Holy Prison

Chapter 2287: Win, gain

"The fish is dead and the net is broken? You have two choices, the first is to die; the second is to surrender!" Chu Long sneered, "Brother has not died yet, if Brother died then, all those who surrendered will pay for their lives. If they survive, Those who surrender may not die, and it is not a good thing to kill too many powerful masters!"

"Haoyang Temple, Thunder Cloud Mansion, you can all consider whether to surrender or the fish die and the net is broken! Those who surrender may be able to enjoy the fruits of the mermaid who does not surrender. Then if someone on our side has an accident, those who surrender There is a chance of surviving, if you want to die, you will definitely die completely!"

Chu Long said, Lieyang Tianjun and Leiyun Mansion were silent for a while, their attacks stopped, and the attacks on Axi City's side also stopped.

"Yin Mei, blocking the sound, the sound outside, so that only people who know I am alive can hear it." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Good brother!" Yin Mei said.

Blocking the sound is very easy for Yin Mei, after all, she is the spirit of Axi City!

"Chu Long, you want to fight a fish to die, but someone else in your God City may not be willing to fight you to a fish to die!" Feng Ling's voice rang.

"Heh... don't you think that ordinary people on our side can hear this kind of discussion?" Chu Long said quietly, "You have ten minutes to think about it. Just above, I swear by Shengge, absolutely Really! Brother is not dead yet, as long as Brother does not die, those who surrender will not be killed!"

"After ten minutes, if none of you surrender, then you will die! We may die many people, but none of you, all of you, can survive!"

Chu Long's tone was very firm, moreover, murderous!

"Brother Lei Qing, what do you mean?" Two minutes later, Lieyang Tianjun's voice sounded inside Thunder Cloud Mansion.

If the dignity of the Dominant-level powerhouse makes them surrender, it is really hard to say, but if you don't vote for Long, as Chu Long said, absolutely none of them can survive!

No matter how many people died in Shenchu ​​City, if they died, it would be meaningless to them! As master-level powerhouses, if they die, it will be difficult for them to be resurrected by that time. Someone may not necessarily bring them back to life. This time they die, it is likely to be completely perished!

"What do you mean?" Lei Qing said.

"Brother Lei Qing, if we don't surrender, then Shenchu ​​City may not really dare to join us in a fight with us. If that happens, we will be free!" Lie Yangtian Jun said.

Lei Qing said: "Brother Lieyang, what you mean, we will stick to it."

"Well, stick to it together!" Lei Qing said.

Time passed quickly, and nine and a half minutes passed in a blink of an eye. "Heaven's heart is moving!" Chu Feng pinched the method, and the whole Tianxin land was suddenly in chaos. It was like fog, but it was like that. Very dense fog, the kind that you can't see a figure three or four meters away.

The mist appeared, and the masters in the Haoyang Temple and Thunder Cloud Mansion immediately realized that with their master consciousness, they could not scan far enough! This kind of fog can also support Chu Feng for half a minute. This is only possible by borrowing the power of Ghost City, which is absolutely impossible with his quasi-dominant power.

"Haoyang Temple, the people of Thunder Cloud Mansion, pay attention, there are still more than twenty seconds in the last twenty seconds, within twenty seconds, you can neither send a message nor know the situation of the other party!"

"Those who surrender, leave Haoyang Temple or Thunder Cloud Mansion, and proclaim themselves cultivation base!"

"If there is anyone who surrenders, then you may get benefits, or you will not surrender, and bring some hope to those who surrender at that time!"

Chu Long's words fell, and the expressions of the masters in the Haoyang Temple and the Thunder Cloud Mansion were somewhat changed. "The first seat, we" Feng Ling said.

"First, under such circumstances, Haoyang Temple will definitely not abide by the agreement. If we abide by the agreement, we will create hope for the people of Haoyang Temple!" Zuo Lenghan said.

"The person of Lieyang Tianjun is untrustworthy." Vikari said, "If they surrender, if we fight, it may not make too many deaths in Shenchu ​​City."

Lei Qing glanced at Feng Ling and them: "It seems that you all want to surrender." "First seat, man, bend and stretch!" Xuexinhe coughed softly and said.

"Then, surrender!"

Lei Qing said softly and authentically, face is still lifeless, and knowing each other's situation, if everyone works hard together, Lei Qing will still fight, but in such a situation, Lei Qing doesn't want to.

