Holy Prison

Chapter 818: Shi Yan Yin Ji

"This, in theory, is like this." Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng was surprised and said in his heart: "It's really good, what is the origin of this thing, it is so overbearing!"

Miao Xian'er said: "I don't know this, and the owner probably didn't know it before. Regarding the rule of the sky stele, there was a lot of trouble before, but in the end, none of the saints and the ancient trolls found out." "No one Discovered, why can we be sure that it really exists?" Chu Feng said.

"At that time, many powerful people obtained the result through various methods, and the rule sky monument really existed, but no strong man could figure out where the rule sky monument was!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng was shocked in his mind and said: "Steward Long, the existence of the holy prison will not be counted by some strong people that it exists."

"Master, if the saints and the ancient trolls awakened when the holy prison was at a relatively low level, if they found a little clue, they might count as the existence of the holy prison, but if the holy prison has a higher level, they just don’t. There is nothing that destroys the saint. It is impossible to count the existence of the holy prison." Long steward said.

Chu Long and the others were all looking at Chu Feng at this time. "Brother, don't believe it?" Chu Long said. After Lu Liang said it, Chu Feng didn't answer immediately.

Chu Feng said: "Can you be sure if there are artificial fakes? If the stone monument is a fake thing made by others, then even if the regular monument exists, even if it will appear, it may not appear in the abyss and will appear elsewhere! "

Chu Long and the others frowned. "Brother Feng, I'm afraid we really can't be sure about this. We are also the cultivation base of the King God level. If it is an artificial fake with a cultivation base much higher than ours, we would not have the ability to distinguish it. But at that time we discovered it together. There are also two Emperor God-level powerhouses on that regular monument. From their appearance, it seems that the regular monument is fake. None of the Emperor God-level powerhouses has seen it. If it is fraudulent, , At least it also needs the strength of the Emperor God level, such a strong will not be so boring, right?" Bu Jialin said.

"You didn't know what the rule sky stele was later?" Chu Feng asked. Chu Long and the others nodded, and Bu Jialin said, "Well, we found out after checking some information. The people present at the time didn't know who had passed the news. As a result, many people in the empire who found the stone tablet Knowing this news, it seems that someone has deliberately blocked it, but it is estimated that it will not take long for this news to spread in the abyss."

Chu Long smiled and said: "Brother, even if we have this, we can join in the fun, those Emperor God level Emperor God level superpowers, if they are sure of the truth of the matter, they will not be as good as smelling the fish. Chasing and searching like a smelly cat."

"Hey, if there is such a good thing, watching others get it, sad." Tu Lei said with emotion, "If we get it, write directly on it to make ourselves holy, so that we can avoid the pain of training. !"

Chu Long and the others rolled their eyes, "Tulei, you don't want to be delusional, and you will be sanctified directly. It will be difficult to be promoted at that time, and you will only be a saint at the lowest level." Lu Liang laughed. .

"It's fine to be holy, you still care about this, if there is such an opportunity in front of you, you don't seize it? And, when the time comes, write, directly let yourself become a powerful saint Jiejie." Tu Lei said.

Bugarin pushed Thunder, "Tulei, wake up, it's time to wake up, it's not the time to dream!" "You guys, it's really disappointing, things are impossible to get, let me think about it! "Tulei said helplessly.

Chu Feng smiled and watched them talking and laughing. After a while, Lu Liang said, "Brother Feng, you brothers met, I guess there is a lot to say. We have benefited a lot from you, and we need to think of a solution then. Improve the strength a bit, so in the next period of time, the three of us will act separately from you."

"Okay." Chu Feng nodded, "Just drink the wine here. It is estimated that you are also anxious to buy something to improve your strength."

"Brothers, please contact me if you have anything." Chu Long said. "Okay, Aaron, stay with your brother." Lu Liang smiled.

Luliang and the others left, Chu Long said, "Brother, what are your plans next?"

"Find the guy who created the Ascendant Well and entered the earth. If possible, bring parents and some people from the earth to the abyss and reach infinitely. Even if you find that you can’t get your parents to the abyss by then, it’s also necessary. To strengthen the protection of the earth, if nothing can reach the earth, it will endanger the lives of parents." Chu Feng said.

Chu Long nodded slightly: "Well, this is really important, but I heard that Wang Yuan Mansion found a little bit of information about me." "What's going on?" Chu Feng frowned.

