Holy Prison

Chapter 2306: Corpse beast

On both sides of the passage, many branches were moved. The attack power of those branches was very strong with every blow. In the holy prison space, Chu Feng squeezed a sweat. If the heavenly guard is broken, the heavenly hand is destroyed, and the heavenly guard If you are killed, the cup will be bigger!

"Can't hold it anymore." Miao Xian'er said loudly. Without waiting for Chu Feng to speak, she instantly collected the outside Tianwei into the holy prison space. At this time, it took only three seconds for Tianwei to enter the passage!

It takes ten seconds to pass, and it takes three seconds to pass it naturally! Tianwei entered the holy prison space, and after those branches floated for a while, they took them back.

"Get out!"

Chu Feng's mind moved, and Tianwei appeared outside again. This time, after only two seconds, Tianwei was admitted to the holy prison space by Chu Feng!

Those branches seem to be a lot of irritation, this time they wandered for half a minute before they shrank back! "Small, I still want to block us!" Miao Xian'er said with a charming smile. She said that Tianwei appeared outside for the third time. The branches and other branches attacked immediately when Tianwei appeared. After a while, it's okay to block for a second or two.

Three times, four times, five times to the seventh time, Chu Feng felt relieved. Outside Tianwei, he finally passed the short two hundred meters. This is still the situation that Tianwei has an antidote, if there is no antidote. , Even if the defense is much stronger, it is estimated that it is not so easy to pass, those flowers are more abnormal than those trees!

At the end of the passage was a gate, which was ten feet high. It was tightly closed at the moment, but a small gate above the closed gate was half open at the moment.

"Xian'er, let Tianwei come in and change a servant to the outside." Chu Feng said. Tianwei is only so distressed when he died. If he died, Chu Feng would not be a pity. He would get outside. The entourage, one by one, are evil people. If you kill them directly, it will be cheaper for them. This kind of purpose is just right!

The follower went outside, and under Chu Feng's order, he immediately entered the small door, "Pi!" Chu Feng was slightly startled, there was a creature inside the door, and the follower just entered, a blood-red tongue stabbed over, instantly On the head of the entourage appeared a big red blood-white brain that kept flowing out!

"What a ghost, it's really ugly." Miao Xian'er said, there was a ball of light in front of Chu Feng and the others at this moment, and the ball of light showed the outside scene.

The one who killed the entourage was a monster like a toad, but it was much larger than the toad, and at the same time it was much uglier than the toad. The entourage was killed by its tongue!

"Yin corpse beast." Chu Feng said softly and authentically. It is possible that this kind of thing will be produced in the tomb of the strong. The corpse beast is formed by absorbing corpse energy and will not leave the tomb. It is also a guardian power for the tomb. , But this thing will attack anyone who enters the tomb!

"There is one, I'm afraid it's not just one!" Miao Xian'er said, her voice fell, and several corpse beasts suddenly appeared within the scanning range of the sky eye.

"Hiss!" "Py!" "Goo!"

Ten seconds later, within the scanning range of the Holy Prison, there were three or four hundred corpse beasts appearing, and each of them had the power to dominate the pinnacle, and ten of them had the strength of the seventh-Rank dominator level. The corpse beast that just killed his entourage is the strength of the seventh-level master!

The corpse beast is a relatively special existence. They do not need the universe to have the strength of the master level. For them, the strong body in the tomb is the source of their power. The longer the time, the more corpse energy will be absorbed. More, their strength will be stronger! That is because the body of the strong in the tomb is the source of their power, and they cannot leave the tomb. More precisely, they have no idea of ​​leaving in their hearts!

"The third-rank master is really bullish." Chu Feng said softly and authentically. The tomb where the holy prison is now is a third-rank master's tomb. The tomb was completed by his friend, who is also a third-rank master, his corpse It has always existed here, but unfortunately, it has never been resurrected!

The corpse is intact, and resurrection will be slightly easier, but the resurrection of a third-rank master is still very difficult, so most of the buried people have not been resurrected!

"It's still dead." Yin Qianqian said.

Chu Feng sighed slightly and said, "Yes, it's still dead. The third-rank master is dead, the second-rank master, and the first-rank master is easier to die. It is best to become the master and the first master!"

"Comrade Chu Feng, the organization is up to you for this difficult task." Miao Feiying said with a smile. "It would be great if Brother Feng could become the first controller." Lan Wen smiled.

Tianshou appeared outside and pressed the small door hard, and the small door that had just entered was closed by Tianshou. In this way, it would be more difficult for those people to locate it!

