Holy Prison

Chapter 827: Interrogation

In the courtyard where Chu Feng and the others were located, Shi Han, who had not been here for a month, appeared in the courtyard of Chu Feng and the others. "Master, Shi Han is here." Steward Long's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes. His aura rose slightly and then completely converged. It has been two months since he obtained the Crown of Merit. Chu Feng's personal combat effectiveness has improved a lot, but his cultivation level There is still a long way to go to reach the top of the kingshen. Now his personal combat power is 4.66 million? ? crystal.

The cultivation base is not at the top of the Kingshen, but even if he doesn’t use the golden spear, he has the confidence to win in the face of many Kingshen Great Perfection powerhouses besieging Chu Feng. This confidence comes from the fact that he has an evaluation of five. My skills, the second is that he now has the crown of merit, and the third is the treasure of the holy prison!

"It should have caught someone!" Chu Feng secretly revealed a trace of excitement on his face. He caught those guys. If they can return to the earth, then Chu Zhen and the others may be able to leave the earth, if Chu Zhen them When some relatives and friends left, Chu Feng would not care if he had been unable to understand his life for a thousand years.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Feng quickly came out of the room. A little bit before him, Chu Long had already come out of the training house.

"Senior." Chu Feng bowed slightly. "Brother Chu, we have fulfilled our mission. People have caught it and left no clues for Wang Yuan Mansion. What do you want to ask yourself?" Shi Han said directly.

Shi Han thought, five people appeared in front of Chu Feng and Chu Long, "Yes, it's these guys!" Chu Long said in a deep voice. He hated these guys a lot, if it wasn't for his luck. If it's not bad, it's probably dead in the hands of these guys.

"Senior, thank you very much," Chu Feng said.

Shi Han waved his hand: "No, I'm leaving now, you are free." Shi Yan's body is like this, and the blood of the saint can't be obtained, and Shi Yan has no one to like. Shi Han has been very worried recently. His smile is often on his face, but at this time the smile is not on his face either.

"Okay." Chu Feng glanced at the unconscious guys on the ground. Shi Han walked towards the gate, leaving Chu Feng and his manor in just a short time.

"Xiaolong, wake them up." Chu Feng said. He just wanted the divine sense to enter their minds to search for memories. He didn't expect that there was a relatively powerful seal in their minds. If the seal destroys their memories, they will be destroyed. Empty, you can't directly search their memory, you can only ask them directly.

Chu Long nodded, he gave the five people a kick, and the five people woke up one by one under his "kind" kick.

"Who are you who dare to deal with us, do you know what kind of people we are?" The five people scanned the surroundings one by one while one of them said solemnly.

Chu Long kicked it again and kicked that guy several times: "Talk to your uncle Long a little bit more politely. Take a closer look, you don't recognize me?"

The five people didn't recognize Chu Long at first. After a few seconds, one of them suddenly said, "I remember, you are the guy who came from Tianxing, so lucky to escape!"

"It turns out it's you kid, you have the courage of the bear-hearted leopard, you dare to get us arrested!" one of them said authentically, "a lowly fellow who came from the sky star, actually dare to arrest us!"

"It's just over a hundred years, boy, you are at most platinum-level cultivation base right now, let go of our five uncles quickly, otherwise you will suffer."

Chu Long smirked with anger: "So courageous, courageous! If this situation, you dare to be so presumptuous with me, I think you are tired of all your life."

"Kill us? In that case, I think you are tired of living!" There is no fear on the faces of the five people. As a member of the Wang Yuan Palace, ordinary people really dare not kill them, Wang Yuan The mansion is a force that protects shortcomings. If others kill Wang Yuanfu's people, if the strength is not particularly strong, then Wang Yuanfu's revenge will be justified no matter which side it is!

"Kacha!" Chu Long stepped on one of the guy's legs, blood splashing and fracture sounded, that guy's leg was crushed by Chu Long's kick.

That one screamed, and the rest of the people showed incredible expressions on their faces. The one who was trampled on had the strength of a **** and specializes in the physical body. The physical body is very powerful. Even if the cultivation base is now banned, it is normal. It's impossible for a god-level figure to crush his leg easily!

