Holy Prison

Chapter 819: Shijia Announcement

"Patriarch, I am incapable of waiting. In my opinion, Miss Yan is really free from any disease and her body is very healthy." Another person said.

"Patriarch, there is a sentence that I don't know should be said inappropriately." The third person said. The middle-aged man in his 30s and 40s said solemnly: "Say!"

The third humanist said: "Patriarch, we checked that Miss Yan is not sick, but she is very weak. Is there a possibility? She is actually not sick but just pretending to be sick!"

"Pretending to be sick? My Shi Han's daughter is not so ignorant!" Shi Han's father Shi Yan, a middle-aged man in his 30s and 40s, said angrily.

"Patriarch, don't be so hot." A white-haired old man appeared in front of Shi Han. "Elder Stu." Shi Han nodded slightly, "Elder Stu, Yan'er has always been more sensible, and if she really has something, she will tell it, there is no need to pretend to be sick like this!"

The white-haired old man whispered: "Girl Yan is indeed not that kind of person, so she is ill. That's for sure. Patriarch, they can't check it out, and it's useless to get angry. Or, invite famous doctors from the outside world. Great, it's impossible that no one can know what is going on with Girl Yan."

Shi Han did not immediately nod his head in agreement. He considered for a while and said: "Elder Stu, if we ask the outside world for help on this matter, my Shi family will be a little embarrassed. Yan'er must be saved, but we have to make a big fanfare. of?"

"Patriarch, it doesn't matter. No one in my Shi family can see the situation of Girl Yan. Although the abyss is big, there are not many people who have that ability. What is the qualification for ordinary families to laugh at our Shi family?" The white-haired old man said. Shi Han nodded slightly: "Well, Elder Stu, you are right, then I will send out a notice to invite famous doctors."

The notice from the Shi family was quickly sent out. In a short time, many people in the abyss knew about this. The youngest daughter of the Shi family’s head was ill. But no one in the Shi family was able to find out what it was. Moreover, even if there is no benefit, this matter can greatly attract people's attention, not to mention that the Shi family has promised a heavy reward!

Chu Feng and Chu Long arrived at Hongye City some time after the Shi family released the announcement. "The little daughter of the Shi family actually fell ill. No one in a family like the Shi family can cure it. Isn't this strange?"

"Weird, that disease will never be a normal one!"

"Nonsense, let the Shi family have no choice but to issue a notice. Could it be an ordinary illness? Ms. Shi Yan is a very good person. How could she have some strange illness?"

"Those who can cure Miss Shi Yan will get a great reward from the Shi family. I don't know what kind of reward they can get."

"This time it is estimated that a lot of famous doctors will come to Hongye City. I have two good medicines. I don't know if I can buy them when I meet a good eye."

"Just your two withered grasses, come on, no one is a fool!"

As soon as Chu Feng and the others appeared in the teleportation formation, they heard a lot of comments. "Shi Yan is really sick." Chu Long was horrified. Chu Feng just saw the appearance of Shi Yan he became, and he actually judged that Shi Yan might be ill, but so many powerful people in the Shi family did not notice. Shi Yan is sick.

"Brother, are you too good at this?" Chu Long's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind when he came out of the teleportation array. "Seeing that she is ill does not mean that we can know what kind of disease she has, nor can we be sure whether she has the ability to cure it, so don't be too happy." Chu Feng said.

"Brother, Shi Jiaguang recruits a genius doctor, let's go over, it would be great if Shi Yan can be cured." Chu Long said. "Go over there." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng and Chu Long are heading towards Shijiapu. At the same time, many people in the city are heading towards Hongye City. Some famous doctors in Hongye City are also heading towards Shijiapu. Shi Yan is the head of the Shi family. The Pearl of the Palm, if Shi Yan's illness can be cured, then it will have a relationship with the Shi family, and the future benefits will definitely not be less.

When Chu Feng and Chu Long arrived at the gate of Deshijiapu, they were taken aback. There are now more than 3,000 people gathered here. Those people gathered in twos and threes to discuss, and of course there were more discussions. It's Shi Yan's condition.

"I don't know how many of them are because there is no real material who wants to come over and hit luck." Chu Long said through the sound. "The benefits of curing Shi Yan are too many. It's normal for them to come here one by one. Many of them are probably due to luck, but most of them should still have some real materials." Chu Feng said. Among the thousands of people, hundreds of them have reached the strength of the King God level, and there are also two who have reached the strength of the Emperor God level. As for the higher ones, no one has arrived yet.

