Tian appeared. Then, he sat on Zhan Tian’s back and appeared outside in an instant, "Roar!" Zhan Tian roared, and pale golden fluctuations erupted from its mouth. The fluctuations were extremely short. In a very short period of time, it spread to more than two hundred Saint-class powerhouses!

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