Holy Prison

Chapter 2311: Cannibalize

"Brother Feng, what's the matter?" Lan Wen said. Chu Feng took a deep breath and said what had just happened. Feng Bingning and the others thought about it together. It was better than him alone.

Lan Wen said, "Brother Feng, if it weren't Senior Lin Tian, ​​a master-level powerhouse would have no such ability...No, there is another person who has such ability."

"Tumeng." Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng frowned and said: "Tu Meng...the possibility is not completely absent, but it is very low! Tu Meng's love for Tu Ying is not a fake. Now Tu Ying already has children, and Tu Meng is also to Chu Dan's little ghost. I like it better. In addition, Tumeng had taken the master oath at the beginning. If he breaks the oath, his chances of becoming the master will definitely drop a lot!"

"Where are the other masters?" Yilian said, "We are holding a lot of dominance-level powerhouses in this, will there be a problem with one of them?"

"Yilian, this should be impossible." Miao Xian'er said.

"Those master-level powerhouses are all imprisoned in strength. They don’t have the power to influence Chu Feng. With this guy’s mental state cultivation base, the average master-level powerhouse is in front of him. Wanting to influence him like this makes him feel uncomfortable. Any other abnormalities are basically impossible." Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "It shouldn't be those people. My instinct tells me that this is not that simple! Perhaps it is not only related to dominating the strong, but to the master."

"Master, the mask of the Lion King?" Feng Bingning said suddenly, the mask of the Lion King was something the master made. It can be said that he has done his best to help Chu Feng, but it does not mean that such a thing is completely harmless!

Powerful masters can count far away, and those in control can count farther away. This is normal. There may be a master who makes the Lion King mask appear on Chu Feng's body, which will give Chu Feng a fatal blow when it is critical!

However, there are two points that don't make sense. First, there are many Domination-level powerhouses, and some Domination-level powerhouses are shameless, but there are only five controllers. They shouldn't let themselves have a shameless reputation!

The holy prison is the formation of the master stone, and there has been a lot of competition for it, but the controller has not directly participated in it. If there is a master who makes the lion king mask and seizes the opportunity to get the lion king mask, Su family, Xuanyuan family It is estimated that there will be some difficulties, Tu Tian and Hongyi, I am afraid they will not agree!

The second point is that the Lion King mask was made by the controller who disappeared, and that controller has been sealed or killed by Yaomeng!

"The Lion King mask... is also a little bit possible, I hope not." Chu Feng said, these years, and Zhantian have been doing well, Chu Feng really does not want to become an enemy by then!

"Those masters" Yin Qianqian said.

"They...it's hard to say, I don't think the possibility is very high." Chu Feng frowned. According to Father Su, the relationship between Su Ling should be impossible, and the relationship between Father Xuanyuan and Lin Tian should not be possible. , Hongyi and Tu Tian, ​​if they took action against a little guy of him, that would really lose their status!

Moreover, what did Hongyi and Tu Tian do to make such a gloomy action? This also made Chu Feng entangled, and it wouldn't kill him!

As for the demon dream, Chu Feng didn't think it was a ghost of the demon dream. If she wanted to harm Chu Feng, she would have to die if she didn't remind Chu Feng!

"Feng, I can't think of it, so don't think about it for the time being. Such a situation comes up again and again, I think it will still appear in the future, and I will always figure it out." Feng Bing condensed.

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly, a little thought loomed in his heart, but that thought was too horrible, he didn't say it and was afraid of scaring Feng Bingning and the others!

"If what I think of is true, then, Yao Meng, is it an enemy or a friend?" Chu Feng asked in secret, "If it is true, what should I do?"

"Brother Chu, what are you thinking?" Qin Ying chuckled, Chu Feng frowned slightly at this moment. Feng Bingning and the others knew he was still thinking quickly.

Chu Feng shook his head: "It's okay, okay, let this be aside for now. We now have more problems that need to be solved. We have to live here for a million years, but the people we caught are not enough, we still More people have to be caught, but now, each team is very strong, and it is not easy for us to catch people."

"What should I do then?" Miao Feiying said.

"I don't know." Chu Feng shrugged, "So, you need to work out a solution together. If there is no good solution, then you can only forcefully attack the scattered teams, except for some scattered spies outside. It is estimated that the number of teams is more than 10,000. If you forcibly attack, the effect will be poor!"

