Holy Prison

Chapter 2284: Confrontation between women

"Brother Lieyang, what do you think?" Lei Qing's voice resounded inside the Haoyang Temple. If he cursed the attack again, he would have rested for several thousand years, and he could barely use it again, but his power was not. There will be strong before.

In the Haoyang Temple, Lieyang Tianjun thought about it. He wanted to make sure, but if Chu Feng was already dead, it would be too wasteful for them to use it again.

The previous death curse slammed Chu Feng at once, but for Lieyang Tianjun and the others, the pressure was also great! If you use it again, Lei Qing's sequelae will be much stronger than before!

"Brother Lei Qing, what do you mean? If we use it again, we will not be injured lightly by that time. In a relatively long period of time, we may be weak in attack." Lieyang Tianjun said, "If the growth rate of the Shenchu ​​area is not fast It doesn't matter much, but the growth rate of the Shenchu ​​area is quite fast!"

The Shenchu ​​area in Lieyang Tianjun’s mouth is the land of Tianxin, but the land of Tianxin is what Chu Feng said on their side, and the Shenchu ​​area is the saying of the people in the Haoyang Temple and Thunder Cloud Mansion!

"I mean, attack again, the Shenchu ​​area is growing very fast, I think it is not a small possibility, Chu Feng is not dead." Lei Qing said solemnly.

"Well, let's discuss it a little bit." Lieyang Tianjun said.

The ordinary attacks continued. As before, the ordinary attacks of Haoyang Temple and Thunder Cloud Mansion made Axi City's defenses tremble, but they did not show any signs of collapse of Axi City's defenses.

"Little brother Chu Feng, if you are still alive, you just squeak, the coffin that my sister has prepared is ready for you." Feng Ling said with a smile.

"Smelly woman, where to cool down, where to go!" Miao Feiying's cold drink sounded outside Axi City. Hearing Miao Feiying's voice, the eyes of many people in Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple brightened. Before, Axicheng didn't respond at all. Now that there is a response, it is an improvement!

Moreover, it was not Chu Feng who responded, but Chu Feng's woman, that tone was also very bad!

Most of Lei Qing and their dozen masters are happy, except Feng Ling, she, a master-level powerhouse, was actually scolded by Miao Feiying as a stinky woman.

"Feng Ling, even if we didn't kill Chu Feng, Chu Feng estimated that the situation would not be much better at this time, Chu Feng's woman is not happy, normal." Lei Qing said.

Feng Ling snorted, she knew it was normal, but it didn't mean that she was happy when she heard Miao Feiying's curse!

"Miao Feiying, right." Feng Ling's faint voice sounded outside, "The good coffin I prepared for Chu Feng, should I use it?"

"Keep it for your own use." Miao Feiying is very unceremonious. When the cultivation base is low, it is impossible to talk about the dominant powers casually, but the cultivation base of Miao Feiying is hostile. , It’s not a problem to speak unceremoniously like this.

If there is a problem with this, can Chu Feng still catch all the masters?

"Oh... the little sister is very angry, don't be angry, there are many men in the world, one will die, and there will be tens of thousands! If you can't find a man then, sister can help you In the future, you can have many men every day. Depending on your appearance and income for a day, it will be very good." Feng Ling smiled and said, although his heart was annoyed, Feng Ling’s mouth did not show at all at this time. .

Miao Feiying said quietly: "It turns out that Fengling's seniors are in this industry. The business seems to be very familiar. Over the years, I must have had a lot of men and made a lot of money. Senior Ling should have bought a good coffin for himself? Senior Feng Ling worked hard and thought about the future. It is really an example for us to learn from!"

Feng is so angry that his nose is almost crooked, and the fighting power of her own bickering is not weak, but I did not expect that Miao Feiying's fighting power is not bad at all!

Miao Feiying was called a demon in the past, so how can this skill be worse? In this regard, Feng Bingning and the other women are not as good as her, so at this time, it was her who came forward!

"Little sister, the mouth is really poisonous, no wonder the husband was killed at a young age, what a pity!" Feng Ling said quietly. Miao Feiying's face became cold: "Old witch, grandma and aunt have a husband. I guess you have a lot of men who have **** with you in this life, but there is no one who loves you. It's really pitiful!"

From Chu Feng, Miao Feiying knew a little about Fengling. There were indeed a lot of men, but there was no husband. When the cultivation base was low, I didn't want to look for it. When the cultivation base was high, I no longer had that kind of thought.

