Holy Prison

Chapter 2251: Cost of trouble

Bai Wanli frowned and sealed off the Forgotten Land. This was the task that Chu Feng explained. If it is not done well, Bai Wanli will not be able to explain it to Chu Feng.

"How many people are making a lot of trouble?" Bai Wanli said. "A lot, more than 10,000 people have made a lot of trouble! Sir, some people are extremely disrespectful to our God Chucheng in their words, can we tolerate it?" The former strongman in Bai Wan said a little bit aggrieved.

"Is the name of the person who is making a lot of trouble remembered?" Bai Wanli said. "Take it down, sir, I will pass the message to you!"

Chu Feng's faint voice rang: "Pass it to me too!"

When the words fell, Chu Feng's figure appeared in front of Bai Wanli and the others. "Master!" Bai Wanli said in surprise, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"My Lord City Lord!" The strong man in front of Bai Wanli hurriedly saluted, and Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Give me a copy of the information. In addition, Wanli made a lot of trouble and spoke too much to our God Chu City. People gathered here, if you are not obedient, kill!"

"Master, kill those who disobey?" Bai Wanli said in surprise. "Yeah." Chu Feng said quietly, "The Forgotten Land is extremely dangerous. We should seal the Forgotten Land so that no one can enter. This is what we should do. Other people cannot enter if they don't understand. Some opinions are normal, but If there are too many radical remarks, we don’t have to be polite! Gather those people here first, and kill those who don’t obey!" "Yes, Master!" Bai Wanli respectfully said, and his orders were passed immediately. After leaving, Chu Feng entered the Forgotten Land, and the news from the Forgotten Land was immediately spread!

There are tens of thousands of people who have extremely radical speeches. At the beginning, their courage was not that big. It seems that Shenchucheng did not respond. Moreover, there are trillions of people gathered here. Their courage is only a little bit big. Up!

Although Shenchu ​​City is strong, it has not been too overbearing and strong all the time. Many people do not have much awe of Shenchu ​​City in their hearts!

The Forgotten Land is very dangerous, and Chu Feng does not want many people to enter it and die innocently. However, this does not mean that he will not severely punish those who offend Shenchu ​​City!

The time didn’t elapse, just over ten minutes, the people of Shenchu ​​City brought the most violent tens of thousands of people to Chu Feng. Many of those people were unwilling, but Shenchu ​​City really took action. They I discovered that I didn't have the capital to fight against Shenchu ​​City at all!

"Everyone, let's see, this is what God Chucheng did! On the one hand, it said that it is good for us and not let us in; on the other hand, it actually arrested people aggressively. If we don't follow it, we will kill us!"

"Shenchu ​​City, but so! Today we may be tomorrow's everyone, fellow daoists, everyone must stand up bravely! As long as everyone stands up, Shenchu ​​City is not so scary!

"What's good for us, shit! It's not that the people in Shenchucheng don't want their souls to be in the hands of others. The act of closing the scene is shameful. Such an unspeakable act is even more shameful!"

Taken away by the people of Shenchu ​​City, many people yelled all the way, and a large number of people around the Forgotten Land gathered towards the side of Chu Feng Bai Wanli where they were. Chu Feng went in and came out again. Knowing that the heart of the soul might have been acquired by Chu Feng, and entering the Forgotten Land at this time would have no benefit but danger!

"Master, all the people who made the most noise have gathered." Bai Wanli said respectfully. "Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly. The place where he is now is a high platform. There is a first-level platform under the high platform. Bai Wanli is on that level. The tens of thousands of people who make the most noise are also at that level. Above the table.

In the audience, at this time, Chu Feng and his side had gathered tens of billions of people, spreading out in a densely dense manner for a long distance, and more people were gathering quickly toward this side!

Chu Feng's faint voice rang, and no matter the person who was talking about it quickly quieted down, as the city owner of Shenchu ​​City, Chu Feng can be said to be the most powerful person in Hongtian Universe today! Chu Feng didn't get angry, many of them dared to curse a few words when Shenchu ​​City didn't take any action, but at this time, they dare not be obedient!

"Everyone, I'm relatively disappointed!" Chu Feng said expressionlessly, "If there are no people from my God Chucheng blocking, at least a million of you will enter the Forgotten Land! If I didn't get here, I didn't enter. In the Forgotten Land, how many of the million people who have entered can survive?"

"In the Forgotten Land, there are a large number of formation traps. There are more than a dozen monsters with the strength of the Sovereign level, and three monsters with the strength of the quasi-dominant level! It's not that I look down on you. You will die as many as you go in. Few people have the strength to come out of the Forgotten Land alive!"

