Holy Prison

Chapter 2286: reconciliation?

Time passed continuously, and Chu Feng's attacks continued. Each attack accurately fell on the Thunder Cloud Mansion. The speed of the attack was much faster than the speed at which Leiyun Mansion dodges. It can't be done.

Lei Qing's face was gloomy, for half an hour, Leiyun Mansion had endured no less than a hundred attacks, but Haoyang Temple had not endured even one attack!

Axi City’s attacks once or twice did not cause Leiyun Mansion to suffer much damage. However, if there were too many attacks, it would not be easy for Leiyun Mansion to withstand it, especially now that all the masters in Leiyun Mansion are It was hurt!

Lei Qing and their five dominance-level powerhouses are powerful, but they are now only the sixth and seventh-rank cultivation base, and the attack of Axicheng is the fourth-rank attack!

If Lei Qing didn't suffer any harm before, then the problem is not very big. With their strength, they can support a long time, but now, if they continue to attack like this, Leiyun Palace cannot support it for too long!

In half an hour, Lei Qing's injuries were aggravated. There were more than twenty quasi-dominant-level powerhouses in Leiyun Mansion, as did tens of thousands of immortal-level powerhouses.

Compared with the Haoyang Temple of Thunder Cloud Mansion, Axi City actually has an advantage in terms of strength! Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple were strong in adapting to the land of Nine Suns before, and accumulated a lot of power, but so, Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple are in the land of heaven and heart, and the power accumulated before has been basically used these years It's a seven-seven-eight!

As far as Axi City is concerned, the strength lies in the large number of people. Both Thunder Cloud Mansion and Haoyang Temple are only tens of thousands. As for Axi City, there are more than one billion people! Among the billion people, there are more than 100 quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, more than 100,000 immortal-level powerhouses, hundreds of thousands of immortal-level powerhouses, and hundreds of millions of people below the immortal level, reaching the strength of saints!

There are not so many saints in Hongtian Universe, but Chu Feng has brought a large number of people from the world of Tumeng. At this time, needless to say, the people he brought to the world of Tumeng also went outside to contribute!

In terms of quality, Axi City is much worse, but in front of a huge number, Axi City has resisted the pressure of the Haoyang Temple of Thunder Cloud Mansion before, and can still attack steadily at this time!

"First seat!"

"Obviously, Shenchu ​​City wants to destroy us first!" Feng Ling frowned.

Lei Qing said solemnly: "Why did you choose us? The people in the Haoyang Temple suffered more damage than us, and they were more likely to be collapsed!" "It's very simple, if God Chucheng specifically attacked the Haoyang Temple. , We are expected to assist them, but if Haoyang Temple, I think they will help us now" Feng Ling said softly.

The strength of Leiyun Mansion is now much stronger than that of Haoyang Temple. Regarding the Haoyang Temple, Lieyang Tianjun is actually happy to see that the strength of Leiyun Mansion is weaker under Axi City's suppression!

"Lieyang Tianjun is a short-sighted thing!" Lei Qing cursed.

Feng Ling murmured in his heart, people are not short-sighted, they just think too much...If you change to Lei Qing, it is estimated that Lei Qing will be the same choice, after all, the chance of getting the holy prison will be greater then!

"Feng Ling, you have a chat with Lieyang Tianjun and the others. If the attack from Shenchu ​​City is just for a good show, then our Leiyun Mansion will immediately withdraw from the land of Shenchu!" Lei Qing said in a deep voice.

Under the attack of Axi City, if they quit the land of God's Beginning, then it is different from the previous exit from the land of God's Beginning, which means that they are beginning to be at a disadvantage!

If they had to withdraw at this time, they would still have the same result if they entered again later, and they would not be able to withdraw even after entering the land of God's Beginning!

Feng Ling nodded and connected with Lieyang Tianjun, "Sister Fengling, we also want to help, but it's not very helpful!" The voice of the Nine Tailed Demon King came over.

"Shenchucheng's attack speed is very fast, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a straight attack. Even if our Haoyang Temple blocks in front of you, it's useless."

Feng Ling said quietly: "Don't tell me about these imaginary things, Haoyang Temple, and then try to give us the ability to add a defensive cover? If this ability is not available, then there is no need for us to cooperate, I do. See, if our cooperation breaks down, who will be troubled by Shenchu ​​City first!"

"Sister Fengling, we have something to say," said the nine-tailed demon king.

The cooperation cannot be broken at this time. The Haoyang Temple naturally agreed to provide some defense for the Thunder Cloud Palace. With the defense provided by the Haoyang Temple, Chu Feng's attack on this side broke the defense of the Haoyang Temple. The pressure on Thunder Cloud Mansion's side suddenly became much smaller!

"Bing Ning, Haoyang Temple and Thunder Cloud Mansion, just choose the target to attack." Chu Feng smiled lightly. At this moment, Feng Bingning's attack on Axicheng is in control!

After borrowing the power of the Holy Prison, Feng Bingning's strength was much stronger than that of Chu Feng today. She presided over the attack on Axi City's side is the best!