Is it? Those guys thought of a possibility, that is, Chu Long's cultivation has reached the Kings God level, "Impossible, impossible, how could it be so fast!" These guys denied one by one, for more than a hundred years. It is not impossible to make such progress, but they don't believe that the little guy they wanted to kill before has that talent!

"Just a few of you, don't you Uncle Long dare not kill you?" Chu Long sneered, and the faces of the five guys finally showed some fear. If Chu Long's cultivation is really so powerful If this is the case, then there is definitely no problem with such a talent to join a big power. If Chu Long and the others have a strong background, then killing them, Wang Yuanfu may not retaliate.

"You didn't catch us to kill us? You let them go. I will tell you all what you want to ask!" one of the five said coldly, "If you don't let go, don't think about it. If you get any news in your mouth, you must have checked our memory and you haven’t got anything."

Chu Feng said: "Xiaolong, you bring two people over there and ask. I will ask the remaining three people. Then we will give their answers. If their answers are inconsistent, then we will kill one of them!"

"Okay." Chu Long smiled and held the two of them in his hands. "You two **** will give the uncle a good answer at that time. If the answer is wrong, don't blame your uncle Long for being unkind."

Chu Long mentioned the two of them to leave. Chu Feng moved a reclining chair and appeared next to him. He lay down comfortably. Chu Feng said indifferently, "My question is very simple. How did you get to the sky star from the Ascendant Well? Yes? Now can you re-open the Ascendant Well to that sky star? If you can’t now, why not? What conditions are met to re-open the Ascended Devil Well?"

"Answer, you will let us go?" One of the three sneered, "Since we are all dead, why should we tell you?"

Chu Feng said unhurriedly: "Wang Yuan Mansion is not that easy to provoke. If you cooperate, we will not kill you, but if you don't cooperate, some of you will die. I don't believe you five. Every mouth is so hard, as long as one person speaks it is enough for us."

"I will give you ten seconds to think about it. By the way, I will tell you one thing. I am a high-level cultivation base of the King God. If you say panic, I will find out. I'm sorry, I will just abolish one of your cultivation. For." Chu Feng said.

Those three powerhouses at the **** level, look at me, I see, your face is extremely gloomy. "Think about it. If what you said is different from the other two, the five of you will have two or three deaths." Chu Feng said, "Ten seconds is up, you, speak."

The guy pointed to by Chu Feng closed his mouth tightly and did not speak. "It seems that you need me to speak for you?" Chu Feng smiled and said, his mind moved a flame into the person's body. "Ah" the man made an astonishing scream, and he felt that his soul seemed to be melted!

"I said, I said!" The guy yelled authentically, and the flame stopped burning as soon as Chu Feng thought. "Isn't he just wanting to know these things? Just ask us carefully. It doesn't matter to Wang Yuan Mansion." Confidential, do we need to hide it?"

Chu Feng didn't speak, but just looked at that guy with a smile, and his heart was straight. "At the beginning, we used to play ascending magic wells casually. The ascending magic wells did not allow us to enter the heavenly stars, but only let some of the breath we radiate into the heavenly stars through the ascending magic wells."

"We did it arbitrarily, so we don’t know the space coordinates of that celestial star. There are too many celestial stars. We simply cannot reach that celestial star again. Without knowing the space coordinates, you can’t Drive the Ascendant Well to that sky star. I answered truthfully, you will have a big trouble killing us, so let us go."

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Give you another chance, otherwise I will immediately abolish your cultivation base. I don't know if a person without cultivation base can be taken seriously in Wang Yuan Mansion. I don't know if you offended people know this. What would be the good news."

"My lord, what I said is true!" The man said solemnly. Chu Feng's mind moved an energy slap and appeared in front of him. The energy slap was imprinted on that person's chest. A scream came from that guy's mouth, and his breath weakened extremely quickly. The aura of the god-level powerhouse dropped to just the silver level. "Silver Junior, am I still kind?" Chu Feng smiled and said, "If you use your current cultivation base, the rate of turning around is estimated to be much higher than your current god-level strength."

Realizing that his cultivation base was actually lowered by Chu Feng to just the silver elementary level, the family screamed that they couldn't accept this fact and fainted suddenly.

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