Moreover, Feng Ling and them all have the idea of ​​surrendering, and it is useless if he insists on it. Feng Ling and the others can leave Leiyun Mansion in an instant!

Without Feng Ling and the few master-level powerhouses, even if one of the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses does not leave, the immortal-level powerhouses remain, can he resist the attack?

Soon, the masters of Leiyun Mansion one by one, quasi-dominant-level powerhouses appeared outside Leiyun Mansion, and they all seized the time to seal their own cultivation base.

On the side of Haoyang Temple, the situation was similar to that on the side of Thunder Cloud Mansion. After ten seconds of entanglement, on their side, the masters and quasi-ruling-level powerhouses left the Haoyang Temple. As for the immortal-level powerhouses, There is no need to come out for the time being, as long as they surrender, can those guys not surrender?

In Axi City, Chu Feng showed a smile on his face, and Tianshou appeared outside. In the blink of an eye, the five dominant powers on the side of Leiyun Mansion, twenty or so quasi-dominant powers, were immediately admitted to the sage. They had self-appointed cultivation bases in the prison space, and they didn't have the ability to resist for the time being, it was very easy to put them away.

In the next moment, the six Domination-level powerhouses on the side of the Haoyang Temple, and the 21 quasi-dominant-level powerhouses were also taken into the holy prison space by Chu Feng! At this time, being able to go so smoothly is inseparable from the previous destruction of the relationship between Haoyang Temple and Leiyun Mansion. If Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple trust each other and there is no gap, this time will never be so easy!

The master-level and quasi-dominant-level powerhouses are caught, and those who are the immortal-level powerhouses are easy. The mist dissipated, and in just a minute, the Haoyang Temple and Thundercloud Mansion, the total of six to seventy thousand immortal-level ones The strong were all taken into the sacred prison space by Chu Feng, of course, their cultivation bases were also imprisoned!

"Xian'er, what is my current merit point?" Chu Feng took a deep breath and said in his mind with some excitement.

They caught Lei Qing, and they had already reached the **** of the holy realm at this moment. The merit points they deserved must have already arrived!

With eleven masters, forty quasi-masters, and an indestructible power of sixty to seventy thousand, Chu Feng knew that the merit points he had obtained this time would not be less.

"Sixty-three thousand, five hundred and seventy-one!" Miao Xianer said with a smile.

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. He knew that he would have won many merit points this time, but he didn't expect that the merit points he would get this time were around 63,000!

Previously, his merit points were only about five hundred, and by this time he had more than 63,500, and the newly added merit points exceeded 63,000!

"You didn't hear it wrong." Miao Xian'er smiled, "Lei Qing alone has contributed more than 40,000 merit points to you. He is a cyan fourth-level villain. In addition, Lieyang Tianjun has contributed eight to you. There are more than a thousand merit points, but the two of them add up to contribute more than 50,000 merit points! The remaining nine masters contribute about 6,000 merit points in total, and forty-three quasi masters, of which there are several Compared to the tall ones, they add up to about five thousand merit points for you, and the remaining two thousand or so are contributed by those six to seven thousand indestructible figures."

Except for Lei Qing and Lieyang Tianjun, the other people have contributed relatively little to him, and they add up to only 13 thousand. If Lei Qing and Lieyang Tianjun are not strong, this time Chu Feng has received merit points. The project will be within 15,000!

"Lei Qing and Lieyang Tianjun are really awesome!" Chu Feng smiled in his mind. If he only gets merit points within 15 thousand, then Chu Feng will be more entangled in whether the holy prison is upgraded or not. You need to know The holy prison used to upgrade only one thousand merit points, but now it takes ten thousand merit points to upgrade.

Now, Chu Feng doesn’t have to worry about this. There are more than 60,000 merit points. Needless to say, the Holy Prison will definitely be upgraded once. Once the Holy Prison is upgraded, it can become an intermediate slaughter. It won't be the bottom! In many respects, it is estimated that the high-level slaughter and the top slaughter are not as good as the holy prison!

"Xian'er, the medical clinic, the heavenly guards, strengthen first!" Chu Feng said, if after the holy prison is upgraded, the medical clinic's heavenly guards cannot be strengthened, then it will be sad.

