Holy Prison

Chapter 2283: Die again?

"Feng, Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple have retreated." Feng Bingning said softly.

Chu Feng is now practising with peace of mind. He did not understand the external situation. He gave Feng Bingning the responsibility for this facade. The other women were not in the other courtyard where he was. go away.

"Yeah." Chu Feng opened his eyes and nodded slightly, "Feng Bing, sit down."

Feng Bingning sat down beside Chu Feng, "Bing Ning, is the mood of Axicheng still stable now?" Chu Feng said. Feng Bingning said helplessly, "Can you be stable? When you fell, many people saw it, but since then, you have never seen you appear. Everyone thinks that you are already."

"Feng, even if you can't tell everyone, some of them can't tell? Like Chu Long, etc., they have already found a lot of people back, and we are almost a bit difficult to stop. After all, although we are your wife, Chu Long is also you. Brother, Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple were still attacking before, and now they have retreated, I think Chu Long and some others will come again." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng thought for a while and said, "Bing Ning, let Chu Long and some other people come in. Who are the specific ones? You have decided yourself." "Is there no problem with this?" Feng Bing Ning said.

"There is no problem. Before the Haoyang Temple, the Thunder Cloud Mansion was still there, and the master-level powerhouses are very strong. If there is no sad atmosphere in Axi City, then they must know that I am not dead yet. , They will not feel that strong when they leave the land of heaven and heart." Chu Feng said.

Feng Bing said: "Feng... Then don't do it. What if they kill a carbine? It will be troublesome if they sense that you are not dead yet!"

"Therefore, it is still not possible to have a large number of people, and a small number of people does not matter." Chu Feng said.

"sister in law!"

Chu Long’s voice rang. His voice sounded outside the other courtyard. In recent years, Feng Bingning and their daughters have been in the other courtyard. None of the others have been to the other courtyard, including Chu Long, including Yin Xiao. , Nuwa!

The Haoyang Temple and Leiyun Mansion were still there. When they were still attacking, Chu Long and the others came to look for it a few times. At this time, the Haoyang Temple and the others had left.

"come in."

The door of the other courtyard was opened. It was Miao Feiying who opened the door. At this time, there was a little red in her eyes. Seeing this, Chu Long and the others felt a sudden, a little bit far away, Shen Chu Cheng noticed that some people on this side also felt bad feelings. Over the years, Feng Bingning announced to the outside that Chu Feng was under attack, and she was resting at this moment, but not many people believed these words over the years!

"Sister-in-law, we"

Chu Long was a little bit hesitant. He wanted to enter before, but now he doesn't want to enter. If he sees Chu Feng's body, then.

"You all come in." Miao Feiying said softly, her eyes showed sorrow. For a saint-level powerhouse, such a disguise is not difficult.

Those who were able to get to the other courtyard were very close to Chu Feng. Upon hearing Miao Feiying's words, they all entered the other courtyard one by one.

At the door, Chu Feng's voice reached Chu Long and the others, "Little Dragon, what are you doing standing there, inside the courtyard, come in." Chu Feng smiled.

A look of surprise appeared on Chu Long's face, and soon he entered the inner courtyard, and Yin Xiao and other people naturally also entered the inner courtyard.

"Brother, you're okay" Chu Long approached and gave Chu Feng a fist, "Damn, what a handjob, it's okay to make us worry a lot!"

Chu Feng glanced at Chu Long and the others: “It’s not that it’s okay. Something happened before, but it was resurrected later, but if you die again, you may not be able to resurrect. That’s why I made the best plan! The stigmata is used to hide some breath or something, there is no Yuanying, Master, you don't mind your father-in-law."

Yin Xiao is here, Nuwa is also here, and Master Tianhen is also here. According to the etiquette, Chu Feng should have left the inner courtyard to meet them. Now it is a little bit unruly.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Master Tianhen smiled. He believed that Chu Feng was not dead, but when he saw Chu Feng, his holding heart was let go!

"Chu Feng, you are right to do this. If you really have a problem, the problem will be serious by then." Yin Xiao said, "We can't disclose the news that you are still alive for the time being, right?"


Chu Feng nodded and smiled, "You should leave here when the time comes. Don't be happy, but don't be too sad. That's not reasonable. When others are not paying attention, a little sadness appears in your eyes. Okay, this one shouldn't be difficult for you."

"Feng, I'm going to prepare wine and food. Everyone has worked hard for a long time, physically and mentally exhausted, so relax with a drink." Feng Bingning smiled authentically. "Sister Bing Ning, I'll be with you." Shi Yan smiled.