"At first I thought it had been cleaned, but I didn't expect that the tail was still not cleaned. Wang Yuan's Mansion found that catacomb, where a strong man sensed the breath of the guy I killed. On one side, Wang Yuanfu tried to find a little bit of my breath. I am now one of the characters in the Wang Yuanfu series. If there is a strong person who is closer to me and senses my breath, then he will recognize it. I'll come." Chu Long said.

"You, in the future, make things like this a little bit more clean and remove all the tails, understand?" Chu Feng said a small leaf appeared in his hand, "take it."

Chu Long held the leaf. He knew that the leaf was definitely not ordinary, but he carefully observed and even used his spiritual sense to dare not see what was unusual. "Brother, what is this?" Chu Long said.

"Illusory Demon Leaf, drop a bit of blood into your body and then you know how to use it." Chu Feng said. Chu Long quickly followed it, and a lot of information flowed into his mind. Chu Long knew how to use this magic leaf in a short time. "Good things, good things. Such things are generally not available in trading houses, only auctions will appear, but the prices are so high that they basically fall into the hands of some larger forces in the end." Chu Long said.

Chu Long used the magic leaf, and Chu Long turned into a woman in the blink of an eye. "Brother, she is Shi Yan." The "woman" said with a light and crisp voice. It was obviously the voice of a young girl who was still Chu Long's voice before. "Strong, the voice can be exactly the same!" Chu Long became Said the way he was.

"Master, if Chu Long is completely transformed into Shi Yan, Shi Yan may have a hidden illness." Steward Long's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng hurriedly said: "Steward Long, are you sure? What is the basis for judgment?"

Steward Long said: "Master, just seeing this, he can't be completely sure. It's about 30% that Shi Yan has a hidden illness."

Chu Feng frowned secretly. Shi Yan was a strong **** of the king, and there were many strong gods in the family. If she has a hidden disease, then this hidden disease is definitely not a pediatrics. "Xiaolong is finally tempted. If Shi Yan dies, it will be a big blow to him." Chu Feng said in his heart.

Chu Long saw that Chu Feng looked different and asked: "Brother, what is wrong with Shi Yan?" Shi Yan may have a hidden illness. Chu Feng felt it was necessary to tell Chu Long about this matter: "Xiaolong, Shi Yan, you compare Familiar? Does she have any disease or something?"

Chu Long's heart twitched, Chu Feng would never say this for no reason. "Brother, I don't know her very well. I don't know if she has any disease. I don't know this one. Brother, do you see that she has a disease?" Chu Long said.

Chu Feng said: "Just made a simple judgment based on the appearance of Shi Yan you just turned into. This judgment is not very accurate. After all, I did not see her real person."

"Brother, if we go to the Wang Yuan Mansion's sphere of influence, will we go around a city that passes by the Shi's family? Shi Yan will probably be in that city, so I will trouble you to show her then." Chu Long said.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Even if you don't tell me, I will walk around. This is not bad for Shi Yan, but seeing is believing, I still have to go over and check it for you."

"Brother, it should not be too late, let's set off immediately." Chu Long said eagerly. "Xiaolong, it seems that you are really emotional this time. Okay, let's go." Chu Feng said.

Hongye City, Shijiapu.

In the abyss, Hongye City is not the largest city, but it is also a relatively large city. The entire city has a population of tens of billions. In terms of the population of the city, the infinite difference compared to the abyss is much different. This is estimated to be related to the environment. , The environment in the abyss and the wild is relatively harsh, so more people like to stay in the city, and infinite, the city is more convenient, the wild scenery is likely to be more beautiful and better!

Hongye City is the city to which the Shi family belongs. The entire Hongye City was built with Shijiapu as its core, but Shijiapu is not in the center of Hongye City but in the southeast of Hongye City.

Today, Shi Jiapu is tantrums by himself: "The rice buckets are all rice buckets. Yan'er is sick. With so many of you, you can't even tell if she is sick!"

"Patriarch, this, Miss Yan doesn't seem to be sick." A middle-aged human who looked 30 or 40 years old said. "No illness? No illness, Yan'er will be so weak, but she has the strength of a king god, now let alone flying, she just walks faster and panting. In this case, she still has no illness." The angry person looked like four He was more than ten years old, but he was a powerhouse with respect to the gods. As the head of the Shi family, he loved his little daughter very much.

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