Holy Prison

Chapter 811: Blood Stone Transmission

In the heaven trading house, some of the items listed by the seller are directly displayed, and the directly displayed items can be seen with the eyes when they reach the trading bank, but there are too many items, it is impossible to display all the items directly. This requires a powerful spar for storing information.

"There are still a lot of good things, I can't afford it, no matter how hard it is." A friend of Chu Long paused for a moment on some item information displayed on the trading bank.

Chu Long smiled and said: "Let's be practical, spend the least money, get the best things, and look at the information in those information stones."

"Aron, do you say whether the news is true? If it is true, it would be fine."

"There is only a small amount of rumors, no one can tell the truth from the false, I personally think that the possibility of being false is high!" Chu Long said, walking towards an information stone.

There are many information stones in Paradise Trading Bank. The types of information stored in each information stone are different. For example, some information stones store information about the medicine. If you are looking for medicine, go to read the information stone. There is nothing wrong with the information in it; there are also information stones, storage techniques, materials, etc.

The information stone that Chu Long approached was the information stone that stored the transaction information of the special spar. Now, every time he went to the trading house in Paradise, he would first check if there was any desired information among the information stones that stored the special spar transaction information.

Within ten meters of that piece of information stone, Chu Long’s divine consciousness immediately penetrated into the information stone and searched. Suddenly, Chu Long's eyes were surprised. Under the blood stone transaction, Chu Long found a high-priced blood vein stone for sale, and the name of the person who sold it was Banyan Shu Feng.

"Brothers, come here!" Chu Long said loudly. Chu Long's cry called several friends over, but at the same time some other people were called over, "Brother, what good things are there?" someone asked quickly.

"No, no, I have just taken a fancy to one thing, the shortcomings of money let them help." Chu Long said, some of those who came over did not believe in God's sense and searched, but they quickly left after nothing was discovered.

"Aron, what do you want to buy?"

Chu Long said helplessly: "My brother placed an order for a blood vein stone, but the price is high, 100 million catties of the best magic stone. I bought some things before, but I don't have that much money now. Brothers, you all pay. Some blood. My brother thinks I should have some money. How did he know that his brother I am a pauper now."

"The devil's advanced cultivation base, one hundred million of the best magic stones can't be taken out, you are indeed a poor ghost." A tall and thin young man laughed. "Can you get it?" Chu Long curled his lips and said, "You can get it. How much do you borrow from me, and I will pay you twice."

"Uh" The young man smiled, and given him some time, he might be able to get 100 million catties of the best magic stone after he betrayed some of the guys on him, but now that he has so many, how can he get it.

"We are a bunch of poor ghosts haha!" The middle-aged man who looked like his forties smiled, "Along, I have thirty million, here it is."

There are a total of three friends of Chu Long here, and three of them will provide a few of them. In addition to Chu Long’s, it is not a problem to make up 100 million catties of the best magic stone. 100 million catties of the best magic stone are paid out, and the purchase is completed immediately. , But the goods cannot arrive immediately, and it will take some time.

The city of Zazamureskatu. "Hello guest, your item has been successfully sold, please go to the heaven trading bank to collect the transaction payment." Chu Feng left the heaven trading bank for only a few minutes. After the transaction, a cheap receiver presented by the heaven trading bank shook slightly A message is displayed above.

The cheap receiver only serves one purpose. When the person selling the item is in a city where there is a heaven trading house, if the item he has placed on the order is purchased, the heaven trading bank will prompt that if no one buys it after a certain period of time, Then Paradise Trading Bank will also prompt the orderer to retrieve his items.

Chu Feng thought it would take at least ten and a half days or even a year or two for Chu Long to see the information, but he didn't expect to be prompted to purchase it in just a few minutes.

"Damn, it was not bought by someone else!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, the bloodline stone is useless if someone else bought it, so normal people shouldn't buy it at such a high price except for Chu Long, but this is the spirit of the world. There are people with problems.

He hurried to the heaven trading house. This time, it was not the skeleton man who received him but a beautiful abyssal woman, dressed boldly, but Chu Feng didn't have time to appreciate the beauty at the moment.

"I want to know who bought my things and where." Chu Feng threw the cheap receiver over. "Guest, the customer who bought your item left a dragon character. As for the rest of the information, I'm sorry, our heaven transaction behavior is for the buyer's sake, and I can't tell you." The woman asked after a while.