"Husband, how about entering the Chaos Profound Sea, entering the devil blood or the demon corpse?" Yilian said, "Most of the wormholes in this fairy burial space are not available. If many strong men are located and gathered, it will be very dangerous. !"

Feng Bing said: "Feng, I don't agree with entering the devil blood or the demon corpse at this time. I think it is better for us to slowly erode the enemy's power!"

"It's just that the speed of our cannibalization must be very, very slow! It is normal for a small number of people to die in the immortal burial place!"

Lan Wen said: "Sister Bing Ning, what's the point of eating a small number of people?" "Wen'er, this is meaningful." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Our goal is to target some wicked people! Normally! The wicked don’t catch them, only those with high levels of wicked people. Now, there are many wicked people with high levels!"

The level of the wicked person with red color is naturally not considered high. If you catch 10,000, you may not get a merit point. The orange one has the value of grasping, and if you catch it, it is one to ten merit points.

As for the yellow villain, catching one is more than ten merit points. Among those strong, there are many yellow villains, and some of the higher green ones. For the green villains, catching one is more than 1,000 merit points, the higher Purple, this Chu Feng hasn't noticed it yet, it's probably not among the people who came in.

After all, there is no master in this, as for the master clone, you can get merit points if you catch it, but naturally you won't get as much from the deity.

The specifics depend on the strength of the deity, and see how much impact such a clone has on the deity! If the strength of the deity is weak, grab one, and you may get one-tenth of the merit points of the deity. If the strength of the deity is strong, it may not be one-hundredth or even one-thousandth!

"Comrade Chu Feng, your merit points are far from the holy prison upgrade, right" Miao Feiying said. "Hehe, it doesn't have to be upgraded. If there are more merit points, it will not be so easy to hang up by then." Chu Feng smiled.

Yilian smiled and said: "This is also good, but if you implement it, you must be careful and careful. In the face of so many powerful people, it is not an exaggeration to be careful."

"Let's just do it! Two points, the first point, it must be slow to catch people everywhere, and the second point, the movement must be fast, without any regularity!" Chu Feng said.

The sky eye has been strengthened, and the sky guard has been strengthened. The plan is to be implemented!

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng caught the first person. It was an orange-ranked villain. After catching it, a Tianwei immediately took the holy prison away. Two days later, at another place very far away, Chu Feng only The second person was caught, this person, whom Tianyan had already locked before, was a yellow villain!

When he was in the paradise base, Chu Feng opened the Sky Eye. Because of the limited number of places, the villains below the orange level 5 were not locked, but those who reached the orange level 5 were all locked. For example, the eyes are stronger today, and the villains are locked away far away. It can be sensed by the eyes of the sky.

As long as you catch them all, there is no problem for Chu Feng to get 40,000 or 50,000 merit points. There are not many people, but to Chu Feng, all of them are fat sheep!

"My lord, Sroda can't get in touch." Xu Qing is a saint-level powerhouse. Like many people, he moves around in the holy purgatory. They have only one task, using the body as a bait to lure Chu Feng out. , Determine the location of Chufeng.

The teammate was missing, this was probably caught by Chu Feng, so Xu Qing immediately spread the news, "Are you sure you were arrested?" Xu Qing quickly received a message.

"This...big people, can't." Xu Qing said helplessly, he was helpless, and some of the big figures above were also helpless. They positioned the direction of Chu Feng again and again, and again and again positioned the direction of Feng Bingning and the others and the direction of the Tianwei they knew. It's not that the positioning has been unsuccessful, but after they surrounded them again and again, Chu Feng and the others had already slipped away!

Some treasures can be traced to Chu Feng’s soul aura or Feng Bingning’s soul aura. Previously, it was mainly relying on this to make Chu Feng desperate and finally enter the immortal burial place. This time, Hongyang and others discovered that this One method is not as easy to use as before!

The reason for this change is because of the strengthening of the Sky Eye and the strengthening of the Heaven Guard! The Sky Eye is strengthened, and Chu Feng can be found from a longer distance if someone is surrounding him, and the Heaven Guard is strengthened. When he is outside or when the Heaven Guard is outside, it will be more difficult for others to locate it!

If the scanning distance of the Sky Eye is doubled, Hongyang and the others will have to be surrounded by four times their previous power to have the same effect, and if it is doubled, Hongyang and the others will have nine times the previous power!

The Sky Eye strengthened 10,000 merit points, and the scanning distance increased a little more than twice. Hongyang and the others were besieged, and they had the same effect when they had eleven or two times their previous strength. This is indeed very hurt!

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