To be safe, it is better to strengthen the clinic and the heavenly guard before the holy prison is upgraded! The medical institution has strengthened five hundred merit points before, and it can be strengthened by 1,500. If the heavenly guard, the second layer has not been strengthened before, it can also strengthen two thousand merit points. After the strengthening, the heavenly guard can stop the seventh stage. s attack!

However, with Chu Feng’s current cultivation base and current soul strength, if that kind of heavenly guard is broken, it will hurt him a lot, and if such a level of heavenly guard is broken, it’s not a recovery that can be recovered in a short time. Chu Feng's cultivation base is related. With Chu Feng's current cultivation base, it will not be restored for a thousand years.

In the case of the doctor, after strengthening, the damage below the master level will recover extremely quickly, but the pressure on Chu Feng will not be too small for full recovery!

Miao Xian'er responded, and Chu Feng left the courtyard and flew over the city of Axi. Suddenly, countless people in Axi city saw the peak of Chu in the sky.

"It's Lord Santos, Lord Santos is still alive!"

"I knew that Lord City Lord would be fine, sure enough!"

Axi City is boiling, even if it gets the upper hand, many of them are a little panicked. Now that Chu Feng has stepped up, most of those people suddenly feel certain!

"Everyone, I'm sorry, in fact, I have been there all these years, and I see everyone's efforts in my eyes. I was attacked before and died, but later resurrected." Chu Feng smiled lightly, "I can come back to life that time. , It’s not necessarily true if you die again, so I can only keep it from everyone!"

"My Lord City Lord, this is what it should be!"

"Yes, we can understand, this is the right choice!"

Quite a few people said loudly, "Everyone, be quiet, thank you for your hard work over the years." Chu Feng said, "In these years, we have killed more than 100,000 people here. Let us mourn them for a minute!"

All the people stopped talking, and the time passed by every second and a minute passed very quickly.

"We won the battle for tens of thousands of years. This victory was hard-won. Most people suffered serious injuries. I don't feel much emotion. Everyone will enter the world of holy prison to recover their injuries. There will be parties, wine and delicacies, everyone has a share!" Chu Feng smiled.

When the words fell, Chu Feng let Tianshou appear outside, and Tianshou received people quickly without resistance. It didn't take long for a few of the billion people to be admitted to the holy prison space.

"Xiaolong, you should also enter the holy prison world first." Chu Feng scanned some of the last humanity, and finally these people who have not yet entered the holy prison world have a very close relationship with him.

Chu Long smiled and said, the injuries in their bodies at this moment are not minor, and they all need to go to the holy prison world to recover well.

"Comrade Chu Feng, looking at your cheerful look, how many merit points did you get this time? Has it exceeded ten thousand? Eleven dominates, forty-three quasi dominates, should be able to exceed ten thousand." Miao Feiying said .

"Ten thousand?"

Chu Feng smiled, "Feiying, you are too underestimating them." "Could it be more than 20,000?" Yin Qianqian's eyes lit up, and more than 10,000 points of merit are not easy to deal with. Holy Prison upgrades are needed. Ten thousand, when Chu Feng enters the Sovereign Purgatory, he must have more merit points. If he can get twenty thousand, it will be easier to deal with.

"It's not more than 20,000, but more than 60,000!" Chu Feng said.

"More than 60,000"

Feng Bingning and the others showed surprises on their faces, and this one exceeded Chu Feng's estimate, and it also exceeded Feng Bingning's estimate.

With more than 60,000 merit points, this 10,000 years of busy work is also worth it! Although Chu Yu, Tang An and several people who were very close to Chu Feng and others died, they could be resurrected.

As for the 100,000 individuals, Chu Feng did not intend to resurrect them. If they were resurrected, would the many people who died in the city of Shenchu ​​also resurrect?

Chu Feng is selfish, but people, who has no selfishness? There is nothing wrong with Chu Feng's merit points to resurrect Tang An and other people, but if you want to resurrect 100,000 people, or even more, it is far from enough! Those who resurrected one, at least 50 merit points, and it takes 5 million merit points to resurrect all 100,000 people!

Moreover, five million is the least estimate. To be killed by such an attack, an average of one will be resurrected, and it will definitely cost one hundred merit points, and one hundred thousand people will get at least ten million merit points!

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