"Now I have killed all the monsters in the Forgotten Land. Ten thousand miles, let these people enter the Forgotten Land!" Chu Feng said tens of thousands of luminous gems appeared in front of him, "These stones contain me. With a little soul breath, you enter the Forgotten Land, and you can get out of the Forgotten Land by getting three of these gems! Don't you really want to enter the Forgotten Land? I will satisfy you!"

"I don’t have much time to spend with you here. I will give you ten days to live with three gems in ten days, and die without three gems! Don’t **** the gems obtained by others or **** others. Those who have already got the gems die!" Chu Feng's words fell, and with a wave of his hand, in an instant, tens of thousands of luminous gems flew quickly towards the Forgotten Land.

In the blink of an eye, all tens of thousands of gems disappeared!

"Listen to my order, you guys, immediately enter the Forgotten Land!" Bai Wanli glanced at the tens of thousands of people who had been captured and said coldly, "If you didn't enter the Forgotten Land within ten seconds, die! The number of gems is exactly that. Three times the number of you, the slower one, the better gems will be obtained by others!"

The sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and in a short time, all the tens of thousands of people who had been arrested entered the Forgotten Land. They are smart now, knowing that if they make noise, they will undoubtedly die!

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and all the more than 1,000 people rescued before appeared on the ladder where Bai Wanli was located. There were more than 1,000 people, hundreds of them who looked like people and ghosts, they let themselves recover. It can be done, but few of them allow themselves to recover.

They have some understanding of the character of the Wuxiang Yaozun. If they let themselves recover, then they will be punished more terribly!

If Chu Feng is really not the Phaseless Demon Venerable who is here to rescue them, it won't be too late to recover when the time is confirmed!

Quite a few people were taken aback. More than a thousand people appeared. Those hundreds of people looked very scary. Some people didn’t have a lot of meat on their bodies, and some had countless knives. Injury, some people are as thin as wood, with a lot of terrible poisonous insects attached to their bodies!


"It's really coming out, haha, it's really coming out! It's not a phaseless old demon, no!"

"Hahaha, it finally came out, more than 700,000 years, the old way I have more than 700,000 years, I really have not lived a life!"

Hundreds of people who were arrested long ago by the Wuxiang Demon Venerable were extremely happy, and the following hundreds of people who were arrested were also very happy. They thought they would suffer millions of years and die, but they were lucky. Chu Feng was rescued.

"City Lord Chu, thank you!"

"City Lord Chu, great kindness, unforgettable!"

Those who came out saluted Chu Feng and thanked each one. "Don't enter such a dangerous place impulsively in the future." Chu Feng said quietly, "Okay, you are all gone!"

Hundreds of people who had been arrested before have offered to repay, but Chu Feng is not very interested in their repaying, and now there are people in Shenchu ​​City who want something and something!

Chu Feng disappeared and entered the holy prison space. Outside, more and more people gathered. When Chu Feng disappeared, only tens of billions of people gathered. By the next day, there were already hundreds of billions. People gathered on this side, and the number is still increasing.

Hundreds of people who had been arrested by the Wuxiang Demon Venerable for a long time, as well as some people behind, spread some information in the Forgotten Land. Knowing that information, countless people are afraid of them. If they have entered the Forgotten Land, Perhaps by now he has died in the Forgotten Land!

Before, many people were dissatisfied with the behavior of God Chucheng. At this moment, countless people were praised. A dozen holy beasts and three quasi-dominant beasts are very scary. What's more, listening to those who were rescued by Chu Feng said that there is an even more terrifying Wuxiang Demon Venerable!

The strength of the Wuxiang Demon Venerable may be the Domination Level! Even if it’s not the Domination Level but the Quasi-Domination Level, the four quasi-domination level powerhouses are extremely terrifying, let alone a million, even if there are tens of millions, 100 million people, there is only the whole army in the Forgotten Land without any organization. The end of annihilation!

In the holy prison space, Chu Feng appeared in front of the Wuxiang Demon Venerable. Before, Chu Feng had not asked the Wuxiang Demon Venerable a lot of questions.

"Chu Feng, what's the matter?" Wuxiang Yaozun opened his eyes and said in a deep voice. "No Phase Demon Venerable, my rule here is that when it comes to this, first hand over the treasures on your body." Chu Feng smiled quietly, a third-rank Dzogchen Domination-level powerhouse, presumably not much worse.

The Wuxiang Demon Venerable thought, a space ring appeared in his hand, "Hurry up and disappear in front of this seat!" The Wuxiang Demon Venerable directly threw the space ring towards Chu Feng. He knew that no matter how much nonsense, those things could not be kept, it would be better. Give it out directly, and be less angry!

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