Holy Prison

Chapter 812: Space turbulence (1)

"Before the emperor, he was obsessed with training. He had no children and no daughters. Hundreds of years ago, he married a wife and had a son and a daughter. The **** of the abyss caused him to lose his wife and children. You said, the emperor should How, what to do! Hahahaha!! Hahahahaha!” The Emperor God level powerhouse stood above the city. At the beginning, he spoke calmly, but when he got there he was crazy. .

In the city of Zazamuleskatu, countless people were shocked when they heard the words of the Emperor God-level powerhouse, "My lord, the death of your wife and son has nothing to do with us, we did not kill your wife and children!" Mingzi said.

"Humph!" The emperor god-level powerhouse said coldly, "You are innocent, but the emperor's wife and children are not innocent? The emperor's wife and children died in the hands of the people of the abyss, can the emperor only find Has the murderer retaliated? If the people of the abyss can kill my wife and children casually, he should have thought that revenge would come to his relatives and friends one day!"

"My lord, our relatives and friends have nothing to do with the person who killed your wife and children!" Someone said loudly. At this time, if you can't persuade this strong man, I'm afraid death will come, although someone has posted the news. Go out, but the teleportation array is ruined, and it is estimated that too powerful characters will arrive in a short time.

"Perhaps, but I will kill you, and there are many people like me who will kill others. If everyone integrates with each other, the hatred will basically be reported." The Emperor God level expert said indifferently.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng frowned secretly. There are many good values ​​in this city that exceed the evil value. Judging from the good value and the evil value, they are actually not worthy of death, but, many times they should Not **** it is not so simple. Chu Feng asked in his heart what would happen to him if Feng Bingning and Lan Wen died in the hands of the abyssal powerhouse.

The answer is actually very simple, revenge, revenge frantically, incarnate as a demon, and wave the sword in his hand to cut down the heads of people in the abyss coldly.

At the very beginning, Chu Feng tried to find a way to help the people in this city, but he thought that he would do it like that, Chu Feng sighed and dispelled his plan to help. These people are pitiful, but when he can't do it himself, what qualifications does he have to demand that one Emperor God level powerhouse?

"My lord, my mercy!"

"My lord, no one goes outside in our city!"

"My lord, nowadays, only big forces can enter the outside world. We are just a small city here! My lord, forgive me!"

In the city, countless people yelled, and many others cried loudly! "Ah!" In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng yelled in panic as he looked at the scene outside through his sky eyes. "He, why are you killing each other like this!" Chu Feng shouted.

"Master, you have to get used to such things." Steward Long appeared in front of Chu Feng and sighed slightly. "Steward Long, is it right or wrong for you to say something like this?" Chu Feng said.

Outside, the emperor-level powerhouse had already begun to kill, and everyone in the city died under his attack. Steward Long said: "Master, right or wrong carries people's subjective emotions. Some things, standing different immediately, it may be right or wrong."

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly and sat down on the sofa, "Actually, what do I care about so much? Others do my bird's affairs. I only need my relatives and friends to have a good life! It's better to leave it to those who are more capable!"

Cries, begging for mercy, anger, and through the eyes of Chu Feng, he saw a little bit of intolerance in the eyes of the Emperor God-level powerhouse, but at the same time he couldn't bear it, the attack in his hand did not stop!

Sometimes, we know that what we are doing may not be correct, but the knife in our hand will fall without hesitation! The killing did not last long, less than a minute passed, and the killing ended, and there were more than three million people left in the more than nine million people in Zazamures Kathu.

"Spare the rest of you, but if the war between the abyss and the outside world expands, you will eventually die in the war, so I advise you to resist the people in the abyss entering the outside world to kill!" The god-level powerhouse left this city immediately after saying a word.

Chu Feng didn't leave the holy prison space immediately. I'm afraid that it won't take long for a strong person to arrive in this city and hit someone's gun.

"Using violence to stop violence, can you stop the war?" Chu Feng said softly, and the outside killing strengthened Chu Feng's belief that he wanted to raise his own strength and power. He didn't want to one day his family and friends It can only be killed easily like that!

In a city far away from the city where Chu Feng is located, Chu Long and his three friends were drinking wine. While drinking, his consciousness penetrated into the blood stone and received the information in the blood stone.

