Holy Prison

Chapter 2304: Strong stone lion

"Defense, defense!"

Some of the three to four thousand people screamed, but now, how can they be allowed to build a strong defense! Feng Bingning and their attacks continued to fall towards one individual. If those people were to take care of the overall defense, they would probably die before the overall defense was established!

After resisting Feng Bingning's attacks, those people's resistance to Tianshou was naturally much weaker. Tianshou was dispatched again and again, with hundreds of people in large numbers, twenty or thirty people in short periods, three or four in a short time. Thousands of people were caught by Tianshou, and only less than two thousand people were left!

"Those who resist the fiercest, kill!"

Chu Feng's faint voice sounded outside. Immediately, the resistance of the two thousand people outside dropped to a level. Then, in less than three seconds, the resistance of those people dropped to another level for four seconds. Quite a few of the two thousand people gave up resistance, and after five seconds, everyone stopped attacking Feng Bingning and the others!

When there were three or four thousand people, they couldn't resist Feng Bingning's attack. Now there are only two thousand people. How can they be able to resist? They resisted the most fierce death, they didn't want to become the most fierce one. Everyone thought this way. As a result, the resistance of the two thousand people in a short period of time was zero!

"Don't resist arrest!" Chu Feng rang another voice. In the blink of an eye, all the two thousand people outside were collected by Chu Feng into the holy prison space. For those who do not resist, the holy prison is easy to catch, let alone two thousand. Now, even if it is twenty thousand two hundred thousand, there is no pressure!

After receiving those two thousand people, Feng Bingning and the others also entered the holy prison, and then the one remaining Tianwei left immediately with the holy prison!

After three or four thousand people were caught, Chu Feng's merit point increased by dozens of points, and he was quite satisfied with Chu Feng, which was slightly higher than the previous average.

Feng Bingning and the others cleaned up the traces, coupled with the holy prison's clean-up of the traces, there were no traces left in the place where they just fought, and no one else would know. In just a short period of time, three to four thousand people were killed. Chu Feng caught it!

"The next team!"

Chu Feng smiled honestly, now is a good time, many people gather, but the team gathered is not big! If the gathered team is large, then Chu Feng will not taste good. If the gathered team is smaller, Chu Feng will send out like this once, and the harvest will also be relatively small!

Some brothers would think that if the teams are small, wouldn't it be better? Without showing up outside, Tianshou can directly capture those people!

There are two problems with this. First, generally speaking, they will not act alone in this area. Very few teams are very small. Those who are alone in this area will interact with a certain team in a relatively short time. Integrate or build a team; second, some people may have special treasures on their bodies, and Tianshou can't catch people into the holy prison space at once. If the capture fails, Chu Feng's position will be revealed immediately!

If you catch this way now, you can catch many people at once, and don't worry too much about the failure of the catch! If the capture fails, Feng Bingning and their attacks will take care of them, and the capture will be successful at that time! Surrounded by Feng Bingning and the others, even if someone could burst out a master-level attack, the possibility of escape was not high!

One team, two teams, three teams within a short period of time, with a radius of 100 kilometers, there are ten teams caught by Chu Feng, with an average of 700 people, and the total number of ten teams is 7,000!

There were three thousand people left, and Chu Feng didn't catch it anymore. If he caught this area cleanly, wouldn't he tell others clearly that he was in this area?

"Xian'er, let Tianwei leave this area, be careful." Chu Feng said. In the previous actions, Tianwei was in the area that the entourage had explored before. Those 10,000 entourages turned around in dangerous places. They were all spied out, so Tianwei was not in danger when he was careful. If Tianwei moves next, he must leave the area he has visited before!

Entering an area that has not been explored, I don't know what is dangerous, and which places must not be approached. In this way, Tianwei may die.

Of course, Tianwei will never have those former followers who died so fast. On the one hand, their strength is low; on the other hand, Chu Feng doesn’t care about their lives and deaths at all. What they want is that their chaos is dangerous. Places are marked out, in that case, it is strange that they live long!

The Tianwei converged his breath and moved forward in stealth. With the strength of the Tianwei, unless someone nearby uses a Dominant-level scan, it will be difficult to be discovered by others.

Regarding the scanning given by the master, the Sky Eye is always open. If someone uses such a scan, the Sky Eye should be able to detect it immediately, and then immediately notify the Sky Guard to escape! Here, the effective range of scanning is limited. As long as you escape a certain distance, the other party's scanning will be invalid!