After decades of time, Chu Feng can leave the Immortal Burial Ground and transport it to any place in the Immortal Burial Ground. This is a little bit dangerous, but it is better than him being mixed in here for a long time! When there were few enemies, it was easier to mix when the enemy teams were not so strong, but now it's not easy to mix.

Tianshou reached the top of some corpse beasts. In the blink of an eye, several quasi-dominant-level corpse beasts were collected into the holy prison space. In the holy prison space, they can survive. However, they are He would never listen to what Chu Feng said, and Chu Feng didn't even think about making them obedient!

The first few corpse beasts were caught, and the remaining corpse beasts were not afraid but immediately gathered. At this time, Chu Feng did not dare to let Tianshou appear casually. If Tianshou appeared outside, those corpses were caught The beast is destroyed.

After half a minute, the opportunity appeared, and the Heavenly Hand was dispatched again. This time, a Seventh-Rank Dominant-level corpse beast was accepted into the Holy Prison space by Chu Feng.

The corpse beast roared, and the wind in the tomb was violent and fierce. Time passed minute by minute. The corpse beasts were not very intelligent. They didn't know how to escape. Ten minutes passed, hundreds of corpse beasts were all Being caught by Chu Feng into the holy prison space!

"It's quiet." Chu Feng said with a light smile. The corpse beasts called in the holy prison space. However, each of the small spaces was sealed by Chu Feng, and Chu Feng couldn't hear them.

It is good for Chu Feng to catch these corpse beasts. The first benefit is obvious. It is safer if the follower walks outside. The second benefit is that if someone enters it, the corpse beast will be released. Can give them a big surprise! There are hundreds of quasi-dominant corpse beasts, among them there are more than a dozen 7-Rank masters. Such a strength is quite strong!

"Chu Feng, there are corpse beasts in this tomb, and there should be in other tombs, if we get to the tombs one by one and catch a large number of corpse beasts," Miao Xianer's eyes shined authentically.

"What's the use?"

Chu Feng smiled quietly, "Did you forget the characteristics of the corpse beast? If a corpse beast in a tomb reaches another tomb, its strength will be greatly reduced!"

"That's true, it's a pity! Then we can only see if there are any more in this mausoleum, I think there should still be, such a tomb must be very big." Miao Xian'er said.

"Let the entourage go outside and take the holy prison to investigate and find out." Chu Feng said.

When Chu Feng and the others checked, the team leaders in the Immortal Burial Ground were very annoyed. Before, they could often find the trail of Chu Feng, but now there is no trace!

When it comes to positioning, it has failed time and time again!

Some teams united, more powerful players positioned together, and the same failed time and time again. "The **** thing, where did it go?" Hong Yang cursed secretly in his heart. He had already reached this place of burial of immortals, and God of Wu Cai had also reached this place of burial of immortals. As for Lan Zhuo and others, they were not there burial!

"Master, I estimate that Chu Feng might have entered a certain tomb. The powerful tomb has a strong interference effect on positioning. If Chu Feng is still in the sacred prison space, then the double layer is very powerful. It’s not always possible to locate him when he’s close, let alone a long distance.” said a woman next to Hongyang. This woman is now his military adviser and also his bed partner. Up!

"I want to see how long he can hide!" Hong Yang said solemnly.

Time continues to pass, and teams of more than 100,000 people have formed, and these teams have divided regions and regions and are positioning themselves!

There is a penalty for positioning failure. Basically, it can only be located once a year, and those strong people are not very fast in positioning Chu Feng.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng and the others are practicing. In a blink of an eye, decades have passed. For decades, most of Chu Feng's strength has not increased much, but Feng Bingning and the others are one of them. A lot of strength growth! It is Lan Wen who has greatly increased her strength. She was originally a holy-sovereign-level cultivation base, and within a few decades, she broke through to become a quasi-dominant-level powerhouse!

"It's only half a year." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Well, we can leave this place in half a year." Lan Wen rubbed Chu Feng's shoulder and smiled.

In the past few decades, Chu Feng and the others have already explored this tomb. It took a lot of time, and the number of dead entourages reached several thousand. However, they caught a lot of corpse beasts, except At the beginning of the three or four hundred, Chu Feng later caught a few hundred corpse beasts, adding up to more than one thousand!

Miao Xian'er's voice suddenly sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "We may have a little trouble. A team has appeared within the scanning range of the Sky Eye and is moving towards us!"

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