Holy Prison

Chapter 813: Space turbulence (2)

He felt that Chu Feng frowned. He knew that this was to locate the space before entering another space. There were many people who entered the abyss this time, but Chu Feng didn’t know if they could sense them. If you return to the infinity, it will feel difficult, so whether you can directly enter the infinity is also a question.

"By the way, Xiaolong!" Chu Feng suddenly thought of Chu Long. Chu Long must be in the abyss at this time. If he can sense his breath and then directly break through the space and appear in front of him.

"Steward Long, is it feasible?" Chu Feng said in his mind. Steward Long said: "Master, I'm afraid it's not feasible, the distance is too far, I'm afraid you won't feel the breath, Master."

Miao Xian'er also joined the excitement at this time: "Chu Feng, in fact, there is a situation that is possible, that is, he is also in the process of teleporting. You may feel this situation, but it is useless if you feel it. You can’t keep up with their bubbles if there is no problem. If there is a problem, you are still in the turbulence of this space.”

"Say it is like saying nothing." Chu Feng said to Miao Xian'er angrily.

I said it in my mind for a long time, but the time actually only passed a little bit. At this little time, the space bubble was attacked by many waves. It is estimated that it will not last for three minutes.

"What are you doing?" A woman screamed authentically. Within the space bubble, a few men rushed in front of her and broke the body clothes of that woman a lot.

"What are we doing? We are dying, don’t you know? Ah, since we’re dying, why don’t you indulge in the same way before you die? Beauty, don’t react, you should be happy before you die!" A serious-looking person grinned, "This We all know what happened. The urban space platform we were going to teleport was destroyed. We are about to fall into the turbulence of the space and die!"

"Everyone, let's indulge. It's the last bit of time in our lives. By the way, everyone will take action to stabilize this enchantment. We can be more happy."

"He, I didn't expect to die like this!" A man who hadn't acted put a woman next to him in his arms.

The problem is transmitted into the space turbulence. In this situation, people below the King God level generally have no way to survive. People at the King God level are very dangerous, and even those at the Emperor God level are also more dangerous. There is also the possibility of death. In this enchantment, apart from Chu Feng, there is no one who has reached the strength of the king **** level. At the last moment of life, they have lost all morals, and their ugliness is revealed.

"Stop it, stop it, or I will explode!" The woman who was violated at the beginning said, Chu Feng and the others were a hundred people, among them thirty women, that one was the most beautiful among thirty women.

"Blode, we are still afraid that you will not blew up? Anyway, it will be very likely to die! But remind you that if you don't blew up, there is a little hope of survival, about one in a million, haha!" A man laughed wildly.

Chu Feng shouted in a low voice: "I don't care if I am willing, don't do such coercive things in front of me!" At this moment, some men and women have voluntarily enjoyed the last time in their lives.

"Brother, don't worry about it, you are alone, and care about the nosy of so many of us, don't you think you are a little impatient?" A big demon-level strong man with a pointed scorpion tail sneered. "Yes, what is it, when is this, and it's nosy!"

Chu Feng coldly snorted and used Beiming Heaven Swallowing Technique. In a short time, the body clothes of the two Great Demon Rank guys who had just spoken were completely absorbed by Chu Feng and turned into energy and entered the Heaven Swallowing Formation in Chu Feng's body. .

"Devil-level." Those people's hearts were stunned. They didn't expect that there was a demon-level strong among the hundred people. There are many strong in the abyss, but there are not as many strong demon-levels everywhere. To the point. The lowest strength of the monsters gathered by the demon energy in the abyss is also the platinum level, but many platinum level monsters will give birth to a big demon level powerhouse, and the big demon level to the demon level, this is another big hurdle, countless great Demon-level powerhouses can't get past it in their lifetime.

"Thank you, sir!" The woman hurriedly got to Chu Feng's side, and the last carnival continued, but under Chu Feng's deterrence, those people no longer dared to do forcing people, Chu Feng closed his eyes and silently felt When he got up, he first sensed Chu Long's breath, but didn't sense it, and then sensed the breath of Hong Jun, a powerful emperor with great perfection, and he didn't sense it either.

Two powerhouses came over from Aojia Village this time, and Chu Feng felt the same, and the two people did not feel it.

When he left that city, Chu Feng's Sky Eye scanned a lot of people, but Chu Feng didn't know their auras, and even if it was clear, the relationship with those people was absolutely weak.

