Holy Prison

Chapter 2305: Enter the mausoleum

"Feng, nothing happened, right?" Feng Bing said. When they were outside just now, Chu Feng urged them a little bit tightly. They killed several people and finished work ten seconds earlier.

"I have just been located." Chu Feng said, as he said the information of what had just happened directly passed into Feng Bingning's mind. "Xian'er, you just said that you had an idea, what was it?" Chu Feng asked.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "I have just been located. It should not be Chu Feng being located, but someone outside of us was located. If someone leaves the team to act, when the situation is tense, it should be possible to A lot of people are attracted to the neighborhood, so the situation in other places will definitely be less tense."

Chu Feng frowned and said, "No, this way, people who are attracted to leave will die." "Feng, I feel that this is not bad." Feng Bingning smiled.

"It's not a fake that attracts people to leave. You should also be able to catch a lot of people. In this way, if we die, we can be resurrected." Feng Bing said, "It's just such a method. To attract people, you have to attract them in a safer place, otherwise you will be killed all at once, which makes no sense."

"Brother Feng, I think this idea is feasible, but for the time being, we don't need to use it." Lan Wen said. "Let's talk about this when the time comes, the situation has not yet reached that point." Chu Feng said.

If they get there, Feng Bingning and the others will probably die more than once! This fascinating work, it must be them, not Tianwei or Bifeng!

Feng Bingning and the others were the tower masters, and they were killed by the same power. They needed fewer merit points to resurrect them, and more merit points to resurrect the others!

The merit points needed to resurrect Feng Bingning and the others are double the merit points needed to resurrect Chu Feng, and to resurrect other people, it is five times the merit points. If it is really fascinating, if Feng Bingning and their daughters are sent out, Could it be that Bi Feng and others or Tianwei dispatched it? Among the women Feng Bingning and the others, Feng Bingning will definitely be the one who mobilized the most. Her cultivation level is the highest, and unexpected situations will make it easier for her to deal with it!

As time passed day by day, Tianwei turned around, and Chu Feng caught more and more people. However, not only did the number of people in the immortal burial place not decrease, but more and more!

One by one, the teams are stronger. There are fewer teams with less than 1,000 people. The average team has two to three thousand people, and the powerful team has two to three thousand people!

If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts. Chu Feng and the others have been targeted more than once, and some of the people surrounded more than once can burst out with dominance-level power. With their tyrannical strength, Chu Feng and the others do it again and again. It's been over, but the days are getting more and more sad!

In terms of treasures, it is rumored that there are many treasures in the immortal burial place, but Chu Feng has not encountered anything. It is estimated that even if there are outside, they have been taken by others! There should be treasures in those tombs. However, Chu Feng did not enter those tombs. It was not a last resort. It was not a good thing to disturb the dead like that.

If you leave from the immortal burial place, you can randomly teleport to any place on the land of the immortal burial conference. It's not that Chu Feng never thought about teleporting away, but for the time being, it can't be done!

Others didn't want Chu Feng to leave this place. A small number of people would naturally not be able to trap Chu Feng. With a large number of people, things that could not be done could be done.

However, at most those people will be trapped in Chu Peak for decades. The place of celestial burial is separated from the place of celestial burial, but every 100 years, the place of celestial burial will communicate with the fairy burial. At this time It was the time for Chu Feng to leave! Many people in the Immortal Burial Grounds have sealed off the connection between the Immortal Burial Place and the Immortal Burial Grounds, but they still don't have the power to prevent the exchange between the Immortal Burial Place and the Immortal Burial Ground every hundred years!

"It's not easy to get mixed up." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. It has been a long time since he has been in it. There have been hundreds of thousands of people caught, but there are more than 10 million strong people in the immortal burial place today!

Tens of thousands of strong, a thousand teams, each team is very powerful!

The immortal burial site is very large, with only a thousand teams, speaking of their distribution is relatively empty, but if Chu Feng acts, it is already very difficult to act now!

Those strong men are not fools. The entire immortal burial ground is now covered by more than a thousand teams. If Chu Feng and the others touch the trap, the powerful team will immediately know!

When the news spreads, a team will come to check it out in a short time! Tianwei went outside, and was caught in a trap even when he was very careful, but fortunately, none of the Tianwei died. Thanks to the sacred prison Tianhu and Tianshou are very powerful!