Chu Feng's heart loosened, and the other party left a dragon character, it should be Chu Long. "Has the buyer received the blood stone?" Chu Feng said.

"Guests, no, the buyer chose the paradise exchange for delivery, and it will take about three and a half years for the goods to arrive there."

Chu Feng frowned, "Couldn't Xiaolong have any money to make it?" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. After embarking on the path of training, Chu Feng didn't worry about money much, but how did Chu Feng know that for most For the practitioners of, they are all poor, and there is no alternative. They need money for pill, money for good exercises, money for good materials, weapons, armors, these are big money-senders, and they are powerful. You have to change after promotion!

"Guests, if you want the items to be delivered to the other party immediately, you can choose to sell yourself to pay for the remote transmission fee. In that case, the items can be transmitted in less than ten minutes. However, because the distance is relatively long, the amount of magic stones required for transmission is estimated to exceed 500 million. stone."

"It can be like this, okay!" Chu Feng showed a smile on his face. A few hundred million catties of the best magic stones are nothing to him. In his holy prison space, the number of the best magic stones now exceeds 6 trillion catties. Most of the empires above Infinity are not as rich as him!

He took a space ring and installed one billion jin of the best crystal, Chu Feng, and handed it to the service girl. "Pass the other party, and then immediately transmit it." Chu Feng said.

"Guests, please wait a moment." The woman looked at the sweep of the space ring with a more respectful expression.

The heaven trading house where Chu Long is located far away from Chu Feng and his place. "Brothers, thank you." Chu Long said, "You probably don't have much money anymore. You don't need to buy this thing. Let's go. I invite everyone to drink."

"Okay, go, it's rare to kill you once!"

Just when Chu Long and the others were about to leave, Chu Long got the receiver that had not been placed in the space ring and shook slightly.

Chu Long quickly took out the receiver, and a message was displayed on it: hello guest, the seller of the item you purchased bears the remote transmission cost, if it is convenient for you, please go to the heaven trading bank immediately.

"Aron, what's the matter?"

Chu Long was pleasantly surprised and said: "The seller bears the remote transmission cost. Wait a while, I immediately agree and then take the thing." The person is at the heaven trading house. Chu Long quickly agreed to the remote transmission on Chu Feng's side. It took a long time for Chu Feng to receive the information and the remote transmission started.

After ten minutes passed, Chu Feng got the news item and successfully transmitted it over a long distance, and Chu Long also received the blood stone transmitted by Chu Feng.

"Guests, consume a little more than 530 million standard top-grade magic stones, and the remaining magic stones are all in this space ring." The woman said, most of the abyss is made of space stones, but there are also many. People use something like the space ring, so there is no doubt that Chu Feng gave the woman the space ring in the past.

"Yeah." Chu Feng retracted his space ring. "My lord, I don't know if you are free tonight, can I invite you a drink, my lord?" the woman said charmingly.

"Forget it." Chu Feng left the heaven trading house soon after finishing his words. "Yasa, how many times have you been rejected?" Another woman in the heaven trading house laughed at the woman who had just handled Chu Feng's business. "I just want to find a strong and rich man. It's really difficult."

"The people of the abyss, not all are cruel." Chu Feng clearly heard the conversation of the two women of the heaven trading house through his heavenly eyes. They were actually just ordinary lives and didn't think about going today. There are a lot of such people in the abyss.

"Master, there is a strong man who has entered the abyss infinitely approaching this city." Steward Long's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind. He had just sold things in the heaven trading house, and Chu Feng didn't want to contact the strong man who came to the infinite. When meeting, if you let the trading house of heaven know that he is not from the abyss, there may be some trouble. The most important thing is that it may bring some trouble to Chu Long.

Chu Feng's mind moved into the holy prison space, and after a short time, an emperor-level powerhouse entered this city.

"Boom!" With just one blow, all five teleportation platforms were immediately destroyed. The imposing power of the Emperor God level enveloped the entire city, and countless people from the abyss in the city had to lie down on the ground.

"Abyss death, he is not a person from the abyss!" Someone in the city yelled authentically, the emperor **** level powerhouse did not conceal the powerful abyss death aura on his body after killing many people from the abyss.

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