Holy Prison

Chapter 2312: Shanhai Emperor Xian

Containment, traps, and various methods, Hongyang and the others are endless, there is nothing available in the space wormhole, and Chu Feng has encountered many dangers, but due to the power of the holy prison, it did not appear. In the case of death, Chu Feng lived for more than one hundred thousand years!

For hundreds of thousands of years, many people with demonic blood and demonic corpses have been buried in immortals. Among them, there are not a few wicked people with high levels. Chu Feng arrested one or two people every time, and sometimes he didn't arrest a person for a few months. , However, over a hundred thousand years, he has caught more than one million people!

At first, Chu Feng was very picky to catch only those who reached the orange villain level, but when he reached the back, the red ones were also caught. There was no way. Among those people, the orange villain level totaled less than 10,000!

If a million of those people reach the orange villain, Chu Feng will be developed. An orange villain has the lowest merit point, and the highest is close to ten points!

For more than a hundred thousand years, Chu Feng thought of a lot of ways to catch a lot of evil people above the red color, and got 20,000 merit points, only five or six thousand people were caught, and the rest were all red evil people!

As for non-wicked people, Chu Feng has neither caught nor beheaded for hundreds of thousands of years. If he did that, his danger would have increased a lot and it would not be worth it!

Immortal burial is dangerous. The powerhouses of the sage-level quasi-dominant-level may die when walking outside. It is normal to die one or two in one place, but if there are too many deaths, it will be a little abnormal!

Positioning is limited, so Hongyang will not position it casually. When it feels normal, they will not waste precious opportunities for positioning. When it feels abnormal, they will definitely position it! Moreover, Hongyang and the others have made a lot of improvements. One positioning can verify that several people have soul aura!

Obviously, it is much safer to keep the situation in the normal range, and progress is slow. However, the number of people caught in the next year will exceed one million!

The merit points obtained are more than 30,000, plus the previous 24,000, Chu Feng’s merit points, that is straight 60,000, if it can exceed 100,000, the holy prison is expected to be upgraded to another level!

Before, Chu Feng didn’t expect the Holy Prison to be upgraded to another level. Now he has such a luxury. The upgrade of the Holy Prison only requires one hundred thousand merit points. When it is exactly one hundred thousand, the Holy Prison cannot be upgraded. It's almost the time of 120,000, and the merit points of 120,000 are already half of them!

After a hundred thousand years, he has obtained more than 30,000 merit points. After that, the evil people above the red color can catch less merit points. At the same time, the merit points that Chu Feng can obtain will definitely decrease, but there is still a lot of time, and many people do not Being caught, 60,000 merit points, there should still be a little bit possible!

"Chu Feng!" To the east of Immortal Burial, a figure shot out quickly from the Chaos Profound Sea. The man seemed to be a little old man and relatively ordinary, but his eyes were deep and he was definitely not waiting.

"I thought I would have to go to Hongtian Universe to find you revenge, but I didn't expect you to be here." The little old man showed a sneer on his face.

If Chu Feng was here, he would definitely recognize who this little old man was. Although his appearance had changed, his temperament hadn't changed much. This man was Emperor Shanhai, who left the Tongtian Pagoda at the beginning to obtain the Sovereign Purgatory. , Has been recovering from his injuries over the years.

Emperor Shanhai was not staying at the immortal burial. He was recovering from the demon corpse. He recovered from his injuries and went out of the gate. He actually got the news that Chu Feng still has a large number of powerful people here!

"Kill you directly, this seat may be in trouble at that time, but there are many people who want to kill you, this seat only needs a little guidance" Shanhai Emperor secretly said in his heart and disappeared in the next moment.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng frowned. He just ran away from the hunt again. It was worth a little joy to escape from the siege, but Chu Feng couldn't be happy now.

It’s the fifth time. This is the fifth time in six months. In the past 100,000 years, he was sieged only 500 times. On average, he suffered only once in 200 years. Now he has suffered five sieges in half a year. In a hundred years, that is two thousand years. On the basis of the previous one, their chance of being siege increased by two thousand times.

This is terrible!

Chu Feng was able to escape more than 500 siege before, but he also escaped five times in the past six months. It doesn't mean that he will be able to save his life forever. Now the probability of being siege is too high!

"Could it be that someone from outside pointed them? No, it shouldn't be the case. If someone pointed, they would have been pointed. The people outside, like before, should not be able to contact them." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that Tumeng World couldn't. Contact, Chu Feng believes that it will be the same this time.

"If it's not someone outside, who is it?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up suddenly, and he thought of someone. "Emperor Shanhai, it must be this old ghost!" Chu Feng's eyes flashed sharply.