Chu Feng gave less information in the bloodline stone. He just talked about this time the infinite organization powerhouse entered the abyss, and then asked Chu Long to go to a city in the abyss and the two gathered there.

"Aaron, see you are happy, what's the matter?" The middle-aged man who looked forty years old said. "Brother Lu, it's the message my brother left me. He asked me to meet in a city." Chu Long smiled and said, "I was separated from my brother when I was a baby. I didn't expect it to be possible now. Together!"

"Along, congratulations, let's take a trip with you and see what kind of character your brother is." The middle-aged man in his forties laughed, called Luliang, the other two, that The tall and thin young man was named Tu Lei, and there was another man who looked ordinary, but his cultivation level had reached the top level of the King God. His name was Bu Jialin.

Chu Long smiled: "You are all bachelors, and there is nothing wrong with running with me. Okay, it's not close this way. It's nice to have a few of you chatting."

In the abyss for hundreds of years, Chu Long has known a lot of people, but his true friends are actually these three, "Along, you have always praised your brother to the sky, don't let us down when the time comes." Smiled.

"No." Chu Long said affirmatively. Although he felt that Chu Feng's talent should be inferior to him, Chu Long had a blind trust in Chu Feng, even though he is now a high-level cultivation base of the King God. Wang Shen is at the top, but he thinks that Chu Feng is definitely better than him now!

"Along, your brother has you like you, in fact, we will definitely not be disappointed." Bu Jialin smiled authentically. "Abu, you mean Aaron is so bad, right" Tu Lei said, "Along that can reach Aaron's level, there may not necessarily be one out of ten trillion!"

Chu Long smiled slightly. When he reached the abyss, his happiest thing was to make these three friends in front of him. In addition, he secretly sighed in his heart when he thought of that woman. Now the gap with her is too big. , Chu Long is very clear about her situation. The family behind that woman has god-level powerhouses. Although not too many, there are more than a dozen god-level powerhouses. This is what he must look up to now. Yes, and this kind of looking up I'm afraid it will take a long time.

"Brothers, let's drink here, see my brother, let him treat us to a good meal when that time comes, he must not be as poor as we are." Chu Long said with a calm mind.

"Okay!" Lu Liang nodded and quickly checked out.

Through the eyes of the sky in Zazamurekatu City, Chu Feng knew that there was a strong man who had been there. He was a strong man of the Emperor God level, and that a strong man of the Emperor God level came for a while and then left.

The teleportation array can no longer be used. Chu Feng left the sacred prison space and used the space teleportation talisman to leave. The cities with teleportation platforms are relatively far away. Chu Feng used several space talisman to teleport to another. Near a city, this is him, ordinary people don’t dare to be extravagant. The teleport charms used by Chu Feng are of relatively high value. A teleport charm can sell at least ten thousand kilograms of top-grade crystal stones, and a few teleport charms. In total, it was worth tens of millions of catties of the top grade spar, so it was an extremely extravagant behavior to use the teleportation symbol to drive the road.

Entering the city, Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this city was not attacked by the strong. The teleportation platform was not broken. Chu Feng arrived at the teleportation platform, and after paying a certain amount of spar, he used the teleportation platform. Disappeared in this city.

"Ah, what's going on!" Chu Feng and the others were inside a protective cover like a bubble and then teleported. If the teleportation is normal, the bubble will travel quickly along the teleportation channel and then complete the teleportation. Another teleportation platform was obtained, but at this time, Chu Feng and the others found that the speed of the bubble's advance had slowed down, and the bubble's defensive ability was rapidly weakening!

"His uncle, what did it do!" someone yelled, the bubble was like a tortoise crawling at this time, and the direction went wrong and deviated from the fixed channel. The turbulence of the space around the channel kept hitting the bubble.

Steward Long’s somewhat solemn voice sounded in Chu Feng’s mind: "Master, trouble, the teleportation array in the destination city is probably destroyed! Master. If this enchantment is destroyed, you will fall into space turbulence. Among them!"

"Steward Long, is there any good way to do it?" Chu Feng said in his mind even though he was not confused, "Can I enter the holy prison space?"

Steward Long said: "Master, it is okay, but the Holy Prison will not know where it will be taken by the turbulence of the space. Master, you had better sense something, and then use a certain thing as the target to break the space and reopen it. Return!"

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