Holy Prison

Chapter 2250: Heart of soul

"Chu Feng, catch her, you are dead!" Wuxiang Yaozun said in a low voice, as he quickly sealed his cultivation base, he didn't want to be brave with a madman!

After the Wuxiang Demon Venerable had sealed himself, Chu Feng quickly put a lot of seals on the Wuxiang Demon Venerable. Although his strength was not at the dominance level, the strength of the Wuxiang Demon Venerable after being sealed was stronger than that of Chu Feng. Much lower, his seal has some effect!

Of course, the effect will be very limited. If the Wuxiang Demon Venerable wants to break the seal to restore his strength, it will take about ten seconds. The reason why Chu Feng wanted to put some seals on the Wuxiang Demon Venerable was not because he was afraid that he would escape, but because he was afraid that the Wuxiang Demon Venerable would suddenly explode and hurt people! For more than ten seconds, his deity is also very safe on this side and will not be injured or even killed by the Wuxiang Demon Venerable!

"Phaseless Demon Venerable, where is the heart of the soul? Take it out!" Chu Feng said quietly. The Wuxiang Yaozun coldly snorted and the soul of the soul appeared in front of him. It was a creamy-white spar, the size of a fist, and the light that emitted it made people feel very comfortable. "The Wuxiang Yaozun, this thing, you have never used it. ?" Chu Feng said strangely.

The heart of the soul does not seem to be recognized as the Lord!

The Wuxiang Demon Venerable snorted: "This thing was made by Lin Tian, ​​do you think I might let it merge with me? If I can leave the Forgotten Land, maybe!"

"Can't blend well!" Chu Feng smiled. He waved his hand when he said, and the soul of the soul came into his hands. "Xian'er, is there any 4S level mission completed?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"No... there is no such task!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Chu Feng, who do you want to give to this soul heart?"

Chu Feng left in front of the Wuxiang Demon Venerable. He still had something to ask the Wuxiang Demon Venerable. He had not yet asked the Wuxiang Demon Venerable to hand over all the treasures he had. Zun caught this, and the Wuxiang Demon Zun could only be at his mercy!

"Who is the heart of the soul for"

When they reached another place, Chu Feng sat down on the sofa and thought, Feng Bingning, Lan Wen, and Yilian each have the heart of fire, the heart of life, and the heart of wood. They don’t need it anymore; Miao Xian'er , Yin Qianqian, Miao Feiying, respectively have the heart of wind, the heart of water, and the heart of darkness, they do not need either.

Only Qin Ying and Song Ye didn't have Chu Feng's wives. According to Qin Ying, she had already determined the bright heart of Chu Feng, which has not yet been obtained.

According to Song Ye, the heart of soul is more suitable for her, but the heart of soul is also suitable for another person who is very important to Chu Feng, Tang Ming!

On one side is his wife, on the other side is his good brother!

"What I didn’t get, besides the heart of light and the heart of gold, I don’t know what else... The heart of gold is not suitable for Xiao Mingzi, it is more suitable for Xiaolong, and the heart of death has not been integrated with people. Feiye can do the heart thing, and Xiao Mingzi can blend it well," Chu Feng said in his heart.

"After you go back, ask what Feiye means. What Feiye likes. The one who is not chosen is Xiao Mingzi." Chu Feng made a decision.

The Wuxiang Demon Venerable has been arrested, and Chu Feng's mind moved out of the holy prison space to the place of oblivion.

"I don't know if I still live!"

Chu Feng muttered a sentence of his mental state cultivation ascended up and quickly scanned it with his mind. Without the power of the Domination Level of Wuxiang Demon Venerable, his mind scan is now very powerful on this side!


"Anyone? Help us!"

"I knew this a long time ago, I should have listened to Lord Bai Wanli's words not to enter this place! I thought he did not allow people to enter, because he deliberately scared our good God Chucheng people to come in and gain soul hearts!"

"me too!"

"You are just a bunch of idiots." A guy who was hoisted by a chain, who was not like a man or a ghost, hissed, "Someone reminded you that you still entered this ghost place! It's been more than 900,000 years. Ten thousand years, I will be free, and you will have to suffer for millions of years. When you reach this place, you can rest assured that you will not die immediately!"

"Only a thousand years, I can die!" Another person burned by the fire smiled miserably. "Why stay for a million years?" Someone who was newly arrested asked in horror.

"Why? Because of the body full of fear and resentment, the Wuxiang Old Demon likes it more! Millions of years, this is his standard, according to his words, less than a million years, the meat quality is not good, not enough!" A strong man enjoying the caning sneered, and the whip hit him every few seconds. There was no place on his body without scars of terror!