Feng Ling yelled in his heart, and Miao Feiying hit her sore spot with this one, "Little, when the time comes, let me see if I will tear your mouth!" Feng Ling roared in his heart.

"Old witch, why don't you speak anymore? Don't you want to use some curse on your husband? What do you do if you have a kind, just use it again!" Miao Feiying sneered, "Also scare grandma, grandma was caused by you Isn't it scary? When grandma was scared, you didn't know which man you were crushed under!"

In Leiyun Mansion, the tea cup in Feng Ling's hand was crushed by her, and then the broken tea cup was directly turned into nothingness! "I didn't intend to use it. Listening to what you said, I think I have to use the curse power again to try it." Feng Ling said quietly.

"Very good! Fengling, if you don't use it, you are my granddaughter. Although you are a granddaughter, I don't really like it." Miao Feiying said.

Feng Ling said indifferently: "Chu Feng, what are you going to do? If you are still alive, stand up and talk and ask your wife to come forward. You are ashamed."

"Chu Feng, if you are a man, stand up." Feng Ling said solemnly, "Anyway, no matter what your situation is, you will definitely be attacked by a curse!"

Of course Chu Feng's voice did not sound, and Miao Feiying said coldly: "My husband, now, there is no time to talk to Feng Ling, you old witch. If you want to attack, you will attack immediately. If you don't attack, you will go away immediately!"

Lieyang Tianjun’s voice sounded within Leiyun Mansion: "Brother Lei Qing, I feel that Chu Feng should be dead at this moment. If we do it again, it will be the plan of the first city of God. Do it again, I don't quite agree!"

"First seat!" Feng Ling frowned, "First seat, I think Chu Tian should not be dead. Miao Feiying said this to prevent us from further attacking him."

Lei Qing thought about it, and after a while, Lei Qing said: "Feng Ling, Chu Feng...should be dead. If not dead, he should have stood up at this moment. Moreover, from that city The deep sorrow will not be false. If Chu Feng is still alive, there will be no such deep sorrow."

"The first seat, maybe others saw it when Chu Feng fell, but when it got better, others didn't see the situation." Feng Ling said, "I insist on attacking."

"Fengling, don't have too much emotional interference, otherwise it will have a great impact on judgment." Lei Qing said, "It has been thousands of years, and we have no sign that Chu Feng is still alive. At this time, a joint attack is very likely. The power was wasted in vain. The Shenchu ​​region expanded very quickly. If a lot of power was wasted at this time to use the curse of death to kill Chu Feng, then the pressure on Axicheng would be much less, and the speed of expansion It will be faster. At that time, we may kill Chu Feng, but in the end we will die in the hands of other people in Shenchu ​​City!

"The first seat, my mind is very clear now." Feng Ling said.

Lei Qing smiled and said: "When the mind is clear, the decisions made are not always right. Normal people, the time for being clear is short? But many of the decisions they make are just wrong decisions!"

"Whatever you do!"

Feng Ling said coldly, she took a deep breath and calmed her heart a lot. "The first seat, at this moment, Chu Feng has a 20% chance of dying and a 99.9% chance of serious injury." Feng Ling said.

Without the resurrection ability of merit points, Chu Feng would have died at the moment, even if Chu Feng had a resurrection star! The Dongdong of the resurrection star was useful in the past, but now it is not useless, but it depends on what kind of attack it is, like the attack before, the resurrection star does not have the ability to be attacked and killed Chu. The peak is back!

"Seriously injured" Lei Qing thought in her heart. After a while, Lei Qing sent a message to Lieyang Tianjun: "Brother Lieyang, let's use it again, how about? Don't try our best as before, try our best, Chu Feng If he is not dead yet, one attack can send him on the road!"

After thinking about it, Lieyang Tianjun agreed. On the basis of the previous injuries, if Lei Qing did his best again, the injuries would be very serious; if he didn’t do his best, he would attack with only 60 to 70% of his strength. It has been weakened a lot, and similarly, their injuries will be much smaller then!

"The first seat, if you attack, wait for a while. The people in Shenchu ​​City are now fully defending. Find a good time to start and get twice the result with half the effort!" Feng Ling said.

Several months passed in a blink of an eye. Within a few months, Thunder Cloud Mansion and Haoyang Temple carried out a lot of attacks, but those attacks were just ordinary attacks and not special attacks.

The voice of Lieyang Tianjun sounded in the minds of the people on the side of Lei Qing, the next moment, a master-level powerhouse underground in Thunder Cloud Mansion and Haoyang Temple once again used the death curse!

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