"Feng, what do you think?" Feng Bingning said. At this moment, only Feng Bingning and the others are by their side, on the bed. Naturally, Bi Feng and the others cannot be on this side.

Holding Lan Wen in his left hand and Yilian in his right, Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "It's nothing." "Let you say it, just say it." As soon as Miao Feiying stretched out her hand, Chu Feng's second child was caught by her. In the jade hand.

"Take it lightly, if you hurt it, you will have no sexual blessings." Chu Feng took a deep breath, and Miao Feiying's hard work was not small. "Frankly explain." Miao Feiying stretched out her hand and smiled.

Chu Feng said, "Feiying, want to be gentle." "I'm not gentle?" Miao Feiying said that a small knife appeared in his hand. "Sven, Sven!" Chu Feng hurriedly said, "What I think is not an outside matter. Even though hundreds of thousands of people have been arrested after entering this place within a short period of time, life is also sad now."

Yin Qianqian said: "Husband, I can see that I have entered some tombs. Many tombs are not very large on the outside, but they have a lot of space inside. It is no problem for a small number of people to enter politely. If a large number of people Going in, there may be problems. This is an advantage for us."

"Husband, this should be the case." Sai Ye said, "When the situation was better before, we didn't bother to go in. Now we can't take care of that much. Let's try our best to choose the tomb of the wicked, the tomb of the good. It is estimated that the institutions inside are more kind, and such a place is of little use to us."

The dead can’t speak, but Chu Feng can still distinguish between the tomb of the good and the tomb of the wicked. There are so many powerful people in the immortal burial place, and some people have a better understanding of the situation and were not caught by Chu Feng. People who got up, they have discussed a lot of information in this area, and the Heavenly Eye Chu Feng is always open, and naturally they have heard a lot of information in this area.

Many of the people who were arrested by Chu Feng knew this information. In the Holy Prison, if Chu Feng wanted to know, could they hide it?

"You can enter the tomb of the wicked, but if you enter, we have to be careful and careful. Such a tomb is much more dangerous!" Feng Bing said, "Feng, don't care about his dead at this time."

Chu Feng chuckled softly: "You are not welcome, since you all said that, what else do I not want to enter? Come in, and draw many people in!"

Today, there are five and hundreds of thousands of people caught by Chu Feng, and tens of thousands of people have been beheaded by them. There are many people who died here, not in the hands of Chu Feng. Chu Feng estimates that dozens Ten thousand should be there. This is still the case of not entering the tomb. If Chu Feng takes them one by one to the tomb, then it will definitely not only die hundreds of thousands!

When Chu Feng thought, a sky guard appeared outside, and that sky guard quickly approached a castle. The castle had no gates. A passage 30 meters wide and 200 meters long led to the castle. There are a lot of flowers and trees on both sides, and the flowers bloom very delicately and look soft and weak. However, Chu Feng knows how powerful they are!

Before, there was a team passing through the wider road outside the corridor at a relatively fast speed. It is estimated that the flowers were a little offended. The flowers floated out some pollen immediately. The team was jointly defending, but all of them were still stained with pollen. They flew less than five kilometers away, and those who were strong had some poisonous. Died, and then, in less than three seconds, all but a dozen people died of poison!

Ten people who died without poisoning, because Chu Feng asked Tianshou to put them in the holy prison space, because Chu Feng asked the hospital to treat them!

The reason why Tianwei was asked to go to this castle was because it was too close, and it was troublesome if it was far away; the other was because Chu Feng and the others had developed an antidote!

Tianwei has taken the antidote, and those antidote will probably take him three minutes. If he fails to pass the passage for three minutes, he will fail! This re-administration of the antidote is useless. For a certain period of time, only one antidote can be taken, and the second one will not be effective!

Chu Feng's order was passed, and the Tianwei outside immediately went inside the castle, the flowers shook, and the passage was suddenly filled with pollen of different colors.

"It's in good condition." Miao Xian'er said, Tianwei's expression changed a little outside, but the antidote's power was not so poisonous! "Shoo!" The pollen had no effect, and a branch immediately pierced the Tianwei.

Tianwei withstood an attack abruptly. The attack was a seventh-Rank attack. The Tianwei's body was protected by the Heavenly Guardian, so there was no pressure to block the seventh-Rank attack.

Tianwei let out a deep cry, he accelerated a lot, in this passage, his speed is not very fast, it is estimated that it takes ten seconds to pass through the passage!

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