The newly arrested individual shuddered as they listened to the explanations of those seniors. If they had to be tortured for millions of years before they died, it would be better to die now!

However, none of them have the ability to commit suicide today. If they can have the ability to commit suicide here, those who have enjoyed torture for many years would have committed suicide long ago!

The mind scanned, and soon Chu Feng's mind scanned into a gloomy cave. This cave is naturally the cave where the people above are.

"Now I know I'm afraid." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and walked carefully toward the cave.

In the Forgotten Land, there are many formations laid down by the Wuxiang Demon Venerable, but now there are no people in the main formation, no people to interfere with Chu Feng, and Chu Feng safely and safely arrived at the cave where people are being held.

The stone gate of the cave was directly shattered by Chu Feng's palm. The stone gate was shattered, and no mechanism emerged. The Wuxiang Yaozun was very confident of his own strength. There were many formations around him. He didn't need to set up anything, he didn't expect that some day outsiders could get here!


In the cave, there were hundreds of old people in the past, and hundreds of new people who entered the Forgotten Land and were caught here. Their cultivation bases were all relatively high.

Those with relatively low strength had long been eaten by Wuxiang Yaozun and his monsters, and those people had no "storage" value in his opinion!

Chu Feng said faintly, the light at the entrance of the cave was relatively strong, and those people did not expect that someone else would come here, so at the beginning, many people begged for mercy without seeing clearly. , The person who appeared was Chu Feng, the lord of Shenchu ​​City!

There are not many people in the underworld who don’t know what Chu Feng looks like. This time, none of the newcomers don’t know!

Today’s Shenchu ​​City is not only the sole dominance in the Yang Realm, but also in the Yin Realm!

"Master Chu Feng, help!"

Hundreds of newcomers, many of them happily called out, and basically none of those old people showed joy on their faces. "Don't be too happy." A man who was suffering from a knife torture sneered. "The Wuxiang Old Demon often gets here in other ways! With the strength of the Wuxiang Old Demon, who can pass his level? Got here?"

"I told Wanli to warn you. I didn't expect you to have entered this place!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "You are lucky enough to enter this place and you are still alive now!"

The sword light that fell from Chu Feng's words appeared in the grotto. In a short time, all the confinement of more than 1,000 people in the stone room was broken by Chu Feng!

"Are you not an old demon without phase?"

At this time, many old people also showed surprises in their eyes. If they were the phaseless old demon, they would not break their imprisonment. Although they could not beat the phaseless old demon and could not escape, they would be re-introduced. Imprisonment is more troublesome!

"It seems that we are going to die, let us have fun in the end, is the meat quality better?" Some of those old people said this way. When he said, there was a smile on his face. Death was a relief for them. , They wanted to die a long time ago, but they couldn't help but die in this place!

"Go out!"

Chu Feng said in a low voice. He said that more than a thousand people were collected into the sacred prison space in an instant. There are many formations in the Forgotten Land. If those people leave by themselves, many of them will probably die. In one formation!

The Wuxiang Demon Venerable is in the holy prison. Chu Feng asked him. The only place where people are closed is the cave. Since the people have taken it, the kind heart is gained, there is nothing left in the forgotten place. Three minutes In the past, avoiding those formations, Chu Feng left the Forgotten Land relatively easily!

"Shenchu ​​City, isn't this a bit too domineering?"

"That is, the closing of the field prevented us from entering it. The previous God Chu City was not like this. Sure enough, when a force becomes stronger, it will become very domineering!"

"Our destiny, we can be the master of our own, we don’t need God Chucheng to be the master of us. Do you think this is the truth? We go in and die is our destiny. If good luck gains the heart of the soul, it is also our destiny. The heart of the soul is not from the first city of God, everyone should be able to compete fairly!"

"Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it! In the history of the Yin and Yang worlds, it is not that the power that dominates the world has never appeared, and as a result, all the forces have gone to extinction!"

Outside the Forgotten Land, a large number of people gathered. When Chu Feng entered the Forgotten Land before, there were no more than one million people gathered near the Forgotten Land, but now three or four months later, there are gatherings outside the Forgotten Land. More than a trillion people!

Trillions, this is a terrifying number. Among those people, most of them are dissatisfied with God Chucheng's actions this time, and many people are even more dissatisfied!

Shenchu ​​City has gathered many people on this side, but there are only one million people on this side, which is too few compared to the huge number of trillions!

"My lord, there are more and more people. If this goes on, we are afraid we can't stand it." In front of Bai Wan, a strong man from Shenchu ​​City reported with some worry.

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