"And I!"

Many women left, and Chu Feng and Chu Long sat down, "Chu Feng, you don’t know what kind of plan is going on next? You have been resurrected once, and I don’t know if you can find a way to cause problems again. At that time, he can be resurrected.” Yin Xiao said, Chu Feng is the backbone of Shenchu ​​City. If Chu Feng really falls, the future of Shenchu ​​City will be worrying!

"For the time being, I haven't thought of a good way. However, regarding Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple, I believe that for the time being, they will not have such a method again." Chu Feng said.

Eleven master-level powerhouses killed him and a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. If this is a normal situation, of course Chu Feng was killed easily, but Chu Feng was in the strong defense of Axi City. At that time, Chu Feng is not a normal attack that can kill him. If Thunder Cloud Mansion and Haoyang Temple can kill him, he must have paid a relatively high price.

Besides, if it were easy to kill him in that way, before the Haoyang Temple and Leiyun Mansion, they would have taken their own actions. Can they wait for them to unite?

"If they don't know that you have been resurrected, it is better to keep your secrets secret." Nuwa said, "If you need to pay a high price to attack you, if there is no certainty, even if they have the ability to attack again, they should not Would do that."

I chatted a lot with Chu Long and the others. Feng Bingning and the others had already prepared the food. In this regard, Chu Feng felt that Su Ling was more talented, but Feng Bingning and the others were also very good.

Satiated with wine and food, Chu Long and the others left. After they left, they all acted calmly, but careful people can notice that occasionally Chu Long and their hearts will flash the sad color, which is naturally pretending to be sad. Now, Chu Feng is still alive, not yet when they are truly sad!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed. After thousands of years, the land of Heaven and Heart has continued to grow. Thunder Cloud Mansion and Haoyang Temple have attacked several times, but every attack was blocked by Axi City.

Feng Ling and others tried their best to get Chu Feng to talk and see if Chu Feng was still alive. Naturally, Chu Feng would not be stupid enough to respond. If Chu Feng did not answer, Feng Ling and the others would not be anxious. As long as Chu Feng died, in their opinion, it would only be a matter of time before the time to break Axi City's defenses and obtain the Holy Prison.

If Chu Feng was still alive, it would be a lot of trouble. He might not get the Holy Prison by then, and he might be planted in Chu Feng's hands!

"It's only five thousand years."

In Axi City, Chu Feng raised his head and looked at the sky quietly and authentically. Today, Axi City has extracted about one-tenth of the power of the Land of Nine Suns and the Land of Nine Yin. These are not a lot, but time has passed. A lot! What Chu Feng said is only five thousand years, and only five thousand years, he must enter the holy purgatory!

There was an agreement before, and after 12,000 years, he will get the Lord's Purgatory, only 5,000 years are left, and the other 7,000 years have passed!

"Brother Feng, do you want to do something?" Lan Wen beside Chu Feng smiled authentically. "Hehe, there are still five thousand years, but I am not too anxious." Chu Feng smiled.

Chu Feng said so, but he knew that five thousand years is not too long, he must hurry, otherwise, the problem on this side may not be solved by then!

When the time is up, the problem on this side cannot be solved. Chu Feng must leave to go to the Sovereign Purgatory. Feng Bingning and their daughters also have to leave with Chu Feng. The ninety-nine heavenly guards must also leave, and they all leave. In the case of, Axi City’s defenses will be greatly reduced, so before leaving, we must solve the problem on the side of the Nine Suns!

At this moment, a huge voice reached Chu Feng and the others, and Haoyang Temple and Thunder Cloud Mansion entered the Tianxin Land again. Over the past few thousand years, they have entered many times!

"Little brother Chu Feng, I don't know if you have recovered? If you have recovered, you will scream, otherwise we will carry out some special attacks to verify it." Feng Ling's voice with a smile entered into Axi City. "Regardless of whether you are dead or not, we will attack again and verify it!"

Both Chu Feng and Lan Wen's face changed slightly. When Feng Ling said this, Feng Bingning and other people's face also changed slightly. Feng Bingning and the other women all appeared beside Chu Feng. .


Feng Bingning and their eight daughters all borrowed their power, and then laid a layer of defense around Chu Feng. In this way, Feng Ling's attack might be weakened a little.

Chu Feng also quickly activated a defensive treasure. The defensive treasure is very precious, but Chu Feng has a lot of them. Compared with his life, that little thing is not worth mentioning!

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