Emperor Shanhai is a master-level powerhouse, a real master-level powerhouse, and possesses much more energy than the clones of those who enter it!

Although Hongyang has a lot of people, there are no dominant powers among them, which has a great influence on positioning. Moreover, the Emperor Shanhai is not an ordinary master of the 4th rank, and his master weapon, the corpse mountain blood sea, is the top master!

Before that, Emperor Shanhai spent a lot of time building the Tongtian Pagoda. From this point of view, he was a very cautious person. On the side of the Lord's Purgatory, perhaps he also has arrangements.

"Emperor Shanhai helped Hongyang and the others, this time, trouble!" A trace of worry flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. It was just Hongyang and the others. Chu Feng now has the confidence to live a million years. Hongyang and the others had a total of four. Tens of millions of people were captured by Chu Feng and six to seven million people died. Now their strength is much weaker compared to the beginning. However, Chu Feng's Heavenly Eye and Heavenly Guard have been strengthened, and his merit points have increased. The young and the strong get a lot of treasures, and his strength is not decreasing but increasing!

In the Land of Nine Suns, Chu Feng and the others won and caught eleven masters, but this does not mean that the masters are weak. That time there were a billion people in Axi City, and this time, he could easily use them. There are more than one hundred people, Hong Yang and the others, there are more than three thousand ten thousand saints and quasi-ruling-level powerhouses!

"If you contact Senior Su Xu, you should be able to solve the problem of Emperor Shanhai, but there is no way to contact him. I will go." Chu Feng is annoyed. In such a situation, if he dies by then, Hongyang and the others will definitely Help Emperor Shanhai to cover up the matter, and he will die unjustly!

"I don't know if the news of Emperor Shanhai joining the attack will be effective." Chu Feng did as soon as he thought of it. It didn't take long for him to pass the news out, but it was useless. There were no friends who entered it. , Hongyang went on sealing the password together, and everyone who knew the news didn't say anything!

There were no good results, but there were a lot of bad effects. Many people died and many people disappeared. Many of Hongyang and the others were somewhat depressed. The news of this kind of news aroused the morale of many people. A powerful master at the dominance level should have a much higher chance of catching Chu Feng and killing Chu Feng!

Those ordinary saint-level powerhouses are quasi-ruling the powerhouses, and they just kill Chu Feng. As for whether there is a dominion-level powerhouse to help, they don’t care about the consequences of such help. When the time comes, the big people above will blame them, and they will not blame them. on!

"This is the situation, is there any good way?" Chu Feng glanced at Feng Bingning and the others. Feng Bingning and the others were present, and Bi Feng and the others were also present.

Feng Bing said: "Feng, our situation is very urgent. Immortal Burial can't stay, but there is a lot of distance from the Chaos Xuanhai. Hongyang and the others may not give us time to get us to the Chaos Xuanhai and escape from the Immortal Burial. ."

Demon blood must have many undiscovered spatial wormholes, and with the ability of the sky eye, many of them should be discovered, and it is much safer to obtain demon blood.

The words of the demon corpse are the same as those of the demon blood. Chu Feng and the others are closer to the demon blood and farther away from the demon corpse.

"Brother Feng, chasing soldiers, I think we have only one way." Lan Wen said.

"Wen'er, you say." Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen said, "Let people go outside and draw the chasers away. As long as the chasers are turned away, we will be able to reach the Chaos Profound Sea smoothly. The beasts in the Chaos Profound Sea are powerful. As long as we don't encounter abnormal beasts, We will be much safer."

"Is there any other way?" Chu Feng said solemnly, Lan Wen thought of this way, but if there were other ways, he really didn't want to use this way.

The Tianwei is released and the chasing soldiers are distracted. The chance of surviving is estimated to be no more than one in ten thousand. Such a probability is equivalent to saying that the Tianwei will not be returned if it is released!

The one who died before has not been resurrected, and now there are only ninety-nine in total. If it dies, it will take a lot of merit points to be resurrected!

There is no voice. In this case, the general method is useless, and the sacrifice should be useful. "Since there is no other way, Xian'er, let a Tianwei go outside and let him escape as quickly as possible! Give him enough treasures and tell him that I will resurrect him in the future!" Chu Feng said solemnly .

"Slow, Feng, don't let the sky guard act, let me do it." Feng Bing said, "If the sky guard is going to resurrect, it will take five times the energy, I only need twice."

"Furthermore, I borrowed the power of the holy prison to burst out the power of the master class. Hongyang and the others are not so easy to catch me." Feng Bingning confidently said.

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