"Damn it, what to do!" Chu Feng gradually became a little worried. He knew that he would definitely not die, but if he entered the holy prison space, the holy prison would be taken by the space turbulence and he didn't know where he would go! If you get to a place and never come back, it's an incomparable thing!

Lan Wen was practicing in Taiwu Pagoda at this time and Taiwu Pagoda was in a spatial ring that Chu Feng was carrying, but Feng Bingning was not here, Chu Feng's parents, Chu Long and others were not here, if not Come back, and Tang Ming will not be able to meet again! The look of Miao Feiying flashed in Chu Feng's mind at this moment, but what surprised Chu Feng was that Kaye's look also appeared in his mind.

"Oh, when is it all, what are you thinking about in a mess?" Chu Feng was in a state of confusion. At this time, he must not be confused and must remain calm. Only calmness can figure out a way.

Time passed by. Except for a limited number of people, everyone else participated in the chaotic carnival. As long as they had no compulsive behavior, Chu Feng didn't bother to care about them, but those who participated in this carnival. Ren Chufeng wouldn't be able to save it then.

Chu Feng sensed it over and over again, and he sensed the people he could think of in turn, but only a little bit of contact with Chu Long for more than ten minutes, and that little bit of sensing did not allow Chu Feng to successfully judge the abyss. The spatial location of that space on the first floor.

"It's going to die, we're going to die!"

"The bubbles in this space are almost unsupported."

"Senior, I said Senior, do you regret it? We had a good time before we died, but you didn't feel good, Senior, and died with infinite depression."

"That's right, what kind of lofty people are you pretending to be at this time? If you don't pretend to be lofty, based on your cultivation base, the most beautiful woman with the best figure is yours.

"Idiot behavior. Do you think that you can go out and leave alive at the King God level? Let me think about it, the powerhouse of the King God Dzogchen, under such circumstances, the probability of successfully returning to the abyss is less than one in 100,000!"

Everyone said, at this time the space bubble was about to burst and it was cool and cool, they didn't care if Chu Feng killed them. "Steward Long, receive the few who haven't been messed up in the holy prison space." Chu Feng said in his mind.

In a short period of time, all the eight people who did not mess up were put away. Among them, three of them had sin value exceeding the value of goodness and entered the jail in the holy prison, and five of them entered the hope of being separated by the value of goodness exceeding the value of sin. In a small space opened.

"You guys, fend for themselves." Chu Feng said indifferently. He didn't bother to accept these people. Although some of them had sin value more than goodness value, they did not exceed too much, and there was not much benefit to accepting them. After the carnival, he would rather let them end their lives immediately.

"Kill him, he is now, what kind of uncle is he still pretending to be in front of us!" A high-ranking figure of the great demon transmitted the voice, and the voice reached the ears of everyone except Chu Feng.

The space bubble burst soon, and those dozens of people instantly showed their most powerful attack power, and dozens of attacks madly attacked Chu Feng!

Chu Feng didn't move, and it was impossible for these dozens of people to break the defense of Heavenly Guardian, let alone hurt him or even die.

Many attacks hit Chu Feng's body surface and then was blocked by Heavenly Guard. The space bubble was because those people still had Chu Feng insisted on it. It was not broken for so long. At this time, those people completely gave up maintaining that space bubble. , The space bubble could not be suppressed, and under the attack of the turbulent flow of space, the space bubble broke suddenly!

Chu Feng did not pay attention to the attacks of those people, but he had to be careful of spatial turbulence. If a general King God level powerhouse fell into spatial turbulence, he would definitely not hold on for much time, and the time Chu Feng could hold on would be. It's a lot longer, because he has a deeper understanding of space.

The screams sounded, and the spatial turbulence swept through the bodies of those people. In a short time, half of those dozens of people died under the devastating spatial turbulence.

"Senior, help, help!" someone yelled at Chu Feng in a panic. Chu Feng was expressionless, saving them, joking, they just launched an attack on him!

The space turbulence is terrifying, it may suddenly condense into a knife, and it can cut people in half in a flash, and suddenly it comes like a tide, and the body immediately becomes muddy under the impact of the space turbulence!

A total of ninety people caught in the turbulence of the space, in less than ten seconds, all the people except Chu Feng had died!

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