People are constantly coming to the place where the immortals are buried. There are many "explorers". The Sky Eye can scan other people's situation and what others are saying, and the Sky Guard will act outside. Some dangers can naturally be avoided. Over.

"Xian'er, eat this team."

"this one!"

"This is the next one!"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng was commanding, Feng Bingning and the others worked hard to locate Chu Feng's team, if he appeared outside, the chance of being located would be much higher!

Some teams also positioned Feng Bingning and their women. They knew the soul aura of Feng Bingning and their women, but there were very few such teams. Those people didn't know Feng Bingning's strength. In their opinion, Feng If Bing Ning and their strength were not very strong, Chu Feng had let them stay in the holy prison.

Given the power of the holy prison, if Feng Bingning and the others were in the space of the holy prison, in this bird's place, the chance of positioning success is too low, and positioning fails, there will be sequelae!

"Feng Bingning, this one direction!" More than a hundred kilometers away from Chu Feng and the others, a quasi-dominant powerhouse's eyes lit up. This time, his team was slanting forward with swords. Instead of locating the position of Chu Feng, Feng was positioned. Bing Ning's position had little hope, but unexpectedly, the positioning was successful!

"Quickly, the news spreads!"

Chu Feng's location information was immediately spread out. By this time, Chu Feng and the others had already captured a hundred thousand people in it, and they had received eight or nine hundred merit points!

More than a hundred kilometers, if this is outside, for a powerful person like Chu Feng, it is not a distance at all, but in this immortal burial place, more than a hundred kilometers, it is not that easy to pass!

In the immortal burial place, Chu Feng and the others did not slow down, but it was extremely dangerous inside. If they advance at a fast speed, it will definitely end in death!

Of course, if combined with a strong defense, there is no problem with moving forward faster.

"Put up the defense, let's rush over. This time, we can't let Chu Feng escape!" In the team that determined Chu Feng's position, a quasi-dominant-level expert said loudly. There are 6,000 people in their team. It is a very powerful team. In the case of joint defense, the 6th-Rank master attack will kill them!

"go ahead!"

The defense increased, and six thousand people formed an arrow-like battle formation and shot towards Chu Feng's side. "Chu Feng, there is a situation." Miao Xian'er said in surprise. Outside, Feng Bingning and the others still had a little bit of trouble. They hadn't entered the sacred prison space yet. If a strong team came at this time, it wouldn't matter. wonderful.

Chu Feng decisively ordered that he was fighting a guerrilla warfare. At this moment, he is not interested in fighting with some powerful teams. With a team of six thousand people, Chu Feng is not too much to eat. If he is given enough time, he will definitely be able to eat. And no one will die, but other people will give them enough time?

"Wait! Chu Feng, look!"

Miao Xian'er was shocked. The six thousand people came straight. They didn't have much taboo. As a result, when passing by a small manor, a stone lion in front of the small manor seemed to come alive, and its eyes shot out. There was a strong golden light, the roar of the lion sounded, and the horrible suction appeared. There was not much resistance. All the six thousand people left were sucked into the mouth of the stone lion!

The stone lion regained his calm after inhaling six thousand people, as if nothing happened just now. "This" Chu Feng was horrified, such an attack, even if it had already exceeded the fifth rank attack.

The attack of the fifth rank can handle those six thousand people, but it will definitely not be so easy. The attack of the stone lion is at least the fourth rank attack.

And there are two such stone lions in front of that small manor!

"Xian'er, what kind of attack is this?" Chu Feng said. "I don't know, but it must be a fourth-rank attack. It's weird. The sky guard passed by just now." Miao Xian'er said.

"It is estimated that those people have made a lot of movement. Some things are estimated to be ignored when passing by, but such a big movement will be destroyed directly! This is good news for us." Chu Feng said. , When some big teams act, they will be careful and then careful!

If the enemy advances carefully, the speed will naturally decrease. After discovering the enemy, Chu Feng will have more time to escape.

"Chu Feng, they probably didn't locate your position just now, I have an idea." Miao Xian'er said with a light smile. "What's your idea?" Chu Feng said, as he said that Feng Bingning and the others appeared in the holy prison space one by one, the outside affairs had been resolved, and Tianwei immediately left with the holy prison!

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