Of course, Feng Bingning only played an auxiliary role, and the most important thing was Axi City itself!

Axi City attacked Leiyun Mansion, Haoyang Temple, Haoyang Temple and Thunder Cloud Mansion, and that was also attacking Axi City. During the fierce mutual attacks between the two sides, time passed by two thousand unconsciously. coming year!

Over the past two thousand years, countless attacks on each other, the people of Axi City are very tired, many of them have suffered serious injuries, while the Haoyang Temple and Thunder Cloud Mansion have been hurt one by one. Bigger!

Especially the eleven dominance-level powerhouses, when they burst out, the main force was them, and they also issued the death curse. After two thousand years, they have been very hard to support.

Even, it's already a bit unsupportable!

"Brother Thunder."

Lieyang Tianjun's voice sounded in Thunder Cloud Mansion. "Brother Lieyang, what's the matter?" Lei Qing said. The next moment, Lieyang Tianjun's body phantom appeared in front of Lei Qing: "Brother Lei, do you think we can win?"

Lei Qing was silent. If it was before, his answer was yes, eleven dominant masters, dozens of quasi-dominant masters, and tens of thousands of immortal masters, couldn't they destroy a mere Chu Feng?

But now, Lei Qing doesn't dare to say that, or he is embarrassed to say that. Now that Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple are united, they are already at a disadvantage in the struggle with Axi City!

Moreover, the land of Tianxin is still growing faster and faster. The power of both of them, Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple is not increasing, but slowly weakening!

One party is getting stronger and the other party is getting weaker and weaker. In fact, Lei Qing knew that if he could not escape and was caught or killed by Chu Feng, this would be their end!

"Brother Lieyang, why are you asking about this?" Lei Qing said solemnly.

Lieyang Tianjun said: "Brother Lei Qing, I want to ask if you have any way to leave." "Leave, where to leave?" Lei Qing said.

"This universe!" Lieyangtian Jundao.

Lei Qing snorted coldly: "Brother Lieyang, are you embarrassed to run away in front of a little guy like Chu Feng?" "Brother Lei Qing, it's better to be killed by him or surrender to him then." Lieyang Tianjun Road.

The corner of Lei Qing's mouth twitched, and if he surrendered to Chu Feng, that would be an extremely painful thing! "I don't have a way. The back road is not so easy to arrange. I never thought that there would be this day. I didn't arrange any back road for myself." Lei Qing said, he is like this, Lieyang Tianjun and the others are like this.

After waking up, Lei Qing and the others are seizing the time to regain their strength and have no time to do other things. Moreover, in the Land of Nine Suns, the Land of Nine Yin, it is very difficult to make a way out!

"Brother Lieyang, leaving Hongtian Universe before our strength returns to a stronger level is not necessarily a wise choice." Lei Qing said.

There is no harmony between the powerhouses at the dominance level, they must have enemies at the dominance level, if their enemies know that they only have the strength of the sixth or seventh rank at the moment.

"Brother Lei Qing, what do you think now?" Lieyang Tianjun frowned, and it was not good to escape or surrender! If you continue to resist, you will probably end up in failure by then.

As for the beheading operation, they have no hope for that, and now even if they reluctantly do it again, the power will only be weaker than the second time! If the first time and the second time are not successful, can a weaker attack than the second time succeed?

Lei Qing was silent, Lieyang Tianjun also remained silent for a long time!

"Lei Qing, gone!"

After Lieyang Tianjun said a word, the phantom of his body immediately disappeared in front of Lei Qing. He originally had a little hope, but looking at Lei Qing's appearance, there was no hope!

Not long after Lieyang Tianjun's figure disappeared, his voice sounded outside of Axi City, "Oh no, as for Shenchu ​​City, who is in charge now?"

"What's the matter?" Chu Long's voice spread out.

"The fight has been a long time, I hope to reconcile!" Lieyang Tianjun said. "Reconciliation" Hearing Lieyang Tianjun's voice, Chu Feng showed a smile on his face. He thought he would have to work for a thousand years, but he didn't expect Lieyang Tianjun to propose a reconciliation at this time. It seemed that he didn't have to work hard any more. So long.

"Reconciliation? What a reconciliation method, let's just listen." Chu Long smiled.

Lieyang Tianjun said in a deep voice: "Our Haoyang Temple and Thunder Cloud Mansion add up to eleven masters. If we work hard, many of you will die!"

"We leave this universe, and we will not be enemies from now on!" Lieyang Tianjun said.

Chu Long laughed, "Heavenly King Lieyang, what a reconciliation method! Since it is such a reconciliation method, then I am not interested in it, so I don't need to say more!"

"Are you Chu Long? If we continue, we will have to fight for the death of the fish and the net. That is not the ending we want, and it must not be the ending you want!" Lieyang Tianjun said quietly, "We are eleven masters People, you will never get caught with your own hands. If you want our lives, you will lose at least half of our lives!"

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