A green-robed old man and several black-robed warriors hurriedly came out of Shijiapu, "Everyone, I am Shijiapu Five Steward, you can call me Five Steward. Everyone knows that I will just talk a little bit. Sentence, Miss Yan is sick and I still don’t know what it is. If everyone can confirm the condition and even cure Miss Yan, then as long as the request is not very excessive, our Shi family will agree! But there is one thing to explain to everyone The thing is, Miss Yan is sick and the Patriarch is very angry. If there is no level, then it is best not to enter Shijiapu, otherwise the consequences of Patriarch's anger will be serious." The old man in Qingpao said and swept the thousands of people present.

The green-robed old man's voice fell, and many people showed hesitation on their faces. The Shi family’s usual style is better, but at such a moment, if you still want to go in and get lucky, it is likely to be The big bad luck hit.

"Okay, everyone knows. If you want to try, please follow me in." The old man in Qingpao turned and walked into Shijiapu after speaking. Behind the old man in Qingpao, many people followed As soon as they entered, only a few dozen of the three thousand people hesitated did not enter. The rest of them all entered Shijiapu, including Chu Feng and Chu Long.

The environment in many places in the abyss is relatively poor, but the environment in Shijiapu is very good. Many flowers and trees are pleasing to the eye. The most in Shijiapu is a red leaf tree with red leaves. Let Shijiapu look full of vitality.

Chu Feng and the others quickly entered a small square in Shijiapu. "Everyone, everybody, wait a minute." The green-robed old man said, and ten people quickly entered this small square from another direction.

"Xiaolong, those ten are all sick. It seems that the Shi family is going to conduct a test on the people who come here. You don’t know much about medical skills. Later, you just say you just came in with me for a look. "Chu Feng said in a voice transmission.

Chu Long nodded slightly. He only came in for one purpose, and that was to take a close look at Shi Yan. As for his medical skills, Chu Long knew his level in this respect, and with his strength, it would be no problem to deal with ordinary illnesses. But how can the Shi family come up with ordinary cases for everyone to try.

"Everyone, many of you are experts, presumably everyone also knows the purpose of their arrival, within a quarter of an hour, everyone will make a judgment on their condition. After the judgment, it will be directly transmitted to me." Na Qing The old man said.

If this is a small family, it is estimated that the small family will be demolished by these people who came over, but the Shi family arranged this way, and the faces of those people did not show dissatisfaction, but some of them felt That was secretly crying, and at their level, it would be good to be able to diagnose one of these ten people.

Chu Feng didn't know any medical skills, at least he wasn't proficient, but he had a clinic, and the clinic collected information and Steward Long told him that in just a short time, Chu Feng had known the specific conditions of the ten people.

It was too popular to stand out at once, and it took Chu Feng more than ten seconds to pass a message into the mind of the old man in green robe. A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the green-robed old man. He looked at Chu Feng and nodded slightly. Chu Feng did not deliberately make a mistake. He passed all the correct results to that green-robed man. Old man.

It was only a little while after Chu Feng transmitted the sound that Chu Long was also the sound transmission, but he didn't say the diagnosis information of the ten people, he just told the old man in Qingpao that he came in with Chu Feng to see it. After receiving Chu Long’s transmission, the old man in green robe looked at Chu Long but didn’t say anything. Chu Feng’s medical skills are very good. Although Chu Long just came in to see him, it’s not good to drive him away. Nor is the Shi family. So overbearing and unreasonable family.

After more than ten seconds after Chu Feng, the second person passed the result to the old man in green robes. Then there were more people who passed the result. A total of dozens of people gave the result within a minute. About two hundred people gave the result within two minutes. When a quarter of an hour passed, all the other two thousand seven hundred people except the three hundred people had given the result.

"Attention, everyone, don't resist, you are the guests of Shi's family, and you are the guests of Shi's family. Then please go to Miss Yan to see the condition. Those who are traction backward, sorry, please leave Shi's family, no Those who are under the traction, stay where they are and accept a little punishment from the Shi family. If you move in vain, then don’t blame my Shi family for being unreasonable!” said the old man in Qingpao. He spoke politely at the beginning, but said at the end. So it's very severe.

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